Understanding the Periodic Table

May 30, 2024

Lecture on the Periodic Table by Professor David


  • The periodic table is a well-known symbol in chemistry.
  • Elements appear randomly arranged, but the arrangement reveals nature's patterns.
  • Mid-1800s, chemists sought ways to table elements; Dmitri Mendeleev's arrangement succeeded due to data correlation and predictive power.

Mendeleev's Periodic Table

  • Arranged elements into rows (periods) and columns (groups).
  • Grouped elements with similar behavior together.
  • Predicted the existence and properties of not-yet-discovered elements.
  • Currently organized into metals, metalloids, and nonmetals.
  • Similar group behavior due to having the same number of valence electrons.

Example: Group 1 Elements

  • All have one valence electron (one in outermost shell).
  • As you move down the table:
    • Number of shells increases (n increases).
    • Outer shell's valence remains one electron.
  • Group 2 Elements: Two electrons in the outermost shell.
  • Number of valence electrons determines many characteristics.

Periodic Trends

1. Atomic Radius

  • Size of an atom.
  • Increases downward (adding shells).
  • Decreases to the right (one more proton per element increasing electromagnetic attraction, thus shrinking radius).

2. Ionic Radius

  • Different from atomic radius.
  • Electrons repel each other:
    • Adding an electron increases the atom's size.
    • Removing an electron decreases size.
  • Ions with the same electron configuration: Radii decrease as atomic number increases.

3. Ionization Energy

  • Energy required to remove an electron (from outermost shell).
  • Electromagnetic force drops quickly with distance.
  • Farther electrons from the nucleus are easier to remove.
  • Trend is opposite to atomic radius.
    • Large atoms (like Francium) ionize easily.
    • Small atoms (like Helium) require more energy to ionize.
  • Atoms prefer full outer shells; it's easier for Group 1 to lose one electron.
  • Helium has stable, full shells requiring more energy for ionization.

Successive Ionization Energies

  • Removing more electrons requires more energy.
  • Huge energy jump after removing an electron from a full shell.
  • Orbital symmetry can explain deviations:
    • Example: Oxygen has lower ionization energy than Nitrogen due to stability reasons.

4. Electron Affinity

  • Opposite of ionization energy.
  • Energy released when an atom gains an electron.
  • Increases to the right (disregarding noble gases).
    • Fluorine has high affinity (gain one electron to complete shell).
    • Elements in the lower left prefer losing electrons.
  • Deviations explained by orbital symmetry.

5. Electronegativity

  • Ability of an atom to hold onto electrons.
  • Increases to the right (disregarding noble gases).
  • Smaller atoms with more protons (like Fluorine) hold electrons tightly.


  • Key Trends:
    • Atomic radius increases downward.
    • Ionization energy, electron affinity, and electronegativity increase to the right.


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