Guide to Python Programming Concepts

Aug 22, 2024

Notes on Python Programming Lecture

Introduction to Python Programming

  • Learning to code with Python.
  • Includes hands-on projects to facilitate learning.
  • The final project is a weather app fetching data from an API.


  • Download Python Interpreter from
    • Ensure to add Python to the PATH during installation.
  • Download an IDE (Integrated Development Environment):
    • Recommended: PyCharm (community version) or VS Code with Python extension.

Getting Started with Python

  • Create a new Python project.
  • Create a new Python file named
  • Write your first Python program:
    • Example: print("I like pizza").


  • A variable is a container for a value.
  • Types of variables:
    • Strings (text): e.g., first_name = "John"
    • Integers (whole numbers): e.g., age = 30
    • Floats (decimal numbers): e.g., price = 10.99
    • Booleans (True/False).

Type Casting

  • Changing a variable from one type to another: str(), int(), float(), bool().

User Input

  • Use input() function to accept user input.
  • Example: name = input("What is your name?")

Control Flow

  • Use if, elif, else for decision-making.
  • Use logical operators (and, or, not).


  • Functions are reusable blocks of code.
  • Define functions using the def keyword:
    • Example: def greet():.

Classes and Objects (Object-Oriented Programming)

  • Classes are blueprints for creating objects.
  • Objects are instances of classes:
    • Attributes (variables).
    • Methods (functions).


  • Functions that extend the behavior of another function.
  • Use @decorator_name to apply a decorator.

Exception Handling

  • Use try, except to manage exceptions and errors.
  • Common exceptions: ValueError, TypeError, FileNotFoundError.

File Handling

  • Use open() to read and write files:
    • Modes: 'r' (read), 'w' (write), 'a' (append).
  • Use JSON for structured data with json module.

GUI Programming with PyQt5

  • Use PyQt5 to create graphical user interfaces:
    • Widgets: buttons, labels, text boxes.
    • Layouts: arrange widgets vertically or horizontally.


  • Use threading for concurrent execution of tasks.
  • Use threading module for creating threads.


  • Objects can take on many forms.
  • Achieved through inheritance and duck typing.


  • Python is versatile for various programming paradigms.
  • Understanding these concepts will facilitate a deep understanding of Python programming.