does it seem like the narcissist in your life just skates by and gets away with their manipulative destructive Behavior like somehow they're just immune to Justice well in today's episode I want to give you the clarity you're craving about why God's justice might seem a little slow and exactly how God deals with the issues of Pride manipulation and deceit my friend stick with me because by the end of our time today your wavering faith will be strengthened there's a character in the Bible that always reminds me of God's justice perhaps you know her from the book of first and second Kings she was a Phoenician princess who was the wife of Ahab king of Israel and her name was Jezebel Jezebel was a spiteful manipulative Wicked malicious woman who presented as charming and attractive and at times a victim sound like anyone you know narcissists are notorious for putting on the performance of being everything you need but beneath the surface they are self-centered immature entitled little Bratz who will stop at nothing to get what they want from you now Jezebel was infamously known for promoting the worship of Baal a Canaanite deity in Israel that directly was in opposition of the worship of God and she was also famous for her role in the persecution of the prophets of God and the murder of naboth just for his Vineyard while why because her husband wanted it her actions led to severe confrontations with the Prophet Elijah now in our lives she's the mother who seems to always get her way with her constant abuse she's the woman at the office who has the boss fooled or at the very least they're afraid of her coming unhinged now here's the thing she doesn't have to be a she this Jezebel behavior is no respector of genders you see men with these same TR as well and you'll see God do the exact same thing in fact there are some predictable patterns that I want you to start looking out for patterns you might otherwise Miss if you're focused on the fear and frustration for starters God will not tolerate idolatry and falsehood Jezebel's promotion of Bale worship and her attempt to attempts to suppress the worship of God actually represent the Pinnacle of how the narcissist operates they are idolized and Liars like Jezebel narcissists create these false images and they exalt themselves at the expense of others but let's remember this my friend God hates idol worship in fact let's go back to Exodus 20 where it says you shall have no other gods before me now you may be thinking well it's not like they've got carved images that they worship or do they I think a lot of their carved images are in the shape of a long piece of of glass and it's called a mirror narcissists worship themselves they exalt themselves and anything else above God and don't be fooled my friend they're not content with just worshiping themselves they need you to worship them too you ever wonder why things always go south when you raise an issue or Express a concern or a dislike about them their ego is as fragile as that mirror and just like God warned the people of Israel in Deuteronomy 6 not to follow other gods he also sent warnings to Jezebel and he will also send warnings to The Narcissist you can expect God to be merciful and give chance after chance and that is going to be the first phase God will send warnings you see the truth is Jezebel's fate didn't have to end that way more on that in a moment and like narcissists and all of us for that matter we are given chance after chance warning after warning I mean how many times did God have to tugg at your heart to tget mine before we answered the call and if we heed those warnings it can lead to repentance and restoration ignore them and you head for Destruction full steam ahead and that's exactly what he did for Jezebel elah and the other prophets were sent to stand up to her but instead of heeding their warnings what did Jezebel do well she set out to destroy Elijah and after he had demonstrated the power of God on Mount Carmel By calling down fire from heaven to consume a sacrifice that completely humiliated the prophets of baale whom Jezebel supported so what did this do it infuriated her and she sent threats to Elijah that he too would be murdered now we already know what she's capable of remember nabbo and isn't that just like a scorned narcissist cross them and their hatred has no expiration and Crossing them doesn't take much once they feel betrayed or scorned by you they attempt at Revenge will be relentless now I got to assume that Elijah wondered God what are you going to do about this woman where is your justice but God is faithful it is not his will that any should perish but all come to Salvation just like you and me and God will give ample opportunities for us to turn from wickedness and repent and he often times sends warnings through people now I realized this first first warning phase can seem very very long for those that are waiting for the justice and the change and it's even in this stage that many start to embrace destructive retaliatory efforts of their own and then sadly wonder why things continue to get worse and many unfortunately in this phase actually give up on God and give up on Hope before they reach the next phase which is this God will bring Divine Justice my friend he will bring Justice Jezebel's fate is often cited as an example of God's Divine Justice and there is nothing that Elijah could have done to have stopped this woman God had to intervene and in case you don't know the story in the end I'll cut to the chase Jezebel's story ends in a very gruesome manner as prophesied by Elijah she was thrown out of a window by members of her own Court trampled to death by horses and eaten by dogs leaving nothing but her skull feet and the palms of her hands go ahead and check that out in 2 Kings 9 this brutal end was a direct consequence of her actions and is seen as divine retribution to this day God will not be mocked my friend Jezebel's story is a classic example of how breaking the principles of God and the persecution of his people will ultimately lead to down fall in punishment that narcissist in your life that uses manipulation like sport the one who lacks empathy exploits people for their own personal gain and uses Twisted scripture to justify his or her means yeah is headed for a fate similar to Jezebel no it it may not be as gruesome but it will be just as just because God's justice will prevail because the truth is any one of us narcissists included will eventually face face the consequences for our actions and look your narcissist may not be as bad as Jezebel maybe they are maybe they won't suffer such a brutal physical death like her but God may allow them to suffer in other ways frequently for a narcissist this is done through a lack of Supply failure and a Perpetual dissatisfaction which is why you see the narcissist getting worse with old age in other words God will reach a point where he hands them over to their own debased mind and sinful ways and when that time comes my friend it can look like there is no justice for you but believe me it is torment for them I want you to imagine living life constantly dissatisfied always wanting more but always Out Of Reach and the only thing that brings you temporary pleasure is the misery of others now I'm not saying that your Justice will only be in the form of seeing them suffer I'm simply saying that their happy lives aren't as happy as you think your Justice is grounded in the truth that God will restore the years God will use what the enemy meant for evil God will turn your mourning into dancing you just need to be still look I'm also not saying that any of this so that you just feel sorry for it for them they chose this way of life their constant rejection of God landed them exactly where they are and now they're grounded in it they're grounded in the misery they're grounded in the hatred they're grounded in the constant unsuccessful attempts to fill their needs nothing changing nothing working my friend that sounds like hell literally it sounds a lot like what hell is like and that will be the fate of a narcissist living in a constant state of hell and torment in their own mind and lives now I don't know about you but I wouldn't trade anything that I'm going through for that but wait it gets worse what is the narcissist's greatest need it's Supply and where do they get this Supply from you people and how often do they burn through people that they use and abuse pretty frequent so where do you think this leaves them alone everyone has walked away no one is tolerating their abusive Behavior well maybe for except a few codependent family members and a clerk at the grocery store that seems to think they're all that but that's it there's no one family has been exhausted kids have pulled away friends are nowhere to be found they've burned all bridges and yes they will consider themselves victims and blame everyone and everything including you but ultimately the fate of a narcissist is misery now I realize that you may love this person and you don't want to see that kind of harm come to them but the truth is your enablement will not change their fate if they don't repent the names and faces of the narcissist will change but God never will he is no more intimidated by your narcissist than he was Jezebel and I can assure you that the narcissist will not get away with it not when God is your Defender because my friend there is no demon in Hell or narcissist on Earth that can surpass the power of our living God and one of the ways that narcissists pull you into their trap is through twisting of scripture that leaves you wondering if you're the one sinning against God and that's why I want you to check out this episode next for the four scriptures that narcissists love to twist and if you are struggling with difficult people in your life what invite you to grab a copy of our free toxic people Survival Guide this is my free gift to you to help you identify and deal with all the difficult people in your life I'll go ahead and include a link in the description section below