Desexualizing Your Brain: The Cheat Code to More Money

Jul 17, 2024

Desexualizing Your Brain: The Cheat Code to More Money


  • Main Thesis: Desexualizing your brain by stopping consumption of porn helps in making more money and improving life quality.
  • Modern men have more access to explicit content, which impacts their productivity and testosterone levels negatively.
  • Historical analogy: Men used to engage more in physical activities and were more productive.

Key Points

Impact of Porn on Productivity

  • Accessibility: Today, men have easier access to explicit content than ever before.
  • Drive Reduction: Seeing less of a woman's body increases one's drive and potential to succeed.
  • Manipulation: Society tries to keep men crippled and low in testosterone by promoting exposure to explicit content.

Porn and Physical/Mental Health

  • Testosterone Levels: Porn consumption lowers testosterone levels, affecting decision-making and speed.
  • Decision-Making: High testosterone enables quick decision-making. Example: Ordering from a menu quickly.
  • Energy Drain: Consuming porn takes up mental and physical energy, making one feel guilty and awkward.

Behavioral Consequences

  • Fly Analogy: Humans trying to solve problems are akin to flies trying to exit through a closed window instead of an open one.
  • Awkwardness: Watching porn makes people awkward and guilty, visible to others including potential partners and family.
  • Social Influence: Friends encouraging objectification of women can deteriorate one’s mental health and habits over time.

Desexualizing Techniques

  • Staring at a Wall: Proposed as the most effective method to reset and desexualize the brain.
    • Reduction in Stimulation: Sitting in a room with minimal stimulation helps the brain to heal naturally.
    • Mental Clarity: Allows one to clear thoughts, making it easier to focus on important life goals.

Benefits of Desexualizing

  • Restoring Dopamine Levels: Reduces the need for extreme content to feel pleasure, making ordinary activities enjoyable again.
  • Empowerment: Increases natural drive to achieve financial success, physical fitness, and spiritual growth.
  • Decision Speed: Improves ability to make faster decisions, positively affecting various aspects of life.

Practical Steps

  • Awareness of Thoughts: Being mindful of thoughts, likened to observing waves at the beach.
  • Consistency: Engaging in the practice consistently for 20 minutes daily.
  • Social Interactions: Avoiding friends who perpetuate objectification and fostering supportive relationships.


  • Real Life is More Satisfying: Emphasizing the satisfaction of real-world interactions and activities over digital distractions.
  • Final Solution: Advocates for disconnection from explicit content and mindfulness practices to desexualize the brain and achieve broader life successes.