didn't feel the strength work again chances are you're going to feel this in your grip hand forearm stuff at the end of this today okay prone reach it up pull it down 45 seconds I'll also say like changing the angle of the weight as you're pulling on the blanket can help you kind of feel it where you want to feel it which is around the shoulder blade stuff not in your neck here on this one not in your low back not in the front of the shoulder okay if you're feeling in the front of the shoulder you might want to get yourself up on some towels okay let's switch sides so that um your torso is elevated a little bit so there's space for the arm to fold up without pushing forward in the socket I could also just grab the blanket and pull it so try some different things especially if your grip is starting to get fatigued because the different size of what's in your hand changes also how you organize and load the muscles around the shoulder okay on to our next situps find the oxop put don't need to lift very high it's like if you were rolling that imaginary golf ball when it's out of being able to touch the nose as you roll it forward that's the end of your range keep the breast bone in contact with the floor okay 10 nope that's Time Low pulls you could also stay on your belly for these low pulls right I could just stay on my belly put the slidey thing underneath me and pull myself 10 seconds okay up to those high poles 5 seconds and break