Understanding Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy

Aug 14, 2024

Lecture Notes: Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy, and Locus of Control


  • Self-Concept: Derived from self-esteem and self-efficacy.
  • Key Themes: Differences between self-esteem, self-efficacy, and locus of control.


  • Definition: Regard or respect a person has for oneself.


  • Definition: Belief in one's abilities to organize and execute actions to succeed in specific situations.
  • Origin: Developed by Bandura due to dissatisfaction with the general concept of self-esteem.
  • Impact Areas: Psychological states, behavior, motivation.
  • Types: RISE and FALL
    • RISE (Strong Self-Efficacy):
      • View challenges as tasks to master.
      • Develop deep interests and commitment.
      • Recover quickly from setbacks.
    • FALL (Weak Self-Efficacy):
      • Avoid challenging tasks.
      • Believe tasks are beyond capabilities.
      • Focus on failures and negative outcomes.
      • Lose confidence quickly.
  • Four Major Sources of Self-Efficacy:
    1. Mastery of Experiences: Successful task completion strengthens self-efficacy.
    2. Social Modeling: Observing peers successfully completing tasks boosts self-belief.
    3. Social Persuasion: Verbal encouragement helps overcome self-doubt.
    4. Psychological Responses: Managing stress and mood can improve self-efficacy.
  • Note: A person can have low self-esteem and high self-efficacy, as seen in perfectionists.

Locus of Control

  • Definition: Extent to which people perceive control over events in their lives.
  • Types:
    • Internal Locus of Control:
      • Believe they influence events and outcomes.
      • Attribute results to personal traits.
      • Example: Poor test performance due to lack of preparation.
    • External Locus of Control:
      • Blame outside forces for outcomes.
      • Attribute events to environmental causes.
      • Example: Poor test performance due to difficult questions.
  • Impact:
    • Internal locus of control correlates with higher happiness, less depression, and stress.


  • Clarification of differences between self-esteem, self-efficacy, and locus of control.
  • Understanding these concepts helps in self-improvement and handling life's challenges.