in the last video I have explained the basic things of 74595 one request before watching this video please watch the basic things of ic74595 link is given in the description below in this video I am going to show you how to Cascade this IC [Music] we already discussed its pin diagram and they are working to Cascade the IC we need pin number 9 11 12 and 14. so in this video we'll discuss on this only for the cascading I am going to use three pieces of IC this is the first IC second IC and third IC pin 8 and 13 should be connected to the ground and pin 10 and 16 should be connected to the plus VCC pin 14 is data in and pin 9 is serial out this is first I see this one is second and it is third IC this will get the data from microcontroller or any other digital IC to send this data to the next IC we have to use pin number nine that is serial out and this will be connected to the pin number 14 of next IC like this we have to connect it if you connect another IC then you have to use pin number nine of this IC Okay so as we are using three I see so we don't have to use pin number nine of third IC so this is the connection for the data pin and now see pin number 11 and 12. this is shift register clock pin and it is storage register clock pin we have to connect them all we have to connect all the pin 11 and all the PIN 12. so finally we have HTTP pin shcp and data in or DS so this is how we need to Cascade this IC now we'll see this in practical we already seen up to this in this circuit we will add two more ICS now I am disconnecting all the outputs now only inputs are connected now I'm adding two more IC with one IC we can connect eight outputs now we have three ICS so we will have 24 outputs first let me remove all this led now I am putting 24 LEDs the negative pin of the LED is connected to the negative rail now resistor see here we have to connect pin number 16 and 10 to the positive Rail and pin number 8 and 13 to the negative rail okay here it is 10 and 16 8 and 13. now see the next connection pin number 14 is data in pin number nine of first IC is connected to the pin number 14 of second IC and like this pin number nine of second IC is connected to the pin number 14 of third IC here we are providing data to the first IC here is pin number nine and it is connected to the pin number 14. it is pin number nine and it is connected to the pin number 14. as you can see here we have connected pull down resistor but no need to connect pull down resistor with this because this pin is connected to the IC so it will get 0 or 1 signal from this IC but in this case we have connected this pin to a switch all the pin 11 is connected and all the pin 12 is connected pin number 11 here is 12 so this ICS are cascaded now we have to connect the outputs we have to connect from led1 to LED 8 to ic1 led9 to LED 16 to ic2 and led 17 to LED 24 to ic3 and you know the LED connection we have discussed in previous video link is given in the description below pin 15 to led1 it's pin 1 to led2 and like this we have to connect them all here it is pin 15 to LED 9 ic3 pin 15 to ld17 and the last LED pin 7 of ic3 to LED 24. so this is how we have completed our connection now I am connecting plus 5 volt here I am connecting the ground and positive 5 volt in the last video we have already seen that how to push the data inside this IC now our data is zero I am making it 1 now I'll push five ones inside the IC one two three four five now it is zero now to see the result five LEDs are growing now I'll push these five ones up to the end so to do this we have to push zero from this side okay now our data is zero so I'm pushing the zero zero is pushed and it is shifted and like this one by one it is Shifting to the right [Music] three one three zero again three one foreign [Music] Cascade 74595 so guys this is all for today I hope you like this video if so then please like share and subscribe to my channel and if you have any doubt on this then please let me know in the comment section in the next video I'll show you another topic till then stay happy and I'll see you in the next video thanks for watching