Hello students in this video we'll discuss theme 1 a period of transition chapter number 1 the beginning of the modern world students in the entire world most of the countries has divided his history into three ancient medieval and modern okay You completed the ancient history in class 6 Where you studied industrial civilization, Mesopotamian civilization, Ashoka, Jainism, Buddhism Then came the medieval period In the medieval period you studied the rise of Christianity, the rise of Islam, Qutb-ud-Dinabad, the slave dynasty You studied Turkish invasions and lastly you studied the Mughal Empire And the modern period This is the beginning of the decline of the Mughal Empire. In 1707, the last powerful Mughal ruler was Aurangzeb. I am not saying the last ruler, but the last powerful Mughal ruler was Aurangzeb.
As soon as he died, the East India Company tried to acquire political power. And from here we start our modern period. Periodization of History History in most countries is classified into three parts that I have told you Ancient, Medieval and Modern And students, the characteristics of each period are completely different from the other period Whether we talk about politics, economics, religious and social matters It doesn't matter politically, economically, religiously Every period has some different characteristics The things that were in ancient times Medieval period is different from Ancient and Modern period. Modern period is also different from both. That's why, these characteristics, political, economic and religious, make these periods different from each other.
One question is there students, what is the need of this classification? This classification helps us to bring sense of order. This classification will give us a sense of order and continuity towards the historical events and processes. This is called rewildering.
We have been able to frame a sense of order and continuity in regards to the historical events and processes. That is why we have divided history. That has taken place over centuries of evolution.
This is not a matter of one or two days. If I talk about industrial civilization from today, how old is it? So, approximately 5000 years back.
So, from so many centuries, you can understand this evolution. To see an order, a continuity, it was necessary to classify history. Classification helps us to put the past into perspective. Why is our past today?
Because our past was like this. To know all this, it was necessary to divide history. The meaning of past into perspective is to compare something, an event that happened in the past with the present.
And to see the turning points and transition period. How did the turning points come? Where did we come from?
What was the complete transition? To increase our understanding, to increase our clarity. It was very important to classify history as a period of transition. Historical periods differ from one country to another. If we compare India and UK, our ancient medieval and modern period is behind them.
How am I saying this? Their medieval period started before us. Their modern period started before us.
Industrialization came before India. They focused more on education and science before us. So they got industrialization and we got industrialization from them. So historical period differs in every country. Depending on the stage of development, they depend on the stage of development of that country.
Modern age in Europe started in 15th century. But if we talk about India, then here the starting of modern age is from mid 18th century. 15th century is the period which started from 1401 and ended in 1500. 18th century is the period which started from 1701 and ended in 1800. So, there is a difference of 300 centuries. In 15th century, the modern age started and in our India, the same thing started in mid-18th century.
Think about it, the modern period has come in 1401 to 1500. Our modern period is coming in 1701 to 1800. So the major turning point in India's transition, that is, in India's transition from middle to modern age, was the conquest of India by the British. And why was British India able to conquer? Because the central authority here, the Mughal Empire, started declining after the death of Aurangzeb.
Is that right? So, the major turning point of India's transition from the Middle to the Modern was the conquest of India by the British. In the past, India has been invaded and conquered by foreigners. The Turkish invasion of India was a history of invasions.
Alexander invaded India. Turk came to India, invaded India, Genghis Khan also tried. So, there is history of invasions in India. But the Britishers were a little different from all of them.
However, unlike the earlier conquerors, the British did not settle down and adapt to an Indian way of life. The Britishers won us, but they were a little different from the old conquerors. It didn't happen that they came to India and they...
A foreigner is ruling India for 200 years. There is a sharp divide between British rulers and Indians. Which has never been bridged. Now, characteristics.
What was the specialty of the modern age? Urbanization, democratic institution, rationalism, democratic institution. There will be voting, elections, no king or queen, government will be formed through elections.
Urbanization means, you will shift from the ruler economy to industrial economy. So, urbanization will happen automatically. People will come to factories and will start living there.
You will shift from the ruler economy to industrial economy. There will be democratic institutions. Rationalism means people will think logically, industrialization will happen, we will go from handmade goods to machine-made goods, technological advancements will happen, steam engine will come, seed drill will come, printing press will come, fundamental civil liberties will be found which were not available to us during the kings'time, and humanism, major focus is on humanism. First it was in God's center, but now who came in the center?
Human. But now I will make everything according to you. If we talk about source materials, then for the history of the modern period, we have no shortage of materials.
We have a lot of materials available. The vast range and quantity of source material for the modern age in India helps us to study the history of this period. We have a lot of materials available in quality and quantity which will help us in India.
Modern age is a great detail to read with accuracy because the written records, press news, autobiographies, even survey records, you will get everything. The source material of modern age can be kept in two categories, primary sources and secondary sources. If we discuss the primary sources, then many of the primary sources of the modern period are the sources of the modern period.
preserved in archives and museums. Students, please be careful. When you take images and make a PDF, you should be careful whether it is clear or not.
Now, what is kept in the archives and museums? Original documents such as official records of the British Government. When there was a British Government in India, its official records were kept.
Literary works like accounts of European residents, visitors, Indian officials, novel play, short story, poems by British and Indian authors of this period. There were British authors and Indian authors. Someone wrote a novel, someone wrote a play, someone wrote a short story.
Then historical works. Who did historical works? Contemporary historians.
Artistic works. Like painting, sketch, engraving and drawing In artistic work, we have made paintings, sketch, engraved something What is engraved? On a hard surface And what we make by carving is engraving and drawing Yes, at this time photographs were being taken, there were audokassets, films, videotapes So we have recorded many interviews of important personalities Newspapers were also running It was also used in English and many Indian vernacular languages like Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi Some archaeological remains like monument and artifacts, then oral history Then secondary sources The secondary sources include books, reviews, reports, articles Who wrote these?
Historians Scholars have researched primary source material. Suppose I go to a museum or an archive and I see a lot of things there. After seeing those things, if I write my interpretation or analysis in a book, then the book I have written is the secondary source that you are reading. Primary source is the archive's record, the survey reports that are kept there.
Now the difference is that the primary source What will happen? If I write a book based on the time, then my book is the second resource for you. Here are the interpret evidences and arrive at conclusion. We have interpreted, looked at things, written, and made a conclusion. Because the modern age in India begins with the advent of British rule.
So the roots of transition from the middle period to the modern period. How can you trace them back to Europe? Must be traced back to Europe.
So if we want to understand the impact of British rule on Indian history, then it is very important that we first see what changes were coming in Europe at that particular time. Imperative means to add, this is a matter of thinking and understanding that if you have the time of British rule, If you want to know the history of India, where did you go first? Europe.
So, we will see the modern period in Europe. Europe entered the modern age in the 15th century. There were very important changes here.
Feudalism declined. Feudalism means Samant Pratha. What happened after Samant? The whole economy was very badly distorted.
Raja used to make feudal lords for his own people. Those feudal lords used to make people work badly, exploit them, realize tax and maintain an army. Raja used to use that army whenever Raja needed.
So this system of feudalism declined. When did it become modern? New towns were developed.
Trade increased. So what is happening in the modern Europe, son? Feudalism.
It is slowly ending and new towns are being built. Trade is also increasing. This newspaper is from London. This news report is printed in British newspaper. It is illustrating the situation.
It is giving information about the Indian Femind. And see where we were. Trade had increased.
Trade increased. And the rights of individuals started to get stronger. Now people are talking about liberty, freedom.
Despite these changes, there was a lot of feudalism in the European continent till the 16th century. See, industrialization came first in England, so a lot of things happened in England before. The feudal system ended in England before. But still, the feudal system continued in many places till the 16th century.
Eastern Europe remained backward till almost 18th century and Eastern Europe was backward till 18th century Now, what is Eastern Europe? If this is the map of Europe So, here England is East is what it is saying Means, it is talking about Russia Right? And this part Italy, Germany, Spain, Netherlands Dutch Dutch people of Netherlands are called England, France These were developed earlier East part was not developed till 18th century. The Renaissance From 1300 to 1600 Many changes and discoveries took place here.
across Europe. There were many such moments of change and discovery in Europe which radically changed the way people lived and thought. In the three centuries between 1300 to 1600, great moments of change and discovery spread across Europe that radically altered the way people lived and thought.
change the pattern of thinking the pattern of living in all over Europe across Europe okay this period is called Renaissance this moment represents a new spirit in every field of life a new way of life which is called Renaissance Renaissance is made of French words which means either rebirth or revival Revival or rebirth is called PUNAR JAGRA NINDI So, we don't have to read RENOISCENCE, ASSURD, USHURD We have to read ASSURD Revolutionary changes in Europe Very revolutionary Renascence brought about by revolutionary and revolutionary changes ASSURD, not USHURD And from here Transition starts from Middle to Modern age in Europe. Trade started to spread around. Voyages of discovery. Voyages means sea voyage. Italian merchants were doing voyages.
They were taking big ships to distant lands. They were interacting with many societies. Their wealth and prosperity.
It was increasing. These were important factors that contributed in the beginning of the Renaissance. In the beginning of the Renaissance, there is an important role in the expansion of trade, in the voyages of discovery. There is another important event, which also had far reaching consequences. That was the capture of Constantinople.
This is the capital of the Byzantine Empire First, there was the Byzantine Empire which we also call the Eastern Roman Empire What do we call the Byzantine Empire? The Eastern Roman Empire The capital of this empire was Constantinople which we call Istanbul today What is the name of Constantinople today? Istanbul Whose capital is Istanbul?
Turkey You must have heard of Kamal Ataturk Search Kamal Ataturk Modern day Turkey Some people say that why not give it Modern day Turkey whose capital is Istanbul And Istanbul is the new name of which? Constantinople There is a song on it too Constantinople known as Istanbul Search for some song by doing this As soon as you put Constantinople Istanbul song Will come So again what was the capital of the Byzantine Empire? Constantinople Which was captured The fall of Constantinople happened in 1453. When? 1453 by the Ottoman Turks.
Is it correct? Byzantine Empire, Eastern Roman Empire, basically belongs to Christianity. But now it fells under the hands of Ottoman Turks. And students, this painting tells us how Constantinople won.
In 1453, who won? Ottoman Turks. At this time, there were many Greek scholars in the Eastern Roman Empire.
They ran away from Constantinople, which was a great center of classical Greek and Roman learning. Constantinople was a big center where classical Greek and Roman learning was done. Because now Constantinople was under Ottoman Turks'control, the scholars left Constantinople.
Where did they go now? with rare manuscripts, which were very important to them They took them and ran to Italy Who ran? Scholars Where did they run from? From Constantinople These scholars patronized them and encouraged them Okay?
Scholars and the rich Italian merchants Italian scholars, Italian merchants, Italian rulers kept them with them Their livelihood was arrangement. Rome, Florence, Milan, Venice. They were here.
Libraries were built, universities were built. For what? To promote classical and modern learning.
To promote modern learning and classical learning, many universities were built in Italy. The Renaissance or the revival of classical Greco-Roman learning. Classical Graco-Roman learning is talking about revival of ancient Greek and Roman learnings in the Cavanaises.
This has inspired and encouraged many people to question and challenge the long established ideas and institutions that have been imposed on them. Church, Kings, institutions, established ideas, have been put on people. Question them, challenge them, that this is wrong, we will not do this.
Such things started happening in the Renaissance period. They refused to blindly accept the dictates of their rulers and the church. They stopped believing what the church would say blindly. And stopped believing what the rulers would say. Now, All the people there were not ready to accept rulers or the church blindly.
They demanded to know the truth based on logic. They were talking about the truth which had no logic. They were not ready to accept anything without logic.
Only when there is logic and reason, will they accept things. And will reject everything that has no logic or any logic behind it. Until we accept everything based on logic and reason, we will reject everything.
We will accept everything that has logic and reason behind it. The new spirit of rationalism developed in people through scientific temper. The spirit of inquiry came and this scientific temper and the desire to inquire set The desire to find truth, the desire to inquire, the scientific temperament developed in the world. This led to many developments in that particular time.
And those developments were not only in one or two fields, but also in art, architecture, sculpture, art, architecture, meaning the method of building a house, sculpture, painting, literature, writing, novels, etc. Science. technology, exploration, discoveries, you will see a lot of development in every field. The Renascence scholars, thinkers, they shifted their focus from divine affairs, from God, a little bit, shifted to human affairs. The focus was on divine affairs, and they were giving a lot of weightage to the church.
Karma was very important for Kant. Now it shifted to human affairs. The spirit of humanism became central to new learning. What was the center of the new learning?
Humanism. Medieval preoccupation, religion, afterlife, heaven, heaven, hell, how will life be after death, religion, all of these were replaced by deep abiding interest in human affairs. Meaning you are thinking of this life.
They are talking about human affairs, human interests. You will get heaven and hell later, don't worry about anything. What is religion? Nothing.
Their joys and charms. Desires and fulfillment. Freedom and creativity. Today's freedom, today's creativity, today's desire, to fulfill them, that was the focus.
There was the spirit of Renaissance. The spirit of Renaissance period. found expression in every aspect of human life. And it gave something to every aspect of human life. This period was outburst of creativity and brilliance.
Right? This period of Renaissance was outburst of creativity and brilliance. We got to see many things that we had never seen before.
Think about it. It was new. Voyages and discoveries. The Renaissance also fostered a spirit of exploration and discovery. Discovery and exploration spread forward in the Renaissance.
This period bred a spirit of adventure and desire to explore the unknown. To discover new things that we could not know till today. This is what started the exploration of new lands. In the mid 15th century, the Ottoman Turks captured Asia Minor and cut off the direct link between Asia and Europe.
The Ottoman Turks cut off the direct link between Asia and Europe. Who took over Asia Minor? The Ottoman Turks.
This is Europe and this is Asia. Who controlled the Ottoman Turks? The Ottoman Turks controlled the Turks from here to here. No, no.
The Turks started controlling the major ports of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. They started raiding the European ships. Raiding means looting. They looted ships. They even imposed heavy taxes on them.
It was not right to looted even if they imposed taxes. Do you understand what I am saying? The Turks were looting the Asian and European ports.
The ships were not allowed to go to the Ottoman Tuck. They were looted before that. They were also taxed.
This gave a great blow to the European trade. It gave rise to some good things. And the most urgent thing was to find a way. The most urgent thing was to find a way.
The most urgent thing was to find a way. The most urgent thing was to find a way. The most urgent thing was to find a way. The most urgent thing was to find a way. The most urgent thing was to find a way.
The most urgent thing was to find a way. The most urgent thing was to find a way. They blocked the way and decided to find another way to reach Asia. They decided to find alternate sea routes. Great voyages of exploration were undertaken.
Great discoveries were made. New routes and new lands were discovered. In the 15th century, there was a Portuguese prince named Henry the Navigator.
He made many expeditions to explore the West Coast of Africa. He said, go to the West Coast of Africa and find out what opportunities there are for us. He made maps on the basis of exploration.
He prepared maps based on this exploration. In 1488, there was an expedition led by Bartholomew Dias. He reached the southern tip of the African continent, like this Africa. So, we reached the southern tip of Africa, Bartholomew Dias's 1480 earthquake.
And who was bearing the expenses of this exploration? The hand-reader navigator, Portugues Prince. This later came to be known as the Cape of Good Hope. And as far as Bartholomew had reached, it was called the Cape of Good Hope.
Because the prospects of finding India seemed right. After reaching there, India was searched for. In 1497, another Portuguese explorer came Vasco de Gama.
He also took the same route and reached Cape of Godot in the Bactria. He also crossed that and reached the Indian Ocean. Where did he reach? Calicut. Where is Calicut?
Today, the name of Calicut has been changed to Cozy Cod. So in 1947, where did the Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama reach? Cozy Cod. So what's a year ago? Many night sources say that he was born in 1498. Some books say that he was born in 1497. Yes, he started his journey from 1497. He reached the western coast of India in 1498. Okay, clear it out.
He started his journey from 1497 towards India. When he reached India in 1498, the discovery of Vasco de Gama found a new route to India. The new route to India was found by Vasco de Gama, which later became the important trade route. Later, this became such an important trade route that many foreign powers reached India from this same route. Am I clear?
This doubt is clear. When the journey started in 1497, he reached 1498. Another important discovery of 1492 is that Christopher Columbus, an Italian sailor, who lived in Spain, where he lived, he went westward from Europe. See, if this is Europe, then Bartholomew reached here, then he went ahead of Bartholomew, and India reached Vasco da Gama.
But this brother, Christopher Columbus, went westward. These two went eastward. Okay, he went westward from Europe. King and Queen of Spain were helping Columbus.
Columbus was sure that he could reach the East if he sailed westward from Europe. This was Columbus'thought. If he had gone a little further, he would have found the East.
Because the world is round and round. If he had started walking from here, he would have reached here after a while. He could have reached here by walking from here.
This was Columbus'thought. that they will reach east even after going west. Now you understand what I mean. This is the world's goal. If they start their journey from here, they can come here after traveling around the world, right?
They can come. So, where they will reach? They will go west. And the rest, Vasco da Gama and Bartholomew will go east. So, the issue was that they will reach east if they sail west.
But after sailing westward, across Atlantic Ocean for two months, just like they crossed the Atlantic Ocean in two months, This is the Caribbean island. Now you have heard about North America. You have also heard about South America. This middle part is Central America. This is North America.
This is Panama. This is South America. This middle part is Central America.
He did more voyages and searched for more lands in Caribbean. Along the coast of Venezuela, he reached the coast of Venezuela, which is a South American country. Not North American, but South American. Until his death, Columbus believed that he had found the route to the East.
Until his death, he always thought that he would reach the East. Little did he know that he had actually discovered America, a new continent. Little did he know that he had actually discovered America, a new continent.
He has discovered a new continent. It is a country from India. He has discovered a new continent, America. After reaching there, Spain and Portugal have divided this newly discovered land in the East and West between themselves. They have divided it in East and West.
Who has divided it? Spain and Portugal. This discovery has led to steady growth. Trade, commerce, new ways are coming, make good and sell.
New class emerged, rich merchants. These merchants earned a lot of money. And helped the ruler to build a prosperous, strong and stable state.
And with this money, they built a stable state with full tax. They helped the king. And the king's dependence on feudal lands gradually declined.
And the king's dependence on feudal lords also ended. The wealthy merchants, the professional class, were doctors, lawyers, teachers, they were the middle class. And the middle class in general, merchants in particular, were very influential.
They had the most money. They contributed a lot to society. They made progress in humankind.
Their discoveries enriched people's knowledge. We got to know about the geography of the world, what is in North America, Central America, India, South America, we got to know everything. We got to know about the map and revolutionary economic changes in Europe.
And set in motion the process of colonization. And from here the process will start, we got new ways of colonization. Colonization will happen of Asia, Africa and Latin America.
So dear students, I am ending this video here only. We will discuss reformation in the next video.