3 days before the Horizon High open house and thanks to my secret life as Spider-Man I barely started to get my project together I'm trying to build an environmentally Sound Energy amplifier and companies have been known to buy inventions directly from the open house which is something my bank account could really use because without a job I can't afford school but you know what else I can't afford $162 equipment for my project sorry too [Music] expensive used equipment $97 uh very used equipment 42 bucks New York City pandamania can you believe it the Big Apple and we're 3 hours early I told you there wouldn't be any traffic hippo but no you had to get us on the road at 2:00 in the morning so how about some sightseeing wax museum or or I've always wanted to take one of those Tor boats around the island you get seasick in the bathtub of course there's always our favorite pastime I was captured by that lunatic Venom all Spider-Man's fault my fault since that wall crawling we first appeared New York's been overrun by his superpowered cronies do your job police chief Wabi bring that mass menace to Justice or face the [Music] consequences Spider-Man's not all that bad ah uh-oh oh yeah I love Bank robing oh Panda person that's got to be the weirdest thing I'll see all day so awkward I take that back one web Locker for my equipment now time to become a zookeeper who the heck are you you're kidding Spider-Man the web swinging Wonder Idol of millions sorry we're from Toledo then welcome to New York I told you we would have had more fun at the Wax Museum you kidding this is where the fun really starts I hate tourists you come to New York rob a bank and trash our statues who came up with your vacation itinerary you'll save yourself a lot of unnecessary bruising if you just give up now no way you ain't taking this job and stealing our cash first of all it's not your cash and second of all I'm not stealing it I'm giving it back you're supposed to be a good guy in a scary spider costume as if I happen to be New York's most beloved superhero as anyone in this bank will tell you just don't hurt us Spiderman hurt but Jameson body [Music] slam Menace so wax museum seriously just grab the bags fluffy lumpkins and let's move what are we going to do till the meeting starts it's a big city with a lot of banks out of the way hey wait up oh pardon oh excuse me away oh sorry sorry we should have taken a cab what am I ever we're going to get another cracken rid in the New York subway Hey where's the rest of our money sorry I'm an even toone ulet among other things oh well there's a bank in SoHo that looks promising but we have to get off the next stop and change trains you think that spider guy is going to come after us after the beat down we gave him he'd be a perfect idiot to tangle with us again I don't know about perfect how my uniring Subway sonar led me right to you you have Subway sonar no that map shows every stop doesn't Toledo have a Subway you're not getting away from me in my town what are you doing running away sorry that's obvious but why this spider guy knows the city like the back of his webs let's forget about robbing New York Banks just get to the meeting and I make the decisions on this team and I say huh one down one uh-oh are you all right with my T hide it'll take more than that to stop [Music] me rude much okay tourists get ready for some spectacular views of New York's best prison cells I can even draw you a map so you don't get lost how are you so fast it's not human not human you're a [Music] hippopotamus ceiling's going to collapse another reason why you should never take animals on the subway oh no run you have the money uh you better hope tonight pays off [Music] Tada don't worry I'm fine everybody get out now before he wrecks the rest of the station no wait I was saving you I I was talking to myself son Jameson whoa there are some Heavy Hitters here yeah this thing's bigger than we've realized quite an impressive response to my invitations greed is an exceptional motivator and if you want to collect the generous Bounty I have offered then all you have to do is bring bring me Spiderman Spiderman not again no way who among you has I'm so sorry I don't mean to be just let me get by sorry pardon me so wax museum fine a no hugging sorry I was just overwhelmed with emotion over famous people in WoW you're so weird Okay fighting a hippo and a Pand wasn't exactly the evening I had planned and neither was saying something that crazy but the Horizon open house is now 2 and a half days away so I have to kick things into gear starting not anytime soon em May do we have any glue a lot of glue you missed a wonderful brunch Peter the wheat cakes were fantastic though not as good as mine OBS did you just say OBS oh is that not cool anymore maybe you'll bring it back look I'm sorry I couldn't make brunch ant may but I have to finish this project and I've only got got two days I know you'll get it done you always do and it will be exceptional I'm sure of it I wish I had your confidence in me I've always had confidence in you and so did your Uncle Ben May m May that was some kind of what do they call them Monster Trucks Only it's a bus must be going 80 Mi an hour right through all the lights someone's got to stop it or people are going to get hurt I know who that someone is excuse me got to catch a bus what you know your problem people you're all too slow I don't believe we've met Spiderman finally Joy ride's over Dude name's Overdrive remember it what is this weird new villains weekend oh so much for hoping this bus was empty so let me guess nanites like little Nano machines rebuilding the tech on this bus out of microscopic level didn't know you were the science type well sciencec man isn't as catchy of a name but you have to communicate with the nanites somehow let me guess you text them I believe in physical communication okay see that's exactly why we use science terms otherwise it just sounds super what is your deal it's all about the Need for Speed you just can't keep up can you didn't think so insect wow that bus is fast when I take the bus it's really slow so many violations going 200 and 25 reckless endangerment that costume Speedy pants whoa you don't like the name Speedy pants noed speed is my thing RIS danger getting the adrenaline puppet you did this because you like to go fast no speed's just a bonus for me I did this to get to you wh free us this is worse than what you did in the subway Menace me no that was hippo he and I heard what that J Jonah Jameson guy said you're all in it together cronies cronies Jameson physical communication he said overdrive has to be in contact with whatever he transforms or eventually reverts back to normal okay everyone stay calm and I'll keep you safe yikes over attack must have jammed the BS into high gear okay this pedal should stop the bus or not scatter I don't have my driver's license yet you deliberately tried to crash that bus into this construction site to prove what you hate buses wait was this all supposed to be a big trap worked pretty well didn't I've got places to be and races to run so long [Music] Spiderman if that's the best you've got you're going to have to go back to bad guy school and take basic tra rapping 101 School ha I'm self-taught and that's not the Trap this is all those hard cases all those big names and I'm the one who got them overdrive beats Spider-Man and now it's time to collect digging him Up's going to take all day I don't have the patience for this this ought to be enough to convince them Spidey been taken down web cocoon best idea I've ever had while having a building fall on top of me problem is a web cocoon can keep me alive but can't get me out of here to stay alive this Overdrive Guy wasn't just committing a crime he was hunting me everyone on that bus was in danger just because I exist no wonder people think I'm a menace but if I'm going to show this city I'm not I've got to bring overdrive down but how aha a sample of overdrives nanites now we're in business I just need to figure out how they work the nanotech's programed to respond to overdrive's thoughts wonder if I can manipulate the nanite processing code so they'll respond to mine experiment would a nano souped up vacuum clean the house in like 2.2 seconds well so much for nanites handling my chores maybe they can't be programmed for my DNA code uhoh the bus the Need for Speed did overdrive design his nanites to only work on vehicles okay I need a kickb vehicle to test this Theory maybe if I was chasing a preschool super villain wait a minute Uncle Ben's don't wobble py keep her steady steady That's my boy [Music] so when do I get to ride this one not yet buddy not until you've grown into the amazing young man I know you're going to be one day but you can have a minute to get the feel of her easy Peter the shifter a real Beast H looks like my theory was right now to implement my own ideas the spider shifter thanks Uncle Ben I covered half the city looking for you and here you are returning to the scene of the crime you're still alive wait is that my tech you stole my tech you left your nanites just laying around couldn't resist don't worry I made some improvements bet you can't keep up OH police nobody's faster than overdrive the Falco Parkway is not scheduled to open for another two weeks want to test that [Music] hypothesis so why are you going back to the construction site having second thoughts about what you did they wouldn't take your glove as proof so I needed your body hey who's they they're the ones that are going to make make me Rich when I take you [Music] down oh hey can your bike do that didn't think so that R of yours may have some tricks but mine are better [Music] you really thought that would work you invented this stuff now you're starting to annoy me starting I been doing my best to annoy you all day uh-oh I thought you said your bike was fast you weren't lying were you nobody's faster than me nobody H what's happening oh I overwrote your code inputed a virus into your chopper back there science man remember push that thing Beyond 150 mph and the nanotech overheats and shuts down it's over overdrive were you rehearsing that no he's all yours officers you're both in trouble what I do allegedly robbed the bank wrecked a subway station terrified a busload of innocent people and now speeding you're kidding a speeding ticket yeah you get used to him [Music] Peter you did all this um I was reminded today that when I hit a roadblock you and Uncle Ben always gave me the skills to break through OBS well then let's sit down and I can't got to get back to my project for Horizon but you need to eat you know I'm on a really tight deadline but I can always slow down for what's really important [Music] [Music] [Music]