hey everyone John here from testprep insight.com and today I want to look at two of the biggest and most popular MCAT prep courses on the market blueprint and prin and review people love these prep programs and constantly compare them so today I'm going to break down how they stack up side by side and hopefully help you make a decision between them but with that said since this is just going to be a quick video if you find you need some more detail at any point you can always check out our full detailed written comparison to these two programs over on our website an easy way to get there is just to Google has prep Insight blueprint versus prin and review mcap okay so I think the best way to approach this video is to kind of just highlight the differences between these courses and where each one might be better for you because although these two prep programs are each very popular they definitely have some unique strengths and weaknesses that differentiate them so let's just do it that way I'm going to call out the major unique highlights of each course and where they fall a little short and then I'm going to circle back at the end for a quick verdict so with that let's start with blueprint now there are two big highlights that we found with them but the biggest of all for sure is their video lessons blueprints on demand video lessons are the best in the entire MCAT prep industry by a mile they're engaging the perfect length they're very easy to understand and the instructors that they have in these videos are awesome communicators the videos all feature your instructor on screen and they're packed with cool graphics cartoons and visuals to help hold your attention and demonstrate key points most of the complex chemical processes and physical systems that the lessons breakdown are Illustrated right on screen right next to the instructor which I think really helps you to understand the material and boost retention just for reference we didn't care much for prins and reviews video lectures they're kind of a boring slideshow style lesson with an AI voiceover the content in them is fine but the delivery frankly kind of stinks so when it comes to On Demand video lessons blueprint wins this by a mile and frankly if you're more of a visual learner and planning to go the self-paced study route it's going to be hard to beat blueprint here but anyway the other big highlight for blueprint is their core structure all of the blueprint lesson work is smartly structured into bite-size learning modules that build progressively on one another moving seamlessly between subjects they spoon feed you exactly what you need to learn in a very natural order now these learning modules each consist of a series of video lessons quizzes passages and assessments and these individual components within the module together that make up the prep program feel very integrated your daily Studies have just this very nice cohesive flow to them and the varied approach in each module allows you to see and understand the same material from multiple perspectives now in contrast again we didn't love prints and reviews curriculum groupings it's very segmented by MCAT subject and the daily lessons didn't flow as naturally so between the superior video lessons and short modular approach within their online course blueprint self-paced course is really hard to beat but here's the thing prints and reviews self-paced MCAT course is substantially cheaper if you choose the blueprint self-paced package with 12 months of access and printed prep books which is the same as the standard prints and review course offering the full retail price of that blueprint course is around $2500 that's in comparison to prints and review standard price on that same course of $1,600 so you're talking about a $900 difference here now you can get the price of the blueprint course down by choosing digital only books and a shorter content access period that can make the price more less equal but in looking at the two courses one for one Princeton Review is cheaper however I would just note that both companies are pretty good about running deals and discounts and you can usually find their packages on sale for much less in fact I'll do my best to drop any current discounts and coupons that I can find floating around out there for both companies down below the video screen for you I routinely see both companies knock 15 to 20% off the price so make sure to check that out prior to purchasing but that's kind of it for my quick hit high level rundown of blueprint they all about video lessons in a super smart course structure now let's turn to Princeton Review and we have a few big highlights for them live classes prep books and problem explanations let's start with the live classes and just to be clear up front here we don't have anything against blueprints live MCAT classes they're just fine in some of the better MCAT classes we've seen But Princeton Review does something totally unique here rather than having one or two generalist instructors teach your MCAT classes they have different subject matter experts teach every class based on topic for oam classes they have an okm PhD that comes in to teach the class for biology they have an instructor who specializes in biology you get the picture this is totally unique among prep providers and gives you a really deep dive for Content review We love their live classes and with the targeted homework that they assign after every class it's going to be really hard to beat prints and review here then second is prep books now when you sign up for the prince and review course you get 11 coursebooks seven cover subject specific content reviews across the different MCAT subjects and the other four various course-based workbooks like lesson notes and practice prom books these books are incredibly detailed yet they're written in an easy to understand way and they contain some great graphics we think text-based Learners will love these books and we found them to be better than Blueprints and then lastly you've got prom explanations when you look at the answer solutions that each company provides we prefer Princeton reviews their explanations are really insightful and even offer some nice action takeaways again not knocking blueprints explanations here they're just fine but we just preferred prins and reviews but anyway that's about it for the details so let's get to my final thoughts but real quick before I get into that I should just mention that since you're studying for the MCAT every single month here test rep Insight we actually give away a free prep course to one lucky person it's super simple to enter and everyone is eligible I'll put all the details Down Below in the description on how to get entered but just know it takes like 10 seconds and hey you never know you could win yourself a totally free MCAT Prep course all right the final verdict so here's what I would say if you're looking for a self-paced MCAT course then go with blueprint no doubt about it with their insanely good video lessons which make up the heart of their on demand instruction and a smart course structure they're just so hard to beat for self-guided prep but if you're thinking you're going to take a course with live classes then it does get tougher if you need some deep content review of The Sciences tested on the MCAT then you should think long and hard about going with Prince and review with their team of rotating subject matter experts teaching classes the in-depth prep books and targeted homework after every class they are very hard to beat there but anyway that's all I've got for you I hope this video has been helpful and you learned a little something about both companies if so please return the favor by subscribing to our Channel liking this video and dropping me a quick comment below that would be really appreciated and again if you want to see that full detailed written review that I mentioned earlier in this video just hop on over to our website again that's testprep insight.com or you can always check out the other videos we have on our YouTube channel we got a bunch of great content out there but as always thanks for watching best of luck and I'll see you in the next one [Music]