Transcript for:
Cardiovascular Medications for Shock

Okay, we are going to continue on  with cardiovascular medications,   and specifically in this video we will cover  medications that are used for shock. So if you are   following along with cards, I'm on card number 37. As we talk about some of these vasopressors that   are used for shock, keep in mind that you always  want to correct your patient's hypovolemia first,   before administering a vasopressor. So let's first talk about epinephrine,   which is an important medication that is used for  severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis.   It is also used for advanced cardiac life support. When you're a nurse and you're involved in a code   blue situation, chances are your patient is  definitely going to be getting epinephrine.  Epinephrine works by stimulating the alpha 1  receptors, which result in vasoconstriction.   It stimulates beta 1 receptors in the  heart, which increases the heart rate,   and it also stimulates the beta 2 receptors in  the lungs, which results in bronchodilation.  Side effects of epinephrine include hypertension,  dysrhythmias, angina, nervousness and tremor.  If your patient is getting epinephrine,  you're going to want to closely monitor   their vital signs as well as their heart rhythm,  and definitely take a look at their EKG because   of the side effect of dysrhythmias. Let's talk about our next vasopressor,   which is norepinephrine. Norepinephrine  is used for shock or severe hypotension.  Its mode of action is to stimulate alpha-1  receptors, which results in vasoconstriction.   It has minor beta-1 activity as well, so it does  increase cardiac output to a certain extent.  Side effects of norepinephrine include  hypertension and dysrhythmias. So again,   with this medication, we're going to  want to closely monitor the patient's   vital signs as well as their heart rhythm. Next we're going to talk about dopamine. So   dopamine can be used for shock, sepsis,  heart failure, as well as renal failure.  The way I remember dopamine is for shock is I  say, "Why are you acting like such a dope? Oh,   wait. Are you in shock? Let me get you some  dopamine." So if your patient's kind of acting   really out of it, they might be in shock. So  that's how I remember that dopamine is for shock.  Dopamine works by stimulating alpha-1  receptors, which causes vasoconstriction.   It stimulates beta-1 receptors, which increases  cardiac output and heart rate. And then it also   stimulates the dopaminergic receptors, which  helps to increase renal perfusion, which is   why why we would use this for renal failure. So side effects of dopamine can include   dysrhythmias as well as angina. So just like  with our other medications, we're going to really   monitor vital signs as well as the patient's EKG. Now let's talk about dobutamine. Dobutamine is   used for heart failure as  well as cardiogenic shock.  And the way I remember that dobutamine is  used for those things is if you look at   the word dobutamine, it looks like butt and  mine. So I imagine looking at my backside   in the mirror and going, "Oh, no. That butt  is mine, and it puts me into heart failure,"   which requires me to get dobutamine for my  heart. So it's a stretch, but it's what I got.  So the mode of action of dobutamine is that it  stimulates beta-1 receptors to help increase   cardiac input, but it has less effect on  the heart rate. So it's not going to jack   up the heart rate as much. So it's increasing  cardiac output, less effect on the heart rate,   as well as the blood pressure. So side effects of dobutamine include   hypertension, dysrhythmias, and angina. If your patient is on this medication,   you'll definitely want to monitor their vital  signs, their EKG. But with heart failure too,   you're probably going to be doing some hemodynamic  monitoring and monitoring their pulmonary artery   wedge pressure and as well as their central  venous pressure. So in all likelihood,   they may have an arterial line in place where  we are monitoring these pressures as well.  So the last medication I'm going  to cover in this video is albumin,   which is a colloid and a volume expander. Albumin is used for conditions such as shock,   hemorrhage, and burns. It helps to maintain osmotic   pressure in the plasma. It works by drawing  fluid from the extravascular space into that   intravascular space, into the blood vessels. So the way I remember that albumin does that,   what the mode of action is, is I think that Al  is a bum that sits outside of a grocery store   and everybody brings him bottles of water  to help him stay hydrated. And that helps   me remember that albumin draws in water,  or fluid, into that intravascular space.  So if we bring too much fluid into that  intravascular space, then we can end up with   side effects such as fluid volume overload,  pulmonary edema, as well as hypertension.  So those things will hopefully make sense to  you. If we do too good of a job of bringing   that fluid into the blood vessels, these would  be the natural side effects you would have.  So if your patient is on albumin, you're  definitely going to want to assess them   for signs of fluid overload, which could  include edema, including pulmonary edema.   You might hear crackles in the lungs. And then, this medication would be   contraindicated for heart failure patients,  who already have issues with fluid overload.   So albumin would definitely not be a  good idea for heart failure patients.  Okay. So those are all the medications  for shock. In my next video, we will get   into medications that are used for high  cholesterol. Thanks so much for watching.