Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry

Sep 2, 2024

Nuclear Chemistry Lecture Notes

Overview of Nuclear Chemistry

  • Often overlooked in chemistry due to lack of observable changes in chemical properties.
  • Focuses on nuclear processes which allow transformation of elements (e.g., changing lead into gold).
  • Has significant energy implications, much greater than those in chemical reactions.

Historical Context

  • Early studies by scientists like Henri Becquerel and Marie Curie focused on radioactivity.
  • Radioactivity: Phenomenon where unstable nuclei emit particles, leading to development of photographic plates.

Types of Nuclear Reactions

  1. Spontaneous Decay (Radioactive Decay)
    • Unstable nuclei spontaneously release high-energy particles.
  2. Nuclear Bombardment (Transmutation)
    • Purposeful manipulation of nuclei by bombarding them with high-energy particles.

Nuclear Reactions Representation

  • Nucleus represented as:
    • X: Element Symbol
    • A: Mass Number (protons + neutrons)
    • Z: Atomic Number (number of protons)
  • Example:
    • For a decay reaction:
      • Before: X_A^Z
      • After: Y_B + emitted particle

Types of Emitted Particles

  • Alpha Particles (α): Helium nuclei (2 protons + 2 neutrons) - positively charged.
  • Beta Particles (β): High-energy electrons emitted when a neutron decays into a proton.
  • Gamma Particles (γ): High-energy electromagnetic radiation, no mass or charge.

Penetrating Power of Radiation

  • Alpha Radiation:
    • Low penetration; stopped by paper or skin.
  • Beta Radiation:
    • Moderate penetration; can pass through paper, but stopped by metal.
  • Gamma Radiation:
    • Highly penetrating; requires thick lead or concrete for shielding.

Radioactive Decay Processes

Alpha Decay

  • Loss of an alpha particle leads to a decrease in mass and atomic numbers.
  • Example: Uranium-238 → Thorium-234 + Helium-4

Beta Decay

  • A neutron converts into a proton, emitting a beta particle.
  • Mass number remains the same; atomic number increases by one.
  • Example: Carbon-14 → Nitrogen-14 + Electron.

Positron Emission and Electron Capture

  • Positron Emission: Proton converts to a neutron, emitting a positron.
  • Electron Capture: Electron combines with a proton to form a neutron.

Band of Stability

  • Graph showing stable nuclei based on neutron-to-proton ratios.
  • Lighter elements need a 1:1 ratio; heavier elements require more neutrons than protons.

Nuclear Binding Energy

  • Mass defect observed when comparing the mass of nucleons to the mass of a nucleus.
  • Energy released during nuclear reactions can be calculated using Einstein's equation: E = mc².

Applications of Nuclear Chemistry

  • Medical Uses: Radiotherapy, radioactive tracers for imaging (e.g., thyroid gland imaging).
  • Energy Production:
    • Nuclear Fission: Uranium-235 as fuel in reactors.
    • Nuclear Fusion: Occurs in the sun; challenges in harnessing it on Earth.
  • Agricultural Uses: Food irradiation to kill bacteria.

Radiation Measurement Units

  • Becquerel (Bq): Activity of 1 disintegration per second.
  • Curie (Ci): 3.7 x 10^10 disintegrations per second.
  • Gray (Gy): Absorption of 1 Joule per kilogram of tissue.
  • Rad: 0.01 Gray.
  • Rem: Effective dose considering biological effectiveness.

Biological Effects of Radiation

  • Ionizing radiation can damage biological tissues, potentially leading to cancer.
  • Signs of radiation exposure vary based on dose:
    • 0-25 Rem: No effect.
    • 25-50 Rem: Temporary decrease in white blood cells.
    • 100-200 Rem: Nausea, significant drop in white blood cells.
    • 500 Rem: Potentially lethal (50% mortality rate in 30 days).


  • The study of nuclear chemistry includes understanding nuclear reactions, their applications, and their impacts on health and safety.
  • Nuclear fission and fusion hold potential for energy production, while safety protocols must address the risks of radiation exposure.