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Cardiac Complications: Atrial Fibrillation
Jun 13, 2024
Cardiac Complications: Atrial Fibrillation
Overview of Atrial Fibrillation (Afib)
: Common heart arrhythmia affecting up to 1% of the population.
: Atria (top chambers of the heart) beat or quiver abnormally (400-600 bpm).
: Increased pressure and dilation of the left atrium.
Common causes
: Aging, left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), high blood pressure, sleep apnea.
Post-Operative State
: High circulating catecholamines.
Importance in Surgical Context
Post-Operative Risk
: Especially common in thoracic, cardiac, or vascular surgeries and in elderly patients.
: Often indicates other potential post-operative complications.
ECG Characteristics of Afib
: Tachycardic
P Waves
: Absent; replaced by fibrillatory waves.
: Irregularly irregular.
Post-Operative Causes of Afib
High Catecholamine Surge
Infection (wound, intra-abdominal, pneumonia).
Bleeding (surgical site).
Hypoxia/Hypercarbia (e.g., PE, sleep apnea, anesthesia recovery).
Volume Status (hypovolemia or fluid overload).
Electrolyte Abnormalities (hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia).
Other Factors
Thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism).
Substance withdrawal (e.g., alcohol).
Workup and Management
Initial Assessment and Orders
: Check BP, respiratory rate, O2 saturation.
Immediate Orders
Labs: CBC, BMP, Magnesium, Troponin (trending), Thyroid studies, Blood gas, Lactate (if needed).
Patient History & Physical Exam
Symptoms: Chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, altered mental status.
Volume Status: Lung auscultation, jugular venous pressure, peripheral edema.
Imaging Studies
Case-dependent: CT for abdominal concerns, imaging for PE if hypoxic, etc.
When to Consult Cardiology
Case-specific, generally after initial stabilization and assessment.
Management Highlights
Stabilizing the Patient
If unstable: Follow ACLS protocol (consider DCCV).
If stable: Focused history, physical exam, and specific labs.
Underlying Cause
: Essential to identify and correct underlying cause to prevent recurrence.
Rate Control Medications
Beta Blockers
: Metoprolol (first-line).
Calcium Channel Blockers
: Diltiazem (use with caution in heart failure patients).
: Reserved for cases with heart failure or hypotension.
: Less effective in high sympathetic tones.
Heart Failure Consideration
: Use EF from recent echo to guide medication choice.
Long-Term Management
: Assesses stroke risk.
: Assesses bleeding risk.
Discuss anticoagulation with patient and family considering risks.
Afib is a common complication in post-operative patients, especially the elderly or those undergoing major surgeries.
Key to management: Stabilizing, identifying, and correcting the underlying cause, and appropriate use of rate control medications.
Long-term management includes anticoagulation based on stroke and bleeding risk assessment.
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