foreign members has a mean 3.4 centimeter under standard deviation 2.61 centimeter is the sample from a large population of mean 3.25 centimeter under standard deviation 2.61 centimeter test at a 5 percentage level of significance of is that at 5 percentage level is modulus of insert Alpha less than 1.96 meaning first n is equal to members a sample of 900 members sample 900 members so n is equal to 900 next X bar X bar now mean 900 members as a mean 3.4 centimeter in the main one the normal mean s 3.4 centimeter 3.4 centimeter next under standard deviation 2.61 centimeter so standard deviation yes equal to 2.61 centimeter mu equal to 3.25 centimeter 3.25 centimeter next standard deviation same down 2.61 I'll give two point six one dollars tested to five percentage level of significance so five percentage level of significance level of significance of e z up to five percentage level is modulus of is it Alpha less than 1.96 the table is value 1.96 1.96 percentage so Alpha is equal to 5. so five percent aging numbers checkpoint okay foreign so X bar and another mean mu and another 3.25 centimeter population means in the random means alternate hypothesis alternate hypothesis 3.4 centimeter mu Parana 3.25 centimeters foreign 3.25 3.25 by standard deviation 2.6 2.6 square root of n nine hundred so the 900. so first 3.48 3.25 subtract 22 3.4 minus 3.25 subtract 0.15 by 2.6 root root 900 another root 900 root 930. 0.15 by 2.6 divided by 30. 0.0861 0.086 calculations 0.15 divided by 0.086 foreign value 1.96 upper number calculate values calculated research value calculated reset value is less than the table value given table value 1.96 given is at value Which is less than either a lesser Circle 1.96 is in the insert value less Circle in the null hypothesis the five percentage go satisfied so accept the null hypothesis 95 percentage confidence limits foreign 3.4 plus or minus 1.96 yes 2.6 2.6 by root of n root of n n r k 900. number confidence so 3.4 plus or minus 1.96 into here in the 2.6 by root nine adults so foreign into 0.086 0.168 3.4 plus or minus 0.1685 and again the value 0.1 one six eight five first plus one another 3.5685 over there minus three point four minus 0.1685 minus 1 over 3 point two three one five value so it is a 95 percentage confidence limit step by step