[Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it was [Music] to make my younger bones [Music] everything goes [Music] wish i could see [Music] [Applause] [Music] i was lost is [Music] where you go matters the path that you walk matters in hebrew the word for path and walk and is derek and it has the the connotation of this is derek and in hebrew modern hebrew it really kind of means path but in ancient biblical hebrew derek was this and i take my foot up and in the sand or in the dirt there is a footprint every path in the world starts with a footprint one paths do not exist when there are no footprints unfortunately when paths have been neglected and no one walks that path anymore weeds begin to come up vegetation grows and the path just disappears but right on the outside of the edge you will always see that step and i don't know about you if you've ever i'm an outdoorsman and many times sometimes i'll be on the edge of a field and you'll see us a step and then but there's no path so the natural inclination is to not go where there's no path the word of god everybody if you have a bible hold it up hold up your mind the word of god right this is the path the reason why keep holding it up the reason why you have this is because there is no path this is the first step you can put it down the scriptures themselves or the step in israel there's a place called the gilgal and it's the very first place that the israelites camped when they came into the promised land and it's incredible and if you come with me to israel you will see this but the formation of this area is in the form of a step a footstep it's the first step that yahweh took into the promised land i wish i had a picture of it looks literally just like a step a foot unfortunately what would they say and even in english the first step is the hardest step because once you make the first step you've committed to something and just like that it's a short little video when you make a step what happens is every single person behind you is required to make a decision whether they stay or whether they take the step behind you if you don't make a step no one even has the option behind you to make the step because if you're in a single file line and the person in front doesn't move the entire line is held up and this could go in a lot of different directions and this is not even remotely part of my message tonight but i can tell you maybe it's part of his that some of you refuse to take the first step in whatever god is calling you to do and so you restrict the power of god in the earth you totally restrict it when you make the step when you make the step of faith you release the power of yahweh in the earth realm and you give options to mankind but when we continue to do what we want to do and go in the past that we want to do and we reject the paths of the almighty then we give way to the weeds to grow over the past the ancient paths and that's what we're trying to do here in our ministry is to cut through go back and find the ancient past go there's a step match it against the word of god that's his step let's move the vegetation and sure enough there's a cobblestone pathway that runs through this jungle but it's scary going through a jungle because we're used to the wilderness we may not have a whole lot of water out in the wilderness but at least we can see our enemies coming but when you're walking through the jungle you have no idea what's going to jump out in front of you matter of fact this is for someone here tonight again this is not part of my message but i was up here in worship in the holy spirit as clear as day gave me a scripture and actually at first now if i can find it again hopefully at first when i saw it i thought i saw psalms 67 4 and i went to get it and they need something checked in my spirit i closed my eyes again and i saw it very clearly it was psalm 64 7. and so i read this i don't know what some of you guys go through maybe you go through a little bit of what i go through we all go through the same things we're all human but people are sometimes pretty mean aren't they and you know what's what's so incredibly true about that statement is most of the mean people are people that you know have you ever thought about that and most of the mean people that you know that hurt you are supposed to be your friends or your family or brothers and sisters in messiah why does that happen that way well for all of you out there that have been hurt this week in any way shape or form this was the scripture that yahweh gave i cannot even i could never have told you that this is what this said but god shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded he will make them stumble over their own tongue all who see them shall flee away all men shall fear and shall declare the work of god for they shall wisely consider his doing the righteous shall be glad in yahweh and trust in him and all the upright in heart shall glory i don't know if that ministers anybody this week but go back and read the entire chapter it will blow your mind in the meantime if you could turn with me to numbers chapter 20 we're going to discover what it means to walk in the steps of god this is actually the torah portion for this week and i decided instead of changing it i'm just going to go with the flow of what the lord has this week's torah portion is which means statute so i'm just going to begin then children of israel numbers 20 the whole congregation came into the wilderness of zinn in the first month that's nissan and the people stayed at kadesh and miriam died there and was buried there moses's sister now there was no water for the congregation so they gather together against moses and aaron of course like moses and aaron have anything to do with there not being water in the desert it's logical and the people contended with moses and spoke saying if only we had died when our brethren died before the lord back at mount sinai so they're wishing that they would have died when their brothers had died why have you brought up the assembly of the lord into this wilderness that we and our animals should die here and why have you made us come up out of egypt to bring us into this evil place it is not a place of grain or figs or vines or pomegranates nor is there any water to drink what are they referring to they're referring to the opening speech that moshe gave them that this is where we're going guys this is the vision so moses and aaron went from the presence of the assembly to the door of the tabernacle of the meeting and they fell on their faces and the glory of the lord appeared to them two things i want to bring up number one is we are so quick to understand and get excited about the vision but very few of us really want to do anything to get there when we talk in this ministry about reaching the nations and building uh a tent for them if you will through our broadcast studios and raising the funds to do that so many get excited to be a part of that project and then a couple of months go by and they forget that we're still building the project they stop they stop their giving they stop being a part of that they lose sight of the vision they forget that they're part of it every day that we have to do what is necessary to make sure the vision accomplishes itself because you're part of the vision so the israelites they saw the vision they saw the promised land but they weren't willing to do what it took to get there you see yahweh promised them the land but it was a conditional promise it was upon them following his and you know what i'm going to change this from now on instead of saying commandments because commandments gives a a a connotation of something negative like a commander in chief saying keep my commandments it is but you know what it really is to me is connections it's the ten connections it's the connections of god that when we keep his connections we stay connected number two moses and aaron went from the presence of the assembly to the door of the tabernacle of the media and they fell on their faces now if you see this in the hebrew what you see is let me say the way that it's written really in hebrew connotation that moses and aaron went from the character of the assembly the face of the assembly to the door of the tabernacle of the meeting and they fell on their faces they fell on their character so they went from the character of the people and they went and they stood before the character of god they needed clarity on what to do they had a problem in their midst everybody's thirsty there's no water what do we do moses said yahweh said to moses saying take the rod you and your brother aaron gather the congregation together speak to the rock before their eyes and it will yield its water thus you shall bring water for them out of the rock and give drink to the congregation and their animals so there is a natural request god answers the request very simply speak to the rock so moses took the rod from before yahweh as he commanded him and moses and aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock and he said to them now it's unclear who is he because aaron was the one that was supposed to be the one speaking correct because moses had a stuttering problem so he said hey fine bring your brother aaron and aaron will uh will be the one to speak for you so moses and aaron gathered assembly moses lifted his hand excuse me verse 10 gathered assembly before the rock and he said to them hear now you rebels must we bring water for you out of this rock what is the first mistake that moses makes and aaron made number one they are speaking is as if they have the power to do anything big mistake right here they're so used to the power of god already that they are taking it for granted my friends this is one of the big problems in the church today pastors shepherds teachers they forget that they are a sheep we have no power none the only power that god has given is to the to the congregation through the gifts of the holy spirit is from the heavenly father and all glory and honor are supposed to be given to him it is father's day absolutely we are supposed to give honor to him when yahweh does something through us we are supposed to deflect the honor and glory to him they make the mistake and say must we bring water for you out of this rock then moses lifted his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod and i suggest the reason why he struck it twice is because the first time the rock was rejecting moses even the rock knew this was not supposed to happen remember what happened the first time moses he always said hit the rock water comes out he hits the rock water comes out so why is moses doing the hitting the rock rather than speaking to the rock because moses is banking on what happened yesterday how yahweh did something yesterday and he's saying i'm going to take from yesterday what i know that works and i'm going to hit the rock again and he hits the rock nothing happens so like a dog he hits the rock again you better be obedient and the rock submits pours forth its water knowing i believe he was protecting moses in a way i'm just adding a little bit of allegory here because he knows that if he pours forth water moses is in big trouble because moses is supposed to speak to the rock and what i also see is this is a progressive chain of events of the power of god in our life is that yahweh first has to hit us with the rod of correction to get the water out of us you're supposed to spew heavenly water is supposed to come from your mouth fresh water unfortunately many times that isn't the case so he has to use the rod of correction the same exact rod that budded that caused aaron to be the one that was chosen moses to be the one that was chosen the same rob that was thrown down and and eight became a serpent that ate the other serpents the same rod that was used to guide and correct and to rebuke the sheep that same rod of discipline is used in our life but it's never supposed to be constant chain of discipline because if you know the master's rod if you don't know the master's rod if you're a new child in the house and you don't know the master's rod you need the rod but once you have the rod if you are a submissive sheep to the shepherd you only need to see the shepherd with the rod then when you make a mistake the shepherd can speak to you and water comes out do you see what i'm saying you should not need the rod of correction in your life if you are truly following the one who has the right if you are experiencing listen to me this is difficult for some of you if you are experiencing constant continual pain in your life you are not spiritual i know some of your eyebrows just like went down and crossed and all kinds of stuff what do you mean i mean exactly what i mean yahweh does not discipline his children long term that's our choice never will you see in the scriptures a good and holy and gracious and loving father disciplined with the rod over and over again every single day for months years doesn't happen the only discipline that we bring into our life long term is because we end up like the israelites saying i don't want the rock leave me alone that rod is supposed to be for that person that person my spouse my wife my boss blah blah blah and we reject the discipline of god which means we need another spanking but god's desire is not to discipline you with iran that's for children can you imagine taking a wooden spoon to an adult sorry this is what matthew 18 says bend over you've come before the elders this is our ruling you know what i gotta be honest as an adult i would way rather take the spoon than some of the conclusions that happened in my life from so check this out so moses aaron gathered assembly so he gets the water comes out of the rock and moses and yahweh spoke to moses and aaron says because you did not believe me i'm in verse 12 to hallow me me in the eyes of the children of israel therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which i have given them this was the water of maraba you know what that word means complaining it's the water of contention did you know that in hebrew the word for complaining to complain is to fight with god that's what it means that's why in some of your versions that you're reading it'll say excuse me it'll say contend how many have a version it says content in verse 13 because the children of israel contended with the lord but the word is is to complain when you complain you are contending with the most high god how do we prove that because in our own physical life we don't have to be spiritual we can just be in the physical right now because the spiritual mirror is the physical if you have small children there is nothing more irritating than a two-year-old coming up to you for 10 minutes straight whining and complaining i i listen i've got six i'm just being honest sometimes you're on the phone you're trying to you know and they come up and they're why you complain you kind of ignore them you know or whatever what do you need okay you solve their issue and 30 seconds later they come back and you can't even understand them they're whining so bad can you imagine what our heavenly father thinks he's like listen you're trying to pray i'm god and i can't even understand you you're whining so bad speak english for crying out loud stop your whining it's a terrible feeling and finally the parent goes okay i can't take it anymore you know stop your whining i will not gonna listen to you unless you speak english but watch what happens this was the water of contention verse 13 because the children of israel contended with yahweh and was and he was hollowed among them in verse 14 we see something significant it seems like it's totally out of place but it's totally in place moses sent messengers from kandesh to the king of edom thus saying your brother israel your brother israel you know all the hardship that has befallen us how our fathers went down to egypt and dwelt in egypt a long time and the egyptians afflicted us and our fathers when we cried out to the lord he heard our voice and sent an angel and brought us out of here out of egypt now here we are in kadesh a city on the edge of your border who's he talking to this is jacob talking to esau okay this is esau the the land of edom so we know what happened last time jacob and esau didn't have a whole lot of getting good relationship with one another but there was a time where jacob and esau met again and esau had mercy on jacob i remember that story okay so that's really the last time that that we have this this connection so all of a sudden things go sour again it says please let us pass through your country we will not pass through your fields or your vineyards nor will we drink from the waters of wales we will go along the king's highway the king's derrick we will not turn aside to the right hand of the left until we have passed through your territory the edom said unto him you shall not pass through my land lest i come out against you with the sword so the children of israel said to him we will go by the highway and if i or this is a brotherly can you see this is how arguments start right can i do this please the brother says absolutely not if you do that i'm taking your head off and the other brother says i will do this this is the escalating argument here we will go by the highway and if i or my livestock drink any of your water then i will pay for it let me only pass through on foot nothing more then he said you shall not pass so edom came out against them with many men and a strong hand thus edom refused to give israel passage through his territory so israel turned away from him this is incredible passage of your bible here's why because first of all it's sandwiched right after the israelites complained about not having water they get rejected by their enemy by their brother and yahweh is nowhere to be found in this dialogue you will be hard pressed to find another scripture in your bible that actually talks about a potential war and yahweh is silent listen it's let us pass through your territory no israel pushes against because this is the direction that god has taken them yahweh is taking them along the derrick along the king's highway the melech derek the path of god this is the king's highway it's going right through their territory and their brother their family comes up against them brother esau comes up against them and says no what every single time in your bible happens is they go back and they consult with the king and they say yahweh this is what's going on they're not letting us do this can you you're you're the dead go get a whoopin shall we be victoria there's no dialogue in here like this none none absolutely zero do you know why i submit to you because this is what happens when you contend with the most high god through your words when you contend when you complain about your situation in life when you contend with others around you and it's specific when you contend with authority this is why this is a message for father's day for young children and for old children alike we're going to talk in a little bit about what it means to honor your parents the fifth commandment what is that it's confusing how do adults honor your parents do we do what they say we'll talk about it but for now they're on the path of god someone stands in their path and they don't go through there it's easy to go on the king's highway it's paved but when yahweh is not with you do you know what you have to do you got to take the long way home [Music] please don't send me emails on that you got to take the long way home so watch what happens on the long way home this is what happens when we don't watch what we say when we don't watch what we do we don't take captive the thoughts that are in our mind when we start judging others when we don't know when you make a statement or a judgment and there was not a courtroom trial where you had an opportunity to hear both sides of the story you're contending with the most high god how are you contending say oh jim i mean somebody came up and they said that that uh they got punched in the face by by jeff john smith so i said man john he's a jerk i i can't believe he hit you in the face the second that you judge mr smith without a trial you have contended with the most high because it's not your place to judge it's his so the moment that you took his scepter out of his hand you contended with him here's why because he doesn't let his scepter out of his hand so that means you grabbed onto his scepter and there's going to be a fight there's going to be contention he's not going to let go of his authority you will not judge that's why it's so imperative in matthew says do not judge lest what you will be judged you're going to get judged either way why ad insults injury why add heaping judgments the bible says on your head it scares me just to be judged period much less to have heaping judgments let the father develop this for you so moses sent messengers from kadesh to king of edom oh wait a minute we've way past that here we go so death of aaron so look what happens now they can't pass through the king country and now aaron dies this is this is a bit problematic and off the charts prophetic who's leading israel up into this point moses and aaron moses is the visionary he's the nazi he's the late he's the pr at least president he's the leader he's the shepherd he's the caretaker he's the judge aaron is the priest on top of that he's what the high priest they're both from the tribe of levi but what happens aaron and his descendants become the high priest of levi so aaron represents the levitical priesthood moses represents the law of god written law administration of the priesthood you follow me so far we've got a huge incredible problem and solution all at one time in the messianic movement we want to say all day long that the torah is for today and it is but let me show you something we know for a fact that moses did not go into the promised land did he not who took his place joshua yahushua in short yeshua it's a foreshadowing prototype of the name of the messiah that was going to lead the final people into the promised land if the first century rabbis would have done their homework they would have seen prophetically that nobody with any other name could be the king of israel or lead them into the promised land but yeshua because that's who they led them in the first time but that begs the question why didn't moses and aaron go in if they represent the levitical priesthood and the law of god i'm going to submit because there's a new covenant and levi does not administer that covenant that could go 12 hours deep right there coming to a theater near you this fall but i want you to remember this that one because that's probably all i'm going to give you till fall but remember what i'm saying there there's something we've missed so aaron dies and now we're going to move into chapter 21 and we're to camp out for a little bit when they journeyed from verse four from mount hore by the way of the red sea to go around the land of edom because what we just said the wouldn't let him in the souls of the people became very discouraged on the way why were they discouraged do you know what the word discouraged means in hebrew what is this word in hebrew it's kasar kassar has the has the meaning of um you know missouri this is a great analogy in the midwest how many have seen a corn field in wintertime right it's cut down after the harvest time right after the harvest is cut the field is like it's just dead there's nothing there there's no life and as a hunter in in late november early december when the harvest is cut and the frost is on it it's just and there's no leaves on the tree it's dead it's totally dead it's depressing this is the feeling that the in the souls of the people because they could not follow the king's highway because they were judging moses and aaron and god they didn't like the direction that they were going god forbid that you had any better soil than the king's highway that's not good enough it's not good enough they saw the red sea open it's not good enough that they had manna fall from heaven and every morning show up it's not good enough the quail came in the evening it's not good enough that water came out of the rock once before it's not good enough nothing is good enough and if you think oh man those israelites they have got to be the dumbest people i've ever met how could they how could they literally doubt the living god after seeing all those miracles if i would have been in their shoes i would have spread out my talent three times a day and praise the lord for breathing i say that you are in that place right now you are in the wilderness of zen you are in the desert following your king and you're seeing miracles every single day around you but your eyes are not clear enough to see so you doubt when you come across something that is difficult in your life we don't have the right to doubt it seems like in my life every time i turn around the father is taking something away to give me something different it's always more because you know what what father takes something away from his son and gives him something less only if there is a lesson that he wants to teach them but if we're following in the footsteps of our king yahweh takes things away you know what sometimes and i'm not praying this so lord please just don't even i'm not that's not for real this is just an example i get myself in so much trouble sometimes with him because he's i say it and then he's like shoot i gotta write it down now but sometimes i have thought to myself wouldn't it be nice to just have a little bit of security in my life just to have something for a for a while but the father says no i'd love to do that but you're not at the spiritual place that you're supposed to be faith-wise so i have to keep taking away and adding to and taking away and attitude because you need to learn to trust me and you trust yourself more than you trust me i've given you capable gifts he's given you capable gifts so you're capable you think you're capable i can do this i'll get another job i'll do this i'll get a second job i'll get a better job you think you're capable you're nothing how's that for a father's day message dads you are nothing [Music] happy father's day you are nothing without the scepter of your king and if you want truly to have the power of god in your life and really be able to lead i know deep down in your heart you don't know how to lead i know what you think because i think the same thing we're all a bunch of insecure babies we don't know how to leave we say father i don't know how to leave my kids how do i how do i teach them the bible how do i love my wife i don't know how to love my wife it's clear she tells me i don't know how to love my wife i got people that say that that you got this problem now i've got that problem i know i got problems i got problems they don't even know i have problems so what do i do i don't know how to do this well why don't you just admit that you're a loser without the one who makes you a winner by default you are a winner the very fabric of who you are he's created you to be victorious but without the derrick without the steps without the chiseling away of the junk in your life you're you're never going to reach your potential so watch what happens so the people spoke against god and against moses because they became discouraged this is what we do you see we we're when we're hungry we complain when we're thirsty we complain when our feet feet hurt because we've been walking around in circles we complain when our leaders think when we feel like our leaders aren't going in the direction we want them to go we complain and when we're depressed we complain and if you don't complain then you just take zoloft or something you get medication for your depression that's the modern day complaining against the most high god let me say that again the modern day of complaining is just put yourself on drugs instead of fixing the problem why are you admitting before your god that he made you depressed he did not make you depressed he says child rejoice in the presence of your king he says jump and dance before me and i will dance with you this is what happens when you contend with the most high the people spoke against god said why have you brought us up out of egypt to die in the wilderness for there's no food and no water our souls this worthless bread so the lord sent fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people and many of the people of israel died therefore the people came to moses and said we have sinned for we have all spoken against the lord and against you pray to the lord that he will take away the serpents from us moses is amazing guy what he put up with is off the charts i mean seriously first they want to kill him then they're begging for food then they're begging for water then they want to kill him because they don't like the food in the water where's the ice moses i know it hasn't been invented yet but you're moses then they want him to solve their problems they're begging for forgiveness because the fiery serpents come out so moses prayed for the people ladies and gentlemen the father's been just impressing upon me deeply lately that this is critical for the next step of our journey we have got to learn to pray for those that hurt us because if if we are a ministry that is leading and called to lead this is the example moses is my example if not moses who of course yeshua but there's a lot of history of how to lead here that god is so pleased with moses i want to know what moses did to please the father when he led because dads don't complain and i'm looking at myself in the mirror i'm no different than you and i'm hot i complain when i'm cold i'm complaining my feet hurt i complain when i'm hungry i complain i'm an israelite through and through but i don't want to be just an israelite i want to be a hebrew i want to be one who's crossed over so verse 8 says then yahweh said to moses make a fiery serpent and sit set it on a pole and it shall be that everyone who is bitten when he looks at it shall live so moses made a bronze servant serpent put it on a pole so it was if a serpent had bitten anyone when he looked at the bronze servant serpent he lived i think it's a bit prophetic i keep stumbling over my words there i want to go back to verse 8 and i want to point out something first of all it's very interesting that the word serpent in verse 8 is a totally different word than the normal word for snake or serpent it's serif and if you don't know what a seraph is a seraph is an angel with six wings two that cover his face two that cover his feet and two that he flies with the seraphim you might more familiar with it that's the plural the seraphim are called the fiery angels the fiery angels this shows up not only the book of isaiah i believe it's in chapter 6 but it shows up in the book of revelation do you know who the seraphim are these are the angels that stand before the throne of god and say holy holy holy is the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come that's them that's the seraphim these are the huge angels with six wings the fiery angels it's interesting that the the hebrew writer here infuses the fiery angels of god into this verse make a fiery seraph every other word is the word for serpent or viper actually the ones that inflict pain or fire into the body interesting word connection there but what i want to pull out is the word poll set it on a poll so the word paul to go back to my powerpoint here is ness is this not on maybe i need to turn it on a little bit helpful we'll come back to that in just a second the word paul in hebrew is ness noon okay noon is the letter in ancient pictograph hebrew for life samick is like leaning on a staff okay life is leaning on something life is leaning on something and of course we know in the hebrew alphabet ness or excuse me sonic is connected to the torah the torah is a staff connected to lament which is the staff of god so interesting it's talking about a poll [Music] so he says i want you to set it on a poll so here's what the word means it means something lifted up a standard a signal an insign or a banner it's a sign or a sail like on a sailboat this is so cool because if we knew hebrew it would be amazing how many connections we would make do you know what the hebrew word for miracle is it's the exact same word the hebrew word for miracle is ness it's a pole it's a sign it's something lifted up it's the staff it's the a staff of authority miracles happen with the staff let's look at a couple other words that are connected to ness because it's phenomenal when you see the hebrew connections here we're going to bring this around nassau means to snatch away deliver rescue save strip or plunder so ness is to lift up like a pole or a miracle nessal is to snatch away deliver a rescue nasa or nassau means to pull out pull up set out journey remove set forward or depart as if you're taking tent pegs and taking them out of the ground you're going on a journey you're leaving your past behind you are moving forward you're setting out to a new destination like star trek the final frontier like nasa like a shuttle lifting off leaving its pegs behind going to place that no man has gone before how apropos so listen what it says says yahweh said to moses make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole so if we know hebrew what we're going to be connecting to is there's a miracle about to happen a deliverance that's about to happen there is a liftoff that's getting ready to happen but there is a condition to the liftoff there is a condition to the deliverance there is a condition to a healing now i sat here you cannot imagine actually i'll tell you so you don't have to imagine three days one verse this made no sense to me so moses takes a bronze serpent he takes a bronze snake puts it on a pole and if everybody looks at the bronze serpent they get healed this is weird and come on now anybody go this is a little bit strange okay eric me and you you get dinner afterwards on me i thought there's got to be a reason for this there's got to be a reason because if you go to john chapter 3 go to john chapter 3 with me john chapter 3 we see this exact verse quoted by yeshua himself there was a man of the pharisees named nicodemus a ruler of the jews this man came to yeshua by night and said to him rabbi we know that you are a teacher come from god for no one can do these things that you do unless god is with him yeshua answered and said to him most assuredly i say to you unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of heaven nicodemus said to him how can a man be born when he is old can he enter the second time into his mother womb and be born jesus answered said most assuredly i say to you until one is born of the water and the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of god that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit so immediately nicodemus is a jew nicodemus lives in the desert nicodemus lives in jerusalem nicodemus understands what comes from heaven is water so jesus for the first time is saying that the spirit of the living god is connected to the shemi excuse me to the maim to the water of god spirit and water are connected in other words he says that spirit and water come from up there rather than what he knows in the natural flesh nicodemus knows is that spirit of a man is in the womb and the waters of the womb are in here and he says no no you're looking at man through the natural that the spirit of man comes through the waters if you ever wonder why god created it where a baby is born and it has to come through water it's a picture he says nicodemus you don't understand that is not real birth real birth is when a man comes through the waters and his spirit is reborn through the waters that come from the shaman and then he connects on top of that he says this do not marvel that i say to you you must be born again the wind blows wherever it wishes and you hear the sound of it but you cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes so is everyone who's born of the spirit nicodemus answered and said to him by the way nicodem here so as everyone who's born of the spirit you will hear the sound you will feel the spirit but you will not know where he's taking you if you truly are following the holy spirit you will not know the way if you know the way it's your spirit because you're using your mind never did moses know the way he only knew the destination he did not know the way that's why yeshua says i am the way the truth and the life if you don't have me you don't know the way you only get to know the destination and you die right on this side of the jordan river this is the criticalness of why yeshua is the only way this is why you can be muslim jewish you can be any denomination that you want but if you do not know the son of the living god you do not know the way there's only one door there's only one way if you can stand you can say i know we got to cross the red sea the red sea is a big c you could stand in front of the red sea for thousands of years but if you're not standing in the right place at the right time with the holy spirit opening up the the waters you will drown you can know the promised lands on the other side you can read the torah study the torah study the back of the book front of the book inside greek aramaic hebrew french whatever language you want to pick you will never know anything other than the destination and then you will wait unfortunately like our jewish brothers for the destination but you must have the ruachakadesh the spirit from above through the waters from above through yeshua from above and that's what he's explaining to nicodemus he's not just saying you need to invite me into your heart that's not the message he's giving nicodemus he's saying that you need to understand life if you're born from here you will look in the flesh you will live in the flesh you will die in the flesh but if you live and are born from above you don't have to know where you're going because you don't care how to get there you only care that the one that knows the way is with you and you don't care about what you look like how you feel the only thing you care is that you stay in the derrick you stay in the way you follow the footsteps of your daddy step by step when someone says i don't like you you say i love you when someone says your hair out of his place you say thank you when you get insult you pray for them when you get injury you ask abba for band-aid you don't return it it's so easy to return insult for for insult have you ever thought that maybe it's the enemy using your friends using your family to try to get you off the path because you're looking straight ahead you're doing what god's called you to do but they're telling you look my way look over here look over here look over here and the enemy's really good at trying to get me to look over here because he knows i'm a rubber neck at ed hard he knows you're a rubber neck at heart you're an israelite you're easily distracted we're all kindergartners that get fascinated at rainbow steel so the so the enemy throws a dart over here throws over he will keep throwing darts until something gets in your rib and it will cause you you you'll be so good you'll be praying for your enemy hallelujah lord i just pray for my enemy right now that he'd be holy and happy and then all of a sudden the enemy does something and throws a scud missile and it hits you between the eyes and the next thing you know you're like lord forgive me bam bam bam bam and you take the idea that it's better to ask forgiveness than permission but that is not the way because in the moment that you start pulling out your arsenal what you don't know is that you in order to fire at your enemy you had to take a step towards the enemy in order what did we start this entire message with the moment you take a step you've created a way the moment that you you you stop taking steps towards yahweh and you look towards your enemies you look towards your brothers and sisters that are mean you look any other direction you have to go in the eyes the direction of your eyes when i race the motorcycles sometimes i would travel the circuit and and i would come in and every one of them were through the woods i love to be out of the field because sixth gear i could pin it and go as fast as i wanted to go but then it would it would funnel down into one single path and all 50 of us riders that are in my class on a starting line everybody's racing i'll get the the revving of their engines in a 30-second mark then they turn it sideways it's 15 seconds and you don't know when they're gonna drop it they never drop it on 15. three two one zero they wait they drop it and everybody takes off and there's 50 people in a line going through the field as fast they can none of us all of us are males and none of us are thinking we're all running on adrenaline and we're all heading towards what direction one single path that's this wide i'll never forget my brother-in-law told me a story once it was 125 degrees out it was hot it was dusty starting line and he didn't make it off the line first so guess what happened he got caught in the dust but being a racer you don't let off the gas it doesn't matter if you can't see and the next thing you know he went boom and he gets back to the end of the race two hours later and his buddies is so hot he's laying under his truck for shade and he's holding his rib cage and he says what's the matter he's like man someone ran over me off the starting line i crashed and someone didn't even slow down they literally just ran over the top of me and my brother-in-law said man i'm so sorry to hear that let me pray for you but see there's two lessons to be learned a lot of lessons that i learned when i was racing but number one you better be first off the starting line if you want to have a clear day you better be ready and waiting for your master to drop that there's no dilly-dallying there's no hey can i have a timeout i need to go to the bathroom you have got to be ready with your armor on and the engine going and number two wherever your eyes go is where you will go when i'm driving if i look at this way i'm going this way if i look this way i'm going this way so when you look at your neighbor the moment you look at your neighbor and if it's the enemy you are looking and you are walking because you never stop walking ladies and gentlemen you are always walking so wherever you look is where you're going to go because your brain is not dumb it's not going to run you off of a cliff you will go where your eyes lead you keep your eyes on the prize listen only to the love of your maker that says i love you you are worthy you're not where i want you to be right now you're not my masterpiece i need to chisel some stuff out of you you don't know you grew up in a pentecostal church or you grew up in a baptist church you grew up in a catholic church you grew up in whatever church you grew up in no church you don't know you don't know the baggage you have you think you're okay you don't know and it's okay because yahweh loves you but it's not okay because he has he has a masterpiece in mind for you is this making sense the father desires that you honor him did you know the father says to honor him and to love him the fifth commandment is to honor your mother and father did you know it's interesting it never says to love your parents not one single time in the entire bible ever am i saying don't love your parents or is yahweh saying something that is more heavy than that because the word honor in hebrew means heavy it means uh large gravity big rock hold big rock let me give an example we're on a war and we're winning the war and all of a sudden we're not winning the war and then we're travailing because the war gets thicker it gets thicker it gets heavier you start to get depressed that's the word honor the word honor is is you're giving weight to someone of authority because they're in that position so let's talk about this for a second i know we're going a little bit long tonight but this is so important because y'all was trying to chisel us and sometimes we don't know what that means we don't know how to do this in real life all of every one of us have parents hopefully and some of those parents have hurt you this is father's day and you know what let me just be a real candidate some of you don't like father's day because you didn't have a good father and your father was cruel to you maybe hurt you maybe verbally abused you or maybe he just was absent wasn't there didn't care and father's day invokes hurt it invokes pain and you read your bible and you come across in exodus chapter 20 and it says to honor your father and your mother you go how do i do that i don't even like them he doesn't say you have to like him so that should make you feel better the bible says that you have to honor them so we're adults how do we honor them what do you how do you honor parents that aren't honorable that are not respectful they're not respectable what if your dad molested you when you were eight years old how do you honor a dad like that can we just be honest how do you honor one another how do you honor a president that supports abortion you have to know what honor means when you're five years old and you are under your parents authority the word honor also means obey because you're under their authority so not only do you honor them you give gravity to their words but you must shema you must hear them and you must obey them but what sometimes us parents make mistake is when our children leave the home we're so used to the honor and obey that we confuse the two and so parents get involved in kids lives when they're adults and kids will say mom dad what do you think mom dad says this is what i think the child says okay thank you and then does something different parent goes whoa you are disrespecting me you're not honoring me but that's not the definition of honor honor is the fact that they asked for counsel because they give weight it doesn't say that they give heed they give weight so without spending 30 minutes talking about this subject and kind of derailing in another direction i wouldn't just don't encourage you for those that are difficult on this day no matter what your mother or your father have done to you they bore you you are alive because they chose to feed you they didn't have to feed you they fed you they changed you they paid for you to go to school they gave you clothes at the basics of necessity yahweh says honor them because they gave you life so when you honor your parents you are honoring yourself this is why the scripture says that if you honor your parents you will live long life because it's not that it's not a mystical potion that says if you honor your parents now you get to live long it's if you honor your parents and you understand that they gave you life maybe they're not nice maybe they're messed up maybe they've got you know they they are influenced by the enemy maybe you've not seen them in 22 years it doesn't matter what they act like by the mere fact that god chose to use them to bring you into the earth realm you should thank them and honor life because when you honor life you're honoring yourself and when you choose to honor life that says something about your character that means that you respect other people and when you respect and honor other people you will go a long way in life you'll live long when someone is mean to you you love them and you respect them even though they're mean because you understand where that's coming from most people that get in gun fights get in gun fights because they choose to to have a gun and pull it out instead of when the gun is pulled out on them responding in a different way to get them to put the gun back in their holster you're not the sheriff of your life you're a deputy make sure you use your gun carefully and point it in the direction of your enemies not the enemy that's cloaked in human skin understand what i'm saying yahweh wants to chisel you if you want to cue that up he wants to make you into a masterpiece i want you to watch this video in just a few minutes and i want you to see in the humor what god is speaking to you because every single one of us if i ask the question to ask to raise a hand every one of you want to be what god's called you to be but i'm going to submit to you that very few of us actually really want to do that because it hurts it hurts oh you mean to tell me i can't do this you mean to tell me i can't wear this you mean to tell me i gotta act like that speak like this eat like this dress like that talk like that pray like this he always says if you love me you'll keep my connections if you love me you won't care what i ask of you if you love me you will follow my footsteps because i'm your daddy and i know what's best for you if you love me you won't dress like the world you won't talk like the world you'll be found where the world's at you will love the world but you'll be an alien in it because you will know your true land your true inheritance and your true father watch this video and let the father speak to you like he did to me as he challenged me deeply to let him work in my life before we start the video the father is reminding me that i missed a point when moses held up the serpent on the pole for three days i asked the father what does that mean why did he do that how could yeshua in john chapter 3 say the son of man must be lifted up like the serpent he's connecting himself to a serpent the only fiery serpent i know of in the bible is haasytan and i'm not maybe you know not the smartest guy on the block but i i struggled with this one why was it it could have been anything it could have been a picture of jesus in in the wilderness could have been anything why a snake look on the snake and you'll be healed and then the father revealed it to me the only way the reason why he chose a snake is because they kept complaining against moses as if moses was the problem and god wanted them to know this is your problem it's the snake that's biting you not moses and i i literally almost fell out of my chair as he revealed this to me because i realized because you don't know how much i travailed over this scripture when i can't figure something out it drives me nuts it's the perfectionist in me and i'm like lord there's got to be an answer here and he said jim this is it the people will never be healed never will they walk on the king's highway until they know who really bit them till they stop pointing the finger to the left and to the right until they stop yelling over here and yelling over there and blaming this person that person quit blaming your dad quit blaming your mom quit blaming your friends your past your employer your situation stop contending with the most high god and stop looking around because the only time that you're going to be healed and be put back on the king's highway is when you look up and you see that the enemy has been the one the entire time biting you when you see that it's the enemy then you can stand still long enough to be chiseled ephesians 2 10 says that we're god's workmanship his masterpiece i don't know about you but when i get up in the morning and look in the mirror i don't really see a a masterpiece you know i mean maybe a picasso it's like but i want to be his masterpiece i want to be everything he created me to be and so i go to him in prayer and i say dear heavenly father do whatever it takes to mold me into the image of your son make me your masterpiece jesus name i pray amen hi whoa who are you i'm god you said the prayer so here i am you're not god no i am you said the parents how it works okay okay if you're god then make it snow in here you know what i really don't want to make it snow in here because it'd get kind of yucky yeah you're not god why do you say that god wouldn't say yucky i do it's a greek word oh okay okay um if you're god what does lamentations 15 9 say lamentations is only five chapters it's a very short book oh why was it so short i was tired of lamenting oh okay okay if you're god who's gonna win the world series this year i'm really not into playing games why are you so much into playing games you are god well gave it away you answered my question with a question i did yeah i do that don't i did it again step right up here we go okay all right hey what are we doing i'm gonna make you my original masterpiece this is the process oh okay got it yeah wait wait what are these about these are the tools i'm gonna use to make you into my original masterpiece okay hang on yeah i thought you were a carpenter that's my son step right up here we go okay oh hey god how do you know what to chisel away and what to leave i take out everything you like that doesn't belong there kind of like dead weight ooh speaking of dead weight could you chisel right here it showed up when i was in my 20s and grew around and became back fat i don't even know why you created that but i can't get rid of it i mean i've tried everything like i tried running i tried lifting weights my wife actually talked me into trying pilates that was awkward but i can't get rid of it so if you would just chisel around here and then you know what if you chisel a line right here and maybe four maybe eight lines right here that would be awesome you're funny you made me that way i also made the platypus all i'm saying is most of my children when it comes to this process they just want to talk but they don't want to do the work so do you want to talk or can i chisel talk chisel no no no no no i choose to chisel all right through my holy spirit i'm going to bring up things in your life that i want you to work on i like your anger i created the emotion but you use it in the wrong way you compare yourself to others instead of me you tell little white lies because you want a people please you're lazy but you try to fool everybody by looking really really busy you have a problem with lust time out i don't really have a problem with luck you don't have a problem with lust no i can do it anytime i want hang on a second i mean i i got to admit i i feel like you've been doing some great work and i'm looking pretty good right now all right when you look in the mirror who do you see i see me okay then i need to keep chiseling away because ultimately you and other people need to see my son okay don't misunderstand me it's just um when i look more like jesus people get uncomfortable around me i mean even my church friends and they're like oh you're holier than thou you know and i don't think i'm supposed to make people uncomfortable so what you're saying is you'd rather play god in certain areas of your life than for me to be god over your whole life that is not what i said it's what you meant yes it is um it's hard to talk to you you know everything that i'm thinking i'm just saying you've done some great work maybe we take a break a sabbatical from each other you know i'll stay right here and then yeah that's just it you never just stay right there you're either moving toward me or away from me but never you just stay [Music] what you're doing is called control do you want to control things your life or can i chisel control chisel control no chisel chisel all right but can we chisel where i want that's called control okay i'm sorry [Music] now this right here this secret sin that you keep running to whenever you're hurting angry lonely tired that you think you're fooling everybody but it's making you a whitewashed tomb are you ready for me to chisel this out of your life [Music] yeah see it's a process it's not a sprint it's a marathon it's your whole life and you care so deeply about what other people think of you it's rubbish it's garbage the greatest thing you're ever going to hear is at the end of your life when you hear me say well done good and faithful servant that's what you keep your eye on that's the prize heaven word that hurts oh trust me this hurts me more than it hurts you right okay i'm sorry i just i don't think you understand this pain pardon me you're asking me to sacrifice a lot god don't talk to me about sacrifice i know all about sacrifice i sent my son to die on the cross for pain for sin but i also did it for another reason to give you freedom do you know what insanity is insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again expecting different results and there are things that you've been doing for years these empty wells that don't have anything to offer you've been going to them and it's insane allow me to chisel them out of your life allow me to produce character when you keep focusing so much on your image okay but i was thinking your thoughts are not my thoughts okay but if we went another way your ways are not no i can't you can't want i i can't be good that's your excuse that's your excuse is that you can't be good it's not an excuse i can't oh my child in the beginning i said it was good i made you good be good yeah but you and i both want nothing no what is it nothing okay you wouldn't understand i god of all the universe wouldn't understand something one of my children has to say try me [Music] it's just um i let you down so many times god no my child you were never holding me up i hold you up with my victorious righteous right hand never the other way around in this relationship i hold you up okay chisel away just just be prepared for what you're going to find in there because i know who's inside there because i get up every morning and i look at him in the mirror and i hate who i see looks deep inside there this this this little kid who gets up every morning and dresses like an adult and i go out and i i try to do what i'm supposed to do but i can't okay i can't be who everybody else expects me to be god i can't even be who i want to be much less who you created me to be and so inside is this scared stupid little kid but you chisel away just be prepared you have listened to so many voices for far too long that were not from me and you have totally bought into the lie haven't you you think you're junk don't you when you lay your head down at night after you've done the dance to get the hug [Music] you think you're junk listen to me i don't take time to make junk how can i show you that my love for you stretches as far as the east to the west that how can i show you that my love for you has no end i know reach your back pocket what reach your back pocket why are you arguing with me reach your back pocket oh god yes i just went god i'll do that right now you're just saying my name in vain come on it's it's a name it's a saying it's a name above all names it's more than a saying it's more than a name i want to teach you something about my name reach your back pocket oh my gosh [Music] you know what that is yeah it's a uh it's a note i wrote it when i was in college how did you get this hello oh yeah go ahead and read it i love angie other side sorry [Music] dear god did i hear you right today did i hear you say that you love me even though you and i both know i messed up so many times did i hear you say you want to use me [Music] i feel so useless if you'll take me then you use me then god i give you all that i am take me i love you god i love you too and i love you too much just to leave you where you're at this salvation that you hold i don't want it to be some sentimental gush or some head knowledge i want you to work it out in every detail of your life and when problems come and chaos happens don't look at this as a prison but look at it as a father discipline this child a father disciplines the ones he loves i know but it's gonna be tough yes but you bought into the lie thinking everything was gonna be easy when you gave everything over to me there will be trouble in this world but be of good cheer i've overcome the world i want you to do something i want you to look out there and i want you to say tommy is god's original masterpiece [Music] tommy is god oh not the way you see yourself or you try so desperately for others to see you but maybe for the first time in your life the way i see you the way i created you tommy is god's original masterpiece yes you are [Music] and so are you god doesn't make junk you are an original masterpiece [Music] listen very carefully that video impacted me deeply some of you are being impacted even right now the father wants you to know that on the road in the wilderness of zinn should i say in the wilderness of sin god created you to be a masterpiece god created you yahweh created you as if and he gives you grace because he sees what you can be but the very first thing that you need to do is recognize your enemy recognize that the source of all your pain and bondage is him not your neighbor and when you do that you bow the knee in repentance to your king the process of healing begins can you raise the house lights up just a little bit please i want to give you the opportunity as we close this out that if you need prayer tonight we're going to stay late for you because i know that some of you are heavily strongly maybe even those of you that are online you're dealing with insecurity that man you just feel like you can't ever get it right you can never be what yahweh creates you to be it starts with a prayer and i'll tell you what the prayer is father take me where i need to be i don't care what it cost me but you have got to mean that prayer with everything in you you have to mean it with everything in you and when you pray that prayer with not just a flippant prayer but i mean in travail with everything all of your emotion and the only thing you care about you don't care about your job you don't care about this you don't care about that the only thing you care about is being chiseled into the masterpiece that yahweh created you to be when you pray that prayer and you begin to be open to him showing you the parts of your life that need to be chiseled the next step is letting them do that and more often than not that's going to happen when you're in community and relationship with one another you can't chisel what you can't see would you stand with me tonight please matt hoffman can you come up please i'm gonna have my prayer team if you could come off to the left side over there and i'm going to pray and ask the father to bless you but more than that to heal you and to give you opportunity to move forward in your relationship with the with the king some of you on this father's day you can even you can even leave your seat now you don't have to wait for the invitation or really struggling with your dad or your or your mom listen we have to honor them [Music] we have to to love them where they're at [Music] give yahweh an opportunity to work in their life by praying for them yes you may have to set standards in your life i talked to someone yesterday that it has such a a terrible relationship years ago with their parents that they had to cut off communication for a time they had to create a torah instruction to create health to create a distance to make sure the enemy doesn't create any more damage he did it in respect and he did it in honor he didn't feel like it to them but he did it in an honor i pray the father matter of fact let's just do that now father we thank you we just thank you yahweh that you would create in us a new heart father i pray that you would help us to keep our eyes on you that we would focus only on your face we would stop trying to please the world stop trying to look like the world act like the world talk like the world and start distancing ourselves from egypt by following your holy spirit from above we will never get there by letter only we have to have your holy spirit so father i pray right now for all of the hurting people all those that have been hurt by their parents all those been hurt by friends or spouses they only hold back tears because there are no more [Music] they so desire for you to make them into the person that they're supposed to be but the only thing that's prevented them from true healing if they have not looked upon the one that was hung on the standard the pole the staff they've not recognized first as the enemy that has hurt them not the person and they haven't accepted the fact that yeshua in his way they can truly still have the destiny that you've called them down it doesn't matter how many hurt us if we keep our eyes on the prize we are promised to be blessed forgive us for our complaining for we have contended with you forgive us for judging others even if they've hurt us and we are valid in our complaint forgive us and i pray father that you would take those that hurt you and don't know it you would just open their eyes show them that they their hurt needs to be taken to you not to the person that they think hurt them they've already done that so yahweh we ask that you would bring tremendous healing right now and i just want to encourage everyone that's here and the sound of my voice in this auditorium that if you need prayer tonight and you truly just it starts with opening your chest go over to the right side of the sanctuary find someone and they will minister to you tonight get healed why carry the baggage any longer why carry the dead weight we don't need to carry it so father i pray for those that are doing that right now that you would heal them all those online i pray that you would stretch out your mighty hand oh god [Music] and that you would challenge us encourage us heal us take away the generational curses take away all the thoughts and the words that we remember that hurt us the world says sticks and stones we break our bones but words will never it does hurt and it breaks our spirits and our father i pray that you would speak life over your people that they are beautiful that they're lovely they're good they have greatness built into them and i pray that you would chisel your people us modern-day israelites into the men and women of god that we are called to be so father i say for everyone that would agree with me take us where we need to be we don't care what it cost us for your son gave his life what an honor it would be to give ours while we're living what a small price it is to pay our life is yours my thoughts are yours my words are with us forgive us for our sins and our struggles our addictions forgive us for looking to the left and to the right creating derricks in wrong directions help us abba to take the first step tonight towards healing by admitting the enemy is our enemy and you are our god bless your people father may the lord god bless you and keep you may he shine his face upon you may he be gracious to you may he lift up his countenance over you and may he give you peace and shalom in your soul amen and amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] you