hello guys welcome to my youtube channel today we're gonna talk about how to configure a basic network using cisco packet tracer so for that we're gonna use today four pcs two switches and a single router so as you can see these are all different devices so to connect them we're going to have to use the copper straight through cable so firstly we're going to connect this pcs with the switches and now we're going to connect the switch with the router using gigabit ethernet ports now as you can see there are red lights that means there has been no connection established between the two so we're gonna have to configure and we're gonna change these red lights into green so for the first step for the app it is we're going to have to configure the router ports let's go to cli mode let's see what it says would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog yes or no we're gonna type now enter again now in the user execution mode let's type enable press enter now in the privilege mode let's type configure terminal press enter now in the group global configuration mode so now we're going to have to configure the interface so we have to write interface and the name of it g0 0 enter so now we're going to have to write ip address and assign ip i'm going to use 1.1 you can use anything and press space and type the basic class c subnet mask and press enter and now we're going to have to write no shutdown press enter now as you can see interface g0 by 0 changed state to up that means this port has been configured so let's spray it enter now we're going to have to exit the interface mode now we get back to the global configuration mode and let's configure the other interface g01 just remember we're gonna have to configure it for two different networks so that it would work g 0 1 change state 2 up so it's done let's see c the red lights have been changed to the green lights now the next step for it is let's configure the pcs click on it go to desktop ipconfiguration and type an ip address i'm going to use 1.10 you can use anything and about the default gateway the default gateway is the gateway we're going to have to type the ip off our exiting router so in our case the ip is 1 192 168 1.1 same to the other pc in the same network again default gateway and now we go to the other side i'm going to use 2.10 and now this side as we can see let me show you now this side a default gateway is going to be 2.1 because this port has been configured with that ip address because it is connected to this network so let's put it up 2.1 same to the second pc so this has been done the connections has been established so let's forward some time because to update their tables so now we can also check we can send messages a simple pdu let's first try with the pc to the router you can see here it is successful the connection has been made we can check it this site too yes see it's successful and now let's see if it can go across the network yes c it's going so that means our connection has been established so guys this was the basic configuration of a really simple network