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How would you open and modify an Excel file in Python?
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You can use the openpyxl library to open and modify Excel files. Example: import openpyxl.
Describe the use of classes and objects in Python.
Classes are used to define new types and objects are instances of classes, containing attributes and methods. Example: class Dog: def bark(self): print('Woof!')
What are the three main projects in the Python course by Mosh?
1. Build a website for a grocery store using Django. 2. Machine Learning to predict music preferences. 3. Automate tasks with Python, e.g., processing spreadsheets.
What command do you use to receive user input in a Python program?
Use the input() function. Example: name = input('Enter your name: ')
What is the difference between for loops and while loops?
For loops iterate over a collection for a fixed number of elements, while while loops continue to execute as long as a condition remains true.
What are some built-in modules in Python and their uses?
Modules like math for mathematical operations and random for generating random numbers are examples of built-in modules.
What libraries are discussed for machine learning in the course?
Numpy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn.
What do you need to do to set up PyCharm for Python development?
Download PyCharm from, install the Community edition, and configure it for Python development.
How do you define a reusable block of code in Python?
By defining a function using the def keyword. Example: def greet_user(): print('Welcome')
Explain the use of the def keyword in Python.
The def keyword is used to define a function. Example: def function_name():
How can you organize related code in Python?
By using modules and packages, importing functionality with import statements.
What is the purpose of dictionaries in Python?
Dictionaries store key-value pairs, allowing for fast data retrieval based on keys. Example: customer = {'name': 'John', 'age': 30}
How can you handle exceptions in a Python program?
You can use try and except blocks to handle exceptions. Example: try: age = int(input('Enter your age: ')) except ValueError: print('Invalid age')
Why is it important to add Python to PATH during installation on Windows?
Adding Python to PATH allows you to run Python from the command line, making it easier to run scripts and use Python tools.
How can you iterate over a collection in Python?
You can use a for loop to iterate over a collection. Example: for element in collection: print(element)