Introduction to Stacks, Queues, and Deques (Double Ended Queues)
- Analogy: Think of a stack as a stack of pancakes.
- Only the top pancake can be removed or added.
- Concept: Last In, First Out (LIFO).
- Operations:
- Add (Push): Adding an element to the top.
- Delete (Pop): Removing an element from the top.
- Implementation:
- Use an array with a pointer to the last added element.
- Initialize the pointer to -1 when the stack is empty.
- Add Operations: Move pointer and add element.
- Pop Operations: Move pointer backward and optionally remove element.
- Ensure the stack does not exceed the array length.
- Analogy: Think of a queue as a line of people waiting to see an octopus.
- Concept: First In, First Out (FIFO).
- Operations:
- Add (Enqueue): Adding an element at the end.
- Delete (Dequeue): Removing an element from the front.
- Implementation:
- Use an array with two pointers:
- Front Pointer: Points to the first element.
- Rear Pointer: Points to the position after the last element.
- Initialize both pointers to 0 when the queue is empty.
- Enqueue Operations: Add element and move rear pointer.
- Dequeue Operations: Remove element and move front pointer.
- Use a circular array to handle out-of-bound errors.
- Only store up to
elements where n
is the array length.
Deques (Double Ended Queues)
- Concept: Generalized version of the queue.
- Can add or remove elements from either end.
- Operations:
- AddLeft / AddRight: Add elements on the left or right end.
- RemoveLeft / RemoveRight: Remove elements from the left or right end.
- Implementation:
- Similar to queue using a circular array.
- Can perform all operations in constant time
Practical Example on AlgoExpert
- Problem: Given a string of brackets (regular, square, curly), write a function to determine if the brackets are balanced.
- Return
if balanced, false
- Balanced Examples:
, {[()]}
- Unbalanced Examples:
, {[}]
- Solve using O(n) time and O(n) space where
is the length of the string.
Recommendation: Practice these concepts on with referral code: cs dojo