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Microeconomics: Introduction, Supply & Demand
Jun 7, 2024
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Microeconomics: Introduction, Supply & Demand
Welcome and Course Outline
: John Gruber
: Microeconomics (1401)
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Course Details
Introduction to Microeconomics
Supply and Demand
Course Details with Policy Focus
Economic policy is a central theme; however, the course will not be dominated by it.
For deeper policy discussions, consider 1441 (offered in the spring by Kristen Butcher).
Teaching Style
Responsibility for understanding what is said, not just what is written.
Encouragement to ask questions and engage in discussions.
Acknowledges tendency to speak quickly; asking questions helps slow down the pace.
Use of the term “guys” in a gender-neutral way for both males and females.
What is Microeconomics?
Study of how individuals and firms make decisions in a world of scarcity.
Series of constrained optimization exercises.
Opportunity Cost
: Important concept; every action or inaction has a cost in terms of what you could have done instead.
Microeconomics vs Behavioral Economics
: Basic concepts first, behavioral insights will be sprinkled in.
Supply and Demand
Models in Economics
: Simplified representations of reality, used for understanding economic phenomena.
George Box
: All models are wrong but some are useful.
Levels of Understanding
: Intuitive, Graphical, Mathematical.
Example (Adam Smith):
Water and Diamonds Paradox
Water: essential for life but cheap due to abundant supply.
Diamonds: non-essential but expensive due to limited supply.
Supply and Demand Graph
: Quantity (x), Price (y)
Demand Curve
(Blue): Relationship between price and quantity demanded; downward sloping.
Supply Curve
(Yellow): Relationship between price and quantity supplied; upward sloping.
: Point where supply and demand curves meet.
Consumers and producers agree on quantity and price.
Positive vs Normative Analysis
Positive Analysis
: Study of what is.
Normative Analysis
: Study of what should be.
Example (eBay Kidney Auction)
Positive Analysis
: High demand and low supply led to high prices.
Normative Analysis
: Should such transactions be allowed?
Issues: Market failures, equity, fairness, and imperfect information.
Capitalistic vs Command Economy
Capitalistic Economy
Firms and individuals make production and consumption decisions.
Leads to growth and wealth but also inequality and other issues.
Command Economy
Government makes production and consumption decisions.
Ensures equity but often inefficient and corrupt.
Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand
: Consumers and firms acting in their self-interest can lead to societal benefits.
Best for Society
: Initially maximized production and consumption; further discussions will include additional factors like health and equity.
Course Structure Moving Forward
Initial focus: Principles of demand and supply, utility maximization, and firm operations.
Later: Market failures, equity, and behavioral economics.
Section and Problem Sets
: Problem sets cover material up to the class before. Sections will alternate between new material and problem-solving.
Math-focused Sections
: Teaching assistants will cover the math necessary for problem sets.
Full transcript