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Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry
Sep 2, 2024
Nuclear Chemistry Lecture Notes
Overview of Nuclear Chemistry
Often overlooked in chemistry due to lack of observable changes in chemical properties.
Focuses on nuclear processes which allow transformation of elements (e.g., changing lead into gold).
Has significant energy implications, much greater than those in chemical reactions.
Historical Context
Early studies by scientists like Henri Becquerel and Marie Curie focused on
Radioactivity: Phenomenon where unstable nuclei emit particles, leading to development of photographic plates.
Types of Nuclear Reactions
Spontaneous Decay
(Radioactive Decay)
Unstable nuclei spontaneously release high-energy particles.
Nuclear Bombardment (Transmutation)
Purposeful manipulation of nuclei by bombarding them with high-energy particles.
Nuclear Reactions Representation
Nucleus represented as:
: Element Symbol
: Mass Number (protons + neutrons)
: Atomic Number (number of protons)
For a decay reaction:
Y_B + emitted particle
Types of Emitted Particles
Alpha Particles (α)
: Helium nuclei (2 protons + 2 neutrons) - positively charged.
Beta Particles (β)
: High-energy electrons emitted when a neutron decays into a proton.
Gamma Particles (γ)
: High-energy electromagnetic radiation, no mass or charge.
Penetrating Power of Radiation
Alpha Radiation
Low penetration; stopped by paper or skin.
Beta Radiation
Moderate penetration; can pass through paper, but stopped by metal.
Gamma Radiation
Highly penetrating; requires thick lead or concrete for shielding.
Radioactive Decay Processes
Alpha Decay
Loss of an alpha particle leads to a decrease in mass and atomic numbers.
Example: Uranium-238 → Thorium-234 + Helium-4
Beta Decay
A neutron converts into a proton, emitting a beta particle.
Mass number remains the same; atomic number increases by one.
Example: Carbon-14 → Nitrogen-14 + Electron.
Positron Emission and Electron Capture
Positron Emission
: Proton converts to a neutron, emitting a positron.
Electron Capture
: Electron combines with a proton to form a neutron.
Band of Stability
Graph showing stable nuclei based on neutron-to-proton ratios.
Lighter elements need a 1:1 ratio; heavier elements require more neutrons than protons.
Nuclear Binding Energy
Mass defect observed when comparing the mass of nucleons to the mass of a nucleus.
Energy released during nuclear reactions can be calculated using Einstein's equation: E = mc².
Applications of Nuclear Chemistry
Medical Uses
: Radiotherapy, radioactive tracers for imaging (e.g., thyroid gland imaging).
Energy Production
Nuclear Fission
: Uranium-235 as fuel in reactors.
Nuclear Fusion
: Occurs in the sun; challenges in harnessing it on Earth.
Agricultural Uses
: Food irradiation to kill bacteria.
Radiation Measurement Units
Becquerel (Bq)
: Activity of 1 disintegration per second.
Curie (Ci)
: 3.7 x 10^10 disintegrations per second.
Gray (Gy)
: Absorption of 1 Joule per kilogram of tissue.
: 0.01 Gray.
: Effective dose considering biological effectiveness.
Biological Effects of Radiation
Ionizing radiation can damage biological tissues, potentially leading to cancer.
Signs of radiation exposure vary based on dose:
0-25 Rem: No effect.
25-50 Rem: Temporary decrease in white blood cells.
100-200 Rem: Nausea, significant drop in white blood cells.
500 Rem: Potentially lethal (50% mortality rate in 30 days).
The study of nuclear chemistry includes understanding nuclear reactions, their applications, and their impacts on health and safety.
Nuclear fission and fusion hold potential for energy production, while safety protocols must address the risks of radiation exposure.
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