[Music] how do you get HIV HIV can be found in blood semen breast milk vaginal fluids and anal mucus it can be passed on when these fluids enter into another person's body for example from sex the virus in someone's badge '''l fluids or semen can pass into their partner's body through the mucous membrane of their vagina anus or the top of their penis once the virus is in their blood it makes copies of itself HIV can also be passed on from mother to baby during pregnancy birth or breastfeeding or by sharing injecting equipment it can't survive outside the body and can't get HIV by touching missing from coughs or sneezes or sharing food you can protect yourself and others from HIV by using condoms taking prep and not sharing injecting equipment if you're HIV positive taking treatment reduces the amount of virus in your body treatment can lower your viral load to undetectable levels meaning you can't pass HIV on if you know how you get HIV you'll know how to protect yourself [Music] you