Transcript for:
How to Lose at Chess: Episode Summary

ladies and gentlemen welcome back to how to lose a chess this is a series on this channel where you all bravely send me your chess games and we laugh we cry we analyze them for their incredible brilliancies and catastrophic blunders sit back relax what you are about to witness is a absurd battle between two 400 ELO players in the rapid pool and before I show you this game I'd like to thank the sponsor of today's video incog folks it's 2023 and just like our chess games basically everything is moving online whether you realize it or not we put our data into websites constantly from account signups to checkout Pages more often than not that data stays safe but sometimes hackers get in and data breaches occur other times if it's not hackers companies will literally sell their data to data Brokers data Brokers then take all of that data and might give it to somebody else who's willing to pay a nice price now the smallest inconvenience of this is like a telemarketing call or targeted advertising but there are much bigger problems with our information just floating around out there like somebody could take out a credit card in your name for example and this is why incog is awesome incog fights on your behalf to scrub your information from the places on the internet that you don't want it and they will also fight these data Brokers as well incog Works in three simple steps number one you just sign up for your account number two you grant in cogni the right to fight against all of these entities on your behalf and number three you sit back and watch they will take on data brokers in any website where your data has been breached or sold to so that it gets off the internet as the world gets more borderless and online than we could have ever imagined I would love to see governments protect the data of their citizens but until we get to that point services like incog are really great my friends you know how this works already if you're interested in incog click the link in the description the first 100 of you will get 60% off your incognit sub description now that you're done protecting your data online let's get back to the video thanks sponsored gam my friends our protagonist is Michael Michael is Canadian and his opponent is anaj from India both of these players played a lot of Chess in 2022 but I actually checked their accounts and neither one of them has logged into since the middle of last year 2022 as I just said so hopefully one day they see this one of their friends send sends this to one of them and goes was this you and then brings them back and if not well they left their imprint on the Chess World forever also speaking of Canada I'm going to have a fan event in Toronto December 7th if you don't know about it link will be in the description uh I look forward to all of you uh Canadians Toronto in E4 Michael opens the game with Pawn to E4 and honorage plays E5 now my friends I'd like you to take a good hard look at the position sit back take a sip of your coffee put your feet up you know or however you like to watch chess content cuz this is the last time anything normal [Music] happens by the way I got nice socks I don't have a sock sponsor do do I have a hole oh my God a hole is like forming in the sock I don't have a sock sponsor maybe I should all right so yeah what you're about to witness um th this is th this is just about where the good stuff stops um Michael plays Bishop C4 that's obviously not a terrible move uh there's nothing wrong with Bishop C4 but he didn't play Bishop C4 because he was like I'm supposed to develop my Knights am my no no he he did that cuz he's trying to four move Checkmate his opponent now you all know the depths of 400 ELO you know that this is the way it goes somebody learns four move Checkmate in a YouTube short or a Tik Tok or an Instagram reel and then they try to play it on by the way if you're trying to Scholars May anybody like just play Queen H5 okay just play Queen H5 um now black plays uh C6 Queen F3 and now does in fact prevent four move Checkmate by losing the center Pawn now it's very clear that anash played C6 which does not traditionally the Knight is supposed to go there um but he's trying to play D5 and and he will not be deterred about playing his move D5 even if it is completely losing upon right now Michael here is not a greedy man he's a Canadian man he pays a lot of taxes so rather than taking from the government he gives to the government and he plays Bishop to B3 now maybe Michael was setting a trap Michael could have been an evil genius the point is that if black takes on e4 it's mate on F7 which let it be known is like very possible at this level I mean again black just moved that so you would think that again he would play the he he would take because he just but no no no Knight F6 oh oh okay not I I don't know why we went that way uh no amount of YouTube shorts or tutorials tell you to ever put the Knight on H6 none but adorage is a genius he is overprotecting the Pawn on F7 let's not forget the most traditional developing Square for the night actually does in fact block the attack and Safeguard the center and even creates a threat but honor Raj does things his own way and plays Knight to H6 not the world's dumbest move definitely not a completely reasonable move now at this point Michael uh should develop his Knight or develop his Knight or play in the center and he does play in the center kind of with the move C4 Michael's idea here with C4 was to reopen his bishop and threaten Checkmate on F7 which it isn't because anaj just played Knight H6 but again you know I I imagine Michael probably thinks that he's going to take the Knight and then Checkmate on a rush I again no idea haven't spoken Spen into the guys Knight to H6 played C4 with the brilliant idea of reopening the bishop to see the F7 Square because yes chess has existed for like 8,000 years but why not Tred to win every chess game in five moves to feel better right like that right obviously you know we just we got to win in five moves there's no other way D Tak C4 played by Anor Rush this move no longer blunders Checkmate because that's defended and because white blocked his own Bishop Queen takes E4 now in in chess you have to think when a piece arrives on a square an opponent's piece you got to think what does it see that Queen sees this Pawn this pawn and this Pawn now it's only attacking one of them which is this but honor Raj is rated 410 and at 410 the brain does not do all of that extra nonsense the brain goes me see Queen me attack Queen cuz that's just how you play chess when you're 400 you're like it's a queen I got to attack it like I got no you know it's like why I don't let my dog off leash you know you see these people walking their dogs with no dog leash on new York city streets I think those people are complete degenerates like I think if you walk your dog in a city with no leash you're a scumbag you a terrible human being now if you go out on a farm somewhere there a big Forest it's just you you know you're just hanging out your dog dog goes running off in the woods no problem crowded City you're an idiot a scumbag and a menace to society that's all to say onor rashes none of those things but 400s play chess like idiots scumbags thieves you know they they they they just they they just they just like see stuff they just want to do it they oh I got to take Queen takes E5 honorage could have predicted that that move was going to happen but instead he attacked the queen and now he blocks okay now something really funny happens both of these guys they just allow the Queens to have a staring contest now there there is nothing sophisticated about the position white is just the pawn up Back to Basics white should trade Queens develop his Knight and Castle then take the center develop his other Knight and develop the bishop like you guys know this you all have this knowledge in your brain you just have really bad habits no self-control whatsoever you're all extremely lazy you just want immediate results with no work D4 though having said that D D4 lot a lot of credit for this move d4 excellent move played in 14 seconds defending his Queen honor Raj now plays Knight F7 look at that rerouting his Knight targeting the queen right and now Michael saw this and he played Queen take okay like I said both guys just like nobody wants to trade the queen nobody like they're just staring at each other okay now the night goes honor Raj did not like his move he undo his move rather than you know developing a piece like Knight D7 or Bishop B6 again it's tough like black is worse no matter what black does uh but okay Knight H6 now Michael again should play Knight C3 Knight Knight F3 maybe trade the queen maybe you know instead Michael plays the ultra sophisticated you guys don't have a high enough IQ to understand this move by Michael C5 opening up his Bishop look at this look at this sophisticated positional move by the 400 rated Grandmaster securing control of the D6 Square looking for a potential Knight D2 Knight C4 Knight D6 infiltration fantastic stuff now honor Raj decides I don't want to attack the queen from this side I'm going to attack the queen from G4 and finally Michael has had enough he is only able to prolong his staring contest with the Queen by sliding back but instead of that he trades the queens and life is good and now it is time for him to develop the rest of his pieces Knight to F3 beautiful beautiful you don't need to over complicate things now at this point I am willing to make a bet that something very funny happened in this position unaj went like this did you did you see that did you understand that so honor Raj was playing the game and he went like this what's he trying he's trying to Castle right it's not letting him why not cuz the bishop ah so honor Raj goes you understand how the 400 ELO brain works the 400 ELO bra is like oh I can't Castle well ugab Booga I'll just put the Rook on the Square that I I basically Castle I basically I basically Castle I got The Rook there all right the kings in the center doesn't really matter the Rooks on f8 but that's not the point that's not why people do they they do it to they you Castle to save the king so instead of that black probably should have castled that way but okay he plays Rook f8 right it took him six seconds he plays Rook f8 I don't have any evidence of this whatsoever honor Raj might have absolutely he might have known but you know anyway now Michael here very disrespectful rubs it in his opponent's face took him two seconds to Castle excellent stuff Michael light bulb on I got a castle excellent stuff and not only do I have to Castle so here Michael accidentally plays his best move of the game by far black has just played the move B6 looking to make a pawn trade because well you're 400 I mean thank God you haven't Blended another piece um and also trying to open up the Rook now Michael here plays rookie one now rookie one make no mistake whatsoever he did not see that black can take that pawn he he did not see it I don't I'll take that to my grave but he pinned the bishop to the king and you'll notice all of Michael's previous moves every single one of them this one this one and this one all activate a piece they all brought another piece to the party sometimes chess is really that simple the more goons you have the better the fight is going to be all right pey Blinder style you bring 10 guys to a fight it's going to be a good fight for the 10 guys unless they take on 15 guys all right B takes ladies you you're welcome as well I just figured you wouldn't want to fight all right Bishop to what so black takes and Michael does not take the pawn back which is why I'm arguing he had absolutely no idea the level of Genius of rookie one instead Michael doesn't take here and plays Bishop A4 creating a threat against the defended Pawn that's very interesting we got to unpack that now white is still better white is still better because Black's Army is just asleep he's not going to Castle anytime soon White's going to put some serious pressure with this pin well White's not going to do anything but the computer thinks of those moves now at this point seeing as though honorage just took one Pawn he takes another Pawn but again my friends I urge you to think how a trade benefits you or your opponent this trade is not it's not a good trade for black because now White's Knight is transferred into the position and creates multiple threats one is a threat the other is a target so be very careful with this type of stuff because now that the Knight has arrived here it attacks that pawn with the bishop so actually Michael's little Gambit here with Bishop A4 pays off and of course black should play Bishop to D7 defending that pawn and also blocking the pin instead of that anaj saw that the Knight targeted the pawn which is defended twice but just for good measure he moved it out of danger so so he invited White's Knight to ravage his position and now it's really bad first of all first of all if you take with the Knight you walk directly into a fork however it's even worse than that because if you go here to stop all of that this is mate oops so black believe it or not who had no idea idea what he was getting himself into here played the top computer move stockfish basically says I'm dead there's nothing I can do if I defend against mate but Knight takes E7 is devastating and then white will come out and win The Rook anyway so White's going to win no matter what so actually after F4 which is a crazy blunder losing The Rook with Knight C6 and Bishop A8 is the best path of action okay so Michael has actually played a very very decent game of chess very good game okay um he is up six points of material he is up a rook and a pawn very easy to win this now get the get the rest of the pieces out and make some trades trade the bishop for the Knight make sure your king is not back rank checkmated always make sure somehow you get some back rank exposure King F7 and that move attacks the bishop so let's save the bishop okay very nice excellent oh my God black he's he lost the bishop Bishop takes his check and now he lost the Knight as well black is about to be down 12 points of material but I think Michael Michael felt bad Michael's a Canadian they're nice Bishop D5 Bishop B6 and Michael decided you know what instead of taking with the bishop to eat all of these pieces I'm going to take with the Rook so Michael spots that he has played a great game All Things Considered for somebody with a measly little 400 rating who's supposed to be barfing and and pooping all over the place when they play a game of chess okay but he he did a good job and and now he just has to avoid back rang Checkmate for example Rook d8 Bishop E4 Rook D1 like like that is a way you lose right you get back rang checkmated so Rook E6 King to E8 if I'm playing white here I don't chase the king I develop I develop I might kick the the Knight out just kick the Knight out make it go away get all the pieces out and let's see Bishop D2 great and there is a pin so Bishop B4 PP on the pp put pressure on the pin pce devastating stuff H5 that's Bishop B4 Bishop B4 is game over and after Bishop to B4 let's say black goes here you just trade and let me tell you you are not going to lose to a knight a knight can't back rank mate you all the Knight can do is snuggle up to the king and give him a smooch all right right so instead of that H5 he plays night not look at Michael expert technique expert technique but my friends you are watching how to lose a chess in every one of these games a series of some of the dumbest moves humanly possible will occur and I am very delighted to inform you that we have arrived at that moment in this game what you about to witness will shock you viewer discretion is advised and if you have children watching you might want to cover their line of sight black Place King to D7 a natural move because Frankly Speaking you don't have many pieces remaining you'd like to move your Bishop but you can't now white who has just developed a couple of pieces will of course bring his Rook to the party okay I will allow that move because you are Galloping to take another pawn and you are just bringing the Knight closer to the king remember you are upper Rook remember when you are up a certain piece of material you should use it okay all right if you buy a really fancy computer or you buy a really fancy anything and you just keep it locked away I mean I guess you have it but I don't know go bring it outside or something Rook E1 Rook D1 Rook C1 right black plays Bishop C5 all right black is actually creating a couple of threats white plays H3 don't hate that move don't hate that move at all now black probably has to take with a knight or black has to go back what does black choose to do oh no oh no so the pawn attacks the Knight the Knight guards the bishop so white should slide the king over and Michael does now the Knight is hanging and when it moves the bishop will be taken and if the bishop moves the Knight will be taken oh my goodness on Rush is quickly running out of pieces this is really really bad and he proceeds in this position to play Rook to F5 he is busted up but now in every game of chess your rating is determined by the amount of good moves and bad moves you will make and the amount of good moves and bad moves your opponents will make Michael has played this game like an 800 maybe more now it's time to play like a zero Rook F5 attacks the bishop the Knight is hanging and so is the bishop after the best move for white is to give a check defended by that Knight you moved then take the Knight which attacks the rook and then take the bishop and at the end of the day you will emerge well there's even a fork up a lot of material that doesn't happen Rook F5 Michael gets scared and he blunders instead of this he blunders his Rook he loses the Rook on E6 Michael is still completely winning because if he takes the Knight he then gets the bishop or The Rook instead out of inertia he gives a check the check is not the worst thing in the world because once again I repeat he can take the Knight and then the bishop Michael panics plays Rook to C1 defending his Bishop but losing his Knight he is losing his Knight but I repeat it is not the end of the world because he can take the Knight attacking The Rook whoops he'll take the Knight attacking the rook and still taking the bishop instead of that black plays Rook to E5 re blundering the Knight for like the sixth move in a row Michael in this position instead of taking the Knight which now would no longer attack The Rook but would still attack the bishop Michael plays Bish okay we give a check to the black king which now is basically drawn closer to the Knight and he takes it which is still not the end of the story because Michael can take the Knight and then take the bishop Michael is still winning but in this position Michael plays Bishop to A5 check and for the first time in nearly 20 moves Michael is not better because he has lost his Bishop but I am I remind you it is not over because Michael can still take the Knight and attack the bishop black goes back to D6 instead of taking the bishop he doesn't realize Michael also now can give a check and recapture that Knight he does Bishop B4 the King goes to E6 and for the 10th move literally in a row the Knight is still hanging instead of taking the Knight Michael plays Rook to D1 which now enables the Knight to move for the first time in 10 moves and this move wins a rook but instead of that instead of moving his Knight to E3 or moving his Knight back or moving the bishop which would be hanging after the Knight was captured Anor Raj played the move which roared across the land which shook the mountains which raised the levels of the ocean kind of like global warming and lightning struck across the globe in this position honorage played Rook to E2 blundering The Rook for no reason whatsoever Rook to E2 hangs The Rook completely unprompted no reason at all Rook to E2 he wasn't satisfied losing his Knight or his Bishop he decided to lose the most valuable piece that he had remaining in his position here Michael spoiled for choice of taking the Knight for the 100th move in a row or taking the Rook played something even better PA to G3 a move that if you paid me thousands of dollars I would not be able to I would not begin to be able to explain to you and yet Michael is still winning because even if this Pawn was captured the Knight is still hanging and so is the rook in this position anaj played the very cunning F3 setting up a very puzzling situation for Michael he can now no longer take the Rook he can take the Knight for the 1500th move in a row he can also take the pawn re attacking The Rook re attacking the Knight but instead of that he gave the mysterious check on D7 black triumphantly marched the king into the center of the board Michael can can take the Knight he can take the he can he can he can take the Knight he can go after the pawn on F3 again but instead he gives another check daring the king to walk forward and he does the king is coming down to E4 in this position the only winning move now is Bishop to C6 check which would remove the anchor of the pawn you could still capture the Knight but here A Move sequence that only the smartest chess players in the world can understand stand occurs Michael plays Rook to D4 and for the first time in the entire game he is completely lost because the bishop can take and then black will swarm but instead of that black played King to E3 finishing the king's Journey all the way down the board creating a peace Cube and threatening a checkm which Michael did not see I will remind you Michael played Pawn to H3 on the 25th move of the game and the entire game happened without him taking the Knight and after he did not take the Knight until the 38th move of the game it is now night to H2 the ultimate anime plot twist which will end Michaels run and he will lose the game but that's not the only Checkmate honorage can also play this wait wait that's not checkmate at all because the bishop can take but as fate would have it anaj would come to his senses in this position and realize that was not Checkmate but his Immortal Knight on G4 can in fact deliver not just Checkmate it's also the only remaining check in the position for black and I regret to inform you my friends that in this position on the 39th move of the game anaj took the bishop back and blundered his own Checkmate in one move and Michael won