Transcript for:
Cultivating Independent Thought and Growth

If you ve clicked on this video, it s because you want to be different. To think different from other people, to be able to think for yourself, not what society tells you to believe. We live in the age of Social Media, where companies and corporations decide what to indoctrinate you with, and if you disagree with them, you get publicly ridiculed, and obviously, cancelled. We as humans have free speech, but I guess free speech only applies to those who have the same opinion as the agenda that is getting pushed. People have stopped thinking for themselves and rely on media to feed them information. I want you to put a stop to this, which is why I ve created this video. If you truly want to be free, watch all the way to the end because you might miss something very important that is crucial to your character growth. Welcome, to The Power Analysis, This is How to think like Ayanokoji Kiyotaka . Before jumping into the video, I would like to confirm that my eBook, Mind Breaker , officially releases on December 11th, and I will remind you guys in the future when it finally drops as well. However, I couldn t have done this without PDFelement which allowed me to write my ebook at maximum efficiency. Using the Annotate function to highlight certain areas where I want to improve on, explaining what needs to be added in the section in order for you guys to understand the information to the fullest. I even translated quotes from foreign languages to English in a matter of seconds by using the Translate function. I think PDFelement is amazing if you take notes from my videos, or you have any plans of some sort, because you can easily protect your files from anyone ever looking at it by using the Protect option on PDFelement, which allows you to set a password that you have to type in every time you want to access a secret document. And better yet, it is available on desktop, web, and mobile, so you can use it any time, and anywhere you need to. And if you ever want to convert your files to other documents like Word or PowerPoint, all you have to do is use the Convert function at the top, and your files will be converted just like that. If you re interested in PDFelement, the link will be in the description which will take you there. INDOCTRINATION The first step to thinking like Ayanokoji is to understand that all beliefs, ideas, and information you have, has been found due to your surroundings. And the reason you act a certain way, and the reason why you re in this situation in the first place, is because of your thoughts. Every piece of information you gain, every new experience that you go through, you start to think differently. Maybe you think more creatively by merging different ideas together, maybe you start understanding other people more by being around them and observing them more. But then what happens when your thoughts get hijacked? What if something comes along and tells you how to think, how to act, behave? You lose your power. You lose your creativity. You lose your independence. One example of this is parents view on school. Go get good grades, son. Study for years to become a Doctor, and you ll be rich when you re 130 years old, yayy! If you haven t noticed, I displayed 3 areas of cognitive indoctrination. School They sit you down like a good little dog and feed you, and millions of other people the same crap until you become a good candidate for a 9 5 job. Parents Please don t hate your parents for this because even I understand why they do it but that doesn t mean that it s good for you. They tell you to get good grades and a very good job because they want you to have a good, comfortable life. However comfortable doesn t equal good, it means mediocre. Pretty much what they re saying is you should be like the majority of people. False Success Okay, I was kidding when I said you ll be rich as a Doctor when you re 130 years old, it s more like 300. And none of us live until 300, so why are we working the jobs that we hate, hoping to get rich some day? Because you won t. There s no leverage in a job. You can t go from 15$ an hour to 200$ because you re not worth that much. Anyone can scan your food at the grocery store, but not a lot of people can build a rocket. Improve yourself and you ll improve your income. So how do we escape this indoctrination? We can t. Your mind works every single day, and takes in information every single day, you re bound to learn something new that changes your perspective on things even if it s just a little bit. But the way to use indoctrination to your advantage is to watch the media, the news, social media, songs, videos, magazines, political posts, and see how they use fear against people. Because fear is the best way to get people to listen. But be careful not to be fully immersed in the news yourself, but if you do, you ll know what I mean. ONE ACTION CHANGES EVERYTHING 6 years ago you stumbled upon a video on YouTube named Death Note Episode 1 , you weren t really a fan of cartoons, but you decide to click it anyway. And boom. You fall in love with it and binge watch it all the way through. You find out it s an anime, so you go and watch more. Fast forward to the present moment, and you have a YouTube channel called The Power Analysis with 40,000 subscribers. Isn t that just crazy to think about. I was one click away from having this YouTube channel 6 years later. Now you re correct, I might have had a YouTube channel if I never watched anime, but it wouldn t be based around this content because I would have been a completely different person, meaning all of you would have never been able to see this type of content. I want you to think about something that you have or went through based on one single action that you took, whether that s years ago or two weeks ago. But don t dig too deep into this because your head will explode, asking yourself what if I did this instead? , and you will probably get depressed. But what I want you to understand from now on is, be conscious of the decisions you make, obviously you can t see into the future, but at least try to make the BEST decisions that you possibly can. If you drive whilst drunk and you run someone over, your life is finished, no coming back from it. But also be aware of small decisions also, because you ll only see the effects after a long period of time. Before we get into the final parts of the video, covering time & death, and you are what you consume, Make sure to hit that subscribe button if you want to see more anime character breakdowns like these. I appreciate your support and congratulations on 40,000 subscribers! You guys are truly amazing, and I can t thank you enough. TIME & DEATH Every second that goes by, you lose time on your life. Why do you think you have an abundance of time? You might not even live to your preferred age of 70. Time is not something that you can add on, it s not a damn video game. A lot of people shy away when death is mentioned, in fact, they ve probably forgotten about death, forgotten the fact that they have a finite amount of time on this world and have resorted to eating junk food and playing video games. Okay, maybe I m wrong, maybe that s what they WANT to do with their life which is absolutely fine because that means less competition for me. But is that how YOU want to spend your time? Have you even achieved anything on this world yet? If not, then why are you relaxing? It seems like you relax every single day, and you re not even doing anything. Who cares if you fail with that business, who cares if you fail on that project, or the girl that you like rejects you, or you re scared of disappointing your parents. It s your life and we re not living in it forever. Do whatever the hell you want to do, and don t let anyone convince you otherwise. YOU ARE WHAT YOU CONSUME By you watching this video, I can describe the majority of you. You re most likely a male from India, United States, Philippines, England, or Germany. You think intelligence is very important, and that doesn t necessarily mean school studies, it also means learning things yourself. You obviously watch anime, and you probably play chess. If you took the Myers briggs personality test, you would most likely be an introvert. And the reason you re on this video is because you want to be the most intelligent person in the room. This is the MAJORITY of my audience, so how on earth did I guess most of that correctly? Because of the type of content you consume, in this case it s my videos. Whatever you consume, you will become. If you consume Doritos every day, you will become a Dorito. If you hang around the same group of friends every day, you will slowly start becoming just like them. And the way to take advantage of this is just to get rid of stupid stuff that doesn t serve you and replace it with something better. Instead of watching 12 anime episodes every day, only watch 6 and spend the other 150 minutes on learning something. It s simple, really. If you understand this simple concept, you will be able to shape yourself into the person that you truly want to be. EVERYONE IS USEFUL Everybody knows something that you don t, you re not special, you don t know everything and will never know everything. However, when talking to people, listen. They can give you the greatest piece of information out of the blue. Most of you are one piece of information away, one conversation, one video, one book, one day away from finding something extraordinary! Never keep your guard down, always listen, always look around and experience different things. People that you believe to be idiots could actually be geniuses in different endeavours, people just might not understand them. OUTRO Thank you, guys, for watching all the way to the end, I appreciate all of your support. Make sure to hit that subscribe button if you ve enjoyed this video and want to see more, and comment below if I ve missed anything! This is The Power Analysis, How To think like Ayanokoji Kyiotaka.