Making Girls Obsessed: A Confidence Guide

Sep 18, 2024

How to Make Any Girl Obsessed with You


  • Aim: Learn a simple formula to make any girl not just like you but become obsessed.
  • Key Requirement: Be comfortable with yourself and be prepared to be delusional.

Personal Anecdote

  • Observed a guy who had girls obsessed with him despite lacking attractiveness, intelligence, and financial stability.
  • Initially puzzled by his success in attracting women.

Discovery of Technique

  • After extensive research, discovered his secret: he assumed girls liked him.
  • His belief shaped his behavior, leading women to respond positively to him.
  • Key Concept: "Treat the woman as if she likes you."

Understanding Female Emotions

  • Women operate on feelings and emotions; they will judge based on the emotions they perceive from you.
  • Important Sentence: "She feels what you feel."
  • If you convey the belief that she likes you, she likely will become attracted to you.

Steps to Apply the Technique

Step 1: Shift Your Mindset

  • Treat the girl as if she is already interested.

  • Avoid positioning yourself as inferior or overly eager to impress.

  • Example Comparison:

    • Ordinary Guy: "I work at a big company, I have a good salary..."
    • Confident Guy: Engages in light conversation, enjoys the moment without stressing trying to impress her.

Step 2: Respond to Testing Behavior

  • Women often test men subconsciously; they may criticize or belittle.
  • Response Strategies:
    1. Ignore the comment.
    2. Turn the comment into a joke.
    3. Provide an unrelated response.
  • Example Responses:
    • If criticized: "Oh, wow. Thanks for the compliment. So where do you work?"
    • If asked if you are trying to flirt: "No. I don't need to; you are too easy."

Importance of Perceived Value

  • Things that are hard to get are often seen as more valuable.
  • Example of a Good Response:
    • If asked what you did all day: "I did loads of exciting stuff, but I don't think I can tell you..."
  • Key Point: Make women feel like they need to work for your attention.

Final Thoughts

  • Always treat any girl as if she already likes you.
  • Focus on having a good time rather than seeking approval.
  • Encourage viewers to share their challenges in the comments for future videos.