Transcript for:
Understanding Shemini and Its Significance

[Music] all right well let's begin we're gonna go through part of the torah portion today shimini is the name of it and it starts in leviticus chapter nine so open up your bibles with me to leviticus chapter 9 and we're going to begin with this week's torah portion an amazing torah portion no doubt as it is all about the eighth day and many of you are familiar with the number eight and what it means i'm gonna probably uh overwhelm you with the number eight you will see eight about 800 times uh today as it will relate to the scriptures how many love science we're going to dig into some science today how's that how many love music out there we're going to dig into music and science how many love the bible out there all of you very good see we're going to dig into the bible science and music and find out how this torah portion is related to your life the direction of your life the cycles of your life how to get from one uh level to another we talk about going from one level to another level well there is a formula found in the scriptures uh that god is showing me in my own life of what there is mechanics behind everything how many know that the entire universe is not held together by plasma it's not held together by randomness it's extremely precise so precise uh in fact that scientists and cosmologists say that uh that if anything was out of place even if the if the earth itself was just a little bit closer to the sun the entire earth would melt just a little bit if it was a little bit further it would all freeze so therefore based on this last year's winter i'm convinced we're moving further away from the sun because it was ridiculously cold this last winter i'm hoping that that's just a little bit of a wobble and not a future uh prediction but in any case the god of the universe created everything absolutely perfectly in symmetrical parallel and intersecting lines like a chess board a grid if you will and we're going to dig into that science greatest theory right now that they can't prove is is called string theory where everything is held together by strings super super super super microscopic tiny singular strings where everything goes from one umbilical cord to another if you will and everything is connected this is why someone can come up to you i can prove that it absolutely works because the god of the universe is connected to you it's called deep calls to deep there's a string that string scientists even call it light because yahweh is light and the entire universe was created based on his words which create and so the light of the universe what was created in day one by the way light okay day and night was separated light was created the light of yahweh shone into the earth realm and illuminated everything and so when when human beings come along you have the light of creation inside of you if you have messiah you have the light of messiah which means that this is how everybody ever walk up to someone you meet someone you don't even know who they are all of a sudden you feel connected like i know this person and you find out they're a believer that happens enough times you go something strange about this it's like i already knew that how do you know that because what you can't see is that there is a line of light that is connected from that believer to you and depending on the strength of that light and the strength of your discernment is your understanding that connection that you're related that you you know that person there's been many times in my life where i will meet someone within minutes or seconds i know this person was either in a dream of mine anybody ever felt like this like i know this person i met this person before i had know this person i don't know their name i've never met him for my life but i know this person almost every single time that has ever happened in my life that person goes on to be one of the most significant life changers in jim staley's life and it's because that light is so bright in the spiritual realm because they're part of my my journey they're part of my octave which we'll talk about a little bit later they're talking they're part of my spiritual growth and god has just given me a little inkling of that that uh that connection so let's talk about connections let's talk about the ministry when it begins how it begins how many know that you are a priest of the living god did you know that okay all three of you listen up carefully because you're going to want to know how to actually walk out your priesthood whether you raised your hand or not does not get you off on judgment day just so you know god does call you to be a royal priesthood okay and so you need to know a little bit about the priesthood you need to know a little bit about what the roles are so read with me in leviticus chapter 9 verse 1 it says this it came to pass on the eighth day i wish there was a period there now there's no punctuation in the semitic languages but you could end the entire chapter book bible with this one verse it came to pass on the eighth day chamini the eighth moses called aaron i'll explain that a little bit later and his sons and the elders of israel elders of israel and he said to aaron take for yourself a young bull it's a sin offering in a ram and a burnt offering without blemish and offer them before yahweh and to the children of israel you shall speak take a kid of the goats as a sin offering in a calf and a lamb both of the first year without blemish as a burnt offering also a bull and a ram as a peace offering to sacrifices before the lord and grain offering mixed with oil for today the lord will appear before you so he comes before moses and aaron says i want you to get together the people of god i want you to get together the priest this is the eighth day i want you to get the the sacrifices that are ready and i think there's total of 40 in all if i remember properly and i want you to come before you come before me because i today am going to appear before you now i don't know about you but that's a pretty incredible promise that's a pretty amazing incentive for them to do what god is telling them to do matter of fact if you had a dream and a dream you know you had some issues in your life and god came to you in a dream and said i want you to do this this this and this because when after you do this and this and this then i'm going to appear before you you'd wake up from that dream write it down and do exactly hopefully what god spoke to you in that dream that's exactly what's happening here so there's the promise involved here so they brought what moses commanded before the tabernacle of meeting the mishkan don't you love that i love that that's like it's so way cooler than a church building the word church building this was the tabernacle of meeting think about that we read that all the time this is the place where yahweh tabernacled and met with him it's the tabernacle of meeting i love it but i will admit that uh i get excited about small things all right so where were we what verse were we on five so they brought moses commander before the tabernacle media and all the congregation drew near and stood before yahweh then moses said this is the thing which the lord commands you to do and the glory of the lord will appear to you the kavod of yahweh will overwhelm you he will overshadow you his glory will appear to you how many want to see the glory of god make sure you wear very dark shades moses said to aaron go to the altar offer your sin offering and your burnt offering and make atonement for yourself for the people offer the offering of the people and make atonement for them as the lord commanded this sounds very similar to a feast day called yom kippur the day of judgment aaron therefore went to the altar and killed the calf of the sin offering which was for himself then the sons of aaron brought the blood to him and he dipped his finger in the blood put it on the horns of the altar poured out the blood at the base of the altar and it goes on and gives all the details of the fat and the kidneys and all the different things and then what i want you to do is i want you to turn to a verse let's see where was that at let's let's go to verse 22 and aaron lifted his hand toward the people blessed them did the aaronic blessing and came down from the offering and came down from the offering the sin offering the burnt offering and the peace offerings and moses and aaron went into the tabernacle of meeting and came out and blessed the people then the glory of yahweh appeared to all the people fire came out from before the lord consumed the burnt offering in the fat of the altar when all the people saw it they shouted and fell on their faces this is amazing to me because if you look very very very carefully at the text here you will see that it says this it says it says in verse 4 also a bull in a ram is a peace offering to sacrifice before the lord a great offering mixed with oil for today the lord will appear to you so moses so they brought what moses commanded before the tabernacle meaning all the congregation stood near and stood before the lord moses said this is the thing which the lord commanded you to do and the glory of the lord will appear to you so they offer up all the stuff they get it ready to go and the glory of the lord doesn't show up he said well jim how do you know that because if you if you look aaron lifted his hand toward the people this is it everything's ready everything is there everything is on the altar they did everything that god told them to do everything aaron even you have to understand the levitica this levitical point high point right now this is the aaronic blessing when do you do that this is at the benediction this is at the end this is everything is complete this is like yeshua on the crossing tetelestai it is finished there's nothing left to say aaron lifted his hand towards the people blessed them and came down from offering the sin offering the burnt offering the peace officer why did he come down nothing happened you have to understand this is like the epitome of ultimate humiliation right now because aaron is at the point at the top of the altar there's a ramp that goes up by the way you can always tell in ancient times in archaeology whether it's a a pagan altar or or a hebrew altar because pagan altars had steps and hebrew altars israelite altars always were a ramp because they weren't supposed to raise no skin was to be shown before god they always had to have the holy garments all the way to the ground so they had ramps that went up just a side note so aaron is at the top of the ramp if you will at the top of the altar everything is done everything is completed this exact moment happens again with elijah on mount carmel remember that what happens at this point everything gets fixed there's a prayer bam the fire of god comes out and completely consumes it this is that moment and nothing happens so imagine if i took the microphone stood up here and said okay this is what's going to happen god is going to show up on the count of three one two three three except instead of you know a few thousand people you're talking about two and a half million people watching that's a good live stream right there two and a half million people that are watching as aaron blesses the people and says go god let's do it nothing happens so he walks back down this is all between the lines you have to see this because it's almost humorous so what does he do moses and aaron went into the tabernacle of meeting why do you think they did that they're probably going in there going man i don't know what's going on this is what he told us to do where's the glory i did exactly my part moses you didn't do your part most like well man you did your party sure you didn't skip any hebrew words when you did that i can just see it so here's what's amazing about this there's a formula here moses and aaron separately or together together went into the tabernacle of meeting to meet with god and they came out and blessed the people time out he just did this anybody catching this what's the verse before that aaron went up before the people lifted his hand blessed them nothing happened he goes down goes into the tent of meeting he sits and says mo i don't know what's going on man i'd bless the people i'm the high priest nothing happened how come every time you wave your wand up in the air seas open up and rocks open up but every time i go to blessed people and god says the glory are going to come down nothing happens i'm feeling a little jib give me that stick no they missed something significant you see it's not about just listening to god it's not about just obeying god it's not about just going through the motions in an obligatory sense listen if god sent you a note and said i want you to do one two three four five things and after these five things my glory is going to show up you would assume the glory would show up after the five things but i'm going to tell you something there is always a missing instruction that's hidden always yahweh never gives 100 of the instruction ever even the jewish people know this that's where the whole oral law came from they know this that god did not give the full complete instructions of mount sinai because if he did it would be obligatory to take no faith there's always something hidden he wants you to pursue him and this is what's hidden right here they went into the tent of meeting and they came out and they together blessed the people what god was looking for was beyond the instructions beyond the commandments literal beyond the sacrifices clearly the sacrificial offerings were not mattering to him the whole entire service of the glory of god first time it ever happened it was all about a god it was all about unity the entire process of the sacrificial system was getting the people to work together you see one guy can't do it all you try to hold a bull down by yourself why you got a knife at his throat and don't think if his eyes bug out that he's going to pop you in the head with a horn you better be like one with your buddy on the other side there's teamwork that's involved in the ceremonial system the sacrificial system there is a unity and a teamwork that that far surpasses more than you can imagine it is like building a bridge it's like walking a tightrope there's so many analogies that can be given everybody has to play their part you know one time i was in branson our family loves to go to branson when i was a kid we used to go almost every single year we used to go quite a few years on father's day and one of my favorite times inside of branson one of the most amazing shows i have ever been to was the chinese acrobats anybody ever seen them i'd never seen anything like that in my i didn't even know human beings could contort in directions like that but the amount of teamwork was incredible as i would never forget this is one person sat on a chair and the next person crawled on top of this person and the next person crawled on top of that person 21 people high half of them were were doing handstands as the next person would carry a chair to the very top i thought it was an illusion this can't be real you can't 21 people all the way to the top of this building to the to this to the ceiling if one person sneezes it's not going to be a pretty sight and not only did they go up they each came down individually crawling over the top of each other like ants it was absolutely phenomenal but one thing i pulled away because all i do you're pastors all i think is spiritual stuff like i mean not always but most of the time i'm going god show me a knowledge i look at life and i see pictures i can't help it i was a professional kindergartner hands down when they said it's time to crayon and draw pictures i was right there and i had my 64 crayola set well everybody else had eight back off i'm drawing a picture so i see things in pictures and when i saw these acrobats of china what i saw was i saw the church of god in its in its brilliance in its fullness the assembly the the the the cahal the ecclesia whatever you want to call it the assembly of the most high yahweh operating exactly the way it's supposed to be everybody does their part not a single person is greater than than the one that's above it even the one is above it in a literal sense they're all part of something greater than themselves and instead of a chair that i saw at the top in my mind's eye i saw somebody with a banner with the name of god above the crowd this is the name above all names now what happens if one person doesn't do their job the name comes crashing down and i submit to you that's exactly what's happened and back to our story that's what this torah portion is all about that's what this in this this whole section of this two chapters is all about that so let's continue to see what happens let's go to chapter 10. the nadav and avihu the two sons of of aaron we're talking the high priestly line here took the censer put fire in it now well now what happens here by the way i forgot to read verse 24 after the unity of both moses and aaron blessing the people the fire came out from before yahweh and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar when all the people saw they shouted and fell on their faces good idea and by the way if that ever happens in this auditorium that's probably a good thing for you to do as well fall on your face so this is right on the heels of that everybody's excited man no one's ever seen anything like this before and the two sons of aaron each took their sensors and put fire in it put insus on it so they came with their sensor a little pan they went to the altar of of uh the brazen altar out out in the in the courts they got some of the coals from that put some incense on it and they brought it into the holy place right before the holy of holies there's an altar of incense there and that's where they're going to offer the incense they offered profane fire before the lord what does profane mean okay it's where we get the word profanity from but originally uh what the word meant is common is something that is not set apart it's not holy it's something that was man made if you will so the fire went out from yahweh and devoured them and they died before the lord and moses said to aaron this is what the lord spoke saying by those who come near me i must be regarded as kadosh holy and before all the people i must be glorified so aaron held his peace so aaron imag this is his sons this is in the midst of like winning the super bowl type of atmosphere fireworks are going off i mean literally i mean it's the fire of god is consuming the the the the uh the sacrifices and all the people are shouting and everybody's on their face there's worship is going on you can just imagine the festive atmosphere and then when the fire goes away and they realize they can kind of peek out of their left eye everybody gets on their feet and starts shouting the glory of god the glory of the god in the highest nade ebb and be who they get excited they're young they're priests they're on their way to becoming high priest like their dad and they go in there out of their excitement and they offer profane fire common fire god did not tell them to do this and you have to understand the significance of why he had to kill them it's not because god is a mean god i mean he could have just came out and said hey guys you know your dad's gonna spank you if he finds you in here you need to probably go out here for i'm gonna kill you but you have to understand the system of how yahweh worked is that in the prescribed manner they would bring in these sensors exactly the way that they were doing it by the way and they would put it on the altar of incense and it would create smoke in the tabernacle the reason why the smoke had to be to be uh billowed inside the tabernacle is because behind the the the curtain into the holy of holies was a throne a literal throne this is the mercy seat or the throne of god this is the ark of the covenant with the caribbean the cherubim wings on both sides the mercy seat it's literally the throne of god if he shows up and it's in his naked raw virgin form he will kill everybody and everything because the light is so brilliant the power is so great so the light and the power must be diffused through a cloud and so that cloud he prescribed would come from the altar of incense which would later we would discover is actually the prayers of the saints that his power doesn't just show up on earth on its own it actually shows up through the prayers of the saints which is diffused power so the cloud shows up which defuses his power and his face shows up in the cloud because no one can see the face of god and live so it's an illumination it's a it's like a shadow or a reflection of the power of god matter of fact on the end days what's it say is your shoe is coming on what on a cloud what do you think it is you think it's a cumulonimbus no it's not a serious it's angels the angels are so many there's billions of angels that surround the throne of god that when yahweh comes when he sends his son yeshua to come he's coming in a cloud of many what witnesses it's the cloud of angels which is diffusing the power of god this is why the earth isn't destroyed just at his glance because it's being diffused through the angelic host but when he comes and he actually steps on the earth there's going to be some problems happening then his power doesn't get diffused at that moment all that to say is this is that we better know exactly how to come before our king because if the two sons of aaron had no right to come before yahweh their own way what gives us the idea that we can just waltz right into the throne room and say here i is i is an apostle i is of this high is it that lord i come to serve you look at all the things i've done for you how do we have that right you see what happened is native navy who in their zeal offended god think about that for a second as most of christianity spans this globe with the zeal of god we have instance after instance after precedent after precedent phineas comes to to mind right off off the bat this comes to mind right off the bat where the zeal of god offends god sometimes he gets impressed by it and he has mercy other times he's not so impressed by it because it's too holy we better make sure that we have more than what we think we have when we come before our god we better make sure that we know exactly how to present ourselves before our king so let's talk about the formula for glory well hold on so aaron held his peace that's a pretty big deal because aaron is really upset right now for obvious reasons so moses calls mishael in verse four and elsefond the son of uziel the uncle of aaron and said to them come near carry out your brethren from before the sanctuary out of the camp so they went near and carried them out by their tunics out of the camp as moses has said moses said to aaron to eleazar the ithama are his sons do not uncover your hands nor tear your clothes lest you die and wrath come upon all the people but let your brethren the whole house of israel bewail the burning which the lord has kindled you shall not go out from the door the tabernacle of meeting lest you die for the anointing oil of the lord is upon you and they did according to the word of moses the anointing oil is upon you what's he saying listen we ain't got time for burial services right now the glory of god is showing up this is exactly what's happening in this conversation this is this is this is like against the entire hebrew culture once they they they this is the exception by the way to a torah commandment that when someone dies you're not even allowed to touch them how many know this you can't touch them you become unclean who's touching them priests and he says don't even don't even pull don't even rip your clothes don't sit in sackcloth and ashes today is not the day to mourn for the dead this is the glory of god amongst the people how many know in your brit how to shy in the new testament i have time to go there because i have like eight messages built into one today i got to get to but how many remember when yeshua is called what the glory of the lord he's called that today the glory of god is with you what happens when yeshua shows up on the on the sea and calls his disciples hey man i need to go um i need to go bury my dad what's what's what does the messiah say let the dead bury the dead today is a day for the glory of god is before your midst there's no time for mourning now just so you know i'm gonna go on a 30-second rabbit trail so you know the that the son of god was not being rude it was not the original death he didn't just die that was the second burial there's two burials in ancient egypt in israel the first one is when someone dies there is an immediate burial and then there is a 30-day morning period he wouldn't even been fishing if his dad had just died this was the secondary burial what you might have seen on discovery channel is the bone boxes where after a year uh all the flesh would decay off the bones they would put all the bones in a box they would have a secondary burial where they would bring the the bone box up near jerusalem and re-bury him there and yeshua says hey sorry pal that's a year old what are you doing who cares i tell you to do that no let the dead bury the dead it's time to follow the glory of god that's in your midst that's what's happening right now let me ask you a question are you caught up with doing things your way are you caught up in your life with doing the things that you want to do and you're missing the glory of god that's standing right before you how many of you are going through situations right now in your life this is death of his sons i'd call that a pretty high priority situation and if anybody is facing that then you've got a story right here but if le outside of death not a single thing that you're going through can compare to losing your sons on one day in one moment to the god that you swore to serve not some criminal not some this i mean listen we have the right to say god why would you take my sons you know they died in a car accident but it would be far more difficult if you saw the hand of god kill your own sons and you're the dad and you're the high priest of all israel and you have to stand before all the people and smile and glorify the god of israel for how great of god he is that is an emotional traumatic moment that aaron is going through how many of you would follow in obedience and understand that it's not about you aaron had to literally say this is not about me this is not about my feelings this is not about my sons i am in a role i am an ambassador of the most high god and i am here to banner his name his glory i am not going to get in my little pity party and i'm not going to get all the glory to be coming towards me because the moment everybody starts feeling sorry for me guess what happens i'm pulling them away from the eyes of the glory that's right before them you see most of us grow up in a culture where things that happen to us we focus on the things that happen to us we're focusing on the death we are trained ladies and gentlemen to focus on what hurts in our life my toe hurts my knee hurts my chest hurts my hair hurts my situation hurts my job hurts my wife hurts how about we focus on what's before us which is the glory of god you can't see it because i start off this message by saying it's in the invisible realm which means that you can see it if the spirit man on the inside is awakened enough to recognize it so let's dig in to the formula i believe of having glory if you show the powerpoint it says this god desires to allow us to enter his presence and experience his glory it's his desire but there is a formula for his presence and number one if you want to write it down showing your love by keeping his commandments the best that you absolutely can you have to do you the bible says in first john chapter 5 read the entire chapter sometimes says this is how you know that you love god by keeping his commandments it's the only way to show that you love god is by doing what he says that's the beginning point that's why it starts off with the instructions in the garden it wasn't a suggestion that's why here in leviticus chapter nine it starts off with the instructions if you want my glory this is what you're gonna have to do you're gonna have to follow some rules you're gonna have to play some team and you're going to have to sacrifice it's gonna cost you something that bull might have been your favorite one that you grew up with that you raised in your little 4-h class number two bringing a sacrifice without lying this is really important what do you mean what do you mean without lying how many of us bring sacrifices and we don't even know that we're lying to god what do i mean by that okay so so i'll give you a perfect example of my my own life okay my past as a as a financial uh planner you know i made pretty good money like five times more than i make now and uh and i i really didn't use it very well i i didn't i pretty much spent most of it for me like most americans are trained to do didn't give away a whole lot but when i did i was real proud that i was able to have told the story before i gave a 100 tip to a pregnant you know lady once that was my waitress that's a sacrifice with a lie because i could have completely paid her mortgage for probably six months you get that that's a lie that is not a sacrifice whatsoever that is an offering that i gave to her but it was not attached to any kind of sacrifice there was nothing it cost me so i took one out of the 500 bills in my and my wallet at the time one i had four more and i call that a sacrifice in the ancient days i just just mentioned tithings are on the christian according to barna group two percent they bring to god god says he requires ten that's the principle of tithing to support the kingdom of god they they bring two that's called a lie that's a sacrifice that's not a sacrifice when you go to help someone this is why the bible says when somebody wants to take you one mile go two because the one mile is just obligation they asked you the sacrifice is when you go beyond you see yeshua came and it was enough that he obeyed his father and taught the people for three years that's enough for crying out loud he explained how to keep the torah he gave us life he showed us the way but he went beyond that he sacrificed himself it cost him something let me ask you something what does it cost for you to follow god what does it cost you somebody look down on you maybe make fun of you on facebook oh that's a sacrifice that's no sacrifice to be made fun of to be slandered or gossiped so that's a sacrifice in my eyes you know why because i don't know what sacrifice is you go talk to a chinese christian over there where they take their fingers and put them out on a table and say are you a christian they begin to chop them off one at a time that's sacrifice you still believe that yes chop chop chop as they move up the arm watched a video the other day my wife showed me i couldn't even watch it and i have no problem with blood as they took a christian grabbed him by the hair put him on his knees and cut his throat off while he's still alive ladies and gentlemen that is sacrifice that is sacrifice you only do those things when you truly love the lord god with all your heart mind soul and strength and your life means nothing to you that person got it the suffering like paul says the suffering for a moment is nothing compared to the glory to come so he was gasping for air for a few minutes ladies and gentlemen we don't even know what life is we don't understand it we hold what we think is life too close to us we focus on everything that doesn't matter little of us focus on what really really matters god is constantly trying to get my attention jim stop looking to the left or the right the only reason why you heard this is radically impacting me jim the only reason why you hear the barking dogs and you see them is because you're looking out the wrong window you want to not hear the dogs or see them then look out the windshield where you're driving and keep going because someday you're going to look in the rear view mirror and you're going to see hasitan way back there in the meantime every time you look to the left and you look to the right you take your foot off the gas and you start swerving and there's a lot of people following that car the same thing for you so bring a sacrifice without lying number three sincerity from a heart filled with love the love of god is what causes people to get healed ladies and gentlemen it causes everybody to submit themselves willingly it is when yeshua was was was pinned to the cross by nails that the love of god was shown to mankind and that causes us to fall on our knees and be really sincere because you see obedience doesn't matter to god if sincerity of the heart is not there it doesn't matter if that's the case the orthodox will be the next 24 elders in heaven they obey far better than you could ever obey they err on the side of the literal sec part of scripture but the sincerity of the heart through the spirit of yeshua is what matters together with obedience and last but not least if you want the glory to come you must have unity you know god sent me a message he he sent so many prophetic messages to me uh i was telling someone this this week i just really wish i'm diary i have to dire these things diary these things because i i will get messages you know from facebook or or somebody has a dream or a vision and one person one person last month had a dream or a vision and another person had the same vision they don't even know each other so i started journaling these things and at first i was kind of excited about it you know all these things god is just speaking to me left and right and just you know you start to feel like oh i must be special god's speaking to me god has given me vision and then he opened my eyes and said no dummy i'm sending all this to you because you don't have any faith if you believe me the first time i would have send you the second prophet or the third or the fourth or the fifth every dream and every vision added on there jim is because you don't believe me when i say that i love you i have plans to prosper you i have plans to use you in my kingdom i have plans to use my spirit in you so when someone puts their hand against you by the way this is this i'm just one scripture for you too when somebody puts their hand against you when i say that there is not a single weapon that can be formed against you will stand why don't you believe me why do i have to send a vision or a dream why do i have to get somebody on facebook to do something nice for once for you if you just believe me i hung my head in shame and embarrassed and maybe i began to get it but god meant what he said how many times is me as a dad i got six girls i've said you know when they when they say when they come to me and we say no me and me and their mom we have a couple of them that are amazing attorneys in the making they come up man some of them they attorney for their sisters that's how good they are i'm not sure which one's more more intelligent the one that's the attorney or the one that conned the other one to do it for them i don't know but they come to me and they do make all these requests and i say no no no no no no no no no no you go to mom same question then they come back to dead same question same answer no i meant it the first time the power of god comes ladies and gentlemen when we show his love by keeping his commandments through the spirit of yeshua bringing a sacrifice before him your life is supposed to be a living sacrifice of praise did you know that from week to week if you don't get anything else out of the sermon understand this that the god of israel wants you to come before him but you must bring a holy sacrifice you are that sacrifice and you have to have in unity so anyway uh back to the the prophecies uh that i got one of the most powerful prophecies that i got from two different individuals was jim this is what i've called you to do i've called you to do this this and this and this am i going to go through but it's incredible because they use the exact same language i shared it with a few of my staff and they're like miles dropped open because they could have swore the same person wrote it exactly the same words but here's the two things that you must do you must be in unity with your wife and you must remain humble these are the two points that all men fail that i choose to use one of those two points are both either they stand not in unity with their wife or they become prideful because they think that it's about them god gives us formulas first samuel chapter 15 verse 22 love that says has a lord has the lord as great delight and burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of yahweh behold to obey is better than sacrifice and to heed than the fat of rhymes for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness as an iniquity and idolatry when god puts you inside of a congregation inside of accountability and or you're even inside of your own marriage and god provides the opportunity for you to be in unity with one another be in unity it's the highest form of love unity is the moment before glory stay in unity stay in obedience amen all that was introduction now let's begin we're going to dig into what is called shimini the eighth day the number eight which you know is new beginnings but i'm gonna share with you a little deeper things of the number eight god's opened up some stuff to me on this i i'm gonna warn you ahead of time there's so much stuff swimming in my mind i don't know how it's going to come out when it's going to come out or how articulate is going to come out so i'm just going to trust that the father will bring all of this information put it in the right order in the right way that will minister to your life number one on the eighth day i'm just going to go through a bunch of eights just so you can see there's something significant about this eighth day that the priests were inaugurated and by the way backing up into the torah uh the way that the priests were inaugurated is that they were they had to stay at the threshold of the tent of meeting for seven days eating the the bread of the tip from the table of show bread the holy bread for seven days at the threshold they couldn't leave that's where they had to stay for seven days it was only on the eighth day that they were anointed into their service it was the eighth day so remember that there's an anointing there was oil placed on their heads down into the beer that's what it's talking about remember that that happened with aaron kings were anointed the exact same day eighth day so on the eighth day several amazing things happened in the scripture children were circumcised male children were circumcised on the eighth day there is an eighth millennium how many know that that we that a day is a thousand years with the lord and right now we are in the sixth day the bible says even in judaism the ancient rabbis will tell you that there is only six days of creation the seventh day god rested right right back in genesis and they believe exactly what the scripture says amazingly christianity and judaism believe almost identical in in this if not identical in many sects that on the seventh day is going to come the seventh millennium which is when the messiah is going to come back they are even expecting the messiah to come back at the end of this 6 000 years which we are literally at the end of that's called at the end of this of the millennium of the messiah comes the eighth day what does the bible say happens at the end of the 7 000 year millennial reign of christ what happens at that thousand years after that seventh day comes day eight what happens in day eight we got monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday what comes after sunday i counted wrong some of you here we go sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday what comes after saturday sunday everything starts over so would it surprise you that at the end of the millennium god says that he is going to bring about a new heaven and a new earth everything's going back to the beginning the priests went into service as i just explained the name was declared did you know that they declared the name of the children after they were born on the eighth day it was on the eighth day that they declared the name of that person think about this what is in a hebrew name a meaning a purpose a mission it was on the eighth day that they did this so what happens to you what is what does the bible say that's going to happen to you you're going to get a new name with a new purpose and a new mission i wonder what day that's going to be on did you know that adam tried to get close to god and died the sons of aaron tried to bless god their way and they died as well exactly the same situation even today man is trying to bless god their way by changing the sabbath and interestingly enough to the eighth day so on the eighth day we have this paradox because that in the in the scriptures the eighth day is filled with the glory of god showing up multiple times on the eighth day dedication of the temple amazing miraculous things happen on the eighth day but there's also death that happens on the eighth day as well so there is something paradoxical about the eighth day of both blessing and curses that happen and interestingly enough in the course of human history man has decided i'm going to take the seventh day that god hollowed i'm gonna change the seventh day to the eighth day i'm gonna offer my fire my way and if it wasn't for the fact that we are in the age of grace we would have lots of nadab and to be who's lying around everywhere but the fact that we're not just proves that god loves us so much that he's having mercy it does not mean that he's stamping his approval it means that we're in an age of grace where the fire of god is definitely coming out it's burning heavy against us but the blood of the messiah is preventing us from falling over like crispy critters some other things the glory appeared in the tabernacle on the eighth day yeshua rose from the dead on the beginning of the eighth day blood coagulates on the eighth day did you know that's why the god was smart enough to tell them hey do the circumcision on the eighth day you do on the fifth day they're probably going to bleed to death do it on the eighth day because that's when blood coagulates enoch 33 1 says this our apostles quote from enoch so i like to use enoch every once in a while and i appointed the eighth day also that the eighth day should be the first created after my work and that the first seven circles in the form of the seventh thousand and then at the beginning of the eighth thousand there should be a duration of non-counting endless with neither years nor months nor weeks nor days nor hours so the number eight is connected to eternity how many know what happens when you take an eight and you turn it sideways you're getting close you're into eternity it's without ending when i show you the hebrew here it's going to blow your mind god is so smart how many know that shimini assaret okay this is the eighth great day it's called the eighth day of assembly when is this day what is the eighth great day there's only one in the entire calendar it celebrated the 22nd day of the hebrew month of tishrei in the land of israel and on the 22nd 23rd outside the lamb usually co-signing with late september and earl october what am i describing the feast of sukkot sukkot is a seven day feast from the 15th evening the 15th to the evening of the 22nd but on the eighth day god says it's seven day feast but on the eighth day now i remember back when i first started this i'd never forget this with three other people two other people we were digging the scriptures going i think god's schizophrenic i'm confused because it says seven day feast and then over here it says eight day feast and but it's clearly it says seven day and he says seven day feast but on the eighth day and we're scratching our heads going i don't understand because we're gentiles we're new at this whole deal but years later now i totally understand it is a seven day feast but in god's eyes in the spiritual realm there's actually eight days seven for man but on the eighth day it's his and it's holy it's set apart it's the great day it's the last great day the very next day is simcot torah what happens and actually it's on the same day but sim qatar is what it's the beginning of the torah reading cycle it goes back to genesis chapter one do you think that god's trying to give us a hint that on the eighth day the very last of all of the feast days of israel at the end of the year when the harvest has already been done the celebration is finished on that day everything starts back over and it starts off with in the beginning amazing things happen on the eighth day the number eight let's talk about the number eight sukkot is a festival of seven days nope it's eight just like we talked about shavuot was actually on the eighth day did you know that we have seven countings of seven 49 days and what does the bible say on the next day after the sabbath that's shavuot the feast of pentecost so pentecost is actually on the eighth day of the week the new testament was penned by only eight men did you know that matthew mark luke john james peter jude and paul coincidence abraham had eight sons and he's the father of israel in new testament times the day was divided into eight watches for the day and four during the night yeshua showed himself eight times after the resurrection god saved eight people on noah's ark that was probably coincidence two eight is the number of new beginnings it's the number of growth fatness as you're going to see in just a moment being rich and getting your inheritance that's why there had to be eight yeshua's greek name eosis adds up to 888 now i know that there's so many people that are against greek and i don't want to greek you out either like my friend matthew nolan says but there's nothing evil about greek or latin or english or hebrew for that matter you can't look into the greek culture to understand a hebrew bible okay but you can look into the greek and it sometimes it helps us significantly understand words uh when there are no hebrew counterparts and i just thought it was interesting that the name of yeshua in greek is 888 might be a coincidence but the eighth letter of the hebrew alphabet is het everybody says it's a guttural sound okay now wipe off the back of your head from the person behind you okay but here's the pictograph so 4 000 years ago this is what it looked like it looked like a fence okay it was basically two fence posts and uh and the the leather that's in between so that's what a uh the letter hat looked like and uh it's a fence which means to separate and connect it creates the choice for the next letter of the alphabet if you don't know what i'm talking about get the hebrew alphabet series that i have it will absolutely blow your mind and how you can point at every single part of your life and you can see exactly where you're at on the hebrew alphabet because every letter if you are at a place where you need to make a decision you're at the letter tat because that's what the letter tet is the decision you make the wrong decision you go back behind the fence which is the previous letter you make the right decision you get the next letter which is yod which is the right hand power of god and so it's amazing how that all works but the letter hat is the fence that separates and divides one side from the other that's exactly what it does all the through the scriptures god reaffirms his covenant to abraham eight times not seven eight the word rainbow catch this has a value of 800. the greek value of lord and faith is also 800. yeshua appeared to his disciples eight days after his resurrection could have been seven he chose eight there are eight individual resurrections in the bible king david was the eighth son of jesse all these i'm sure just total coincidence do you know bethlehem has mentioned eight times in the new testament psalm 119 is broken up into 22 sections one for each hebrew letter of the alphabet of eight verses each do you think that god had a plan he's trying to mention he's trying to say something here here's what the rabbi says i love this here's a rabbi he's a non-believer he says this at the level of devi this is kind of deep so follow along with me at the level of divinity the number eight alludes to the absolute infinity of god whereas at the level of souls circumcision gives one the power to overcome obstacles at this level of awareness god's true infinity links one in covenant to his very essence when linked to infinity overcoming obstacles even death the secret of resurrection becomes self-evident and second nature when absolutely connected to the infinite one there can be in truth no obstacle now this rabbi has no idea that yeshua rose from the dead on the eighth day the secret of resurrection catch what he says there i love it when you get this is what basically what he says when you get this and you're totally connected to the infinite there is not a single obstacle that is even in your way whatever is in your way is only an illusion to test you if you can continue on the way it's just an illusion eight shimano in hebrew sheen mem noon hey what does that mean in hebrew pictograph i don't know let's figure it out sheen is the is is like teeth it's it's the all-consuming fire sheen by itself is el shaddai the net one of the names of god mem is like water noon is life and hay is revelation so you have the all-consuming fire that brings the water of life which brings revelation this is the number eight ladies and gentlemen number eight is all about noah it's all about what happened the fire of god comes it consumes brings the water of god just by the way mem is like chaos it's like just like noah's uh noah's ark in that whole experience brings the waters of chaos and when the waters reside what happens life and revelation so eight shimano this is amazing that's what the number eight means but the root word is shem and you can see it there sheen mem noon and that shemin is the same word for oil fatness richness or anointing the exact same word the root word for eight is oil it is anointing this is why god says it is on the eighth day that you anoint the priest with oil and the word for god's name is built into the whole thing when you hear the word baruch hashem what does that say baruch is blessed ha is the shem his name blessed be the name shem is name so you'll see here a lot of people say baroque hashem or hashem hashem is god the name of god is built right into this el shaddai el shaddai with water is the name built into the word anoint the name of god anoints on the eighth day if you take the word for eight this is incredible and replace the sheen el shaddai with the aleph the first letter in the hebrew alphabet which is the head you get the word emunah which means faith now what's so significant about this on an ancient pictograph is this is that the bible should have started with an aleph but it starts with a bait better sheet starts with a bait and and scholars for millennium have been asking why didn't god choose the letter alif it would make a lot more sense to start off the bible with aleph until they realize that aleph is the hidden letter aleph is is the ox it is the leader of the house the leader of the house of god is invisible you can't see it it's only the bait that you can see bait in hebrew means house it's the house that you can see it's the temple that you can see it's my body that you can see but you cannot see the leader of my body it is hidden on the inside and so if you take the word sheminah and you replace the sheen with the hidden aleph you literally have faith and that is what god is all about that is what the oil or the anointing that's what he's looking for more than anything is faith you have to have faith in the hidden one's name in order to be anointed to be a priest on the eighth day that is the gospel built into the number eight isn't that amazing praise the lord still in the second introduction we're getting there there are eight planets in our solar system we thought there were nine how many of you grew up and they told us there's nine poor pluto you know what i mean always gets left out in the cartoon and left out in our solar system there's eight planets in our solar system all chemical elements fall into eight categories when we start going to get into science i love science every chemical element comes down into eight categories we're gonna find out why in just a minute the dna rna dialogue so the speech that happens between the dna and the rna molecule the molecular information system governing life is transmitted by 64 codons or eight times eight there's a reason why god chose eighty could have chose seven that have been a cool number two but there's a reason in dentistry there are eight teeth in every in each of the four quadrants in your mouth the eighth tooth i love this the ace tooth calls your wisdom teeth you think that's coincidence i see i love it when god uses our own intellect against us trying to give us a hint that eight is connected to wisdom there's something about it why do they call it wisdom teeth i don't know get off of google right now not allowed in church check this out there are eight cervical nerves on each side in man and in most animals eight the chemical element of oxygen has eight has an atomic number of eight the most fundamental thing that we need to breathe has an atomic number of eight why there's something that god's trying to say i'm telling you and now we're going to get into the cool part and we'll close with this although this is not going to be a two minute close there's 88 keys on a keyboard right matt okay that didn't sound like matt a little russian female there but that's okay i think it's right so 88 keys but watch what happens here how many have ever heard i was going to have this queued up uh been much better than me singing it but how many have ever heard of doremi fasolati yeah there's a whole reason why most of you are not on a worship team because i think we hit most of the notes on the ada keyboard right there but do re mi faso latti do right all music compositions can be found in what's called an octave i'm not a professional musician but i love music and i love the the theory behind it i just love mechanical things to begin with it doesn't matter what it is and this is one of the most fascinating things i've ever seen that god has revealed to me is that the entire universe is held together by what's called vibrations better known in english as sound everything is vibrating like this everything 98 of all that you see in the universe is nothing every the other two percent is vibrating in sound so what fills the space between object and object is a sound so when god says that he holds together the entire universe by his word he means it because when he spoke it that sound has never left his his lips the light signals and the vibrations that come from him are holding it together and the second that he gets distracted and turns his face and sound stops the entire universe will be destroyed because it's held together all by strings like we started this entire message every one of those vibrations can be found on one of these notes so watch how this works this is so incredible to me inside of every octave there are what's called two interruptions or uh two things that happen that change the direction of the pitch because in between you would think that god would be you know from our perspective smart enough to make all seven of those notes and by the way how many know that there's not eight notes there's seven and for those of you that are sleeping let me wake you up this keyboard over here is this thing on it's not going to be on because i didn't tell them to turn it on oh they should never let me play with this they're still young all right here we go so here we go that is actually the seven notes in an octave monday tuesday wednesday thursday sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday [Music] eighth day you see the keys on a keyboard represent the days of the week they represent the millennium they represent every planet star and molecular force that is out there everything is connected to those seven notes or is it eight you see the significance we just talked about the feast of sukkot it's seven days but is it eight because the eighth note is the exact same note as the first note on a higher level so let me throw something out to you that came to me at 3 20 something in the morning last night which is getting old by the way but i'm loving what you're giving me yeshua is the exact representation of his father same note just a harmonic of one another the father is the original note the sun is the exact same note but if you play both notes at the same time they don't sound exactly the same but they do [Music] you catch what i'm saying father son now watch this you the light of the world that's you it's beautiful you didn't know i could play [Applause] so back to our interruptions because this is when it's that was a commercial we're back from our interruption i'm going to show you that there's a reason why there's interruptions in the octave scale so what do i mean by that every note could have been perfectly uh literally exactly the same equiden's equidistance from one another because waves go like this okay and so if you take the waves in between do and re that might be like this between uh rey and me it's a little bit different but pretty close but between me and phi it's slower how many have ever sat on the side of a road and you hear a diesel coming right and it's right don't ask me to do that again i'm not going to do it you know exactly what i'm talking about it starts off low but then it gets higher higher pitch because the waves are getting shorter to shorter because the distance between you and the sound is getting closer so it's a higher pitch but when it goes past you there's more distance between you and the vehicle and so the waves are longer and the sound goes down it's called retardation or slowing down okay in musical terms and so what happens is is that not every one of these are the same there's actually three different speeds that are happening here between each of these seven notes but between me and phi and t and do there is a significant slowing down so you have an angle that's going perfectly straight like this do me and then all of a sudden it slows down just a little bit and goes in a different direction how many of you feel like i know i want to go from point a to point b i got it figured out i know how to get there i'm going to walk and about three steps in something happens in your life and you end up in a different direction i mean seriously is this not the pattern of our life and i believe that god put this in here because he's trying to give us a hit that this is the way life is supposed to be follow along with me if you're not if you're not following along that made a lot of sense man it's just you know what i'm saying all right so back to our interruptions before i was so rudely interrupted between me and phil this is what happens there is an interruption and it's there for a reason god the entire universe is built on this concept that within two within one level we're gonna call this a spiritual level okay so in one octave of your spiritual life there will be two interruptions and they're both completely different in how they operate and the way that that you get past this interruption and i'll talk about that in just just a minute so these two interruptions happen and they bend time they bend your direction now what's really incredible about this that that now this was from a secular guy he's an atheist you know these people that come up with this stuff is is you know they're mathematical people they don't believe in god and so this is not something that i just found on the internet and and no this is this is something when i saw this diagram and i saw this and it was reading all this this mumbo jumbo of science formulas and scales and all this stuff god began to illuminate and say no jim this is the pattern of life this is what life is it's a it's a combination of me trying to get you to another octave another level because every one of you are emanating a frequency and a sound let me just say it this way even every one of you has a song every one of you are singing whether you like it or not even the rocks are crying out and worshiping their god at a certain level in a certain frequency in a certain octave that he's okay with every one of you are doing this but at some point in your life what's going to happen is you're going to run across an interruption and it's going to you it's going to slow you down and so from your perspective now you're going in the wrong direction because anybody in the right mind especially us greeks who think literally you're not going the right direction jim god said gave you this vision you're not going in the right direction it's like being at i like to give the examples like being on this side of the highway i know i got to get to that side of the highway it's really simple so god being led by the spirit me being led by the spirit of god i take three steps he says stop say okay god we are now in the middle of the highway not a good spot he's like well you're lucky i made you stop on a dash because they're not supposed to drive there so i'm in a good spot on the highway and he says i want you to make a left and i said god i can't make a left because you told me to go this way you see a lot of times god shows you the end only so you know that where you're supposed to get be when you get there you recognize that this is what he showed me but getting from point a to point b sometimes is a little more difficult so then i make a left and i say okay god i trust you and what i don't know is the moment that i made a left that there was a semi that crossed over the line that wasn't supposed to do that and he was just saving me all right let's continue so now we have i just want to show you there's two interruptions so here's how it works there have always been two parts to a true worshiper everything is about sound everything's about worship everything is about coming before our god so let me just say it the way the gospel writers said it in john chapter 4 verse 24 god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth so as he brought this to my mind early this morning i began to say okay god what are you trying to say here he said those are the two interruptions this is it these are the formulas for the two interruptions every single time this is why i didn't say there was three i said there's two spirit and in truth so i said lord explain this to me so this is what he said he said everything starts off with spirit your entire spiritual plan the first octave you ever sang was when you had faith in yeshua the messiah this is the moment of the into first interruption in your life that happened before you were even into the octave so if you notice on the screen right here that the first interruption comes before the first octave it doesn't come in the octave it comes right before so faith is what starts everything the spirit of god is what starts everything no one comes to the father except through the spirit it says then what happens in the middle of your first octave comes your first interruption and then amazingly right at the very end right before the promotion there will always be another interruption no one ladies and gentlemen walks through life singing the song of god and just walks right through and gets their promotion without that interruption it is the way of the universe there's not a patriarch in the bible look at joseph tremendous example right before the greatest promotion of singing on a whole new level he was put into prison why it's his interruption now let me say it the way i like to teach people in discipleship or or when i'm mentoring someone or counseling someone it's the interview your interruptions are just interviews but you have to recognize which one they are so let's continue because this only gets better the first one is the spirit or faith the second one is obedience to truth you see this is where most people lie is when you get saved what does god say you have to now start walking out your salvation with fear and trembling so you just start obeying god so in between the faith that you had in yeshua and the third and a half or the fourth step somewhere along that line after the resurrection by the way three days three notes on the fourth note there's a change let me say that again where did faith happen on the day yeshua died or the day that he rose from the dead the day that he died if you're a disciple that's where your faith comes from he walks through the door it's pretty easy to have faith but the day that your rabbi dies after he said that he's the messiah that's a really difficult day on you that's why they're all hiding that's the day of faith that's the crux that's the moment the critical decision three days later is the fourth note now when he raises from the dead now is when they have to walk now's the the moment when they have to obey now is the point when they have to start doing what god with the messiah told them to do for three and a half years and share it with others but it's not enough that moment or that interruption into your life is gonna happen again the first time is just obedience blind obedience will get you through that the second one is going to be far more difficult so let's talk about the two interruptions per the octave most people live right here in between accepting jesus in in in some sort of obedience to his ways and to his word but they come to the fourth step that fourth day fourth commandment and they find themselves in a difficult place they find themselves in a place where there is a situation that comes into their life and they don't know what to do and this is the matter of will it is a matter of pure will there is no faith involved whatsoever in this part of your journey as you sing the notes of worship to your god most people stop when it comes to the place of the pure will they can't get over the struggle in their life maybe it's pornography maybe it's selfishness maybe it's greed maybe it's power maybe it's whatever it is and they have no idea that is not even required to have the faith of god god didn't say have faith on mount sinai he said if you obey me you'll be given life you will have blessing there's a whole nother part so if we think that this is the difficult part you're only on the fourth note of the first octave because the most difficult part is to come which is this some actually get here some discover the word of god in a deeper level they start putting it into practice they start doing bible things in bible ways they start loving people the way that god says when someone comes up to them and starts gossiping they reject it and gently rebuke them and tell them to go work it out they let they they when they have ought against their brother they don't raise their hands before god they go and do their best to work it out they do their part they actually begin to do bible things in bible ways that is this that's the faso lot and t that means that you're doing an amazing job at promoting the love of god and the will of god through the obedience to his word you can guarantee you if that is you that you are about to get promoted which should make you nervous because that's when the second interruption happens that second interruption is always different than the first one because it doesn't require obedience only go back to the story that we had of excuse me moses and aaron you see the interruption was that god promised the glory but he was not about to bring it until it was beyond obedience they had to have unity and faith they had to go out together if i was them i wouldn't even want to show my face again because it was already humiliating the second interruption you will always know that you this is it this is a formula you will always know when you're about to get promoted because you will find yourself in a situation that you can't control you can't fix you couldn't have prescribed it you don't know how to get out of it you're under a rock you're behind a car accident you're in a situation where you literally are required to do one of two things quit and deny your god which you would never do verbally but you can do it physically or number two have the faith to let him walk you through the fire even though you think that you might get burned see there's two fires in life there's one fire that you can see through and you know what's on the other side so god says walk through the fire i can see it i'm gonna walk through the fire that's the first interruption the second interruption is when you see fire but it's so thick you don't know what's on the other side and you think it's a cliff you know what the scripture says to do but to do it would require your sacrifice no sacrifice and obedience ladies and gentlemen it's just obedience are you kidding me my three-year-old when i say do this if i told my three-year-old to walk out in the middle of the street or my one-year-old they would do it they're just obeying you you catch my drift there's a difference between obedience and total faith and sacrifice obedience is i'm doing what daddy says because i know that daddy loves me and he knows what's best for me faith is believing what daddy says but knowing that there is a massive consequence if he's wrong now i'm going to exercise my obedience through faith and this is the discussion in james show me your faith without works and i will show you my faith by what i do because in the hebrew mindset faith and works work together you can't tell me that you have faith until you've come to an interruption in your song so let's finish this up when you get very few people actually get to the place where they are at their second interruption and they walk in faith and obedience it is at that moment that you get promoted to a whole other octave now the significance of that is not just metaphorical ladies and gentlemen this is serious science it's called let me put it in paul's terms i must decrease so that he can increase so that when i walk in obedience to his word through the spirit of faith in yeshua what happens is is i'm getting less which allows more of the light to shine through me and i get to sing at a different level it's the eighth day it's the eighth note when you get to the eighth note you will always have oil poured over your head and a stronger anointing in your life but when you get to the eighth day and you get to that eighth note the system starts all over you'll be challenged to obey him in ways that you didn't think of before and then right before your next promotion you're gonna have a greater interruption than it was before on the previous level because the life of christ is not about sitting on a throne and enjoying the television show the life of christ is death to death watch this which way is up is the question that i have because if you were to diagram out the octaves this is what it looks like so every single time i get an interruption in my life and it sends me on a downward spiral from my human perspective this is what satan puts in your ear is that i am getting further away from god through these ridiculous distractions and all of these terrible things that happen in my life or whatever you don't have the mind of god you've been trained wrong the octave is designed to go in a downward spiral spiraled you know why because we are in a creation that's fallen and god is trying to get us back to the beginning the octaves go all the way in a circle to the beginning so the further down you go and the more difficult life becomes with every passing of test you are actually getting closer to the original song come on you are designed to sing and the song of moses came when when the horses and the chariots were drowned in the sea that was a traumatic experience the promotion came on the other side your promotion comes through an interview process called octave inter interruptions your song is going to get interrupted the way that you planned it out will be interrupted most of my life as a firstborn son and a very an overachiever on top of that i had thought life figured out at age eight not a single thing has happened that i planned because god kept interrupting my life how many of you sometimes go god seriously leave don't ever finish that sentence you don't ever want god to leave you alone you want ladies and gentlemen how many of you have felt like god pressing down on you have you ever even considered that he is pressing down on you to protect you from what's on the outside that you can't see he's squishing you because there's something greater that wants to kill you so the only way to elevate you is to deflate you it's the opposite of what we see in the natural realm no one gets elevated on accident that's why god says what is he saying his word you catch all this stuff it's so scientific god says that those who are humble what's he do raises them up those that are prideful they go before the fall he pulls them down god only raises up those that are going down is anybody catching this okay so when you feel like that your life is falling apart praise the living god you are about to be promoted to another song folks let me tell you something let me get personal for a minute my life has been nothing but trouble trauma tribulation for years one thing after another that very few people know about one attack after another one trauma one traumatic thing after another and i began to go god i thought you loved me because my religion says that if you love me you protect me from even yourself and life will be easy and god says no what you don't know is that you are so full of yourself and religion and all the baggage from previous generations that you don't have a clue how much i have to crush you because i want you to sing a new song not a song like your previous generations not like the former uh fathers and grandfathers that sang a song and stopped on the third note how many songs can you sing with three notes god says i want you to use all 88 keys and the only way to do that is to interrupt your life constantly if you have two interruptions in your life and you pass both of them you get to use 16 notes if i interrupt your life once a month you're playing with every note i've got in my arsenal how fast do you want to sing my song says the lord do you want to sing what angels sing then then you better beg for me to interrupt your life there's one person that i've quoted many many times in the scriptures he goes by the same name as media it's co-figure yaakov james i believe he was a musician he understood it when he says consider it pure joy when you face your interview your interruption because if you consider pure joy then god will elevate you and give you endurance and you won't lack anything you see yeah you can you can keep your little you know water gun on this level and shoot the demons with water guns in their eyeballs on this level but you want to go to a whole new level and you want to bring your water gun with you you're going to need a bb gun on this level and when you get to the next level you're gonna need a revolver next one you're gonna need a shotgun and then a rifle then a bazooka ladies and gentlemen god is looking for a choir of people that will sing a new song in unity i'll never forget this brings me uh i'll close with this it brings me my remembrance i had a dream once it's one most powerful dreams i ever had in my life it was uh i believe in my eighth year of marriage go figure and um i'll never forget it i was there was a crowd of people there's so many people everywhere all over the place this is long before uh ever came into torah or understanding the front of the book at all and i saw all these people i was evangelist at the time so i was looking from that perspective i'd love to share the gospel with people and i saw that everybody there were there were people that had these these red dots on their head and so i would go up to the people with the red dots on their head and i would move them through the crowd i would take them and i would move the crowd and there was this huge like beanstalk this huge plant that was coming out from the earth and it was moving up just like jack and the beanstalk and it was invisible nobody could see it that would bring people over there and they still didn't see it i would explain to them what they need to do and they think i'm crazy so then i would take my hands put them on their hands and place them around the beanstalk until they felt each leaf pass through their hands and then i would press god told me to press on their hands until it it caused them to grab the leaves would grab them and begin to take them up and so they went up one at a time i would just go get people and bring them over and they would go up and run over time they would go up and then eventually there was no more people with red dots so i decided i'm going to go over and i'm going to get on this beanstalk so i got on and i was just resting from my labor and i began to go up until i got to a certain point and i heard angels singing and i was on the worship team at the time and i i it was the most beautiful sound i've ever heard i've never heard a sound like this in my life it was like exactly what the the authors in the new testament say and some of the prophets say it was like many waters it's the best but there's no i get it why they use that term it's exactly what it sounded like except it was like many waters with flutes infused into it it was the most incredible harmonic beautiful rainbow type of sound if there's such a thing as a visual to sound and i i started to hear there was just one chorus that they were singing it was over and over again and i remember tilting my ear as i was memorizing this chorus over and over and i got closer and closer it got louder and louder and i was on the last word of the chorus and i woke up god wouldn't let me hear that he wouldn't let me hear that last word and i believe that this is so relevant that dream for this moment right here because there's something beautiful in god's eyes when men and women sing together in harmony there's something beautiful that happens when moses and aaron come together in harmony they bless the people at the same time it does not say that aaron bless the people it says that they blessed the people you can bet your bottom dollar that they are both saying the hebrew blessing together in harmony in unity and the glory showed up the people of god got to experience a level and a harmonic and sounds they never heard before this is your time for those of you that are going through a hard time and you're sniffling through your hard time please take this the right way shame on you for not believing in the power of your god there is faith is being at the red sea and looking at the egyptian army and going i need to pull my iphone out i cannot wait to get them drowning in the red sea i don't know how god's going to do it but i'm putting it on my youtube channel i told you just a few minutes ago my life has been filled with just trauma and tribulation and i have never until now gotten to the place where i have been able to look back because my life is 110 miles an hour so i rarely get to look back but the lord has slowed me down just just enough to look back at my life and go wow i am not even i'm not even reacting the same way why am i not even having a hard time with this i should be shivering in my timbers but instead i'm praising my king and that's not any glory to me but it's the glory to the song that god is allowing me to sing i'm starting finally to get to a place where i recognize that tribulations and trials are interviews promotion is around the corner i get closer to my king they are nothing the closer you get to the king the more you realize that his power and his glory is so strong darkness cannot even stand in its presence so whatever darkness that i'm experiencing is only a temporary non-reality to the existence that i see with my physical eyes and if you didn't catch that the first time all that to say is that i'm looking with the wrong eyes if i get down based on the situation around me then i'm looking through physical eyes i don't believe in god because my god says that i have not come to destroy you i've come to bless my name through you i called you to be a light on the hill and i meant it my arm is not too short my ear is not to hear when a child is in labor when a woman is labor and a child is about to be born i do not shut the womb says the lord god so how is it that many of us come into labor if you will and we believe because a situation comes into our life that god's just going to like leave us oh man bummer god left me no he's not he had to step out of the room and let the enemy in because it's the enemy that interviews you you see you pass every interview with the king of the universe stand in the room but it's the enemy is the agent of god to give you your promotion and the enemy is dumb enough to not even see it or he would never go into the room he would never tempt you he would never give you the trial of the tribulation but he can't stop it because he phones at his mouth at the hope that you will not pass that interview but god is in control our king is in control of that serpent and he forces listen to me he forces the serpent to bring you the promotion in his right hand he makes the serpent give you your promotion if you pass the test how would you like to be the enemy that you are forced to bring job ten times what you took away whatever god has taken away from you and if you're righteous it is him don't blame him on the enemy he's just the agent that's his torture for now to bless the people of god he sent the egyptian army blessing the people of god they had never seen the miracle of the red sea opening the enemy ladies and gentlemen is your promoter laugh in his face and sing your song in front of him sing the song of moses because the chariots and pharaoh are about to be drowned in the sea if you believe that god is who he said he was stand with me please give the lord a praise offering because he is so worthy tonight if you were in a place where you're you are you are frustrated you are being interrupted god is interrupting your life and some of you perfectionists like me don't like it when anybody interrupts your life including god but if you want to go to another level it's going to cost you something be willing to sacrifice be willing to go above and beyond do something that makes you uncomfortable this week ladies and gentlemen get out of your comfort zone i don't care if you're six or you're 86. did you know that the older you get there's a chemical reaction that happens to your brain i'll just call it a groove because that's what it is you get in a groove you don't want to get out get out of your groove do something you've never done before help somebody that you never thought you would help stop and ask somebody to pray for them and you had never ever done that because you're not a firstborn you're not an outgoing person be outgoing ask somebody what can i pray for you ask your waiter everyone that's in the sound of my voice i challenge you this week go out to eat one time with your family love on your family and then do this pray for the waiter or the waitress specific prayers [Music] do something crazy for god [Music] wake up the enemy if you're not getting trials and tribulations you're probably not doing a single thing for the kingdom that means you're stuck on one note you do not want me to sing one note how long can that go before it is just like boring terrible in the sound of the ears it's the same in god's ears he doesn't want you to sing one note he wants you to be all over some of the most beautiful singers in history one of my favorite singers of all time whitney houston god has given gave her the most beautiful voice i've ever heard it's a shame that the enemy stole it and what made her so beautiful in so many people's uh perspective she's saying all over the spectrum guys keep the enemy at bay and guessing by singing all over the spectrum he can't guess what note you're going to because you have qualified for the whole 88 keys you want to get in bondage with the enemy stay on your two notes because he's got a 50 50 chance father we just come before you we thank you for the greatness the greatness [Music] you've put inside of each and every one of us you've called us to be kings oh god and queens [Music] you have not called us lord to be the least in the kingdom you want us to be the greatest but the greatest [Music] must first be the least he must be knocked off his pedestal knock off his horse like paul thinking he's serving you before we must be raised up we first fall on our face before we see the glory we must go into the tent with our brother ask for forgiveness have unity forgive us god for the for the times for those of us that are married lord that that we do the wrong thing we say the wrong thing we hurt our spouse forgive us for not having the spiritual gifts and the fruits of the spirit flowing through us at the level that you want us to have lord i'm convinced the fruits of the spirit are just simply sounds beautiful sounds that are supposed to come from our heart father i pray if there is a single person that lord will get one thing out of this message they would repent for being bummed out at being called in for an interview forgive them o god for answering you're just answering their prayer they prayed just a few weeks ago god take me where i need to be no matter what it costs me and then you bring the cost and we're not willing to pay for it you open the door and invite us in we see the face of the enemy and we don't even know what's behind his back is a new robe new papers a new calling a new song father i praise you and thank you for all the tribulations in my life i thank you god that they will not get easier because i want to have [Music] a greater experience with you i want to be a instrument that is clean pure holy able to be used by you at the at every note the highest note lord let the kings and queens take their place tonight let them not back down from the enemy but smile in the face of adversity knowing that you are the one looking through that glass in that interview window we can't see on the other side of the glass but you are watching the whole thing and you will not allow the enemy to take a step across that table [Music] lord can i just say something thank you for being bigger than us thank you father for seeing what we can't see and thank you so much for giving us mercy and grace for our lack of faith and our doubt for your word says that he who doubts is like a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind has no clue where he's going keep us in the boat father let us be like yeshua in the middle of a storm and be so spiritually minded that we can sleep and rest in chaos you are the lord of the storm we submit our lives to you tonight and as a fellowship we say thank you thank you for the attacks thank you for all the things that happen that are positive in your perspective negative in ours our promotion to serve you in a greater capacity is at hand we love you god we thank you for your son who gave us the perfect pattern of death equals life [Music] and like my ancient ancestors said may the lord god bless you may he keep you may his face shine upon you in your interview may he be gracious to you when you doubt him for a moment may his countenance be lifted up over you and may he give you shalom with a new song and everyone said amen amen hallelujah god is good is he not [Music] [Applause] [Music] you