Transcript for:
Great Pacific Garbage Patch Cleanup Overview

foreign [Music] we are here in the gay Pacific garbage patch with our latest system system 3 also known as Josh and Josh is basically a 2.2 kilometer big floating barrier and the biggest part of this system is made up by two wings so four meters deep that skim the ocean surface for floating Plastics and those Plastics they float along the wing to a central area which we call the retention Zone and the retention zone is basically a big garbage bag where all the Plastics are collected and this system is being towed through the ocean by two vessels like the one I'm on now and they tow this system with a very low speed 1.5 knots or a little bit less than three kilometers an hour so it's slower than you would walk so we always see a lot of fish swimming in the system and swimming back out and in this retention Zone we also have a lot of cameras so we can see what's going on we always try to find the spots here in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch with the highest plastic density and we call those hot spots we have a computational modelers they look at waves and current and they are getting better and better at predicting where in this fast ocean the plastic density will be the highest and after we've been out here for three or four days and have been collecting Plastics our garbage bag is getting full so then we are going to do an extraction and whenever we do an extraction one of the two vessels Towing the system is taking both Wings on board so that the other vessel is free to go to the rear and it will then tie off the garbage bag and Pull It On Deck we open it up and we dump all the Plastics that we found on the deck [Music] [Music] foreign we are sorting the plastics for different types of waste according to their different recycle streams and we put the system back in the water and we continue Towing for Plastics