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IoT Infrastructure Requirements for Easy Game Application Deployment

good morning we are from bbak Technologies We are continuing iot infrastructure requirements for easy game application deployment deployment uh discussion so now Hardware details we will talk about how Hardware infrastructure is scattered across the smart cities we will discuss before that yes in easy game there is a Edge device called Android mobile that is connected to headset by bluetooth via Bluetooth as well as that Android mobile energy device has got a display display to show the result to the user means concentration of the player each player is going to have an edge device that has got to addition add-ons with that one is called headset it's a sensor that senses the intensity of the mind and there is another device called display that is called actuator that is used to show the results so here this is a raised device so Hardware infrastructure required for this is uh displayed in a diagram as shown on the screen here you can see mobile one one mobile one zero mobile zero zero and mobile zero one these are four people are playing with each have with their own mobile so each mobile is having one sensor for example mobile one one is having sensor EEG one one similarly mobile one one user one as a display called LCD one one similarly another user mobile one zerosene hdy that is also having an actuator as well as the sensor similarly there is another user who is playing the game is having an edge device called mobile zero zero he has one sensor called eg00 and there is another display unit LCD 0 0 so like the category Edge device this comes with actuator and the sensor and this 8G devices use these devices are pulled by the game player so these devices once again connected to Wi-Fi router for their communication so Wi-Fi router see this mobile one one a mobile one zero these two users are in the same reason they are connected to Wi-Fi router which is on the uh um Tower you can say whatever similarly there is another two users mobile zero zero and mobile zero one game players those are connected to the uh um like we can call it as a base station you can say this wi-fi router 0 and Wi-Fi router 1 these two are the two base stations these base stations are located in a different part of the area each has got their own coverage they are connected to users Edge devices so Wi-Fi router 1 Wi-Fi router 0 these two are the fog resources which were introduced again the proxy server is again a fog resource that is introduced and these two routers are coordinated and if there is any work which cannot be handled by these four resources these three Wi-Fi router one Wi-Fi router 0 and then proxy server these three are all these three resources are fall resources if some work which cannot be handled by these three will be handed over to the cloud for computation so here there are it is a three layer architecture cloud is the topmost layer and it is the lowest layer between Edge and the cloud there is intermediate layer called fog layer this flaw fog layer is introduced only to increase the only to increase the response time to the players so players should get the response quickly if their computation is transferred to the cloud and return back it takes a lot of time so to reduce the time delay and increase the response uh [Music] response so quick response we introduce this fog resources this is the kind of iot infrastructure that is going to be used in found was in easy game application here what happens as we have discussed in earlier video so easy game application is designed with three models one is the client another one is concentration calculator another one is coordinator so if we these are the three models which comes under application easy game application these three models will be deployed or these Hardware infrastructures whether these three models which model should be put in where means one or two models can be put in Edge device one or two can be put in fog resource or something can be put in Cloud resource for that any and computes the so now it is to compute the concentration so means client the client will again so like this so these models should be placed so there is a here delay is in two ways one is computation each model takes some time to compute so the responsibility of each model we already discussed in the previous video uh this is the responsibility of each model see client responsibility is to clean the input and the concentration category to receive the output of the client that is cleaned sensed information and it should compute the um intensity of the concentration of the player and then it should send back it to the client as well as it should send the concentration to the coordinator also so this coordinator colors the concentration of every users and then it displays back all users data to client and then client will display it on the screen this is the scenario so in this scenario when we are done simulation so this is the results we will get this is like you see execution time is 648 milliseconds in this C EEG is the sensored information is sent to the client sentence for sensed intensity from the head side and client will clean this and send to the concentration calculator concentration again computes the computer computes the concentration again sends it back to the collect and client will display and lecture so totally it tooks 19.093 milliseconds this is called one Loop one Loop means examine small small task means EEG means headset it since this is the intensity of the brain concentration and sent to the client and then client should clean the received information and then send the clean the sensor information to the another model called concentration calculator so this concentration calibrator again will compute the concentration and computed concentration should be sent back to the client so this client will again just transfer to display to display so this is the so there are many intermediate small tasks a group of tasks together called as a one job this means sensing and then displaying back the intensity of the concentration this is one job it is having small test so we call that this is a loop delay so our object is to reduce the loop DeLay So in this case you can see what about the energy consumed by each divisor and also uh result is not putted into the thing we can make it print which model concentration character is executed in cloud like that which model execution concentration sensor these are all the tuples means small small task which constitutes the job so time taken to execute and which place in which place we are to in which Hardware means it in a fog resource or Edge resource or a cloud resource where that model should be run so that is decided by the allocation means uh resource allocation to the model model mapping we call it as model allocated to particular resource so that it produces the results so which model should select this we have simulated and we are getting the results like this so this is a simple case study of yesterday of this um music game application simulation so here like that this is the cloud I want so we ultimately we'll see what is the energy consumed at every device as well as what is the network usage means transmission will be there it's like this say after receiving it should serve mobile one shoulder so this so you've assume that concentration calculator is at the proxy server what happens whatever we sensed here in EEG headset should go to the mobile device where this Android mobile device having the client model this client model will cleanse the received data and then send the clean data to the proxy server and proxy server actually needs to compute the concentration and then it should send back for the display on the LCD so this should be displayed but LCD display is again in Mobile so it should come means data is to travel through the network as well as data should come back to the network for the display so this Transportation means traveling time as well as computation practice server has to compute so some time is utilized and like this so what is the time taken for transmission plus time taken for execution of the model is law is a loop delay means for more than one task this is also missed receiving and Computing and sending back for the display total time is called Loop delay and time taken for individual like cleaning is done in Mobile 1.1 so resource what is the time it took and concentration calculator is done in processor what is the time tag that is displayed this is a single units this is see concentration calculation took this much time it means receiving easy means headset data took 5.0 microseconds so I like and totally one Loop took how much time for that and each whatever the energy consumed at each devices like this wi-fi router proxy server cloud so what is the energy consumed as well as what is the cost in card means proxy server uh Wi-Fi router means fog devices and as well as Edge devices are one of the bias so we may need not to pay anything only we need to take care of electricity bill but when it comes to cloud cloud is external resource so we are using it uh for some computation then we need to pay the required amount as well as Network utilization is again how much data flows into the cloud how much data comes into the comes out of the cloud that tall measures see total Network usage and the cost cost is only for the cloud and other devices they are warned by us we need to pay the energy console consumed is important for other device cost is required only for clock and energy consumed at Cloud is also computed but it is not required for us because we are paying for that so this is a simple simulation easy game application and anyone is looking for any kind of simulation using iPhone Sim 2 please contact us on a display coordinators on our email ID and the WhatsApp number which is displayed on the screen thank you very much for the researchers thank you very much