Reservoir Characterization in Clastics and Carbonates

Jul 31, 2024

Lecture Notes: Reservoir Characterization in Clastics and Carbonates


  • Speaker: Dr. Mustafa Araravi
  • Experience: 25 years in the petroleum industry
  • Education: Bachelor's and Master's from Alexandria University, Ph.D. from North Carolina State University
  • Positions: Various roles in academia and industry

Lecture Structure

  • Two parts:
    1. Addressing major questions
    2. Open Q&A

Major Questions Addressed

1. Porosity in Gas Bearing Reservoirs

  • Gas Effect on Porosity:
    • Gas has fewer hydrogen atoms than oil and water
    • Neutron tool measures hydrogen atoms, thus reads lower porosity in gas zones
  • Neutron Tool Behavior:
    • In gas reservoirs, neutron log reads lower porosity
    • Less hydrogen = lower neutron porosity
  • Density Tool Behavior:
    • Gas has lower density than oil and water
    • Density tool measures bulk density
    • In gas zones, bulk density decreases, increasing calculated porosity
  • Neutron-Density Log Combination:
    • Gas zones: neutron and density logs separate significantly
    • Oil zones: minimal separation
    • Limestone overlays in oil zones but separates in gas zones
    • Dolomite shows reversed separation due to density differences
  • Identification:
    • Significant separation between neutron and density logs indicates gas zones
    • Average neutron-density porosity is still used for accurate porosity estimation

2. Identification of Salt and Anhydrite Beds

  • Salt (Halite - NaCl):
    • No hydrogen: neutron log reads zero porosity
    • Low density: density log reads low
    • Non-radioactive: gamma ray reads low
    • High resistivity: resistivity log reads high
    • Signatures: Low gamma ray, zero neutron porosity, low density, high resistivity
  • Anhydrite (CaSO4):
    • No hydrogen: neutron log reads zero porosity
    • High density: density log reads high
    • Non-radioactive: gamma ray reads low
    • High resistivity: resistivity log reads high
    • Signatures: Low gamma ray, zero neutron porosity, high density, high resistivity

3. Variogram Processing

  • Purpose: Quantify variations based on distances between wells
  • Process:
    1. Identify well locations (x, y coordinates) and measure properties (e.g., porosity)
    2. Calculate distances between all well pairs
    3. Determine the variance (gamma) based on property differences
  • Steps:
    • List wells with x, y coordinates and property values
    • Calculate distances between wells
    • Arrange distances in ascending order
    • Divide range into bins
    • Calculate variance for each bin
    • Plot distance vs. variance to identify zones of correlation and non-correlation
  • Applications:
    • Identify spatial variations in properties
    • Determine zones of correlation within a reservoir

Q&A Highlights

Differences between Clastics and Carbonates

  • Clastics: Mainly sandstone (SiO2), can include minor amounts of limestone (calcareous sand)
  • Carbonates: Mainly limestone or dolomite, named based on majority composition
  • Naming: Based on dominant lithology, e.g., calcareous sandstone, dolomitic limestone

Required Parameters for Reservoir Characterization

  • Skills: Understanding geological environment, log responses, core-log integration
  • Data Analysis: Multi-well processing, statistical variations
  • Tools: Utilize logging and geological data, integrate core analysis

Core Helium Porosity vs. Fluid Porosity

  • Fluid Porosity: Measured by heating cores and extracting fluids (often underestimated)
  • Helium Porosity: Measures porosity using helium gas, more accurate

Histogramming Data

  • Focus: Use net pay section for accurate analysis, avoid including non-reservoir data

Identifying Gas Bearing Reservoirs

  • Separation: Significant neutron-density separation in gas zones (greater than in oil zones)
  • Rule of Thumb: Separation > 6 pu indicates gas zones


  • Exam Information:
    • Available times: Friday at 2 PM, 8 PM, and Saturday at 2 AM (Egypt time)
  • Recording: Lecture will be uploaded to PI Petrol YouTube channel