Comprehensive Python Course Overview

Sep 4, 2024

Python Course Overview

Introduction to Python

  • Instructor: Mosh Hamedani
  • Python is popular for automation, AI, and web applications (e.g., Instagram, Dropbox).
  • Course includes core concepts and building three projects.

Projects Overview

  1. Grocery Store Website

    • Built with Django.
    • Homepage with product listings and admin area for stock management.
  2. Machine Learning Project

    • Predict music preferences based on user profile.
  3. Automation Project

    • Automate repetitive tasks (e.g., processing spreadsheets).

Course Structure

  • Designed for all learners, including beginners.
  • Exercises provided to build confidence in coding.
  • Mosh has 20 years of experience and has taught over 3 million people.

Setting Up Python

  • Downloading Python:

    • Visit
    • Latest version (e.g., Python 3.7.2).
    • Important to check "Add Python to PATH" (Windows).
  • Code Editor:

    • Install PyCharm (IDE for Python).
    • Community edition is free.

Writing Your First Python Program

  • Create a Python file
  • Example code to print your name:
    print("Your Name")
  • Running the program shows output in the terminal.

Variables in Python

  • Variables store data in memory.
  • Example:
    price = 10
  • Data Types:
    • Integers (e.g., 10), Floats (e.g., 4.5), Strings (e.g., "Mosh"), Booleans (True/False).

User Input

  • Use input() for user data collection.
  • Example:
    name = input("What is your name?")
    print(f"Hi {name}")

Control Flow

  • If Statements:
    • Execute code based on conditions.
    • Use elif, else for multiple conditions.
  • Loops:
    • for loops to iterate over ranges or collections.
    • while loops for repeated execution until a condition is met.


  • Define functions using def keyword.

  • Example:

    def greet_user(name):
        print(f"Hi {name}")
  • Return values using return keyword.

Error Handling

  • Use try and except blocks to handle errors.
  • Example:
        value = int(input("Enter a number:"))
    except ValueError:
        print("Invalid input")

Classes and Objects

  • Use classes to create new data types.
  • Example of a simple class:
    class Dog:
        def bark(self):

Modules and Packages

  • Organize related code into modules.
  • Use import keyword to include modules in your code.
  • Create packages by organizing modules into directories with files.

Built-in Functions and Libraries

  • Python standard library contains various built-in modules for common tasks (e.g., math, random).
  • Use pip to install additional packages from PyPI.


  • The course covers core Python programming concepts and practical applications.
  • Encouraged to practice coding and apply what is learned in projects.