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What event led to Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin?
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Mold spores drifted onto a petri dish in Fleming's lab, revealing a bacteria-free zone around the mold colony upon his return from vacation.
What caused penicillin to move from a laboratory curiosity to a widely used antibiotic?
The need for effective treatments during WWII led researchers to isolate and mass-produce penicillin, transforming it into a crucial antibiotic.
What genus does the mold that produces penicillin belong to?
Describe the nature and risk of a genuine penicillin allergy.
A genuine penicillin allergy is rare but dangerous, causing the immune system to mistake penicillin as an attacker.
What percentage of patients in developed countries self-report penicillin allergies, and what percentage of these are likely not genuinely allergic?
5-15% self-report allergies, but over 90% of these are likely not genuinely allergic.
What are the main challenges faced by the use of penicillin today?
Antibiotic resistance, where bacteria evolve compounds that can break down penicillin, and the risk of overprescribing.
Why is penicillin not harmful to human cells?
Human cells lack cell walls, which penicillin targets.
How did the commercialization of penicillin proceed after its initial development?
Teams at Oxford and American drug companies developed it into a commercially available product within a few years.
In what year and city did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin?
1928, London.
What step is recommended for patients reported to have a penicillin allergy to confirm its validity?
Evaluation by an allergist.
Which major recognition was awarded for the development of penicillin?
The Nobel Prize.
How does penicillin affect bacterial cell walls?
It disrupts the synthesis of bacterial cell walls, binds to compounds in the cell wall mesh, prevents reconstruction, and stimulates the release of reactive molecules causing further damage.
What percentage of people outgrow their penicillin allergy within 10 years?
80% of people outgrow their penicillin allergy within 10 years.
What often causes mislabeling of penicillin allergies?
Rashes during childhood treatment often blamed on penicillin instead of the infection or a reaction between the infection and antibiotic.
What medical impact has penicillin had since its discovery?
Penicillin transformed infection treatment and remains a crucial antibiotic in healthcare.