Video for Lab Test 3: Overview of Facial Bones and Features

Sep 29, 2024

Facial Bones Overview


  • Total of 22 skull bones: 8 cranial and 14 facial.
  • Focus on facial bones.
  • Mnemonic for facial bones: My Mandible Chews Nine Very Large Zucchini Pizzas.
    • Maxilla, Mandible, Concha, Nasal, Vomer, Lacrimal, Zygomatic, Palatine.


  • Pair of bones: Fused together.
  • Forms front of the face, nasal passageway, hard palate, part of orbits.
  • Features:
    • Infraorbital Foramen: Passage for infraorbital artery, vein, nerve; site for nerve block.
    • Incisive Foramen: Passage for sphenopalatine artery, nasopalatine nerves; behind incisors.
    • Maxillary Sinuses: Pair of sinuses within maxillary bones.


  • Jaw bone; articulates with temporal bone.
  • Features:
    • Mental Foramen: Passage for inferior alveolar nerve terminal branches; nerve block site.
    • Coronoid Process: Attachment for temporal muscle.
    • Condylar Process: Articulation with temporal bones; jaw movement.
    • Mandibular Foramen: Passage for inferior alveolar nerve, artery, vein; nerve block site.

Inferior Nasal Concha

  • Pair of bones: Separate from superior and middle conchae which are part of ethmoid bone.


  • Pair of bones: Form bony part of the nose bridge. Mostly cartilage.


  • Unpaired bone: Forms inferior part of nasal septum.
  • Articulates with maxillary, palatine, ethmoid, sphenoid bones.


  • Smallest bones in the skull; pair.
  • Part of medial orbit; involved in tear production.


  • Pair of bones: Forms part of orbit and cheekbone.
  • Temporal Process: Joins with temporal bone to form zygomatic arch (cheekbone).


  • Pair of bones: Forms part of orbits, nasal, oral cavities.
  • Contributes to posterior mouth roof.


  • Overview of facial bones and their features.
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