[Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] no [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] what la [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh baby oh [ __ ] baby we're back just need to make sure that all of my sounds are off on all my other screens so that we don't get the double derp Crown noises in the background it's like the SC [ __ ] feminist but it's a good morning Elsa's actually already had a workout she woke up at [ __ ] 6:00 a.m. 6: a.m. went to the gym 5 she woke up at 5 went to the gym at six holy [ __ ] good stuff Elsa and plenty to talk about today with Bitcoin on the higher term time frames and actually on the lower term time frames as well we continue on with the short-term correction but the higher term time frames are giving some very very very very very very powerful signals here which I do believe is going to be probably the last major opportunity in this next uh this this week basically May maybe next week as well but ultimately the next big opportunity if you are looking at this Market is still bullish which maybe it's not I don't know you know anyways that'll be the talk of today of course I'm going to be getting into this one after we let a few more people join on in here it's a pretty quiet day very few people watching right now 400 people in the Stream but good morning to all of the 400 and we got 18 likes on the video terrible ratio but that's all right man we're going to we're going to run through this one anyways I see a lot of familiar face in here but Mr Mr crown is jacket confirmed I am jacket and you are sweatshirt sir what's up Matthew Bund Sue Su wait what the [ __ ] is this name this is like one of those sounded out names that I just I can't pronounce it man I can't pronounce it I don't know what to say man what's up philson I know that one I know that name I know durian I know no Gomez Paul do Dr Dr God how do I say this one as well do J AKA I like it man toxic Maddy GT coin operated Tom construct le le slip Michael blast holy [ __ ] man it's good it's really really good and HF FM our lovely commenter how do you pronounce my name [ __ ] if I know man you just you just say the letters anyways today's a very exciting morning it does look like breaking news breaking news stupid to say that but uh but there is breaking news at least for myself because uh it looks like it looks very much like we're going to have a fight confirmed in September in Singapore for token 20 24 token 20 49 to the Token conference the shitcoin conference whatever the [ __ ] it is doesn't matter man we're going there to fight we're going there to fight we had a couple of opponents or potential opponents I should say one of them was actually anom but it doesn't look like he is going to uh it doesn't look like there's going to be a good match up for him he's also like literally a foot taller than me but and also also like another 10 or 12 kilos bigger than me but but it would have been a good matchup it's actually going to be against or or seemingly against it's not fully fully confirmed right now but it does look very very likely it's going to be against uh this this like YouTuber guy who's like more of an interviewer guys I don't think he's a crypto guy uh but should be good should be very very good man I'm very excited I [ __ ] love I love it man I absolutely love it and we'll give it a we'll give it like another 5 10 minutes for people to stream on in here uh this this this this particular stream actually will be important in terms of uh in terms of kind of extrapolating on the you know on the more long-term case for Bitcoin because several things actually did happen in the last uh 24 to 48 hours now that actually does I didn't I don't necessarily know if it changes the picture but it does uh confirm have have further confirmations on things that we were looking at and I want to really go deeply into that so yeah man before Singapore go to Thailand and get some hard training man I'm getting hard as [ __ ] training here in Finland Thailand actually would be really really good for that but um but for me man it's uh it would take too much time too much setup I got all my Comforts here I know my food sources here which is so huge that's actually a big problem for me in Dubai like the food there it's good but it's not it's not like Finland I mean Finland just has the highest of the high qualities when you go to the when you go to the grocery store like everything's organic it's just amazing it's [ __ ] incredible you feel so different breathing the air here man it's just a just just beautiful man [ __ ] beautiful Ramen profitable crypto yes some top ramen is what we're looking for here and uh and yeah man shave your back here so she has nothing to grab onto she yes my opponent is also uh is also my girlfriend or my fiance who knows uh get hard we're getting hard as [ __ ] philson I'm hard already crypto cobaine says full derp we're derping it up my man and or organic organic yes I'm very organic as well gay for ta and organic as [ __ ] that's what we're looking for in this morning how did your hair transplant Go I mean you can see that there's literally hair on my head so uh it worked it worked but the problem is now the the hair is falling out in the areas that they did not plant it so I'll probably have to get another hair transplant at some point but it's not so bad man I'm a hair trans which means that I can use all of the all of the euphan isms for well the t word and uh actually I visited or we visited um Elsa's parents this past weekend for her sister's wedding and they're hilarious by the way they they they say some funny ass [ __ ] and it's even funnier because they don't speak English so I have to get it translated from Elsa to me and they have all sorts of comments on the current uh on the current events of the world and how things are going in in certain communities [ __ ] hilarious man get on d Tas ride actually am on it but uh it falls out anyways man I think I'm just destined to uh to be hairless on the top of my head but hair just goes everywhere else in my body who the [ __ ] knows what's going on there man um can't wait for orc Crown to return post new hair transpl yeah man that was that was that was weird that was really weird it kind of scary too cuz for like a day or two I actually could not really open my eyes um it looked hilarious for sure but uh but God damn it like I actually couldn't open one of my eyes for about a day day and a half it was uh it was pretty bad anyways I should let you know as the background of this particular video is suggesting that the first the first live class event for the second cohort of the crown school begins in 4 hours 13 minutes and 43 seconds and counting you can sign up for free with the uh with the link right here or the link in the description below in fact I'll actually just show you quickly the link the one right here the one right here that literally says link or this one it's quite confusing but you never know man it you know it it is the YouTubes after all and uh sometimes sometimes some things just get lost they get lost in translation unfortunately seasonality chart is extremely bullish starting tomorrow Moon soon actually the moon has happened as of Monday and uh well that's actually be a bit of a topic today I'll still give it another few minutes here for people to stream on in we're almost at 600 people watching right now uh again little bit quieter despite Bitcoin actually having some pretty significant um moves here uh but you know I think that's still kind of a Testament to the fact that there's not really seeming to be new people coming into this Market out of yet I don't think that that happens until you get one of those you know Bitcoin headlines to new highs you know 880,000 plus perhaps you know a new eight handle on it would probably look pretty damn good um but uh but yeah I mean that that does kind of speak to the to like the the the lack of fomo that we see right now in this market um so it does still look to me like the you know just like the underlined Market uh uh Dynamics are still you know more or less muted I mean we're not really seeing any any anything super crazy as of right now play that Whitney ta clip which one is that what which which one are you talking about Whitney ta clip remind jog my mind I don't know exactly which one you're talking about but you know what before we get into that I should I should actually play something very important for you okay this is a part of your American education for all the [ __ ] heathens here and it'll be just about perfect timing because once this clip ends we'll probably have we'll probably have we'll probably have about the right amount of people in here so you know what I'm going to play this clip without very much comment I just want you to listen I want you to learn I want you to be open-minded towards the plight of some individuals in this not in this country in Finland but in America and I want you to be aware I want you to be aware of the changing Dynamics and why we cannot we cannot let orange himler be elected again the KKK you've talked about this the KKK members don't wear sheets over their face that that the Trump effect is that people are out of the closet with their misogyny they're out of the closet with their racism Clos do you see that I mean I see that as potentially the most corrosive impact yes I think it's really true I was in the street the other day and some guy saw me with my new air and goes hey you you look like a dke I was like to my face right I thought the same thing the cooning of the culture in in my whole career as trashed you behind your back you know no nobody would ever come up to you and say something to your face right but the culture now is such that this is what's happening he's he has degraded the culture it's really bad guys so um yeah the situation needs to be fixed uh immediately um no more calling people's dkes to their faces what do it behind their back like real people you [ __ ] face I wish I was there for that interaction just so I could have it like I have a picture in my mind of what that looked like and and what that sounded like but God damn man uh unfortunately I'll never know the truth of the situation I just love that [ __ ] man I just [ __ ] love that [ __ ] it's great it's absolutely great it's very redacted I agree as well Mr Michael blast but you know what we love redaction we love redaction pretty laggy yeah it is pretty laggy right now I don't know what the hell's going on with that maybe let uh let me check it out yeah my CPU is like going [ __ ] crazy right now I don't know what the hell is uh I I don't know why the hell that is let me see what's uh what's taking up all of the all the space there and um all I hear is re is the stream glitching for anyone else uh let me just yeah okay okay there does seem to be some issues here maybe it's the it's the lizard Council not being happy with that play uh with that clip that we just played um let me see uh I am going to yeah okay it actually wants me to increase it wants me to increase the bit rate here so let me just try that and see if that fixes the issues uh why is that not popping up there we go okay great all right let's see if we can do this Midstream here and perhaps wait yes maybe we can it's Elsa says it's the lefties okay all right let's see if this let's see if this fixes it I just um I just increase the bit rate which is what it's uh which what which is what it's asking for right now so hopefully that solves our issues uh but then again it looks like it's boering still the hell's going on here man what the [ __ ] going on here need to figure out uh what is eating up so much of my some something's eating up a [ __ ] ton of my uh computer hold on let me just um I don't know let's let's see if this works let's let's see if this works here give it a task manager and figure the hell figure the hell out what's uh what's eating up all the performance right now and just give me a moment here apologies for the uh for the annoyingness it is what it is but um okay it shouldn't be that bad Okay Google seems to be taking up a lot of the uh a lot of the spaces all right let me just get rid of some of the extra tabs that I got going on here uh perhaps this will help our our plight it's a virus it's a yeah let's see okay uh for for for whatever reason OBS is actually taking up a [ __ ] ton of space right now about 46% um but that still shouldn't be causing these sort of issues although I did have something similar happened like this yesterday huh wondering what's going on with this um okay I'll just let me see what else is here see if I can turn off anything else might be that I have to actually restart this stream really really quickly uh that seemed to have fixed the issue when I had this issue yesterday but let me know let uh let me know it sh I did try one little fix here so let me know if the if if it's improved at all if it hasn't improved I'll just restart the um the stream and uh and well we'll just we'll just do it that way I'll leave this up so you just have to refresh your page it's unfortunate it's annoying but it is what it is so uh it does look like it's still kind of laggy on my end but um let me know in the comment section it's still lagging okay not really it's good it's not good some people say it's good some people uh some some people say it's not good Elsa is it okay or not it's lagging but I'm it's okay yeah it's lagging it it is still lagging yeah it is okay okay and and and and and what do you mean that it's lagging like is the voice all [ __ ] up or no they say AUD is good but it's like choppy ah okay okay let me just um I'll go in and out the audio okay I'm just uh I'm just I'm just seeing what it looks like on my own screen here okay so the audio is good uh it is fixed it's good now okay it's not good it's good it's not good now it's okay now it's good okay okay okay okay so that does seem to be the issue apparently my bit rate was a little bit too too low all right great okay so that yeah I guess I guess that actually does matter okay fair enough all right cool okay all right we good thank you for that Steve Steve Green comedy I'm going to check out your channel later man you just revealed yourself you've revealed yourself but I appreciate all the feedback coming in right now see we got a lot of comments people saying now good now fixed okay so that is the way to fix that great awesome we're good let me get my notes out in the background over here I see aliel what's up aliel alel made me laugh my [ __ ] face off the other day cuz apparently this [ __ ] Arab guy from Kuwait can do like the most perfect German accent that you've ever heard in your life like what the [ __ ] how did that even happen man all right all right all right uh I got one more sip here and then we're good to go stream is good now awesome man awesome Eric how much was that uh video intro you don't want to know you don't want to know sir uh but I should probably hire for Ros to actually read do a few things I think we can make I think we can make some some things better all right cool so yeah let's uh let's get into this one actually record this one as well just in case if I want to post it up later actually no perhaps not H [ __ ] it all right let's go with it okay so first things first I do want to follow up on the Buy Signal on the hash ribbons indicator that we did look at from yesterday that has indeed confirmed so we do see that the blue Buy Signal is now solidified into the history of price action which does imply that hey we would expect we would expect that the $56,000 low that Bitcoin put in on the 6th of July is going to be the low and while Bitcoin could could theoretically come you know very close down to it even even trade below it you know on a wick basis we would not expect any closures below that on any meaningful higher time frame that would obviously Destro relationship and if that does happen in all pre prior three cases out of uh out of a total of 19 those have led to tremendously n nasty breakdowns like you know we're talking about like 50% more to the downside in those instances but for right now obviously that's well and Far Away Bitcoin is experiencing a pullback he can pull back very easily uh you know more but ultimately we should be looking at this or not we should be but I should be looking at this and you can do whatever the [ __ ] you want to do as very likely a major opportunity with a very obvious invalidation Point again nothing is 100% probability in trading land or really in life as well although there are very very high probability things but uh but but what makes this a very attractive setup at least to me for the long term is that you have a very clear and obvious invalidation Point closure below that last low again 56,000 bucks on a higher term time frame that gets invalidated probably expect a significant downside move after that you know may maybe maybe as much as 50% more to the downside um but that gives a lot of SP a lot of space here for Bitcoin to pull back on this current move and if we do draw our fibs from that low to the current high of this move we can see that the 50% level is actually all the way down at 62 ,000 bucks and Bitcoin has just basically tested the 382 level which is kind of which is what uh fibos Swani actually refers to as a shallow fib and that was 635 you know we do expect uh strong moves to find lows or higher lows around that region but if it does fail you got 62,000 bucks and then you got very low 60 like 60,500 below there I would be very very um critical of any sort of uh uh high or low actually forming just you know personal opinion um but again technically speaking the setup is not invalidated until Bitcoin is below 56,000 bucks and yes in the interim that does mean that Bitcoin can pull back you know significantly more I mean that would be nearly a 10% move from uh from current price action to about 60,000 bucks um remember uh longterm the statistics for the moves of of this particular setup that have worked out have taken just over two months on average to uh to play out and the you know the first major move before the first correction has on average returned over 60% which is a lot at least in my opinion that's a lot um from that you know from that prior low so in this case uh 60% you know from I don't know 56,000 bucks is what that puts Bitcoin uh you know upper 80s upper 80s low 90s um basically within about two months so end of September slash early October I would say and this is also going to be accompanied by a more relatively medium-term signal over here with the moons the witches are back at it right here and we see that Bitcoin is printed a bull moon this one obviously already not looking uh too hot just like actually the last bar Moon did not look or did not work out too well as well I mean yes Bitcoin did trade a little bit lower um after that moon was printed But ultimately this was a bottoming area and this is looking more like a toping area to me so of course again statistics at the end of the day it's not going to be certainties but when we do look at this one when we do look at this setup throughout the history of Bitcoin just playing the moons [ __ ] blindly as a total herpy derp unthinking [ __ ] it has actually led to some pretty decent results long term um just opening on the bull Moon and closing on the bar Moon you can see right here it's been just over 60% um uh profitable uh sorry 60% of the time it's been profitable Endeavor with over a three three and a quarter um profit factor which pretty [ __ ] good uh and you can see that nice and sweet that sweet sweet sweet Equity curve up and to the right performance summary over here reveals that the average winning trade has been about 14.5% um again that would be taken from the actual open of this and the you know these signals play out uh specifically on a Time basis of about 15 days so from that you know from from that high uh 15 days would put us to where that would put us in 5th of August so the first week of August and technically speaking if it did play out towards the average you know about a 14% move to the upside that would put Bitcoin actually on new all-time Highs at 78,000 bucks I do reserve my um my skepticism for this particular Moon being a profitable Moon that's just me right now I do think that this one is going to be more of a consolidation are is one and obviously already a pullback one as well as we identified on Monday was very very likely but uh but hey you know that is in there and of course just as useful is to know the average losing trade at just under 7% so if this one does lose about how much on average would we expect Bitcoin to go to the downside and does this match up with any of our potential pullback targets or or uh or areas of interest and actually uh now that I check it right here yes it does in fact 7 % from that high puts Bitcoin where that puts Bitcoin at 63,500 very interesting because that is also the 382 FIB that we just looked at and um well that's 302 fib and also uh I believe one of our hpdr levels um that will get to a little bit later but moving on from there we can go ahead and check the daily statistics Thursday a little bit more uh weighted towards downside price action since 2024 began overall though Thursday is one of the lowest volatility weekdays that we do see for Bitcoin um returning you know relatively small amounts on both sides uh to the gaining sides about 190 and to the losing sides you know losing an average about 165 so coming up with a range from that uh you know from that data we could see to the upside which I think is very unlikely again today to see um that would technically put in a Range High probably around 66,500 um into the downside about 65 um shaved off the current price action puts us kind of around the current low right now now actually it's lagging again God damn it don't do it don't do it actually I don't really see it on my own screen over here that is very bizarre I don't know what the hell's going on with that but I can see that my CPU load has gone up again it's this [ __ ] oh God this is this is the issue it's my goddamn AMD computer that I'm using right now I [ __ ] hate AMD they always just wreck in my [ __ ] always wrecking my [ __ ] but uh but I think we'll have to Pur r viw on this one okay so I think that the issue the OBS browser page what the [ __ ] is this what is this trying to figure out actually what is causing all of this nonsense to be going on right here um yeah it seems to be something on something on OBS one of the plugins that's going on but oh well we'll move on from there anyways and uh it's a video that looks like uh like Max headro I'm just trying to figure out like why because I can't reproduce this on my own screen over here like uh I'm watching my own stream and it looks it looks fine um maybe it's just not caught up yet um oh yeah okay I I see what you mean yeah it it is it is bizarrely like lagging there huh all right let me turn off this this might be the issue maybe that's causing the issue right there um let's see if that that does indeed fix things have to give it a little bit of time to uh to update though yeah AMD dump continuation coming [ __ ] AMD man [ __ ] AMD uh anyways uh moving on from there you can still you can see you can hear me but you can't see me um but but we'll go over to the hbd ranges again Bitcoin did get stifled right at the 5-day median High sorry not not not median High there's no such thing as that but just just the high at the median thus far so again we did kind of expect a pullback here I do think worst case scenario you will see a move down to very low $6,000 that' be the bottom side of the 382 level right here that's also going to be a gap fill on CME if we go back to over here let me just show that really really quickly boom and boom let me just pull the actual CM chart so you can see we can see that yes and there's a nice little Gap coming in from Friday the 12th of July and that is down around 60,000 bucks so you know I do think that that's worst case scenario um of course a little bit more of a uh I guess um optimistic area would be the daily level right here on CME which we can see that the median actually is pretty much around current price action and the bottom side of the 382 level uh for the you know for the current range on The Daily is about 62800 um so probably more like 62500 for a spot price action so those be kind of like the three major areas uh 635 then you got like uh like mid 62 and then 60 or like 60,000 and change probably so those would be the three major areas I'd be looking at is the is the stream still all wrecked yeah it does look like it's still wrecked that is [ __ ] annoying huh all right well fair enough um perhaps I'll per perhaps I'll just perhaps I'll continue to to put up the bit rate here I mean I can definitely do that all right that's shouldn't be an issue let me just try this really really quickly and see if this solves our our very unfortunate situation um I wonder how much bit rate is ideal for for YouTube I'm doing about 10,000 right now which I thought was probably even maybe too high but oh well anyways it's robotic 5ps reminds me of my computer um Russians it could be the Russians as well the Russians are attacking God damn it um but but yeah we can move on from there as well and uh and if things don't improve soon then perhaps I can try restarting the stream uh but we can see here again higher term time frame sto cast momentum is turning on to the upside weekly on CME is going to cross officially at the end of this week so tomorrow assuming that Bitcoin remains above 62,500 um obviously the 5 days is going to continue up as well that one's closing oh that that one is not closing anytime soon it just closed and that one did confirm up and then the daily time frame as we did identify yesterday is still kind of been a corrective poshing here so I suspect that we do see this come down a little bit more timing wise I don't think that any sort of major upside price action is happening this week week if it is going to happen probably next week if anything until then very likely corrective very likely rangy very likely you know very very likely boring very very likely very boring um so I think that's going to do it for my portion of this stream I'm going to give it a about a minute or two here to let um the new bit rate come in and see if that improves the situation I the yeah the the issue that I was getting on YouTube now does seem to be resolved so let me know if the stream now is more I don't know more normal more normal and and that'd be good um okay it's better now is what Elsa says I can also put the bit rate up even higher than what it is but uh I figured this is probably good okay it's better now okay great all right awesome awesome awesome um yeah with that said then I'm going to go over here to the comments see what's cooking I see that we already have a lot of super chats which which is good um okay it's fixed okay awesome awesome thank you for the feedback guys appreciate that and apologies for the annoyingness here don't don't know what the hell that you know had had really gone on I haven't Chang any settings on my own end so who knows man who knows fin for full head of hair I I actually was taking finasterid but I was still losing hair mount it was still still falling out a little bit um anyways uh Mel's first a she says or he says what neemi neemi is looking at render uh on the daily and weekly okay I remember this one was maybe one of the more strong ones uh about a month ago let's see how it's doing now I forget what we said last time we were looking at over here I'm guessing corrective and yeah corrective is definitely the name of the game um now I do see that the weekly stochastic off is really going for a full reset we probably do have this trend line regression coming in yeah a little bit lower actually so I do think that this one spends a little bit more time correcting still but it does look like it is kind of forming this range low here so I would be respectful of that and you know do I think it's probably found a low you know maybe it's spikes this area more times probably does Spike this area a few more times yes uh you know letting the daily kind of work off of its own extreme conditions but you know as long as it holds uh what is this 570 I do look at this as probably a healthy consolidation um or at least likely to be get you know a decent sized bounce before anything else um keep in mind though there is a weekly lower high in here and technically speaking we already have a weekly lower low as well so you know actually probably should be bearish on this but um but I I would be looking for a bounce of this level you know just even if I was super bearish um and that bounce you know could very easily come back up to like low $8 maybe even $9 um technically speaking this one doesn't really reverse or confirm a reversal as long as you're below about n and a half bucks so uh I would give it a chance to bounce here I think it's going to take I think this this current portion is going to take a a couple weeks um but uh you know give the bounce a chance if the bounce starts to reclaim important important areas like N9 and a half bucks that bounce is is going to be uh decided as a reversal but for now uh I'd just be looking for a bounce and and technically speaking should be cautious around the you know let's say mid to low $8 region um uh cuz if there is going to be a lower high this one actually does break down that's where you would expect it to come in from so yeah um as far as that goes probably spikes this area again but I would be looking for a bounce from there perous what the monthly looks like as well monthly definitely not hot definitely definitely not a humongous fan of the monthly I'll say that so if I did want to make a big bearish case I'll be looking at this time frame right here uh but first things first let it try for a bounce come back to it after that the monthly St is about days left still about a week actually is that right let me just double check yeah literally one week from today is the uh is the monthly okay cool um anyways uh okay let's get on to the next one I see Melly Melly is saying hia hia Crown hello I value your opinion thanks I value your comment maybe uh let's let's see let's see what it says first uh do you think the cosmos ecosystem will survive this cycle with the token atom on coinbase I think you've been I think you I think you been have you been drinking the Kool-Aid have you been drinking the Kool-Aid look I am not a fundamental person I do not know the I do not know the fundamental cases for a lot of these things I can say in general it is not wise to expect anything to survive from one cycle to the next in Cosmos if it's what I'm thinking of symbol atom has been around in a prior cycle so let's see how it is doing right now I suspect it's probably not doing too well and it's not doing too well and I probably wouldn't expect it to do too well this cycle so you know like will the ecosystem survive I'm sure their product will still work like their product yes their product that's right wink wink their product will still work if you're talking about their the number here's what you really care about most likely this is the this is the this this is the real question will the number go up and to that I say I wouldn't expect it or at least or at least I wouldn't expect it to reverse into an uptrend um I don't think that this asset will ever see a like 20 bucks again personally speaking um but uh but yeah you know ugly as [ __ ] chart um has not even gotten close to prial time highs uh from prior Cycles uh in fact in this case it is literally it was about 250% short of getting the prior all-time high in the in the current run um in uh in March of 2024 when everything else all the strong ones were at least testing their prior highs or making new all-time highs from prior cycle so I'd say that that's a very very bad signal for the price for the service I'm sure you'll be able to still use your token atams for whatever the [ __ ] you use token atoms for but but but as far as charts go yeah [ __ ] ugly [ __ ] disgusting [ __ ] gross and and should probably I mean should probably self-destruct um anyways moving on from there we have the real G squared he says Hey Crown what's up man can you check out SEI on The Daily sure man hope you get all the abundance possible appreciate that as well hope I hope you get abundance as well and also for Melly for the abundance of atoms that you will need uh SEI again another [ __ ] [ __ ] chart um as far as the monthly goes yes probably does try for a bounce here as does the last one that we looked at you know probably setting up for a bounce relatively soon um this or well this one as far as the daily goes probably probably setting up for a pullback you know we do see a range going on right here um so let me actually Mark these off you know but uh but I you know I don't think it's going to break down to new lows from this range just yet I think you're going to see another bounce attempt and the longer go sideways the better it will be for for the Bula but uh if it is going to break down you actually would be expecting to come down here try F another the bounce off of that prior low put in another lower high somewhere around like 33 35 cents and then and then actually break down later um but uh but yeah as far as choses not super impressive compared to the stronger things that whoops I'm just drawing lines right there uh not impressive compared to the stronger things that we've seen in this market for this current cycle um but also not not terrible as well I would suspect however that this one will bounce uh again off of the I don't know what what what is that number like 25 to 30 cents region and then you get to play the same game as the last one right where hey you know it's it's not great um but if you know you got you got to give it a chance to actually bounce first before calling a before calling a real breakdown because it's very unlikely to just lead to new lows from its current poish and it's you know it's more likely to retest those lows bounce again if it is going to break down from there then I would be looking for for a lower high somewhere around like 50 cents um or anything below 50 cents kind of questionable let's say anyways Tom struck says thank you Crown uh you want to look at gold versus Bitcoin um sure all right uh you want to look at the correlation coefficient I'm not really sure I will pin your message show me your message give it to me now um where is Elsa's message is a real question it's right there all right there we go okay ye what the [ __ ] I'm putting you and timeout first I'm pinning your message and then I'm timing you out cuz you're you're out of control put us there it is go to your room oh no it deleted your message okay hold on you got to re repin it Yeehaw super chats go first spamming is not appreciated monkey boys don't do it that is El's classic line don't do it okay so you want to look at the correlation coefficient between Bitcoin and and gold but you're looking at oh okay you want to actually look at different okay this is this is actually uh I have to like work it out in my mind like what what are you asking um okay if you just want to look at the pairing here you know is is gold putting in a low versus Bitcoin well whoops why okay just drew a [ __ ] FIB for some reason um it is actually putting in a low versus Bitcoin but that but the longterm try to still very much down so you know let's let's let's let's see where lower high watch would most likely come in around I mean could be something like this boom puts in a lower high there and then actually continues longterm um if you want to look at the the correlation coefficient on the hourly I don't know how useful that's going to be to be honest with you man um and we'd actually have to look at we we'd have to look at gold on its own and then Bitcoin on its own which we can do I mean it's easy enough to do on trading view so why not um but let's let's see all right uh oh God this one always [ __ ] me around um um um do price scale or do or actually no let's just do it this way this is going to be the better way to do it the let's see if this pops it up where is it yes there we go okay beautiful um on the hourly specifically I'm I'm curious like why what what is the interested in this is a real question um and where is my correlation coefficient why isn't it popped up yet where are you did I not did I not press it right or the [ __ ] training view being training view as usual there we go okay that was the issue was it was user it was user issue as always it's always [ __ ] user issue um okay there we go all right cor correlation coefficient on the hourly it's very very high right now very very high um and generally does seem to be well kind of oscillates actually interesting um to me I I don't I don't have anything to make out of this to be honest with you man um I'd be looking at Gold versus Bitcoin that's a chart you know that that is interesting that we uh that we looked at earlier if I was looking at just gold I think gold comes down here a bit um but ultimately i' still should be bullish on gold like long long term I mean that's not really a bearish chart uh so weekly can easily come down set in a higher low and try for another upside move I don't know later later clo you know closer to to the uh to the last quarter of this year in fact speaking of quarters let's see what the quarterly looks like yeah not not bearish on this chart I just like long term just you know in the more medium term I do think it pull continues to pull down a little bit more could get as bad as like 2250 or sorry 2200 somewhere around there um wouldn't be uh wouldn't be so far out of the question but uh but yeah man um I'm actually just curious like why why why do you want to look at the correlation coefficient on the hourly it's just curious like what's what what's what's the deal what's the deal with that uh Michael lanar says can you explain why you think cycle peak q1 of 2025 when fouryear cycle shows end of 2025 I think the fouryear cycle is uh is broken um I think the four-year cycle is no longer relevant because we've actually seen the specific relationship um of you know of of of of price action versus prior alltime High uh invalidated I mean we saw Bitcoin make new alltime highs before the having this this year um and to me that was a key mark of you know of you know of those prior fouryear Cycles so I would I would I would take that you know the way that I interpret that is that you can't really look at the four-year cycle as legitimate anymore um but look man fouryear cycle and weather ends cute you know q1 of 2025 or Q or you know the last quarter of 2025 that's not a humongous difference man it's really it's really not and I don't and I don't think uh that difference is uh is is tremendously nasty um but uh but yeah the reason why I think Bitcoin is is is oh God damn it now my own computer's freezing over here the [ __ ] h no are are you frozen are you frozen okay uh my OBS is working everything else is not okay Chrome seems to be the issue Chrome is the issue here uh let's see what is what is going on this is so bizarre um okay let me just try this again it it is working you can like it's and do you have it like fully updated to the current moment okay all right hm okay it's working again what the [ __ ] man so strange so bizarre so strange today um all sorts of weird [ __ ] going on uh [ __ ] what was the point that I was making yes okay that's it um let's go over here to the monthly like one of the reasons why I just think Bitcoin is likely to end or or or or likely to see the highs of the cycle assuming that it does not fail here that it does not invalidate the hasher signal is that you're already seeing your oscillators in extreme zones um with Bitcoin you know pretty much at PRI time highs uh so I suspect given you know the you know historical um uh relationship between you know something as simple as like your stochastic all switter and uh and kind of the end of the current move you know it doesn't like to stay in this area for too long now this is a monthly so each and every tick represents one month so it is you know kind of a long time um and I do think that it's going to bounce here and cross the up side again and try you know one more move to the upside but I think after that you know you have to kind of be looking at this from time perspective like that would bring you you know into about the mid portion of of of uh of next year and I think even that's maybe a little bit optimistic I think it' probably be some more like let me actually get this right you're probably going to get something more representative of like Divergence here so it'll be a little bit shorter but I would Su some like this boom puts in a little bit of Divergence comes back down the critical Zone and at that point you're going to basically see end of this current cycle and yeah that would be you know around end of first quarter of this coming year of 2025 I just don't think it's going to stay up there for that long last time that we saw Bitcoin enter the critical zone for the monthly stochastic was November of 2020 cycle was over May of 2021 so you know that's that's actually not that long uh that's what like 6 months 7 months I mean it's or eight months yeah something like that and we saw it enter over here basically uh December of of of last year so you know I I I don't I don't think it's I I I I think TimeWise we've seen actually the majority of the cycle already um in fact when you do look at you know just Bitcoin breaks up PRI alltime highs on a monthly basis it doesn't continue on that much longer TimeWise I mean from your prior high of December 2017 to the you know the prior alltime High uh that was 1 2 3 4 five months basically yes it did make a slightly higher high later but you know not by much I wouldn't consider like tremendously new High um same thing over here from 2013 you know your new high 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 okay eight makes sense over here I mean again doesn't really count but um I kind of consider this all just like one major thing you know unlikely it'll last that long I think um that that's at least the side that I really really air on here doesn't mean that Bitcoin can't you know hit a major high in q1 of 2025 come back down reconsolidate spend most of the year consolidating and maybe try for like a double bubble um ending fully you know around end of 2025 I mean that's possible as well we'd have to see it in real time but I do think you are going to see a major high in q1 of 2025 that's that's probably my main point um which I guess theoretically could lead towards continuation later but I wouldn't bet on that at first at first glance Tom struck says good morning sir could you do uh Dixie moons um yeah I I guess I mean it's easy enough to to do so sure um let's go over here to Dixie let's go to the Daily we're already on the daily let's put on the moon phases and let's see what's going on um okay it's yeah first glance uh I'm not really seeing I'm not really seeing I I mean actually some of these work really really well okay some of these work really really well some of these do not work well at all um it seems to me it seems to me that if you do want to play the Moon derpity derp game you want to be trading on the same side as a as a current Trend so you know when the trend is the the upside those full moons actually do work out pretty well it looks like when the trends to the downside the bare moons work out pretty well as well and at the end of the day I mean it does just kind of suggest that hey Trend Trend supersedes everything else and it probably is really just a question of trend um but uh but yeah as far as this goes I mean you can definitely see some good instes here let's see what the actual strategy tester says um so if if if I was to do the same study as uh as Bitcoin you can see that this would actually not be a profitable Endeavor uh 44 and a half% or sorry just over 44% of these would be profitable but your actual Equity curve would be completely [ __ ] wrecked so um yeah I'd say not a good strategy not a good strategy for this good good thing we back tested um anyways moving on from there we have neemi again he or she is looking at akt a cash I remember this one was uh on the list of ER things um earlier this cycle but let's see how it's surviving now is it is it surviving is a real question um probably having a major pullback indeed it is see what the weekly looks like very similar to some of the other charts we've seen today I don't think it's going to break down from here I do think it is going to retest these lows that you've seen from June or somewhere around those lows which probably does imply that Bitcoin you know pulls back a little bit more but look you are starting to get into critical conditions for your weekly oscillators here so I do suspect that you know this next bounce is going to be very very t telling so one very likely comes back down to these lows you know mid $2 or what is it like 270 something like that you're going to very likely see another bounce attempt from those lows and then the question is you know does it break back Jesus Christ I just did it again does it break back above these uh highs here or not or do you just continue on side continue on Sideways you have to play the game of which side do it break first of course you know if it does break to the upside you're probably looking at a retest of the you know $6 highs if it breaks to the downside well you're probably looking at signific retracements you know well below $2 probably closer to 175 um but uh but for right now a cash you know longer term it does actually have a more impressive chart than most things uh from prior Cycles just because it did retest those prior highs so I I should be looking at this pullback as very likely to set in a higher low so let's see where our major um holy [ __ ] is this right let me actually just double check that this is not FIB scale okay it's not wow okay that is [ __ ] wild um let's see what it looks like yeah it's already like what the [ __ ] that does not my eyes don't my eyes do not uh are my eyes deceiving me right here like what's what's going on okay no it's on log scale that's why uh the actual price scale is that's why uh but yeah it's resting on the 618 level right here yeah so I I guess that would be that would be the major area to be looking for a bounce from I guess it looks really [ __ ] weak to me for that though um but get you know give it a chance just like the other ones give it a chance to bounce from here first I don't think most of these charts that we looked at while they are likely to retest those lows I don't think they're likely to break those lows just yet um so kind of have to give it a chance to bounce first and then assess does that bounce produce a lower high or not um but uh but yeah all right Michael lar is back he's looking at popcat 4 Hour in D okay let's see what the see what the very uh technologically advanced meme coins are looking like today so this one only trades on bit blof Fin and Krakens very bizarre assortment of exchanges uh actually not funnily enough probably one of the better charts I mean of course it doesn't have the prior history to be absolutely [ __ ] about with it but uh but not bad here I mean this pullback very likely does present the opportunity um can of pull back a little bit more maybe closer to like 69 cents perhaps yes I'm actually going to write this one down pop cat pop pop cat popcat popcat the [ __ ] is that um but uh but yeah I'd actually be looking at this one is probably an opportunity um can pull back a little bit more like I said toward 69 cents but I'd be respectful of of the higher lows here and let's see where those fibs come in around for for current measure yeah 67 cents would be the next area of interest and you got 59 cents um both of those still higher lows here so I do think it pulls back a little bit more but I would be looking for bounces around those regions if it is going to be bullish you'd expect that bounce to actually produce new highs from that region so um yeah uh funnily enough one of the better charts we've seen today although this this one still probably corrective shortterm as are most charts today I suspect are going to be uh let me get back into the chats over here let's see the pop chat the pop cats the pop chats um uh let's see time attack says crowd daily weekly okay this is the crowd I'm guessing this crowd strike yeah so they're going to not be doing too well based off of um the current events going on and a nice nice pullback right there uh you know this one very likely going to bounce soon 24ish region I'd be looking for a bounce I don't think it's going to like completely [ __ ] the bed through where it's at right now but but again you get to say play the same game as a lot of these cryptos right very likely to bounce right here and then you get to play the game of okay does it produce a lower high because you got lower highs the whole way through and well your high probabilities of lower High I mean you know it could bounce all the way up towards 300 320 and still be a lower high so that's kind of the problem with something like this um but uh but yeah again shortterm a little bit more downside very like bounce after that I probably would be looking for a lower high however after that bounce cuz this one is uh looking pretty ugly on a on a monthly here so um yeah lower high somewhere between 300 to 320 after a bounce all right um let's see bottom the yellow ones the yellow ones in the bottom all right Smart Choice Corp Smart Choice Corp great name for a company uh doggy coin hourly and for okay so you're levered up on the very low term time frames uh actually not not that low of a time frame but uh shortterm hourly is a likely to try for a bounce here perhaps yes um kind of the same thing as what we see on the on the relatively higher term time for a lot of the other TRS that we have looked at you know does it retest these lows at like 12 cents 1220 perhaps yes but I would be looking for a bounce there I don't think it's going to break down um but very likely tries a bounce from this range uh I don't think that bounce is going to be reversal personal opinion um I do think it could you know could trade up as high as like 12 and a half cents very easily maybe even uh almost you know closer to 13 cents but any bounce that fails to get back above you know 1332 is it's just another lower High I mean a lot of these are are looking a lot more corrective than not uh daily time frame I didn't even ask you know ask for it but same [ __ ] I'd be looking for more correction here after maybe a short-term hourly attempt for a bounce um again just like look prior shitcoin from a prior cycle not really doing much this current cycle I mean long term it does have the higher lows which is good but I don't think it's going to be like a tremendously big winner for this current cycle um and yeah you do have a weekly higher low in here as well so that is good I do think it will see upside in the cycle but I don't think you're going to see one of those explosive moves um to be honest I'd be kind of a little bit surprised if this one even trades to its paral time High um which I mean still would actually be a very very big move from here uh even if it traded towards like 30 to uh 35 cents but yeah um very very short term like like you asked for on the hourly maybe one more retest of these lows but I would be looking for a bounce from these lows I don't think that bounce going to be reversal I do think you you get a lower high somewhere below like 13 um to 13.5 cents and after that get ready for probably new lows on that move um anyways uh let's let's let's let's move on from there of course I will be invalidated if if this one trades back above 13 and half cents that is obviously very very I wouldn't say very very bullish but it is bullish all right next one we got Andrew Wicked he's looking at C on The Daily and 5 okay remember this one was a popular one as well or this I'm lagging a little bit [ __ ] it it's going to have we're just going to have to work with it um not that much all right but not that much okay good okay so Cass on The Daily and five day okay uh again longterm great chart you know can contrast this with a lot of things that we've seen today this one is among the stronger ones but is it still going to pull back here probably yes I mean most things this Market are pulling back right now I don't think this one's going to be any different we've already done the pullback area um you know analysis for this one I do think that it it'll let minimum pullback to like 16.5 cents or so I think that's like the biggest hopium area for potentially a higher low um if that area does fail I'd be looking towards 15 and a quarter um would be the next major one and Below there things start to look a little bit more dismal I guess but uh I'd give these areas a chance first um High turn time frame still good still strong so you know you got to give it the benefit of the doubt monthly I don't hate yet I don't hate yet if it trades below 13 and a quarter I will hate it uh but until then you know you got to give these ones the benefit of the doubt um and I would just be on high or low watch here so corrective like most things in this market right now this one however definitely stronger than most things as well I'm sure people are going to be drawing their their triangles they're triangles which actually are okay um but even that yeah that that would have a nice presumed bounce somewhere around like 16 and 1. half cents so fair enough um would like to see a higher low there that would look really really good so shortterm corrective um higher term time frame still good all right let's see what we got uh next let me just make sure that I pick up where I left off okay we got cspb is looking at Daddy okay oh God this is the Andrew tcoin it's got to be it's got how do you make a living out of telling people they're they're how do you make a living out of telling people that they're not good enough and that they're losers and blah blah blah blah and then you name your coin daddy coin it's like you my man you are thinly veiling your your sop attempt um let's see player hate the game don't hate the player hate the game is what Elsa said that that's a contrast to what you said the other week you said don't what did you say the other week don't don't hate the don't blame the messenger don't blame the don't blame the messenger hate the game don't blame the messenger hate the game okay let's go to gate.io for this one uh yep pretty pretty uh pretty shitty chart um is it is it likely to get a Pity bounce here probably yes you know off of like 10 cents uh I I don't I don't think this thing's going to be reversing though um but yeah I I I do think it'll at least attempt to bounce you know kind of from where its current area is that bounce could you know for reference come up all the way to 15 cents and still be a lower high uh could very easily look something like this you know boom lower high and down um but uh you know somewhere between like 15 to 17 cents on a bounce would actually not be that crazy uh but I'd be looking for lower highs there so yeah it's it's yeah it's likely to bounce here or very very close here maybe after one more retest these lows um but after that I'd be on lower high watch um and I think that's going to be kind of the same thing for most of the weaker meme coins that we've been looking at especially today big bow wants to look at Mumu the bow on the 4 Hour in Daily all right let's check it out Mumu great name Elsa really likes this coin as well so uh let's see what it's looking like um you know this this this this meme coin again contrasting it with the with the prior one that we just looked at looks infinitely better I mean this one's actually made new highs has an obvious uptrend going here as well so you know is it going to pull back alongside the rest of the market yes very likely yes um but have to be respectful of these higher lows yet again you know could we see the next higher low actually we might have already even seen the next higher low at 32 whatever the [ __ ] number this is right here if things do come down a little bit lower I'd be looking somewhere around here for a higher low I'd only get concerned about this thing as having like a major long-term reversal if it does trade below this set this this low right here um until then I'd be mindful of of higher lows on a pullback coming in somewhere right around here and then likely another try for probably new highs on this one actually um not terrible but uh don't want to see it retrace too much more basically anyways moving on from there we have inflation is just transitory that's right it's just transitory inflation is trans um daily weekly of coinbase okay uh no don't say that word that's that's not that's not an low word coinbase over here so coinbase uh did actually trade above its June highs its June of this year's highs and so while this is having a probably a bit of a deeper pullback than what I would have expected um I do think that long term this one actually is going to be this one is going to break out to new highs on this rally like above the highs that you saw in March I think that it will trade 300 plus um but how far down does it come here is a real question uh let's see what let's see where our major fibs are at um yeah I mean it's it's kind of it's it's very close to it 50% level at 240 I think at minimum you're going to at least s see a try for a bounce there could it come a little bit lower yeah I do think that this one will come lower either 230 or or maybe even fills a gap at like 225 um but I would be I would be mindful of higher lows there again long-term I like this one I'm just looking at this one it's like a short-term correction kind of like Bitcoin um Bitcoin can very easily come down to 60,000 bucks even um but i' I'd be looking at that as an opportunity kind of same thing for this one as well weekly momentum back onto the upside you know on a higher low traded above your your June highs I think this kind of like a wash out move before it tries higher um into the end of the year so could I be wrong about that yeah absolutely as a reserve the right to be wrong about anything of course but um you know I don't really have a reason to be bearish on this chart as long as you're above these these uh these July lows if you start to if you start to trade below the July lows okay you got a problem or coinbase has a problem you don't you probably don't have a problem unless if you're super super long um but uh I wouldn't I wouldn't be considering like a reversal until that happens quarterly chart again consolidation at the highs I don't look at that as uh bearish basically ooh some good water here real good water all right Terence groan wants to look at clean spark uh is clean spark a real stock it sounds has a name of real stock yeah it does it or it is NASDAQ see what we got here quarterly uh very high term time frame I do like the higher low but let's see what time frame are you on um daily and weekly K so let's go down a little bit here weekly weird as [ __ ] uh it it is a tightening consolidation it looks like this thing doesn't really trade too actively maybe um because this is like a really tight consolidation between 14 and a half and and uh 21 I guess on a percentage base actually it it is a little bigger than what I would have expected but shortterm very likely you know goes for The full-on Gap fill like 1580 1585 region I would be looking for a bounce there uh if it does bounce there and you see the reversal bring it back above your Tuesday High which is 19 bucks that would be good enough for me to call this one um as as very likely a breakout to the upside of course by the same token if it does trade below the 11th of July low which is 1485 and you see and you see a higher term time frame closure below there I would be looking for this one to retrace significantly more that would be kind of like my sort of uh breakdown area and very likely you're going to see a move somewhere between like 10 and 1 12 to maybe 12 bucks there um before the next sort of bounce attempt but uh I'd give this one a chance here again I like the higher term time frames you know putting in the higher low here it's just it's not that interesting of a long-term chart uh it hasn't really done all that much in some of the most bullish Market Cycles in stocks history I mean something to consider maybe uh I appreciate the Super Chat uh Ling Zang but feel free to have a message as well oh there is a message where is it oh I see it okay can you analyze Google stock right symbol g g actually really do like looking at uh real stocks um all right Google I think we got a high in here for a while uh monthly massive massive almost bearish in gulfing dildo it's not quite there just yet but if it does trade below 172 and a half you will have a bearish in golf in and I'd be expecting this pullback to be a monthly pullback meaning that it's going to take it you know it's going to be a multi-month correction um very easily could come down to 150 maybe even 140ish region if that does happen um weekly I do think you're going to try for a bounce relatively soon somewhere around like very low 170s um but I'm I'm not convinced that this that that that one's going to be like the bounce uh I do think that this one ultimately would trade a little bit lower and then you might see another try to the upside but uh I guess give it a I guess I guess give it a chance to bounce somewhat soon if the bounce if the bounce gets back above 185 it's kind of like your bull trap region right here then it's obviously very very bullish you should expect a retest of the highs at 200 bucks or so and very likely new all-time highs as well um but that that would be my invalidation for that in tell then I I would actually air on a greater correction for this one um with uh what did we say worst case scenario worst case scenario probably right around like somewhere between like 140 to 150 um would be my worst case scenario uh before at least wanting to look at it again all right uh dros great name man [ __ ] great name knns uh oh the the the crystals the crystals uh no kenshi all right it's kenshi I thought it was crystal Network or some [ __ ] uh looks like I mean I believe last time we looked at this one we said hey look as as long as it's as long as it's between these two boundaries this is going to be considered a healthy consolidation I I would still say it's a healthy consolidation I just don't think it's ready to break out just yet yeah when we go down to the lower term time frames it does you know it it it does very much look like this one's going to be in for a further correction still but you know sideways within this range is going to be long-term bullish it's just it can take a long time you know it can easily easily come down here bounce again come all the way down to the low side of the range bounce again blah blah blah blah take its time that's fine I do think shortterm it will come down more um very very likely to come down more I should say weekly time frame same [ __ ] here but long term I mean you know you have to be respectful of that again especially as long as you're above your July lows and that's going to be the same thing for most things that we've looked at today which is basically around like 2 cents or just below 2 cents um so while short-term it very likely does come down as long as you don't see a violation below there you know I'd be on high or low watch now below your July lows okay it's [ __ ] wrecked and get ready for some uh for some for some rinsing but um but for now you know short-term downside be mindful of higher lows and um and take it from there I suppose um anyways moving on we have PE for the big bowl the big bowl wants to look at PP all right PP USD uh mumu was peee um okay uh peee um weird one here actually I wasn't God I hate I hate charts that look like this not because it's a bad chart it's actually good it's just it's for me it's a little bit more difficult because I don't see anything like super super obvious um I mean the greater consolidation range okay let's start off with the obvious things the greater consolidation range between your lows from whoa all right that's it's quite aggressive there um uh your lows from what is this April um and then of course your highs over here we already have this in uh would be your June 10th High basically or the week of that one you know short term it's kind of like the last chart you want to be respectful of higher lows but shortterm does it come back down after hitting the daily Range High very likely yes you know I I do think you're going to do something like this or the lar Line's already have it you know you stab up into this region come back down anything especially you know between this region right here is going to be long-term bullish but uh but it's going to take its time I mean it's it's not it's not ready to break out now or in my opinion really soon um you're more likely to come down here try for a higher low trade sideways for a while that would look good but uh yeah for me give it some time man I just don't really have any real reason to be bearish on this especially as long as you're above this low right here and even below that low you know you should be looking for big bounces around your April if that does happen and that' still be long-term okay I suppose um yeah it's just probably going to take his time I you do kind of have to air on the side of bullishness here though just because longterm it actually has shown relative strength compared to most things you know so Bitcoin if Bitcoin shows any threat of a bounce you know any sort of strength this thing should do very very well um just in the short term I think you're I think the correction draws out for more man um all right we got tobo he's looking at Tesla daily weekly okay it's good uh we also haven't had too many repeats today too as well in fact I don't think we've had any repeats which really really good um weekly has has hit a nice high right here I believe we spoke about this last week hit our measured move off of the inverted herp and derp longterm I you know I I I don't hate this uh I do think this is going to be ultimately good but a pull back after retesting your highs from July you know that is to be expected so that's not a bad thing here and I do think it's going to pull back probably a little bit more as well um let's see let's see where our major fibs would be coming in around yeah could very easily pull back a little bit more here to like 205 206 region fill this Gap it's kind of doing right right right now and then try for a bounce where I'd be a little more concerned on this one is if you see below what is it yeah 200 bucks below 200 bucks uh I would be expecting it to kind of fall back down um probably to the pro probably to your prior range lows uh you know in the in like the mid 150s uh region you know over time but for now it's like most things this Market short-term pullback I do want to see how you know if a bounce emerges uh basically from very very low 200 bucks um give that one a chance if that one does fail then you got a problem perhaps um and of course very very long-term problems if you do trade below your April list I don't think that's what's happening here but of course need to have invalidation points for these things um and of course we do have the end of the week or sorry not the end of the week but the end of the month here in a week and if this thing closes anywhere above like 216 which it's at right now now exactly if it closed anywhere above 2116 I would be airing on the side of long-term bullishness and you know and now i' be looking at this pullback as very likely a major opportunity Mountain um yeah all right let me just take another sip of this water I might I think I'm going to need some more water as well Elsa can you fil can you fill me up can you fill me up else is like hyper this morning uh okay cool um doggy coin we got that one yes oh wait no I'm just repeating these ones over here J Boogie is looking at MPC MPC coin is that is that what I think it is uh great meme by the way non-playable coin good good man very very good um all right let's check it out uh really really good wow holy [ __ ] this is like one of my favorite memes how do I not have this one um that is [ __ ] this is like the best meme we've seen today uh but just like everything else you know do I think it pulls back here a little bit more probably yes but again have to be on high or low watch uh let's get rid of this one right here let's see where our major fibs are coming in around for a potential pull back uh it looks like I have charted it out before as well so should probably should probably have known this um but somewhere somewhere right around here you know I'd be looking for potentially on a higher low uh about 7,000 whatever the [ __ ] number or denomination that is um see what the weekly looks like I'm just curious yeah I I wouldn't be surprised if this one corrects more plays out of range and then longterm it does break out I mean this one would be on the list of stronger um stronger things that we've seen today for sure in fact it's among the strongest I would say as well um let me actually write this one down I want to want to do my own research D yo R anyways uh you know long term you get you got to like something like this or at least I have to like something like this uh it number goes up yeah I I'd just be I'd just be looking for higher lows on this current pullback so that would be the area of interest for me um I really only get concerned about this thing if it trades below your July lows again which is right here so if you see if you see a trade and closure below that region expect a a much deeper correction but until then it's higher lows the whole way through all right all right let me get back to the chats here uh we're looking at Michael longar he's looking at Brett for and D okay Brett all right um let's see what this one this was was also among the stronger the stronger of the shitcoins uh I guess we go to coinex for this yeah very similar in the short term to the last one that we looked at in the long term not as strong however um this one I think the I think our lar lines already are on it yeah I I I think I drew this out this this was like very early July I'd still be saying the same thing man I I think on this current move you might come a little bit lower towards those range lows I think you're going to bounce again though as well you know I I think if we're going to continue on with the lar line it's going to be something like this it's going to be something like this and that is going to long-term favor the Blas but as you can see it's going to take some time I mean that would basically take us into like you know mid to end of August before it really has a a real potential chance to actually break above these range Highs at 15 cents again I'd only get concerned about this thing if you do trade below your eth of July low at that point expect a much deeper correction and maybe even maybe even like a major top towards like 7 cents at least but for now give it a chance you know again like a lot of these stronger things I do think going to see some bounces after a little bit of an extension of these uh current pullbacks going on which are actually big percentage moves to be fair um just because these things [ __ ] they [ __ ] move man they they move real real hard all right base 4267 says Chipotle stock CMG weekly monthy holy [ __ ] man uh I remember this one um I never traded it but I remember I remember when I was trading traditional marks like for some reason it just came up all the time uh anyways Chipotle that's very obviously a high that's very obviously a major High let's go to the quarterly that is a tremendous High um you're about to see quarterly sto cast momentum turn to the downside uh of course this doesn't close for another two months but uh with the way the monthly is looking I think that's very likely to to occur um I do think that this one will uh trade lower before a major monthly bounce probably closer to 44 to 45 bucks um yeah short term it might try a daily bounce here but that's extremely unlikely to be like the bounce you know what I mean like you know reversal bounce but is it close to a daily attempt for a bounce of like 51 52 bucks yeah I do think so um bounce can very easily come back up even like 56 50 or sorry 57 and 58 bucks still lower high though I'd be looking for this one to correct more to the downside over time thank you for the water sir all right okay ah Jay Boogie I know man I know you've been here since since since the beginning of the cave you know I actually I remember I still remember all of the names of the OG cavers of the OG of the OG cavers anyone who is here especially before like uh 2019 or even before 20 2020 remember every [ __ ] name if assuming you've actually like commented on YouTube and there's been like at least a little bit of interaction uh anyways NPC verse on the USD pair okay uh sure I don't know if it's going to be significantly difference but um yeah let's try okay let me just see yeah okay okay I see I see I see all right so you want to be looking at the USD PA so we can do that um I imagine it it's still a very similar chart but actually not as strong actually not as strong um as it is versus uh ethereum short term do I think the correction continues on more yeah I do I I I think you'll at least test like two and a half cents or sorry two two uh 240 try for a bounce there um yeah I I don't have much to say about it other than that uh but short term you know as are most things most things will correct more here uh but I'd be looking for a bounce you know around about 24ish region um somewhere right around here basically uh let's also just see I'm curious if that matches up with any of the major fibs very close to the 618 there so yeah i' I'd be looking for a bounce there and then come back to it after that but yeah shortterm that would imply you know an extension of this downside move a little bit more before that bounce occurs um all right sweet uh we have Bitcoin Thug do the what the orange one uh Pisa Pisa Pisa wants to look at xrp USD daily and weekly okay xrp USD let's check it out um we no we did not look at this one earlier okay uh xrp actually funnily enough is not looking terrible compared to most things we've seen in the more short term the monthly I really like uh the monthly is a bullish engulfing the monthly still counts to is about to turn up uh in 5 day or sorry 5 Days 7 Days No 5 days 6 days whatever the [ __ ] at the end of this month assuming it's above 60 cents basically uh yeah it will turn up on a bullish engulfing Doo you have to be looking for an extension of this move at least to range highs after that which is actually 90 cents um and that starts to make this this consolidation look very mature actually meaning that uh that this one actually could be the move that that does break the range highs um on top of that I noticed that monthly volatility is extremely low here so this one actually really does have a major chance to to actually break out of this Range High and and and trade probably back above a buck you know maybe close to a buck and a half um just want to see the monthly closure basically anywhere here higher like AB above 61 anything above 61 cents will look good for for another try um higher uh you know probably closer to 90 cents um uh following that I mean this is a monthly so it probably takes some time but uh that's that starts to make xrp actually look a lot more mature here so can't really make fun of it as much anymore all right let's see we got Bitcoin Thug he's looking at Super USD daily weekly okay got super over here 70 cents it's having a it's having a very good bounce um okay it's already kind of like it's basically around your daily Range High here right so you know does it bust on through and test the next range highs the lar lines would suggest towards 90 cents or or even 95 cents perhaps yes um just want to see it actually close above basically yesterday's high which is 7375 um until then probably should air on the side of of caution as as you know as are most things that you're going to hit a Range High here come back down a little bit um but again consolidating between even 75 cents in the current range lows at basically 50 cents you know ve very likely longterm does make an actual move to the upside from that consolidation the question to me is is does it try from here or does it try later on as I think most things are in trade sideways here first and then try and move to the upside I think that that's more likely just based off of the rest of the market that we've looked at today most things look like they want to put in a consolidation like that um this one is actually showing a little bit more relative strength in the short term but you know is going to be strong enough to Buck the General market trends in my experience very unlikely um you're going to see an altcoin do that uh but I guess it's possible I mean in my sort of criteria for that to be validated would be a closure above yesterday's high at 7375 um and if that does happen get ready for a move towards basically a buck I mean just shy of a buck and this consolidation starts to look pretty uh pretty decent long term weekly again you know I do think it's a question of of when not really if on this balance actually breaking back above that Range High the weekly stoas orderer is positioned back to the upside as long as you're above 50 cents on a weekly closing basis you do see a regression coming in from these last few lows here too so you know I I I I would I would really air on the side of this one uh breaking out to the upside it's just how long is that going to take I don't know um I think it's probably more likely to correct more first but that's a personal opinion not based off of this chart in particular but based off of the other charts actually so might not be as applicable meaning that I don't feel as confident on that one uh cheesy poofs cheesy poofs cheesy poofs cheesy poof says people usdt sorry sorry I actually did Skip uh someone right before you cheesy poofs Michael lanard is back he's looking at to symbol Tao okay I think this was another uh shitcoin of choice in the recent cycle let's see how it's doing now um no I don't think this was a shitcoin of choice at least it doesn't look like it because it has not had one of those uh nice long uptrends maybe I'm looking at the wrong chart but uh I would assume binance probably has one of the more long-term histories for this so I'm going to run with this one uh anyway um oh God yeah these charts like I've really don't like them uh not because it's it's because I don't have a strong opinion on it's like look the trend is down yes okay obviously do I trust my off is on the daily here no it's too new it's only been around since April um oh God I yeah I I [ __ ] hate these things man um they're just so difficult uh at least for me um 4H hour time frame obviously ranging but it's the daily that you'd be more interested in here just because the daily the daily actually really does look like it could push through here and if it does trade back above your your Saturday highs um I'd be looking for this one to put in a quick move towards like 400 plus at that point um but until then personally again based off of just you know the general Trend that we see in this market I do think it's probably more likely to maybe test into that range again uh sorry the uh the highs again not close above that highs and continue on with the range sideways for a while and then try later um but yeah my criteria for for upside more immediately than not would be a closure above that Saturday High basically all right um let's see people usdt for cheesy poofs okay let's see what this I don't think I've ever heard of this one um so let's see what it is let's see see what it is see what it does Constitution Dow right sounds legit yeah so another one where you know shortterm very likely to pull back here or continue to pull back a little bit more at least towards like 6 690 um be looking for a bounce like somewhere right around here bounce not the same thing as reversal let's see what the longterm looks like uh longterm a lot better than what I thought this one is a multi cycle shitcoin it is pretty much retested as PRI time high so it's it doesn't go into like the the ugly as [ __ ] shitcoins from prior cycle bucket um it goes into you know par for the course bucket basically um while I did say say you probably try for a bounce at around 690 I don't think that's going to be the bounce I I think that a greater range plays out here I think that you're going to be ranging in this particular uh bracket for a while you know so it might look something like that try for a bounce boom come down straight sideways and then maybe try an upside move um but long term you know have to have to appreciate the trend uh can't really be bearish on this thing long term as long as it's above the July lows again here at about 5 cents can test back down there that's fine but you know we'd be looking for higher lows there first and foremost so um I always want to be respectful of trend long term and that would be it for me uh longterm I I do think that this one actually will break above these highs and retest PRI time highs and probably make new alltime highs basically my point is that I think that these the the these current consolidations can take a while or at least that's what I'm leaning towards right now um let's see jante definitely Dutch pendo on daily from this monkey boy thank you nice one man all right Pendle uh I remember this one was also a strong one uh let's see yeah it was a strong one now like most things kind of struggling right there um this one can pull back a lot this one can pull back like a lot a lot actually uh do I think it's going to try for a bounce off of your July lows very likely yes very likely yes which you're very very close to is that bounce going to be the reversal I I don't think so honestly uh I will be wrong on that if you see it trade back above your Wednesday the 17th of July high at about 4 80 if you see if you see that happen okay I'm wrong I'd be expecting another move back up towards these prior Highs at like seven bucks and this one's probably just ready to it's probably just ready to go after that honestly to new btime eyes um but what I'd be leaning a little bit more towards is you pop back up here you don't retake those highs you come back down you play at a range maybe even come back down to the prior range lows um and that's where your next major low would likely come in around um so yeah looking at the weekly I do think that this one probably corrects more Mount um yeah looking at the monthly I think it probably corrects more I wouldn't be surprised to see this surprised to see this thing you know close to like 2 and a half or 2 and a qu um before the correction is over so again I think it's going to take some time I think that we're you know it's going to require some patience here for a lot of things um because you're going to get some bounces that look like reversals but I don't think that they're going to be the the big ones you know the ones that you're really looking forward um anyways did you check that yes W what what it needs to be Tow on Mexi all right we can look at Tow on Mexi it's all the same [ __ ] though man um same exact chart same exact chart in the short term oh yeah it is a little bit different because I didn't have uh this price action over here so you know what I stand corrected my apologies for that Mr Michael longan car um okay this this one actually does change the perspective a little bit Yeah L Line's over here playing out it's almost at the uh the Range High Target that we were looking for I think that you probably do pull back around this region though um which would be about 370 375 um I wouldn't I wouldn't be looking for this one to put in like a a big move as long as it's below about 375 so this is kind of what I'm looking at as like the Range High right here if it does start to close above that region okay I'm wrong you're going to see this thing probably have a relatively quick move towards like 500 I mean actually would not be bad at all um but just like most things this Market I'm kind of leaning more towards ranging ranging Behavior I can definitely be wrong on that of course you know maybe things are more bullish short term than what I suspected um but I would air on the side of of sideways consolidation for a little bit more time uh as you know indicators do start to all match up and you know this one does look like longterm it will be fine it will be okay it's just does this one come back down to the current range lows first or not I'm I'm always going to assume range continues um first before anything else again if Bitcoin has a nice bounce this thing will actually perform quite well I suspect uh night Rock Says D5 stock on daily week D5 stock what what is this um def5 Technologies uh which okay I'm guessing this thing um okay barely trades so that's the first thing that really stands out about this yeah this thing's been around for a very short amount of time does not I mean it goes days without really seeing any real trades to me I don't have a real analysis on something like this man the weekly time frame is the only that makes kind of sense again you know like Bitcoin does a pop back down to like 69 bucks first great number fill that Gap and then try an upside move maybe yes um or does it takeoff from here also maybe yes I do think longterm the trend is your friend weekly momentum is switching back onto the upside above 70 bucks so I guess uh it's just I I don't like charts that look like that they're just weird um longterm look longterm I think it's going to make new highs from here shortterm does it pull back more first could very easily pull back and fill that Gap and then try for an upside move I don't I don't have a strong strong opinion on which happens first whichever way Bitcoin goes honestly um Michael lanar is back he's looking at whiff whiff is this thing on the I on the on the you want defi Tech on the na defi tck on the nail okay it's on Canadian [ __ ] exchanges just let me know um wow uh significantly not as good as the last chart you probably want the other one um yeah I'm looking at it is it I do think it actually does try an upside move here to like 250 but what time frames are you on daily week Cas so you're not you're not that that super long term um yeah I I I do think it tries a little bit more on this upside move like 245 250ish region um if this one is going to continue to range that's where it expect the high to be uh if it starts to close above like two and a half bucks and at that point you kind of have to be looking at this one is likely to retest your three and a quarter High um but again I think ranges are more likely to play out here than not um don't think these things are ready just yet see what uh yeah weekly volatility coming off the highs here as well you're more likely to range you're more likely to range um for a little bit of time than not all right uh stons stons Dave says can you check out soil us okay so not stons um it's cryptos not stons soil's USD okay or is it so no soil soil okay soil right um we have dirt on the blockchain amazing uh yeah hit a Range High here very likely coming down going to find the range lows I expect something like this boom boom you know maybe it spikes this area once again but sideways within this region most likely uh and I do think that it will at some point come back down to like 90 cents maybe even all the way down to the range lows but I'd be looking for bounces there um this chart a little more obvious than than uh than the rest only way i' accept except invalidation on that one is above like 150 at that point you know very likely looking at a a move $2 plus relatively quickly but again range here more more more than likely for a while all right some more water for me HFI FM how do I pronounce your name I don't know DMT D DMT on the blockchain how does that work I'm getting enlightened through the DM tcoin the dream machine um wait it's probably this one dream machine uh cool name um DMT actually does produce your dreams apparently or at least it seems to be a component within it whoops drawing lines again damn lines my damn lines uh okay yeah definitely not in the in the in the bucket of strong [ __ ] coins we've seen today but also not in the weak buck certainly not certainly not in the weak bucket um um certainly not the weak bucket but not not on the super super strong ones I do think just like most things you've hit a Range High here you're going to come down you're going to play out some sideways you know it's going to be something like this no no real reason to get excited about this thing especially as long as you're below your Sunday highs basically if you start to trade back above there close above there then yeah this one retests the highs very likely to make new new Highs but just like most things I think you're going to be Consolidated for a while I think you just hit the Range High so you're probably coming down a little bit more first maybe Clos to like 66 Maybe even as low as like 60 uh but I'd be looking for bounces there um and any anything between these two boundaries is long-term fine um so yeah all right um big bow big bowl is looking at Mish Soul mishy or mishy Soul okay all right um on radium salana okay that's new uh apparently we've looked at this one before and you know our Rangers are still holding here I I have the same thing to say about most chart you might Spike this Range High again at 33 34 cents maybe but I do think uh you will correct first more before any sort of legitimate breakout attempt you know something like that long-term fine as long as you're above your June lows basically so uh give it a chance but it takes its time I suspect I suspect that a lot of these things going to be taking their time um weekly actually looks pretty good which kind of weird wasn't expecting that you know may maybe it does bust on through here maybe I'm being too conservative myself in which case you'll know that I'm wrong if it trades back above it Sunday's High I'd be expecting this one to retest PRI altime highs and and make make new altime eyes if that if that were to occur but I do think Aaron on the side of caution is probably better right now at least for myself um because Bitcoin could very easily pull back more it has hit its first major area where we could expect a higher low but there's still two more areas lower than that which um wouldn't wouldn't surprise me at all if it did get hit so it's like if you're if you're the most optimistic it seems the low as of this last 24 hours if you're less then you know maybe maybe 62 or sorry 62 and A2 maybe maybe 60 and a half you know something like that all right uh Luigi Luigi what what what the [ __ ] do you want yellow one serot serotonin Ser serotonin oh I see what you did there serotonin I thought it was like a Finnish name because it looked kind of Finnish spelling but uh serotonin gotcha all right STX Stacks um this is the def on bitcoin thing right is it I I don't even know um Stacks does that sound right Stacks I'm stacking um all right again very similar tart to a lot of the other ones that we looked at it has been around for multicycles it looks like yeah it retests those highs actually makes made slightly new highs so that's also a good sign but I do think that short term you're more than likely to range closer to the lows here before you know the real bounce if you will something like that perhaps um you know you're going to see like the same drawing on most of these most of these charts basically uh but shortterm more likely to correct more um in the in the more near term than not longterm still still completely fine and still actually a very good long-term chart as long as you're above one and a quarter but that doesn't mean you can't come back down around there that's the problem um so yeah I don't really have much to say about other than that I I think you're going to continue to see the sideways range play out for for some time um um I'll be wrong on that invalidated if you do see this one trade back above about uh two bucks at that point get ready for likely a quick move towards two and a half and I mean that you know from there is probably a straightup move but um more likely to go sideways more likely to consolidate more more likely to spend his time it's going to be the general thing I'm going to be saying today um all right we have Luigi now he's looking at ethereum okay ethereum Place uh very polite which is good um okay let's see I think I have ethereum yes index here good um actually I haven't looked at this one in a while uh okay so let's see what's what's going on here first let's go to a higher time frame weekly okay okay is this one more likely to correct more first or not well first let's see where our fibs are coming in around it's below the 50% level 618 uh is 3100 so perhaps a little bit lower before it it attempts for a bounce it did hit a low of 3135 so I mean could try for a small bounce here I guess um it's a weird one to me let me actually go to sometimes this can help all right so you got lower Highs but you got same lows usually that's not a good sign usually that's not a good sign at all I guess the hopium here is that uh it will put in a higher low at around 3100 which you're kind of at right now so um you know if it's bullish I'd be expecting it to actually to actually start reversing very very soon at around 3100 and then trade back Above This high right here if it does that you're very likely in the clear for a long-term sustained upside move to probably new highs um if it does not bounce there then you have a very typically a a very bad case in my experience where you come back down to that prior low very likely will bounce again at that prior low but now you have three of the same lows and you got three lower highs that's usually when things start to break down actually in terms of trend um so I would give it the benefit of the doubt first just because well I think most things in this market are bullish and um you know ethereum just got an ETF and well I don't have a a strong opinion on that you know we saw the same thing on bitcoin right Bitcoin immediately had a pretty severe correction off of its ETF and then have a significant upside move you could very easily see something like that here too but we really would be expecting no no higher term time frame closures below 3100 if that's going to happen I want to see a higher low here take out that prior high that would be my early confirmation that this thing is just [ __ ] ready um um but definitely not the uh definitely not the strongest one of the cycle that's for sure or or even in the even in the same conversation as the strongest ones a cycle um so yeah all right some more water for me jups wants to look at jup coin nice when derp uh when derp is always a question I think I have this one of my list as well where's my jups there it is found my jups all right let's go back to normal dildos right here uh whoops not this one but this one yes there we go um yeah this one actually having a pound-for-pound a decent balance compared to most things um but again same same sort of thing here right you got your range lows you got your range highs you know does it does it try upside from here or does it correct back down you know closer to the low side of the range first and play out the lar lines more I'm just more biased towards that happening for most things that we've seen today but this one is a little bit more relatively strong than um than a lot of things that we have seen it's just is it that much stronger I don't think so no um you know if it does trade up from here like 135 but still it's a range play for a while it's a range play for a while so I'd be airing on the side of caution I do think that the lar lines are probably more accurate here than not it looks like they've been following them and we must have drawn this in like about a month ago almost now um so I I'd be leaning towards continuation of this correction first a little bit lower maybe like 82 cents maybe if things get really really crazy like 75 cents um but these should be very lik the opportunities um I will be wrong again if this one uh if this one trades above about 108 and closes the daily above there at that point I'd be expecting to move towards 130 again I don't think it's ready to break out from that exact posture I still think you're overall side with within this range but obviously that is uh that is a pretty big percentage move so have to have an invalidation right there but um but yeah I'm I'm leaning towards more sideways here long-term good longterm I do think that it will um you know re uh retest these highs and make new all-time highs it's just I think it's going to take some time man I think it is going to take some time um wouldn't be surprised to see August as mostly a corrected month mostly corrected month um but uh yeah among some of the better ones definitely have a better pound-for-pound bounce um than a lot of a lot of the other [ __ ] coins we've seen today but really the the things that are strongest in this market are still the meme coins they they really are um um you know so I think it's time to like put aside the or well it's time time to put aside no of course for me it doesn't really matter just look at charts but you know it's a funny thing right because people like to think that fundamentals you know probably the best example of fundamentals not being I shouldn't say that they're not important because they are important but they're just not that important is that memes are [ __ ] leading the cycle I mean they they are they are and you know last cycle it was defi in 2017 it was I the icos you know [ __ ] like that um in the secondy before that I actually don't know I think just like random shitcoins um but uh the point that I'm trying to make is that it just it just it's the sector that matters not the actual fundamentals so yeah all right let me uh let me take some more of this water you know someone is desperate and um and possibly questionable when they are requesting bcash multiple times uh so you know what we're going to do it for Sam let's let's Sam says Eric let's explore beash we can definitely do that my man uh okay I shouldn't judge I have not looked at this chart in years so maybe I shouldn't judge it maybe I'll be eating my words and I won't be today ha you bastard it looks terrible um let's explore it what's there to explore just the overall shittiness of the chart say let's explore sexuality with bcash it's but cash um my butt cash coins um I got every I got one coin for every hair that I have in my [ __ ] uh like most things in this market it's probably going to come back down to this range low probably be closer to three and a bucks probably bounces there as well long term it's a it's a chart only a mother could love monthly lower highs terrible [ __ ] terrible in 2021 it didn't get anywhere near as PRI all time high just garbage absolute [ __ ] garbage but um you know can it bounce off of the prior low at like 300 bucks and maybe try for a new high on this rally for this year maybe it depends how strong the the market is this thing will not move on its own though I suspect or at least to the downside it'll overperform and to the upside it will underperform most likely uh St Steven Steven Wesson says Ray diuretics uh okay so like a real stock a real stock okay that's good Ray uh uh I'm not seeing diuretics uh oh not I'm spelling that wrong that's why I'm the herpy Derp now uh I'm not I don't know exactly what I'm guessing it's not this thing I'm guessing it's a real stock can you give me the exact radium oh it's radium okay it's radium all right then why did you say R oh you you probably auto corrected or some [ __ ] radium okay gotcha gotcha all right thank you for clarifying uh okay um yeah terrible absolute garbage uh look man it's been around for for a cycle it is um so severely far off from its prior it prior alltime high that is not a good sign here here's the real chart look it could go up a lot from here it will never I I would feel very comfortable saying that it will never trade above its its 2021 highs um [ __ ] I mean it could even easily tra I shouldn't say easily but it could trade towards four bucks which is is like a a 2X move from here and still be completely irrelevant long term I don't know what time frame is you're going off of because you didn't include it but um you know if I'm going down to the Daily here it actually in the short term I mean it it's actually in kind of a better position than a lot of things we've seen today which is rather interesting I do think that you're going to be ranging here still um after hitting that high but should be looking for a higher low on this pullback so it might Spike that area one more time probably comes back down after that um anything above like 175 would look pretty good um for another attempt towards those high and probably new highs on this rally which I think that it will make on this cycle is just you know there there's so many better options that don't have this overhead Supply hang that you will get with something like this that's been around for you know a cycle and has really not done anything of significant interest since then which is just in my experience not a good sign man not not a good sign at all um so yeah anyways uh do I I think we did do whff but I'll do it again I think we did um I I did I feel like I saw that one Michael L car I but I don't may may maybe accidentally skipped over it which which in um in in which case I apologize I didn't mean to do that uh but again a very similar chart here than most things right you see oh I guess I already have this one drawn out and the lar lines are they're lagging they're lagging like my video um you know hit a Range High right here I do think that it corrects a little bit more uh long-term I guess I guess you can still be optimistic on it or I could still be optimistic on it as long as it's above well especially like 160 but even like um two bucks or sorry especially two bucks but but even like 160 technically speaking but um the only way that i' I'd get excited about this one yet again is if you see a trade back above Monday's high if you do see that this one will very likely trade close to like three and a half four bucks relatively fast um but again I'm I'm mostly bias towards these things hitting range highs maybe spiking it again coming back down playing out sideways and then trying their moves like later on um in this year probably around September if I had to guess so yeah um yeah I think I think that's it I think that's it my voice is starting to uh to get wrecked here too weekly time frame yeah I I don't I don't hate it on this bounce right here um it's just I think it can take more time and and maybe I'm wrong about that you know maybe the things actually are are going to put through exactly where they're at right now I mean like we said with Bitcoin it is it did hit its first area uh you know if you're if you're like the most optimistic potentially put in a major higher low there all right I'll go through some of the through some of the uh chats here and then we'll call it a day it's we're actually already almost two hours into this video holy [ __ ] um where is the r video I I actually don't have that on this computer anymore which is really awful um um um um trying to look for some uh some some good ones some good requests uh no [ __ ] um all right Kent kening is looking at Novo B I would see Kent so let's see let's see what this is this is because I've never seen it before in my life oh it's a real stock it's oh you must be um what is this uh Danish I don't [ __ ] know from one of those countries uh I think you've seen a high here I think you've seen a high for a while here um I mean you're probably going to Bounce from the current area but I don't think that bounce is going to be like the bounce I think that this thing could easily bounce up to even like 950 or or even like 970 um but I do think that this one's putting in like a macro High here for a while uh yeah the problem with these charts is that they can retrace a lot and still be long-term like okay Jesus Christ uh I mean is this one going to correct down to like 700 bucks in the coming I don't know few years maybe us um I want to see how the quarterly ends out but yeah at least for the monthly I'd be expecting this correction to go down at least towards like 8:30 U before it tries for like a real real bounce all right all right all right all right um let's see is there any uh salana yeah we can do Sal we'll end on salana actually salana is good one to end on because I think a lot of people are generally interested in salana as well salana one of the stronger ones as far as altcoins go um actually a loto a lot closer to the Range High than most things in this market as well so relatively strong um in the short term here too but is it going to push through exactly here or does it pull back a little bit more first I'm going to be biased towards at pulling back a little bit more first and then trying the move um can very easily pull back to 163 156 15ish region it all still be higher lows and set it up for continuation to the upside later that's kind of my problem with a lot of these things monthly time frame is looking pretty good coming into the monthly uh sorry coming into the monthly closure here um any sort of if this if this one closes above 175 at the end of this month very [ __ ] bullish this one will very this one will probably make new highs uh on this rally in in August or especially September if that happens um so that'd be the big thing to be mindful of above 175 on the monthly in six days that's what I'd be looking for but uh six days is a lot of time in trading land right it's a lot of time lot lot of days a lot of days lot of days indeed all right I think that's going to be it for for me today my voice is uh is already wrecked and we have a live stream later for the second cohort of the crown school going on here actually in about 2 and a half hours well that's it's what it's longer than that it's longer than that it's more like I think probably like four hours um but but again the signup link is in the description below uh again it is free with an exchange account and I think that's a good place for me to be leaving off on this particular video for do the song I should do the song give me the here's what I'm going to do okay here's what I'm going to do all right I'm going to show you what I'm going to do okay all right we're going to end this video in a different way we're going to do it with some more educational content okay and um I want everyone to uh I want everyone to just enjoy and um what do you what are you what are you sing about over here play something gay I'm Elsa says you're going to play something gay okay it's not gay okay appreciating the male body is not gay okay all right all right all right your pee do make I was only 9 years old I loved Shrek so much I had all the merchandise and movies I pray a Shrek every night before bed thanking him for the life I've been given Shrek is love I say Shrek is life my dad hears me and calls me a [ __ ] I knew he was just jealous of my devotion for Shrek I called him a [ __ ] he slaps me and sends me to go to sleep I'm crying now and my face hurts I lay in bed and it's really cold a warmth is moving towards me I feel something touch [Music] me it's Shrek I'm so happy he whispers in my ear this is my swamp he C grabs me with his powerful ogre hands and puts me on my hands and knees I'm ready I spread my ass cheeks for Shrek he penetrates my butthole it hurts so much but I do it for Shrek I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water I push against his Force I want to please Shrek he Roars a mighty Roar as he fills my butt with his love my dad walks in Shrek looks him straight in the eye and says it's all ogre now Shrek leaves through my window Shrek is love Shrek is life