Eclipse and Java Setup with Zap Server

Jul 20, 2024

Completely Installing and Setting Up Java Eclipse and Zap Server


  • Zap server
  • Java Eclipse
  • Java Connector
  • All download links provided in the description.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Download Java Connector .jar file

  • Download link provided in the description.

Step 2: Create a Project in Eclipse

  • Follow the tutorial steps.

Step 3: Set Project Folder as Root for Sources

  • Toggle the necessary settings to use the project folder as the root for sources.

Step 4: Create a Java Class

  • Follow the provided code template.

Step 5: Fix Library Error

  • Error may appear due to missing Java Connector.
  • Locate and add the .jar file to the library.

Step 6: Stop and Run Zap Server

  • Stop the server initially.
  • Necessary to run the server to connect to the database.

Additional Tips

  • Comments are provided in the code for better understanding.


  • Follow all the steps carefully and refer to the comments in the provided code.
  • Tutorial link for installation provided in the description.