Transcript for:
Yoga and Meditation Techniques Overview

hello okay so quickly type A yes if I'm audible hello hello and welcome okay perfect so what will begin with today is bastri bastri if you want to you can sit in vajas or you can sit in suken there are two variations of bhastrika one is that you apply pressure the other is you simply take your hands up and slowly bring it down okay allowed then you can do it but the Mind always says you know so make sure that you don't overdo it come on let's get ready for Basta round one normal breath in breathe out together for bhastrika breathe in 1 in 2 in three in 4 in five in six in 7 in 8 in 9 in 10 in 1 in 2 in three in four in five in six in s in 8 in 9 in 10 let go while you do Basta after that apply your kull hold or the Mula Bund pull the muscles around your lower abdominal region in and let go round two take positions and let go for Basta together breathe in 1 in 2 in 3 in 4 in 5 in 6 in s in 8 in 9 in 10 in 1 in 2 in 3 in 4 in 5 in 6 in 7 in 8 in 9 in 10 apply the lock let go last round take positions again normal breath in breathe out empty your lungs together for bhastrika breathe in 1 in 2 in 3 in 4 in 5 in 6 in 7 in 8 in 9 in 10 in 1 in 2 in 3 in 4 in 5 in six in 7 in 8 in 9 in 10 let go apply the lock and let [Music] go just keep your eyes closed for some time and let's start our session with a feeling of gratefulness and gratitude m which be incident good situation good objects people just find a reason to be grateful our mind finds a reason to be unhappy or complain we intentionally find a reason to be thankful and happy keeping a smile on the face let's get ready for the prayer [Music] y [Music] sh [Music] [Music] gur brah Guru Vishnu Guru [Music] Mah Guru [Music] s sh gur let's all stand up welcome to Saturday isn't it then physical so exercise so I Want You to Breathe only in the nose make sure that you're not using your mouth build up okay so breathing is the primary factor when it comes to stamina body level or the physical stamina comes second come on let's all stand up continue to walk move your hands also shake your hands outside up out again forward and what do we do we start with burpees okay burpees so the first and easiest variation is Take Your Hands Up take your hands down right leg left leg right leg left leg go up then you switch to the left side like this this is the simplest version of burp now we do one more addition which is Jump then you go back jump back jump forward jump up back neck let's get ready 1 minute of burp do as much as possible breathe only in the nose ready in three 2 one now KNE issue back issue neck issue continue comeand minute movement keep moving for one minute whatever you do you do easier you do tough but do it keep moving keep moving come on you should go into a little breathless Zone with whatever activity you're doing so increase the speed increase the intensity as much as possible and let go relax that was round one for us let's go for round two okay be ready come in the front of your mat if you're doing the bur piece for those of us who are following me we'll do a second variation here 3 2 1 go for it come on minute movement or easy variation whatever your capacity is just do it a little more intense we just want to go into a little breathless zone so that we improve on that breathing aspect and come back let go that was round two I hope to breathing buil up we'll do one more round this time you want to do easier variation in burp do that that level one variation of Burpee for those who are doing with me we do another round come on go for for it 3 2 1 go come on F fast kick back kick back kick back you should go into a little breathless Zone that's the ask and go with one leg one leg at a time one leg at a time right left right left come on continue do 10 more very nice b b and relax come back and now what we do is two breaths in one breath out two breath in breathe out in again breathe out out in out in breathe out in out one last time breathe out increase the distance between your feet a little bit more to extra distance hands up and go to the right side anyone with back issue you'll not do as much to drop your head down G take your hands up again and go on the other side One More Time come back up go down come back up again go down Center let go relax right leg forward left leg back hold your elbows behind push your shoulders back and down keeping your back straight look forward feel the stretch in your hamstrings look forward come back up we'll do this 10 times forward up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 left leg forward right leg back hold hold and we do 10 times come on one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 [Music] 9 10 come back one more time right leg forward extremely good to open up the hamstrings and also you might feel the stretch in the calf muscle to stiff long sitting Hours come on go for it one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 left leg forward right leg back switch sides 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 well done relax and we'll do power walk simply lift your knees up come on continue for 1 minute you don't tip back you keep slightly forward movement I'm just showing it you don't go back for sure you keep it slightly forward and then you lift your legs up very good for the spine ah if you want to do it a little fast you can do that come on walk you can feel a lot of adjustments happening in the lower back while you do this and let go relax one important stretch listen carefully this involves a little bit breathing okay so you breathe in you take your hands up you breathe out and you push your waist forward okay breathe in hands up breathe out push your waist forward breathe out from the mouth bring your hands down very good for the upper back especially Breathe In Breathe Out breathe in again breathe out 10 times breathe in breath out your forward breathe in again breathe out breathe in out P then out out breathe in five in 6 in 7 in8 in nine one last time in 10 and let go relax relax now what we do is we simply do alternate heel lifts okay s alternate heal up and down come on let's continue Solus push-up standing version just push your heel up alternate keep moving and let go we'll do one more round of this continue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 One Last Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 3 2 1 let go relax continue to walk nice simple easy walk and let's sit down Aram bed so what we do is we do bramar pranayam we do these pranayams are coming and then we talk a little bit about meditation and we do a guided meditation Today Meditation is more like strengthening the mind gued okay so let's start with brah simple we just need to make a humming sound breathe in and make a humming [Music] sound h m h h [Music] relax shudra shud signic our mind always wants to go out isn't it say smell taste touch all of that so the problem is always going out of the mind right so we keep the little finger below our lips the ring finger above the lips you're closing your taste middle finger on the side of your nostrils slightly press close your uh smell index finger on the eyes close your eyes thumb using your thumbs close the ears and touch in the fingers is already closed and then you make a humming sound like this as up [Music] p [Music] [Laughter] [Music] come [Music] come [Music] and relax B and keeping our eyes closed let's continue with nadian pranayam for 3 to 4 minutes okay left hand chin mudra right hand index and middle finger between your eyebrows come on the right nostril ring finger on the left breathe in close your right breathe out left breathe in left close your left breathe out right breathe in right close your right breathe out left breathe in out in out in out in out in out in out in out in out [Music] in out in out [Music] in out in out [Music] in out in out and relax and slowly you can open your eyes now there is definitely this misunderstanding regarding meditation that it is focus meditation is not focus it is in fact defocus yes so how do you know if you are doing meditation right or not it can be a question so I have a question for you as a counter question how do you know if you slept well I am nothing I want nothing and I do nothing yeah I'm a CEO I'm a professional I'm this I'm that you don't have that thought while you're sleeping isn't it you are not attached to the to who you are while you're sleeping and third to desires but while you actually sleeping it's almost like whatever happens happens similarly in meditation for next 5 7 minutes 10 minutes we will have three intentions I want nothing I do nothing and I am okay of Life improve that really makes a lot of difference when you meditate on a regular basis super power but it's very good you should give your mind that much needed rest okay so let's keep our eyes closed take a back support back support so you can take a back support if you wish to or you can sit with me no problem whatever is your choice okay take a deep breath in breathe out a BND sit comfortable and easy if you feel a little discomfort here and there take it with a smile discomfort there is no rules for meditation whatever happens that is what it is mentally just take these three intentions for the next 10 minutes I want nothing I am nothing and I do nothing take your attention to different sounds in the surrounding a sound of the traffic if there is any sound of birds people any other sound in the surrounding just become aware of that accept all the noises in the surrounding become aware of your own body our body is a precious gift from Mother Nature honor and respect our own body up sh or keeping your body still like a statue take your attention to your feet take your attention to your knees de thighs and glutes janga or nitam relax your both legs take your ATT attention to your groin region stomach region lower abdominal region heart region chest and back relax your shoulders and relax your hands Gand relax your neck head top of the head forehead and all your facial muscles relax your whole body take your attention to your thoughts which are mind can have good thoughts or bad thoughts except as it is do not resist any thought become aware of your feelings and emotions you might be feeling good you may not be feeling good except as it is drop all your efforts and relax you are peace you are Joy you are love he Shanti or prho take a deep breath in breathe out become aware of your feelings and emotions again become aware of your thoughts become aware of your body and your surroundings and with this beautiful state of mind let's chant together and pray for everyone around us [Music] loc locast [Music] locast om shanty Shanty Shanty and whenever you feel like you may gradually open your eyes you know it is said the mind is very powerful isn't it the reason why blessings of Elders work is because they do not want something for themselves yes so but that's a mechanism of stress release most that's why it is said That's The Power of meditation so do it regularly that's important quick updates for you today evening at 8 30 we do the repeat session of habits habit building consistent so today evening at 8:30 we'll focus on consistency of practice tomorrow we talk about diet I know you have been asking simp Le but and Monday would be our last session for the free free challenge okay so if you wish to continue with us from 23rd you still have a chance these are the price plans that you have you can continue from 23rd of January okay so the 12 month 6 month and 3 months these are the only plans the time slots are exactly the same the teacher are exactly the same the schedule is exactly the same okay continue maintain thank you for joining us see you today at 8:30 tomorrow at 11 and 6 and day after tomorrow all the six time slots okay I'll repeat in Hindi consistency so that's it so you can do that as well the team is there delay response because of the heavy load that we have already starting from 23rd so you're most welcome most invited hello okay so quickly type A yes if I'm Audible hello hello and welcome okay perfect so what will begin with today is Basta bastri if you want to you can sit in Vasan or you can sit in sukhasan there are two variations of bhastrika one is that you apply pressure the other is you simply L take your hands up and slowly bring it down okay then you can do it but the Mind always says you know so make sure that you don't overdo it come on let's get ready for Basta round one normal breath in breathe out together for Basta breathe in 1 in 2 in 3 in 4 in 5 in six in 7 in 8 in 9 in 10 n in 1 in 2 in 3 in 4 in five in six in 7 in 8 in n in 10 let go while you do Basta after that apply your kull hold or the Mula band pull the muscles around your lower abdominal region in and and let go round two take positions and let go for Basta together breathe in one in 2 in 3 in 4 in five in six in 7 in 8 in 9 in 10 in 1 in 2 in 3 in 4 in 5 in six in 7 in 8 in 9 in 10 apply the lock let go last round take positions again normal breath in breathe out empty your lungs together for bhastrika breathe in 1 in 2 in 3 in 4 in five in 6 in 7 in 8 in 9 in 10 in 1 in 2 in 3 in 4 in 5 in six in 7 in 8 in 9 in 10 let go apply the lock and let go just keep your eyes closed for some time and let's start our session with a feeling of gratefulness and gratitude which be incident good situation good objects people just find a reason to be grateful our mind finds a reason to be unhappy or complain we intentionally find a reason to be thankful and happy keeping a smile on the face let's get ready for the pray [Music] part y [Music] sh PR pan PR gur BR gur vnu gur [Music] Mahar Guru [Music] s let's all stand up welcome to Saturday Saturday Prim breathing isn't it exercise so I Want You to Breathe only in the nose make sure that you're not using your mouth build up up okay so breathing is the primary factor when it comes to stamina body level or the physical stamina comes second come on let's all stand up continue to walk move your hands also Shake Your Hands [Music] outside up out again forward and what do we do we start with burpees okay burpees so the first and easiest variation is Take Your Hands Up take your hands down right leg left leg right leg left leg go up then you switch to the left side like this this is the simplest version of burp now we do one more addition which is Jump then you go back jump back jump forward jump up back neck let's get ready one minute of burpees do as much as possible breathe only in the nose ready in 3 2 1 nowe issue back issue neck issue continue come on minute movement keep moving for one minute whatever you do you do easier you do tough but do it keep moving keep moving come on you should go into a little breathless Zone with whatever activity you're doing so increase the speed increase the intensity as as much as possible and let go relax that was round one for us let's go for round two okay be ready come in the front of your mat if you're doing the burpees for those of us who are following me we do a second variation here 3 2 1 go for it come on minute movement or easy variation f whatever your capacity is just do it a little more intense we just want to go into a little breathless zone so that we improve on that breathing aspect and come back let go that was round two I hope breathing built up we'll do one more round this time you want to do easier variation in burp do that that level one variation of Burpee for those who are doing with me we do another round come on go for it 3 2 1 go come on fast fast kick back kick back kick back you should go into a little breathless Zone that's the ask and go with one leg one leg at a time one leg at a time right left right left come on continue do 10 more very nice b b and relax come back and now what we do is two breaths in one breath out two breath in breathe out in again breathe out in out in breathe out in out one last time breathe out increase the distance between your feet a little bit more to extra distance hands up and go to the right side anyone with back issue you'll not do as much to drop your head down G take your hands up again and go on the other side One More Time come back up go down come back up again go down Center let go relax right leg forward left leg back hold your elbows behind push your shoulders back and down keeping your back straight look forward feel the stretch in your hamstrings look forward come back up we'll do this 10 times forward up one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 left leg forward right leg back and we do 10 times come on one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 come back one more time right leg forward extremely good to open up the hamstrings and also you might feel the stretch in the Cal muscle hamstring long sitting hours haming come on go for it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 left leg forward right leg back switch sides 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 well done relax and we'll do power walk simply lift your knees up come on continue for one minute you don't tip back you keep slightly forward movement I'm just showing it you don't go back for sure you keep it slightly forward and then you lift your legs up very good for the spine ah if you want to do it a little fast you can do that come on walk you can feel feel a lot of adjustments happening in the lower back while you do this and let go relax one important stretch listen carefully this involves a little bit breathing okay so you breathe in you take your hands up you breathe out and you push your waist forward okay breathe in hands up breathe out push your waist forward breathe out from the mouth bring your hands down very good for the upper back especially Breathe In Breathe Out breathe in again breathe out 10 times breathe in breathe out your forward forward breathe in again breathe out breathe in out breathe in out breathe in five in six in 7 in eight in nine one last time in 10 and let go relax relax now what we do is we simply do alternate heel lifts okay s alternate heel up and down come on let's continue I'm Sol push-up standing version just push your heel up alternate keep moving and let go we'll do one more round of this continue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 One Last Time 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 3 2 1 let go relax continue to walk nice simple easy walk and let's sit down Aram sjo so what we do is we do bramar pranayam we dos are coming and then we talk a little bit about meditation and we do a guided meditation Today Meditation is more like strengthening the mind [Music] sociation guided okay so let's start with brah simple we just need to make a humming sound breathe in and make a humming sound h m h H relax shud mind always wants to go out isn't it smell taste touch all of that so the problem is always going out of the mind right just sh so we keep the little finger below our lips the ring finger above the lips so you're closing your taste middle finger on the side of your nostril slightly press close your uh smell index finger on the eyes close your eyes thumb using your thumbs close the ears and touch in the fingers is already closed and then you make a humming sound like [Music] this [Music] [Music] h [Music] h [Music] come and relax and keeping our eyes closed let's continue with nadian pranayam for 3 to 4 minutes okay left hand chin mudra right hand index and middle finger between your eyebrows thumb on the right nostr ring finger on the left breathe in close your right breathe out left breathe in left close your left breathe out right breathe in right close your right breathe out left [Music] breathing out in out [Music] in out in out [Music] in out in out [Music] in out in out [Music] in out in out [Music] in out in out [Music] in out in out and relax and slowly you can open your eyes now there is definitely this misunderstanding regarding meditation that it is focus meditation is not focus it is in fact defocus yes so how do you know if you are doing meditation right or not it can be a question so I have a question for you as a counter question how do you know if you slept well rules I am nothing I want nothing and I do nothing yeah I'm a CEO I'm a professional I'm this I'm that you don't have that thought while you're sleeping isn't it you are not attached to the to who you are while you're sleeping and third but while you are actually sleeping it's almost like whatever happens happens similarly in meditation for next 5 7 minutes 10 minutes we will have three intentions I want nothing I do nothing and I I am nothing okay that really makes a lot of difference when you meditate on a regular basis but it's very good you should give your mind that much needed rest okay so let's keep our eyes closed take a back support back support so you can take a back support if you wish to or you can sit with me no problem whatever is your choice okay take a deep breath in breathe out a sit comfortable and easy if you feel a little discomfort here and there take it with a smile just mus there is no rules for meditation whatever happens that is what it is mentally just take these three intentions for the next 10 minutes I want nothing I am nothing and I do nothing take your attention to different sounds in the surrounding sound of the traffic if there is any sound of birds people any other sound in the surrounding just become aware of that accept all the noises in the surrounding become aware of your own body our body is a precious gift from Mother Nature honor and respect our own body up or keeping your body still like a statue take your attention to your feet per take your attention to your knees de thighs and glutes jungar nitam relax your both legs take your attention to your Gro region stomach region lower abdominal region heart region chest and back relax your shoulders and relax your hands Gand relax your neck head top of the head forehead and all your facial muscles relax your whole body take your attention to your thoughts mind can have good thoughts thoughts or bad thoughts except as it is do not resist any thought become aware of your feelings and emotions you might be feeling good you may not be feeling good except kep as it is drop all your efforts and relax you are peace you are Joy you are love he Shanti kush or prho take a deep breath in breathe out become aware of your feelings and emotions again become aware of your thoughts become aware of your body and and your surroundings and with this beautiful state of mind let's chant together and pray for everyone around us [Music] Loca Loc [Music] loc om Shanty Shanty shanty and whenever you feel like you may gradually open your eyes you know it is said the mind is very powerful isn't it the reason why blessings of Elders work is because they do not want something for themselves yes so but that's a mechanism of stress release mostly that's why it is said That's The Power of meditation so do it regularly that's important quick updates for you today evening at 8:30 we do the repeat session of habits habit building session diet okay so today evening at 8:30 we'll focus on consistency of practice tomorrow we talk about diet I know you have been asking and Monday would be our last session for the free free challenge okay so if you wish to continue with us from 23rd you still have a chance these are the price plans that you have you can continue from 23rd of January okay so the 12 month 6 month and 3 months these are the only plans the time slots are exactly the same the teacher are exactly the same the schedule is exactly the same okay thank you for joining us see you today at 8:30 tomorrow at 11: and 6 and day after tomorrow all the six time slots okay I'll repeat in Hindi consistency price plan so that's it so you can do that as well the team is there delay response because of the heavy load that we have starting from 23rd so you're most welcome most invited hello okay so quickly type A yes if I'm audible hello hello and welcome okay perfect so what we'll begin with today is bastri if you want to you can sit in vajras or you can sit in sukhasan there are two variations of Basta one is that you apply pressure the other is you simply take your hands up and slowly bring it down okay pressure then you can do it but the Mind always says you know so make sure that you don't overdo it come on let's get ready ready for bastri round one normal breath in breathe out together for bastri breathe in one in 2 in 3 in 4 in five in six in 7 in 8 in 9 in 10 in 1 in 2 in 3 in 4 in five in six in 7 in 8 in 9 in 10 let go while you do Basta after that apply your kull hold or the mul Bund pull the muscles around your lower abdominal region in and let go round two take positions and let go for bastri together breathe in 1 in 2 in in 3 in 4 in 5 in 6 in 7 in 8 in n in 10 in 1 in 2 in 3 in 4 in 5 in 6 in 7 in 8 in 9 in 10 apply the lock let go last round take positions again normal breath in breathe out empty your lungs together for Basta breathe in one in 2 in 3 in 4 in 5 in six in 7 in 8 in 9 in 10 in 1 in 2 in 3 in 4 in 5 in 6 in 7 in 8 in 9 in 10 let go apply the lock and let go just keep your eyes closed for some time and let's start our session with a feeling of gratefulness and gratitude m which be incident which situation which objects people just find a reason to be grateful our mind finds a reason to be unhappy or complain we intentionally find a reason to be thankful and happy keeping a smile on the face let's get ready for the prayer [Music] you you [Music] [Music] Guru brah Guru Vishnu gur mAh [Music] gur let's all stand up welcome to Saturday Saturday stamina primary isn't it then physical soise so I want You to Breathe only in the nose make sure that you're not using your mouth to build up okay so breathing is the primary factor when it comes to stamina body level or the physical stamina comes second come on let's all stand up continue to walk move your hands also shake your hands outside up out again forward and what do we do we start with bures okay so the first and easiest variation is Take Your Hands Up take your hands down right leg left leg right leg left leg go up then you switch to the left side like this this is the simplest version of burp now we do one more addition which is Jump then you go back jump back jump forward jump up back neck let's get ready one minute of burpees do as much as possible breathe only in the nose ready in 3 2 1 now is back continue come on minute movement keep moving for 1 minute whatever you do you do easier you do tough but do it keep moving keep moving come on you should go into a little breathless Zone with whatever activity you're doing so increase the speed increase the intensity as much as possible and let go relax that was round one for us let's go for round two okay be ready come in the front of your mat if you're doing the bur piece for those of us who are following me we'll do a second variation here 3 2 1 go for it come on 8 Minute move or easy variation to fast capacity say fast whatever your capacity is just do it a little more intense we just want to go into a little breathless zone so that we improve on that breathing aspect and come back let go that was round two I hope breathing built up we'll do one more round this time you want to do easier variation in burp do that JP that level one variation of burp for those who are doing with me we do another round come on go for it 3 2 1 go come on fast fast kick back kick back kick back you should go into a little breathless Zone that's the ask and go with one leg one leg at a time one leg at a time right left right left come on continue do 10 more very nice b b and relax come back and now what we do is two breaths in one breath out two breath in breathe out in again breathe out in out in breathe out in out one last time breathe out increase the distance between your feet a little bit more to us extra distance hands up and go to the right side anyone with back issue you will not do as much to drop your head down G take your hands up again and go on the other side One More Time come back up go down come back up again go down Center let go relax right leg forward left leg back hold your elbows behind push your shoulders back and down keeping your back straight look forward feel the stretch in your hamstrings look forward come back up we'll do this 10 times forward up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 left leg forward right leg back p hold and we do 10 times come on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 come back one more time right leg forward extremely good to open up the hamstrings and also you might feel the stretch in the C muscle haming long sittings haming come on go for it one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 left leg forward right leg back switch sides 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 well done relax and we'll do power walk simply lift your knees up come on continue for one minute Kish you don't tip back you keep slightly forward movement I'm just showing it you don't go back for sure you keep it slightly forward and then you lift your legs up very good for the spine ah if you want to do it a little fast you can do that come on walk you can feel a lot of adjustments happening in the lower back while you do this and let go relax one important stretch listen carefully this involves a little bit breathing okay so you breathe in you take your hand hands up you breathe out and you push your waist forward okay breathe in hands up breathe out push your waist forward breathe out from the mouth bring your hands down very good for the upper back especially Breathe In Breathe Out breathe in again breathe out 10 time breath in breathe out s push your waist forward breathe in again breathe out breathe in out breathe in out breathe in p five in six in 7 in 8 in nine one last time in 10 and and let go relax relax now what we do is we simply do alternate heel lifts okay s alternate heel up and down come on let's continue pushup standing version just push your heel up alternate keep moving and let go we'll do one more round of this continue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 9 8 7 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 one last time a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 9 3 2 1 let go relax continue to walk nice simple easy walk and let's sit down Aram bed so what we do is we do we do these pranayams are coming and then we talk a little bit about Med meditation and we do a guided meditation Today Meditation is more like strengthening the Mind social Med scr mental stamina meditation okay so let's start with brah brah simple we just need to to make a humming sound breathe in and make a humming sound h h h h relax shudra significance our mind always wants to go out isn't it say smell taste touch all of that so the problem is always going out of the mind right we keep the little finger below our lips the ring finger above the lips you're closing your taste middle finger on the side of your nostril slightly press close your uh smell index finger on the eyes close your eyes thumb using your thumbs close the ears and touch in the fingers is already closed and then you make a humming sound like this [Music] h [Music] h h [Music] to [Music] and relax and keeping our eyes closed let's continue with nadian pranayam for 3 to 4 minutes okay left hand chin mudra right hand index and middle finger between your eyebrows thumb on the right nostril ring finger on the left breathe in close your right breathe out left breathe in left close your left breathe out right breathe in right close your right breathe out left breathe [Music] in out in out [Music] in out in out [Music] in out in out [Music] in out in out [Music] in out in out in out in out [Music] in out in out and relax and slowly you can open your eyes now there is definitely this misunderstanding regarding meditation that it is focus meditation is not focus it is in fact defocus yes so how do you know if you are doing meditation right or not it can be a question so I have a question for you as a counter question how do you know if you slept well I am nothing I want nothing and I do nothing need may be similar I'm a CEO I'm a professional I'm this I'm that you don't have that thought while you're sleeping isn't it you are not attached to the to who you are while you're sleeping and third uh but while you are actually sleeping it's almost like whatever happens happens similarly in meditation for next 5 7 minutes 10 minutes we will have three intentions I want nothing I do nothing and I am nothing okay improve that really makes a lot of difference when you meditate on a regular basis but it's very good you should give your mind that much needed rest okay so let's keep our eyes closed take a back support back support so you can take a back support if you wish to or you can sit with me no problem whatever is your choice okay take take a deep breath in breathe out sit comfortable and easy if you feel a little discomfort here and there take it with a smile discomfort there is no rules for meditation whatever happens that is what it is mentally just take these three intentions for the next 10 minutes I want nothing I am nothing and I do nothing take your attention to different sounds in the surrounding sound of the track traffic if there is any sound of birds people any other sound in the surrounding just become aware of that accept all the noises in the surrounding become aware of your own body our body is a precious gift from Mother Nature ham sh honor and respect our own body or keeping your body still like a statue take your attention to your feet sh take your attention to your knees thighs and glutes junga or nitam relax your both legs take your attention to your groin region Jan stomach region lower abdominal region heart region chest and back relax your shoulders and relax your hands relax your neck head top of the head forehead and all your facial muscles relax your whole body take your attention to your thoughts there mind can have good thoughts or bad thoughts except as it is do not resist any thought become aware of your feelings and emotions you might be feeling good you may not be feeling good except as it is a drop all your efforts and relax SA you are peace you are Joy you are love AB he Shanti kushy or PR take a deep breath in breathe out become aware of your feelings and emotions again become aware of of your thoughts become aware of your body and your surroundings and with this beautiful state of mind let's chant together and pray for everyone around us locast [Music] [Music] [Music] Bantu om Shanty Shanty shanty and whenever you feel like you may gradually open your eyes you know it is said the mind is very power ful isn't it the reason why blessings of Elders work is because they do not want something for themselves yes so but that's a mechanism of stress release mostly that's why it is that's the power of meditation so do it regularly that's important quick updates for you today evening at 8:30 we do the repeat session of habits habit building or sh so today evening at 8:30 we'll focus on consistency of practice tomorrow we talk about diet I know you have been asking simple but and Monday would be our last session for the free free challenge okay so if you wish to continue with us from 23rd you still have a chance these are the price plans that you have you can continue from 23rd of January okay so the 12 month 6 month and 3 months these are the only plans the time slots are exactly the same the teacher are exactly the same the schedule is exactly the same okay habit building main thank you for joining us see you today at 8:30 tomorrow at 11: and 6 and day after tomorrow all the six time slots okay I'll repeat in Hindi aam okay price so that's it support WhatsApp so you can do that as well the team is there delay in response because of the heavy load that we have starting from 23rd so you're most welcome most invited