Transcript for:
Understanding Faith and the Pride Cycle

[Music] when the son of man cometh shall he find faith on the earth Lord I believe help thou mine unbelief May our testimonies be as deep and as strong as that of Jacob who when confounded by one who sought to destroy his faith declared I could not be shaken [Music] hello everybody I'm Jared Halverson thrilled to have you back for some more time in the scriptures here on unshaken congratulations on making it through the book of Alma it's the biggest book in the Book of Mormon and for some the war Chapters at the end can be almost as daunting as the Isaiah chapters in second Nephi but with Elma in our rearview mirror things seem to pick up speed with helan and third Nephi and then fourth Nephi on to the end and remember the book of of Mormon is our preview of Coming Attractions our scale model of the last days in mosiah the church was organized in Alma it began to spread through those missionary chapters wars and rumors of wars by the end of the book in The Book of Helman we start to see even more signs of the times wickedness in high places secret combinations signs on Earth and in heaven the lamanites beginning to Blossom as the rose all in preparation for the great events in third Nephi the destruction of the wicked and the coming of Christ ready to Usher in this mini Millennium in fourth Nephi a return to wickedness at the end and then these final battles in Mormon and Moroni that is the last days and as far as I can tell keeping an eye on current events we seem to be living sometime in the book of helan in fact there's a fascinating phrase in chapter 7 I know that's part of next week's material but I think this verse helps encapsulate the entire book of heilman and better yet helps us see the relevance of this book to our lives in Chapter 7 we hear from Nephi the son of helan in fact this might be a good place to just insert this Alma helan and third Nephi can be tricky because there were two almma Elder and younger two Hans father and son and two Nephi Father and Son in fact that's six generations of the same family and I found that the easiest way to remember things is that the name of the book is always named after the second in the pair because the first in the pair spends most of their lives in the previous book Alma the Elder is in the book of mosiah for the most part the book of Elma is about Elma the younger the first Helman spends his life in the book of Alma stripping Warriors all that kind of stuff the book of Helman is about that second generation Helman II and then helman's son Nephi is still in the book of helan he's the one we're listening to in chapter 7 and then his son the second of those two Nephi is in the book of third Nephi but anyway Helman 7 here you have Nephi son of helan and he's looking all around him and just lamenting the day that he lives in he Compares himself to his own ancestor Nephi his dad had told him he should do that but this time he's getting a little nostalgic for the good old days thinking man that Nephi had it relatively easy compared to me now that's not entirely true you tried growing up with lemman and Lemo as Big Brothers right and even though that earlier Nephi did face some systemic wickedness in Jerusalem they took off escaped it all to be able to come to this new promised land and that doesn't exactly seem like an option for this Nephi but I love in chapter 7:9 he kind of comes to grips with all of that and says but behold I am consigned that these are my days Elder n Maxwell once gave a talk where he took that phrase and applied it to all of us these are your days he said and that is such an important reminder as we study the book of Helman because really these are our days the description in this book of what was taking place in nephite society is eerily similar to what we face in society today making the book of Helman incredibly relevant to our situation so what were his days and what are our days does this sound familiar the book of Helman begins with political contention and war secret combinations seeking power and wealth righteousness being condemned and wickedness held up a spread of materialism and worldliness the manipulation of public opinion and through it all prophets crying repentance in hopes of preparing the people for the coming of Christ if that doesn't sound familiar spend a little more time watching the evening news and yet just as we see the Lord working from the inside out you see the adversary doing likewise in these chapters and if I had to boil the first half of the book of Helman down to a single word one that's equally applicable in our day as in theirs let's get to it in chapter 4: 12 but I want to read it in reverse I know that sounds odd but pay attention to the sins that are listed in ch 4:12 and by reading the verse backwards we start with the branches and slowly work our way back down to the trunk in fact down to the root of the problem here's the list deserting from the Nephites to the lamanites we could call that abandoning the cause of righteousness to espouse the cause of wickedness instead contentions adultery stealing lying plundering murdering denying the spirit of Prophecy and of Revelation so we're not only seeing the Embrace of the negative but the rejection of the positive making a mock of that which was sacred persecuting The Humble neglecting the poor again sound familiar class divisions loss of Faith an increase in wickedness but where does it all begin what's the first problem mentioned in that verse and it was because of the pride of their hearts it was their pride that rooted them in their riches it was their pride that caused them to neglect the poor and the needy Pride that made them think they didn't need God and didn't need to feel Bound by his Commandments president Benson called Pride the universal sin and part of that is because it's something that affects all of us but also it's Universal because it's a part of every other sin and we'll see that today president Benson described both Pride from above and pride from below so wherever we happen to be on the ladder high or low pride is going to be a problem we have to overcome in fact I remember a lesson years ago in seminary where I was trying to help the students get a sense that Pride really is universal among us all so I set out some chairs at the front of the class first was this nice cushy office chair then when there was a padded seat the kind you'd get in a waiting room somewhere then just one of those hardback plastic chairs like students sit in then a stool and then finally the trash can turned upside down and we literally played musical chairs of sorts I said okay what kind of car do you drive come up and sit and at first it was kind of awkward as the students were like wait really are we are we ranking ourselves I'm well yeah of course you do it all the time let's just get it out in the open what kind of car do you drive and I just picked five students and they describe the kind of cars that they or borrowing from their parents that they happen to drive and then we sat from cushy office chair down to trash can and I said great uh how about where do you live and again it was like whoa are we really doing this yeah we're doing it and we ranked ourselves where people lived the kind of housing they came from we started to go in different directions from there things like what extracurricular activities are you involved in and it was interesting to see them teenagers ranking how popular are certain Sports versus other activities versus non-involvement we even did things like okay what's your dad's church calling you could just sense this e this uncomfortable feeling they had about the kinds of places Pride pops up in fact it hit me by the end of the exercise that there were a few students that were sitting back that never had to come up and kept thinking I'm immune because the students who really felt the most uncomfortable and this was surprising I think to all of us were not the ones that were sitting on the trash can each time but the ones that were sitting in the cushy chair Pride itself started to feel uncomfortable like who do I think I am looking down the row at my supposed lessers so I said okay last round who hasn't had to sit in the cushy chair they were like huh like yeah you're proud of your lack of Pride so come see what it feels like it was was a fascinating exercise after that we rearranged the classroom and put all the desks in four different sections all facing the middle and in the middle was that nice cushy chair not just because it was the seat of Pride but because it swiveled and we talked about the pride cycle so that we could bring up a student and sit them in that chair and face them to the quarter of the class that represented Prosperity the blessings of God and talk about what that looked like in their lives and then start to swivel them and move them toward the section of the class that represented the movement towards pride in that prosperity and what did Pride look like and feel like based on the type of prosperity they were enjoying at the moment once we understood Pride we'd swivel the chair again and look at the part of the class that represented destruction Pride goeth before the fall right I still remember one young man that was a basketball player and in a moment of amazing honesty on his part he described the prosperity he'd been feeling in his basketball career and the pride that it led to and some of the destruction on the court that he had experienced of late which then allowed us to turn to that fourth group to talk about humility repentance return to righteousness and what that would look like within their role and how it would then turn them back to Prosperity where this all began that in a nutshell is the beginning of the book of helan we could stop the video right now and just Turn You Loose I won't do that but keep an eye out for it throughout the Book of Helman so that we can more importantly keep an eye out for it in our lives we're all in that cushy swivel chair in some aspect of life with that in mind go back to Helman chapter 1 these are our days so let's see them in fact what I love about Helman chapter 1 is to me it's a scale model of the war in heaven it introduces us to the author of pride pride personified Lucifer in fact isn't his Rebellion the first instance of the pride cycle he was an angel in Authority in the presence of God there's Prosperity but he ended up presenting his plan because he wanted the glory of the father there's Pride it doesn't get much more intense than that and so what happened as he rebelled he was defeated and cast out of Heaven that's destruction to the ultimate degree and what kept that downfall from truly coming full circle was that he absolutely refused and still does to ever turn towards humility to ever soften his heart repent of his sins and return to righteousness and the prosperity that accompanies it well let me sum up chapter 1 very briefly historically as far as the Book of Mormon is concerned and then let's start drawing some more significant parallels to that war in heaven you see by the time the book of Helman Begins pahoran the chief judge has passed away now if you remember Pan's response to Captain Moroni back in chapter 61 what a loss to nephite society the man had a heart of gold but he's gone he has three sons like a lot of families in our day he seemed to like using alliteration among his children's names and so his three sons were pan Junior pumani and panai and the decision would be placed before the people which of those Three Sons would become pin's successor who would occupy the Judgment seat so here's how it goes down nephite Society basically splits along those three lines but the majority ends up ruling in favor of pahoran thei and he becomes the chief judge the followers of pumai accept that result and fall into line but the followers of panai and panai himself absolutely refused to accept the people's decision so he Rebels and is eventually tried and executed for treason meanwhile one of those discontents goes and slays pin on the Judgment seat so the mantle of authority passes to pumi but then he and his people are then attacked by a denter named cor aner and pumi is killed in the battle it's crazy but by the end of chapter one of helan all three sons of pahoran are dead and by the time chapter 2 begins the Judgment seat has passed back to Alma's family line with Helman II becoming the chief judge I know that can kind of be confusing it's sort of a whirlwind chapter but notice the parallels to the war in heaven all brought on because of Lucifer's Pride verse one there was a serious difficulty among the people because they have to decide where real Authority will reside sound a little like the father's great question whom shall I send in verse two there began to be serious contention concerning who should have the Judgment seat Jehovah comes forward here am I send me but Lucifer comes forward as well no no no here am I send me verse three that division caused the people to contend as well just as we see War erupt in heaven verse four there were three divisions among the people now that doesn't quite seem to connect Until you realize that in verse 6 once pahor is appointed and paniz people follow suit now it's 2/3 against oneir there is onethird of this group who Rebels against the decision of the other two3 just like a third of the host of Heaven rebelled against the father's plan you see in verse 5 the voice of the people came out in favor of pooran just like we chose Christ and his redeeming role in the father's plan the voice of the people were in favor of the father and the son in verse 7even the loser panai if we're looking at the Book of Mormon or Lucifer if we're thinking of the war in heaven was exceedingly wroth so he began to flatter away those people to rise up in Rebellion against their Brethren like Revelation 12 describes Lucifer as the accuser of his brethren in hopes of threatening scaring flattering people to his side and away from the fathers like I said Lucifer Drew away that third of the host of heaven but in that Rebellion they were cast out in verse 8 panai was Tried by the voice of the people condemned to death because he had raised up in Rebellion and sought to destroy the liberty of the people again sound like Lucifer's plan destroying our agency rebelling against the father and therefore condemned to spiritual death cast out of the father's presence along with those that followed him I think it's amazing the parallels we see just in those first eight verses that kind of set the stage for what we really need to Grapple with the war in heaven that has been transferred to Earth with pride still being a primary cause of them both but with panai dead we now need to shift from Satan to his followers and we get to meet three of them very quickly in the next two chapters kishkumen Cory anomer and Gad Anon and I think between the three if you kind of make a conglomerate of them you see Satan's plan continuing here on Earth for example with kishkumen his focus is secrecy subtlety disguise Pride can be so similar subtle sometimes hard to recognize especially when it's in ourselves but notice what he does in verse 9 kishkumen is angry at this defeat so he's the one who sneaks over to the Judgment seat and murders pahoran as he's there in verse 10 Pan's servants pursue him in hopes of capturing and punishing him but his flight was so Speedy that no man could overtake him again this sounds a lot like the adversary as well kishkumen wanted to have his way he didn't get it and so what does he do he makes sure nobody else gets their way either I didn't want pahoran to be the chief judge well I didn't get my way well fine you can't have your way either what a baby honestly if I can't play with this toy then nobody can and he breaks it and that's Lucifer 2 a te what did Lehi say back in second eepi 2 that Satan is miserable and he seeks that all men might be miserable like unto him nobody gets their way but in kum's case he escapes punishment through this Speedy flight Lucifer did not Escape punishment but he was cast down from heaven like lightning it says in the Book of Luke now in verse 11 and 12 kishkumen and his followers make this Covenant ironically they swear by their Everlasting maker that makes no sense to me it's kind of like the angel appearing to kahor saying I'm an angel but there is no God well here they are swearing by their Everlasting maker not to tell to protect one another in their wickedness verse 12 kishkumen was not known among the people of Nephi he was in Disguise when he murdered pahoran so he and his band Covenant together then mingle themselves among the people so they could not all be found again sound like Pride sound like wickedness not always known not always recognized mingling insinuating itself throughout the populace we all struggle with it right that's one approach that Lucifer continues to take well then you shift gears and see bad guy number two and that's cor animer and I think the important takeaway from cor animer as it relates to Lucifer is that he aims straight at the heart again Satan works from the inside out just like the Lord does and if I can get hold of your heart then your outward actions will change accordingly it's often Pride that he uses to do it now in Cory anr's case we meet him in verse 15 you see the lamanites had gathered together this great Army to to attack the Nephites but they were led by an ex nephite himself they were led by a man whose name was cor anomer he was a descendant of zarahemla and he was a dissenter from Among the Nephites and he was a large and mighty man again the kind of Charisma that we saw back in with nehor for example he was chosen in verse 16 by the king of the lamanites to lead this Army because of his strength and his great wisdom so now we're combining the strength of neor with the wisdom and cunning of a sheram or kahor cor aner is a pretty good personification of all these antichrists he did descent from the Nephites right similar to Lucifer verse 17 he stir them up to anger against the Nephites Verse 18 the problem was because so much contention and difficulty in the government all that we've seen between the sons of pahor and the first they had not kept sufficient guards in the land of zarahemla after all they hadn't supposed that the lamanites would come to the heart of their lands to attack that great city of zarema in an interesting way it's a lot like what Moroni had said to pahoran about idleness being surrounded by idleness here you are in the Safety and Security of the heart of the land do you not care about what's happening in the periphery well they had almost overcorrected sending so many troops to guard the outskirts of things the borders of the lands that there wasn't much protection right there at home I know it's hard to do both but that's a balance we've got to strike am I strengthening my core beliefs as well as allowing the faith to flow in outward directions are we strengthening both the core and the appendages well notice the word again at the end of Verse 18 it was the heart of their lands that lay exposed to the strategy of cor animer and in 19 that's where he aims he goes straight to zarahemla his March was with such exceedingly great speed that there was no time for the Nephites to gather together together their armies Satan tries both approaches the gradual decline into sin or the shock and awe let's get straight to the heart and try to get pride and wickedness to lead them astray verse 20 he cuts down the watch slays anyone who opposes him and takes possession of the whole city boom zarahemla has fallen now to just tell you the end of Cory anomer story that shock and awe approach worked for him but only momentarily yes he conquered zerah but then as he was starting to move out to begin to pursue other cities morona remember Captain moronai son that's now in charge of the nephite army he sees wow I can't believe we lost the capital but because our army is all stationed around the outskirts Cory animer is now surrounded yes he got what he wanted but in some ways he put himself right where we want him and as iha's armies began closing in cor anamor truly was trapped nowhere to run to and his army was destroyed the good guys are back in charge of Zarah by the end of chapter 1 but by chapter two we then meet bad guy number three we've got Kish cumman who works through subtlety and disguise we've got Cory anomer who aims at the heart and now in chapter two we meet gadianton whose Long Shadow will extend through the rest of the Book of Mormon Mormon himself points that out at the end of this chapter when he says that it's this gadianton that would prove the overthrow yay almost the entire destruction of the people of Nephi little spoiler alert there but in Gadi anon's case if cor anamur worked through Power strength gadianton Works through words playing upon the thoughts or emotions of people Satan does likewise and gadianton used murder and robbery to achieve his goals political power and economic increase remember we saw this back in the War chapters often ambition and greed right pride and materialism chapter 2:4 there was one gadianton who is exceedingly expert in many words and also in his craft we could call it priestcraft except that there's no priest aspect of things his craft was to carry on the secret work of murder and of robbery so he becomes the leader of the band of kishkumen how does he get there like so many others did before him whether that was emna or am malakiah verse 5 gadianton did flatter them and also kishkumen that if they would Place him in the Judgment seat he would Grant unto those who belong to his band that they should be placed in power and authority among the people that's why kishkumen after having already assassinated pahoran now seeks to destroy helan we've got to make room on the Judgment seat for Gadi Anon himself and as he rises We rise with him you sense this Pride having to have more having to rise above now again we'll see Gadi Anon and his band throughout the rest of the Book of Mormon but to finish out this initial story as Kish kumin again secrecy disguise that's his Mo as he sneaks towards the Judgment seat thankfully one of helman's own servants fighting fire with fire going in Disguise himself taking a page out of Kish cuman's book and using some secrecy and subtlety himself finds out Kish cuman's plan says oh well I know the way to the Judgment seat let me lead you there and once he fully knows what kishman's plan is he pulls out his own dagger kills Kish Kuman and in the process saves helan he then runs and tells Helman what he's done who rallies the troops and sends them off but again this Speedy flight gadianton gathers his followers and takes off he escapes to fight again another day Lucifer seems to always do likewise by the way later in Helman this is near the end of chapter 6 we learned something I thought was fascinating remember back in Alma 37 when Alma is about to pass the plates down to his son helan and he says now I need you to both reveal and conceal some things because on the jedite plates there were these records of the Ancients and their Oaths and their covenants their secret plans it was like this initial secret combination do not share that with the world let them know the the results of wickedness and the causes of sin but don't tell them how it works and how they put it all together well just in case we were worried that somehow that leaked out because again Gad anon's robbers sure seem like they took a page out of the jedite notebook from verse 25 through3 in Helman 6 we see that they didn't learn these things from the jedite records as it says in 26 they were put into the heart of GAD antin far more directly by that same being who did entice our first parents to partake of the forbidden fruit 27 the same being who plotted with Cain that's a fascinating parallel murder and get gain that's exactly what the plan was for Cain kill my brother and take his flocks and as Satan tried to reassure him and no one will know sound like kishkumen and Gad Anton secrecy ambition murder and get gain 28 it was the same being who put it into the hearts of the people to build a tower sufficiently High to get to heaven there's the Tower of Babel if you ever had to choose a monument to Pride that would be a pretty good pick it was the same being who always has spread works of darkness and Abominations over the land until he drags people down to an entire destruction and an everlasting hell again that's the misery loves company that we see ever since the war in heaven verse 29 it's that same being who who put it into the heart of gantin the heart that was Coran's aim right let's go straight to zarahemla Satan put it into ganton's heart to carry on the work of Darkness secret murder verse 30 it's always been him he who is the author of all sin who still carries on his works of darkness and secret murder hands down plots and Oaths and Covenants and plans of awful wickedness from generation to generation according to as he can get hold upon the hearts of the children of men and perhaps based on his own experience in portality Lucifer knows that the best way to get hold upon the heart of someone is through Pride with that let's go back to chapter 3 notice how it begins came to pass in the 40 and3rd year of the reign of the judges there was no contention among the people of Nephi that's great news compared to all of the Intrigue and assassination we saw for the past two chapters unfortunately the verse doesn't end there in fact the sentence doesn't even end there there was no contention among the people of Nephi save it were uhoh a little pride was just a little true but it is pride that's usually how it begins and it was pride in the church which caused some little dissensions among the people but those Affairs were settled in the ending of the 40 and3rd year okay just kind of popped its head up Pride it's like whack-a-mole right pop it up well just hit it back down well again like whack-a-mole it's just going to pop up somewhere else so in spite of its being little little pride causes little dissension that's the enmity president Benson talked about in relation to Pride verse two there was no contention among the people in the 40 and4th year neither was there much contention in the 40 and5th uhoh you see what we're starting to escalate verse one no contention but there was a little pride which caused a little dissension verse two no contention well okay not much contention verse three next year there was much contention and many dissensions pride is like a cancer and it spreads rapidly in fact in verse three if there's much contention and many dissensions Jump Ahead to verse 17 because after a quick aside to talk about kind of the spread of civilization Mormon returns to his account and says what I have SP had passed after there had been great contentions and disturbances and wars and dissensions among the people of Nephi verse 19 there is still great contention in the land what do you do with that from none to a little to a whole lot I think it's fascinating that in this chapter you see two very different approaches to how we're going to handle this situation the growth of Pride including in the church well we see one approach back in verse three after he mentions much contention and many dissensions it says there was an exceedingly great many who departed out of the land of Zera they went forth unto the land northward to inherit the land and then we hear a little bit about their spread up into the land that had been named desolation because of the destruction of the jedite civilization at first I wondered if this were bad guys dissenting from the church again leaving zarahemla but these are actually good guys in fact when it talks about the lack of Timber in the North in verse 9 it says that they would suffer whatever tree should spring up upon the face of the land they let it grow up so that eventually in time they might have Timber to build what not just houses and cities but temples and synagogues and sanctuaries these are good guys in fact even that somewhat strange statement about letting trees grow seemed just one more piece of evidence that these really were good guys that Pride was not their problem CU so often it's Pride that makes us want to cut the trees so we can use on ourselves before it has a chance to really grow and spread Pride eats its own Seed corn as the farmers would say it has no thought for the future I just have to get ahead quickly now these immigrants spreading North had more of the Long View they played the long game why cut down a sapling to use for myself when if I can be patient later generations will have forests to build from there's some some humility there some patience we even see in verse 12 that there were many of the people of Ammon who were lamanites by birth who also went forth into this land one more piece of evidence that these are the good guys leaving town the anti- Nephi Lehi now like I said that is one approach of what to do when these are your days there is so much evil in zarahemla intrigue and assassination contention disturbance even in the church here there is pride and dissension this is no place to raise a family again I'm thinking the Long View I'm going to let trees grow I want my children to have a chance so let's get out of zarahemla I've seen that often throughout my own life that this part of the country is seems to be going to hell in a hand basket so let's pick up and move somewhere else we'll find greener pastures in which to raise our children and I have nothing against that if that's what you feel you need to do again wonderful righteous people did exactly that and we're able to become a righteous people there but that's not the only option and it's the other one that I want to spend some more time on today because for many of us we can't just pick up and move in fact we might be thinking where would I move to Pride is the universal sin there's nowhere to escape it wickedness has become so widespread that there doesn't seem to be any land northward to escape into I think it was boy kacker who said today's day are worse than those of Sodom and Gomorrah because at least Sodom and Gomorrah seem to be concentrated iniquity now it's spread to the point that there seems to be no Escape but remember flight is only one option fight is the other and to stay and fight wickedness to look into its eye and stand up to it to face pride and to back it down that's the second option and it's the one that Helman himself chooses verse 20 nevertheless great word to start this part nevertheless in spite of all of this in spite of the fact that these are your days despite the fact that there is wickedness outside the church and growing Pride even within it nevertheless helan did fill the Judgment seat with Justice and Equity yay he did observe to keep the statutes and the judgments and the Commandments of God he did do that which was was right in the sight of God continually no matter what those were doing all around him he did walk after the ways of his father in so much that he did prosper in the land and he was doing it just like those who left with an eye to the rising generation not thinking to pull them out of this wicked world but to teach them how not to be of it even while they remained in it verse 21 he had two sons he named the oldest Nephi and the youngest Lehi and they began to grow up unto the Lord what a phrase not just to grow up in him but to grow up unto him he's the goal he's the purpose he's the aim the destination of your growth and as a result of helan and his sons staining home and staying strong the wars and contentions in 22 began to cease and at least in a small degree in verse 23 there was continual peace established other than those secret combinations which gadianton the robber had established in the more settled parts of the land but even that was with a certain degree of secrecy again that's kishan's contribution that those at the head of government didn't recognize them well enough to be able to root them out and thanks to helman's strength and his desire to stay and strengthen his people to 24 there came exceedingly great prosperity in the church thousands joined themselves to the church and were baptized unto repentance verse 25 the prosperity was so great that it shocked even the priests and the teachers astonished beyond measure if thousands were being baptized in 24 tens of thousands were being baptized in 26 and all this in spite of what was taking place all around them can you see the that we can have hope no matter where we live I grew up in La I felt the opposition around me but I felt I don't know a safety a security a strength within my ward and stake I felt like I had backup from fellow members there in my high school incredible friends that were strong in faith and not just among members of my church strong members of other churches as well among my friend group great influences incredible people I loved growing up there again there are times where people need to move northward in order to give their children a fighting chance I get that this is not to pass judgment on flight it's simply to remind us that fight is still an option to stay and strengthen the community that you're a part of now no matter what might be happening all around you in fact overall in the history of the church flight seems to describe the strategy throughout the 19th and first half of the 20th century gather to Zion leave the world Come Ye out from among the wicked and come to Kirtland come to Independence come to navu come to Salt Lake City and they gathered they needed to to establish centers of strength but ever since the second half of the 20th century the call of prophets and apostles has not been one of flight it has been one of fight or to put it more gently stay every stake of Zion is its own Gathering Place with their own president and patriarch and increasingly so their own house of the Lord the ultimate place of safety you see what I love about this is what Mormon interjects right after describing this stay and change things where you are verse 27 and 28 and 29 all be with a thus we see statement which is when Mormon just can't help himself he has to interject and say oh oh I've got a moral to the story here I am writing the story can I give you one of my morals he's finding a principle here which is the ultimate approach to scripture study we all need to take as often as you possibly can while studying your scriptures stop and say and thus I see what am I seeing here what takeaway what's my lesson how do I apply this to my own life well here's three thus we sees that are as applicable to us as ever they were to Mormon or to helan originally remember the context craziness happening all around but strengthening of the church as people choose to follow the lord regardless of circumstance and often these thus we sees can be rephrased as if then statements that's a good way to package principles yourself what am I seen what's the moral of the story oh well if this then that it's a great way to live if I do this then that will happen well how's this for an if then from verse 27 if we sincerely call upon the Lord then he will be merciful to us and I would add no matter what the outside influences keep that in mind for each of these because it's in spite of outside influences that helan is staying and strengthening the church raising his sons in righteousness in verse 28 his second he says thus we see that the Gate of Heaven is open unto all even to those who will believe on the name of Jesus Christ who is the Son of God rephrase that into an if then in context and what do we see if we believe in Jesus Christ then the Gate of Heaven is open to us no matter what the outside in influences you seeing this in 27 no matter what happens on the outside they cannot stop the mercy of God being extended to us if we will sincerely call upon his name no matter what the outside influences they cannot close the Gate of Heaven as long as we continue to place our faith in Jesus Christ verse 29 and 30 together are the third of the three in Mormon's words yay we see that whosoever will may lay hold upon the word of God which is quick and Powerful which shall divide us under all the cunning and the snares and the Ws of the devil and lead the man of Christ in a straight and narrow course across that Everlasting Gulf of misery which is prepared to engulf the wicked and land their souls yay their Immortal Souls at the right hand of God in the Kingdom of Heaven to sit down with Abraham and Isaac and with Jacob and with all our holy fathers to go no more out how would I rephrase that with my own if then if we want to lay hold upon the word of God then we can no matter what the outside influences and if we do then it will land our souls on the right hand of God that is the ultimate protection we'll be sitting with Abraham Isaac and Jacob all our holy fathers that is the ultimate company and we'll never have to go out out that is the ultimate permanent security what's making me want to just escape the world and isolate myself quarantine spiritually speaking permanently it's the fear that we're not going to be able to make it here that I'll never be able to get my kids to connect with God I've got to find a better neighborhood a better Ward to help them grow up in I've got to get out of here but you don't have to thus we see the mercy of of God is always available to us the Gate of Heaven is always open God is always accessible so hold out for it we don't have to insulate ourselves from the world we just need to inoculate ourselves against its influences and that's a heart issue too that's exactly what helan is trying to do here not only for himself but for his children and not only for his family but for all the people around him and it's working it's working in beautiful Ways by the way I love that Mormon's Focus as he's compiling scripture is scriptural how do we stay strong how do we call upon the Lord how do we believe on the name of Jesus Christ how do we cut through the snares and WS of the devil through the word of Christ it's that quick it's that powerful it's that cutting through the cunning that's all around us it's what gets to the heart of things as it changes our hearts when we study it as we seem to be encompassed about by evil wickedness just closing in trying to look across this gulf of misery that's all around us it's the scriptures that provide that straight and narrow course across that Gulf of misery that is not only prepared to engulf the wicked but but is starting to feel like it's engulfing even the righteous like a beam of light that cuts through the darkness the word of God cuts aunder the tricks of the devil the Ws of the worldly it marks the clearest path home remember this is the sword I get in the armor of God and with this I feel like I can take on any foe even in the middle of enemy Terr teritory listen to something president Henry B Irene taught back in 2005 he said the great test of life is to see whether we will hearken to and Obey God's commands in the midst of the storms of life this is not righteousness in a vacuum this isn't just turn and flee somewhere else this is right here in the middle of the storm president iring said it is not to endure storms but to choose the right while they rage it's exactly what helman's doing it will take unshakable faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to choose the way to eternal life I love that President iron said our faith needs to be unshakable it's a great word one of my favorites and he said we will need to have developed and nurtured faith in Jesus Christ long before Satan hits us as he will with doubts and appeals to our carnal desires and lying voices saying that good is bad and that there is is no sin it's exactly what's Happening Here throughout the Book of helan those spiritual storms are already raging and he said we can expect that they will worsen until the Savior returns which is only a few chapters away in third Nephi 11 one conference later that was from October 2005 by April of 2006 president irne had not changed his message if anything he had intensified it he said anyone with eyes to see the signs of the times and ears to hear the words of prophets know that the Peril is great it's that Peril that makes us just want to pick up and leave permanently he said the Peril comes from the forces of wickedness and those forces are increasing it will become harder not easier to keep the covenants we must make to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ however and this is the part that gave me hope president Irene said there is hope in the promise the the Lord has given us of a place of safety in the storms ahead and then he provided what he called a word picture of that place of safety he did it by quoting a verse of scripture and guess where he found it the book of helan he described that place of safety quoting heleman 5:12 which we will see shortly and then he concluded his talk with this powerful promise I know that we can choose the promised Joy of eternal life however perilous the times can you hear that echo of Mormons thus we seize we can choose joy and eternal life no matter what the outside influences the world will never become so wicked that we cannot choose to be righteous Satan will never have so much power that we cannot choose to follow Christ no darkness is intense enough to blot out the light of the world so before you consider running to brighter territory consider staying firm and letting his light so shine now as I said before these are choices that are being made and they are difficult choices with some of the faith including many of the ammonites heading to the land northward choosing to be less in the world in order to be less of the world or like helan choosing to stay in the world but refusing to become a part of it still others chose a third option a completely negative one and that was to be in the world and of the world and what lay at the root Pride you see here at the end of Helman 3 in the beginning of chapter 4 we see the pride cycle in one of its clearest manifestations you remember the four groups of students I had arranged in the classroom with the swivel chair in the middle we just saw Prosperity there in the church to the point of astonishing priests and teachers the word itself kept coming up Helman 3 24- 26 that's the prosperity stage of the pride Cycle 24 exceedingly great prosperity in the church 25 so great was the prosperity of the church 26 the work of the Lord did Prosper it's almost like Mormon is choosing his words carefully to make this as obvious to us as he can well if we give into the pride cycle instead of swimming Upstream then Prosperity seems to lead us down towards pride and that's what we find in chapter 3 from verse 33 to verse 36 in 33 there was peace D it were the pride which began to enter into the church now here Mormon is wise to clarify not into the Church of God but into the hearts of the people who profess to belong to the Church of God this is the difference between the church in terms of its Doctrine and its practice and the church in terms of its culture in fact when people have complained to me about certain aspects of church culture I've often asked would you consider this a top down problem or a bottom up problem in other words top down is this how the apostles and Prophets want things to be and so they're teaching us we need to be exclusivistic we need to be isolationists we need to be intolerant or unkind or is this a bottomup problem that this is among certain people who profess to the belong to the Church of God but it isn't what the prophets and apostles are telling us that sadly some people behave a certain way but that's professing church members rather than the church institutionally itself but again it starts with pride 34 they were lifted up in Pride to the point that they persecuted their Brethren 36 still relatively peaceful save it were the exceedingly great pride which had gotten into the hearts of the people remember that Pride was only beginning in 33 by 36 it's now exceedingly great and how did it grow because it found something to feed on namely the heart of the people that's why Lu aims for it that's why Cory anomer marched straight into zarahemla and it came because of their exceedingly great riches and their prosperity in the land there's kishkumen and G Anon again murdering to get gain pride and ambition power and greed in fact I love the verbs that Mormons using this Pride had gotten into them at the beginning of 36 and it did grow upon them from day to day by the end pride is something that gets into us and then grows upon us it feeds upon itself it's never enough chop down all the trees you can I want to use all that lumber on myself I've got to get ahead of the neighbors it's not about keeping up with the Joneses it's about being the Joneses and making sure nobody can keep up with me oh this is a cancer that really will be fatal if it isn't rooted out no wonder helman's trying so hard to do just that are you starting to feel the chair swiveling we saw the prosperity in the church which then led to Pride and it's accompanying wickedness and if we allow that to continue what's step number three destruction you have alienated the one saving force that was keeping you from it namely God so in chapter 4 from verses 1-13 here you see the destruction phase of the pride in verse one there is dissensions and contention and bloodshed in verse four there are dissenters stirring people up to anger and preparing them for war in verse 5 they commence the work of death and even succeed in obtaining possession of the land of zarahemla there they did it again they captured the heart which is what they've always aimed for they've lost so much by verse 11 and this great loss of the Nephites and the the great Slaughter which was among them how's that sound for Destruction it would not have happened had it not been for their wickedness and their abomination which was among them even among those who professed to belong to the Church of God you see destruction never would have happened if it hadn't been preceded by the pride and wickedness that alienated God and kept him from continuing to bless them that's what verse 12 was all about which we read previously it was because of the pride of their hearts that led to all of these other problems that we already saw as a result verse 13 because of this their great wickedness and their boastings In Their Own Strength how's that for Pride they were left in their own strength fine you don't think you need God great do it on your own I learned that the hard way as a missionary and I've had a few repeat courses since then that if I think I can do it on my own God usually lets me try that's the pride cycle in a nutshell I was doing great and I thought it was me so I stopped asking for God's help and he said okay you want to do this on your own be my guest I'll still be here to help you if you'll just keep turning to me my Crash and Burn of Independence usually woke me back up to that by the way in the midst of that past message on destruction as morona is doing everything he can to try to Stave it back verse six gives us an interesting detail that the Nephites and the armies of morona were driven even into the land of Bountiful I talked about bountiful a little bit back at the end of the war chapters that it became the place where the prisoners of War were kept and hopefully rehabilitated and that it was this ultimate stronghold well it remains that but keep an eye out for Bountiful because that's where Jesus will come in 3D Nei 11 I love that when we are driven back when we are pushed by persecution or the opposition of enemies where do we finally make our stand we make it with Jesus with our faith in the promise that he will come come to deliver us come to redeem us come to heal our hearts keep an eye out for Bountiful because that that's where we're headed now if we'll just keep turning the chair and this time we really have to choose to do so to go from destruction back towards repentance and the humility that defines it remember over here was wickedness defined by Pride over here is repentance defined by humility and in chapter 4 from verse 14- 20 you see that stage verse 14 morona is preaching Nephi and Lehi are preaching they're even prophesying and what are they preaching and prophesying about about the repentance of their sins verse 15 they're promising that if they repent they will begin to prosper again that's where stage four brings us back to the beginning of it all if we repent humility then we will begin to prosper once again verse 16 as morona sees that they do begin to repent well he begins to lead them towards that Prosperity he Ventures to lead them forth from place to place from City to city until they even regain half of what they had before you see the pride cycle beginning to ease its way full circle one of the great things about this account is that the way Helman 4 ends it's almost like the light bulb comes on it's this realization of what this Pride cycle has been all about you see in verse 21 they begin to remember what Alma had taught them what mosiah had taught them they realize we've been a stiff necked people we've set it not the Commandments of God 22 we've altered and Trampled Under our feet the laws of mosiah the laws have become corrupted we become a wicked people we're just like the lamanites it's like no wonder we got destroyed that destruction is making sense because we brought it upon ourselves you see they're sitting in the swivel chair and as they're rotating it's like oh it's all beginning to make sense this is exactly what prophet phets in the past have warned us about verse 23 because of their iniquity the church had begun to dwindle they began to disbelieve in the spirit of Prophecy and in the spirit of Revelation no more testimony of Jesus no more presence of the Holy Ghost no wonder the judgments of God stared them in the face his Mercy couldn't they hadn't accepted it they got his judgments instead 24 they saw that they had become weak like unto their Brethren the lamanites this is almost the exact phrase is used to describe Samson after he'd broken his covenants and cut his hair he saw that he had become weak like any other man wait a minute you mean it wasn't me all along it was God strengthening me wow no wonder Pride led to my downfall because it forced God out of the relationship it was his covenants he was a Nazarite it wasn't the Nephites physical strength ask the stripping Warriors about that it was the strength of the Lord but without it we were weak like anyone else no better than the lamanites no wonder they could then beat us because they'd always outnumbered us remember we saw that in the war chapters the difference between numbers and strength the lamanites always had the numbers it's that the Nephites had the strength but it wasn't theirs it was the Lord's well as soon as they abandoned the Lord he abandoned them to their own strength which was woefully insufficient and in that condition back to verse 24 the spirit of the Lord did no more preserve them yay it had withdrawn from them because they had withdrawn from him the spirit of the Lord cannot dwell in Unholy temples therefore 25 the Lord did cease to preserve them by his miraculous and matchless power and without it there's no way to avoid destruction they had fallen into a state of unbelief and awful wickedness but now they're starting to recognize the error of their ways they saw that the lamanites were exceedingly more numerous than they and except they should cleave unto the Lord their God they must unavoidably perish because it was only his power that was keeping them from that natural destruction verse 26 he ends this chapter behold they saw that the strength of the lamanites was as great as their strength as long as you're talking about man for man no wonder we've got to Humble our ourselves we got nothing to be proud of we're no different than anybody else we're no better without God we're nothing and it's that repentance that humility that then brings us back into relationship with God and his strength begins to flow into us once again you see the pride cycle is part natural consequence and part actual Choice here we are in prosperity who pulls us towards Pride the adversary does but we're choosing that we're choosing to reject God thinking we no longer need him there's a choice and then from Pride to destruction nobody chooses that you didn't need to that's natural consequence without God preserving you and protecting you strengthening you all you've got left isn't enough so your choice to go from prosperity to Pride leads to the Natural consequence of going from Pride to destruction well now you've got another choice to make remember Lucifer chose not to continue he chose to just fester in that destruction and wanted to bring everyone else down to destruction with him misery loving company on the other hand from destruction we can choose to turn our lives over to the Lord that turn is repentance see it's almost like the adversary controls that side of the pride cycle and the Lord controls this side and we're just choosing which side do we want to be on which side will we face because if I make the choice to turn to the Lord come unto me and I will come unto you then again that choice is followed by a natural consequence just like it was on the other side I choose Pride then destruction naturally comes I choose repentance and humility and then blessings and prosperity naturally return that's like the law of the Harvest functioning on both sides Alma 41 all over again see over here the plan works for me over here the plan works against me over here I've planted darkness and harvested it over here I've planted light and what a glorious Harvest is in the future if that's our choice you see in some ways the pride cycle isn't inevitable you remember back in chapter 3 when we were studying the prosperity phase back in 24 to 26 well yes it led to Pride in 33 and 34 but it also led to humility in 35 for those who chose it you see 35 The Humble part of the people are mentioned in 34 they're being persecuted by the wicked but 35 but they did Fast and pray off they kept turning to the Lord and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility you see too often we think of humility as a weak virtue it's actually one of the strongest ones we can have and they are waxing stronger and stronger in it and as a result firmer and firmer in the Faith of Christ it filled their souls with joy and consolation no matter what the outside influences right even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God I just want to stay on this side of the cycle and we can we can have prosperity and instead of choosing Pride as a result we can choose to give all the credit to God yield our hearts to him praise prayer fasting Thanksgiving and as we do so staying on this side the cycle actually stays on the Lord's Side of the line and my stronger and stronger humility and my firmer and firmer Faith leads to greater and greater blessings from the Lord no wonder it results in the purification and sanctification of our heart I can't imag imagine greater spiritual Prosperity than that you see it's almost like once again we catch Helman standing in the face of things and saying no I don't care the outside influences no matter how Wicked the world around me grows I can have God's help right here as long as I face the father come unto Christ ignore the empty promises of kishkumen or cor aner or gadianton then this is a righteousness and repentance cycle Pride never comes into the picture we always have that choice before us remember those are the thus we seiz that we saw at the end of Helman 3 I think that is what we get to see in chapter 5 which is such a masterpiece in the Book of Mormon it begins with an incredible Act of humility on Nephi's part you see by now the Judgment seat has passed from father to son from helem in II to Nephi the whatever number you want to give him Nephi the father of the Nephi will meet in third Nephi he delivers up the Judgment seat in verse one to a man whose name was sorum we'll see a little bit more of him next week humble move actually seems to be family tradition his great grandpa Elma the younger did exactly that back in Elma chapter 4 why because working from the outside in is not working I've got to start working from the inside out so take off my my political hat replace it solely with my spiritual hat and do what cry repentance in hopes of convincing people to go from destruction to repentance and humility you got to get back on the Lord's Side of the cycle because then it will naturally bring you back to spiritual prosperity and peace let's use this natural consequence for US based on a choice that we have to make Choose Wisely choose well verse four describes it as Nephi becoming weary because of their iniquity so he yields up the Judgment seat and took it upon him to preach the word of God all the remainder of his days his brother Lehi did the same these two sons are two peas in a poot great Mission companions an Elma and AMC of sorts and it all came because their father had chosen to raise them in righteousness helping them grow up unto the Lord as we saw already verse 5 they remembered the words their father Helman had spoken and verse six we get a glimpse of that father toon conversation behold my sons I desire that you should remember to keep the Commandments of God sound like the words of great grandpa Alma to Grandpa helan he said the same I would that you should declare unto the people these words that seems to be the family business as well behold I have given unto you the names of our first parents who came out of the land of Jerusalem same names the anti- Nephi Lehi chose for themselves and this I have done that when you remember your names something that happens often you may remember them something that otherwise might not happen so frequently and when you remember them you may remember their works not just who they were but what they did how they lived which was a reflection of who they really were and when you remember their works you may know how that it is said said and also written that they were good Sons I want you to be good too so in seven therefore my sons I would that you should do that which is good that it might be said of you what was said of them keep the family tradition alive or as president hinley used to say don't be the weak Link in your family chain be a strong one well these two sons were just that then this interesting reminder caution in verse eight behold my sons I have somewhat more to desire of you which desire is that you may not do these things that ye may boast this is coming from someone who is an expert in the pride cycle I want you to prosper spiritually prosper in righteousness prosper in the Lord but do not let it go to your head because if you make that choice then I know the inexorable consequence so don't go there lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven stay on the Lord's Side of the cycle because over there that treasure is eternal it doesn't fade away that's the precious gift of eternal life verse 9 remember remember my sons remember what king Benjamin said remember there's no other way nor means whereby man can be saved only through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ who shall come yay remember that he cometh to redeem the world that's what's going to keep you on his side knowing that you absolutely depend upon him that without his strength you have no strength at least no more than anyone else rely on him then in verse 10 don't just remember King Benjamin's words Remember The Words which amch spake unto zzam back in the city of amanah he said that the Lord surely should come to redeem his people but that he should not come to redeem them in their sins but to redeem them from their sins you see this is how we're staying on the Lord's Side Of The Line it's not just paying him lip service it's following him it's staying with him so that he can stay with you that's why prosperity and destruction are on opposite sides of the cycle you can't choose the adversary's side and still reap the Lord's rewards it's not how it works so stay on the repentance side stay on the Lord's Side verse 11 Christ has power given unto him from the father to redeem them but only redeem them from their sins not in them because of repentance that's what triggers that natural consequence your choice to shift or stay on the Lord's Side of the line he sent angels to declare these Tidings of the conditions of repentance that was not the phrase that Elma kept using and it's following those conditions that brings the power of the Redeemer unto the salvation of your soul and then president Irene's beautiful word picture of the place of safety that is all always open to us no matter what the outside influences remember remember that it is upon the rock of Our Redeemer who is Christ the son of God that ye must build your foundation there's no other option that when not if the devil shall send forth his mighty winds yay his shafts in the Whirlwind yay when not if all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you that's what president Iran warned us about it's not just to endure the storms but to choose the right while they rage if we've built upon that redeeming Rock then it shall have no power over you to drag you down the natural consequence of the pride cycle to drag you down to the Gulf of misery and endless woe what's keeping us from that slide died into sin The Rock upon which you are built which is a sure Foundation a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall you see that's where the if comes in rather than the earlier W if you build that's your choice that explains all the if then statements in Mormons thus we seize if you build on Christ you can't fall if if you call upon him in sincerity his mercies will naturally come if you come unto Christ the Gate of Heaven will remain open if you rely on the Lord's word it will provide that straight and narrow course across the gulf through the hail and mighty storm away from the shafts in the Whirlwind our choice is the if but the Lord's blessing is the then the promised result when we build upon the rock of the Redeemer no wonder we can always choose the joy of eternal life however perilous the times Well firmly established on that rock themselves they were ready to help others build their foundation in the same place verse 14 they remember those words just as encouraged and then they go forth keeping the Commandments of God all along the way that way they stay on the Lord's Side of the cycle and then they teach the word of God among all the people of Nephi and where do they start at the city Bountiful start in the place to where the Savior will come build upon the rock of the Redeemer from there they go from one city to the next going through all the land of zarahemla teaching everywhere they can verse 17 they preach with such great power that they confound many of the dissenters who'd gone over from the Nephites in so much that they did come forth and did confess their sins there's repentance they're starting to shift back to the Lord's Side of the cycle they're baptized unto repentance talk about staying in the cycle being baptized covenanting promising to stay on this side of the line I'm going to keep repenting all the time of my sins of commission and sins of omission I refuse to ever get over on the adversary side of the cycle and those who are baptized into repentance immediately start repenting they return to the Nephites and Endeavor to repair unto them the wrongs which they had done sound like the sons of mosiah sound like Elma the younger I love those three r words in 17 they repent they return and they repair beautiful process not content to stay Among the Nephites or the nephite denters in 18 they now preach among the lamanites but still with such great power and authority for power and authority was given unto them that they might speak and and also to know what they should speak again they're relying on the Lord's strength and he is giving it to them verse 19 they spoke with such power that it was to the great astonishment of the lamanites to the convincing them such that 8,000 lamanites are converted baptized unto repentance get into the Lord's Side of the cycle convinced of the wickedness and the traditions of their fathers to scare them away from the other side of the cycle now they're still not done this might even be a better example of this expanding circle of concern that we saw way back in the book of enus when enus prays for his own forgiveness and then for the strength of his own people and then turns his heart outward toward the lamanites well here Nephi and Lehi are doing the same preaching to the Nephites converting nephite Des centers converting lamanites in the land of zarahemla and then in verse 20 from there proceeding onto the land of Nephi the original lonite territory you see those first 8,000 lonite converts were in zarahemla well now let's go all the way down into the lion's den lonite headquarters well when they got there verse 21 they're immediately cast into prison in fact the same prison that Ammon this is not Ammon chopping off arms but the earlier Ammon that goes in search of the people of zenith when he goes and is discovered by limhi he casts him into prison until he tells him I've only come to save you you a beautiful echo down the ages the same kind of thing happening we've come to save you to bring you home to lead you across the Gulf of Woe by sharing with you the word which is the straight and narrow course provided well as they are in prison Nephi and Lehi verse 23 they are encircled about as if by fire now this is truly miraculous but in some ways this describes Nephi and lehi's life from the start helim and their father deciding to stay surrounded by Darkness confident that they would be protected by fire the light of the Lord the purifying cleansing power of His atonement that even feeling imprisoned by the darkness and sin all around you you can be encircled about as if by fire that's exactly what's happening here because in 23 when Nephi and Lehi are encircled about by fire compare that to 28 where the others in prison are overshadowed with a cloud of Darkness you see in 24 Nephi and lehi's hearts take courage 28 those still in darkness have an awful solemn fear come upon them I love the difference between 23 and 24 and 28 light versus Darkness courage versus fear and what is it that gives Nephi and Lehi that Courage the fact that they saw end of 23 that this fire is not burning us it's actually blessing us sometimes we worry about the heat that we face as we're surrounded by a wicked world but that heat might actually be forging stronger steel within our souls I mean yes in the parable of the sewer the sunlight is what scorched the plants on the rocky soil but isn't sunlight actually good for plants of course it is but only if they have enough water to offset it drill down sink those tap Roots until they find living water and then bring on all the sunlight you can give bring on the heat that was Nephi and Lehi build your foundation on the rock of the Redeemer and then let the winds blow it's like what Elder Anderson taught us about trees in the storm they become stronger because of that opposition this is Shadrach Meshach and Abednego all over again in the fiery furnace but it did not consume them it did not burn them it introduced them to a fourth figure in the flames and he was one like unto the Son of God we come to know God in our extremi it's exactly what's Happening Here what do we sing in How firm a foundation the flame shall not hurt Thee I only design thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine that's actually one correction I would give to the book of Daniel's account it says that the fire had no effect on Shadrach Meshach and Abednego singing that hymn I would say oh it had a great effect it left them refined and growing up in the darkness had the same effect on Lehi and Nephi we're just seeing it most visibly here in this lonite prison well these two brothers take advantage of the moment they begin to speak forth in verse 26 and they say to others there fear not for behold it is God that has shown unto you this marvelous thing in the which it's shown unto you that you cannot lay your hands on us to slay us we're safe here even in prison as they said it verse 27 the Earth shook exceedingly the walls of the prison Shake as if they were about to Tumble to the Earth their voice is then joined by another in verse 29 there came a voice as if it were above the cloud of Darkness the Lord is always able to rise above whatever things we find ourselves in and from that higher elevation comes this call to a higher life repent ye repent ye seek no more to destroy my servants whom I have sent unto you to declare Good Tidings I've got the good news the way out of Satan's side of the pride cycle the fact you can choose to leave his side it happens through repentance verse 30 that voice was not a voice of Thunder it was not a voice of a great tumultuous noise rather it was a still voice of perfect mildness almost like a whisper yet it pierced them to the very Soul that's what's happening on their inside and yet on their outside 31 the Earth is still shaking exceedingly the prison walls are still trembling The Cloud of darkness is still overshadowing them can you tell the difference you lamanites and nephite denters that are filling this prison work from the inside out heed this peaceful piercing voice ignore the shaking and trembling all around you ignore the darkness Pierce through it with the Lord's redeeming light verse 32 The Voice came yet again saying repent ye repent ye for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand seek no more to destroy my servants and still the Earth shakes and the walls Trumble 33 a third time the voice comes we would expect yet another repetition of repent repent and perhaps that was part of it but it says in 33 that this time it spake marvelous words which cannot be uttered by man I'd love to know what that was and still the walls tremble and the Earth shakes how many times will it take before they start to see the difference between outward and inward between Darkness and Light Between shaking and trembling and founding themselves on the rock of the Redeemer which side of the cycle do you want to spend your days now in 34 the lamanites could not flee and that's okay you don't have to Nephi and Lehi knew that because their father helan had chosen not to flee from the darkness himself but rather to inject it with light but there in the midst of that Darkness 35 was a nephite by birth one who had once belonged to the Church of God but had desentedents alone understands what's going on and becomes this instrument in the Lord's hands to spread light throughout that lonite Village well likewise here this man his name is aminadab he unlike others knows what's going on he'd been raised in the light he just had rejected it since then in 36 when he turns himself about he can see through the cloud of Darkness after all he'd been familiar with the light at some point in his life he saw the faces of Nephi and Lehi and they did Shine exceedingly even as the faces of angels what are they doing what anyone should do in the midst of a fiery furnace look to the face of the fourth they lifted up their eyes to Heaven they were in the attitude as if talking or lifting their voices to some being whom they beheld he's with you in the prison he's with you in the darkness he's with you through the war in 37 this man cries unto the multitude and says you've got to turn and look can you think of better verbs to describe what repentance is you're over here in destruction just turn just look see what the Lord is offering you over here that is repentance Nephi and Lehi had cried it the voice from Heaven had cried it repeatedly now one of their own who knew better is crying in it as well verse 40 they then ask him what shall we do that this cloud of Darkness may be removed from overshadowing us it's like the Jews who finally get it with Peter's preaching and say men and Brethren what shall we do and am menad ab's answer is just like Peter's he says in verse 41 you must repent that's what I just told you turn and look and cry unto the voice even until you shall have faith in Christ that's what convinces us to build upon that rock have faith in him who was taught unto you by Alma and AMC and zzam when you do this The Cloud of Darkness shall be removed from overshadowing you I love the fellow witnesses that he calls to the stand all of whom like himself had chosen Darkness at the expense of light and then saw the light and turned and came to it that describes Alma the younger fighting against the church until he saw the light that describes amch who knew but would not know until he saw the light that describes the ezam who is trying to pull people away from God until he saw the light and came running well that was the invitation they finally heated 42 they cry even until the cloud of Darkness was dispersed and then in 43 they cast their eyes about see that the cloud of darkness is gone and now they just like Nephi and Lehi before them are encircled about yay Every Soul by a pillar of fire 44 that fire is described it did not harm them neither did it take hold upon the walls of the prison but they were filled with that Joy which is unspeakable and full of Glory that is the fire of Faith it's the fire of the Holy Ghost clothing tongues of fire is how it was described on the day of Pentecost 45 the holy spirit of God came down from heaven entered into their hearts and they were filled as if with fire they could speak forth marvelous words you see their Joy was unspeakable in 44 but they were able to speak something in 45 in fact their voice was joined by another in 46 the one they'd heard earlier a pleasant voice just a whisper this time not saying repent repent you see that was the call to make a choice to shift from Satan's side to the Lord's Side of the cycle now is the natural consequence you made your choice to come here now let me bring you back to prosperity in 47 peace peace be unto you because of your faith in my wellbeloved who was from the foundation of the world and as they begin looking up from whence The Voice came they saw the heavens open and the angels came down and and ministered unto them 300 Souls who were then told to go forth and don't Marvel and don't doubt not doubt in terms of I'm not sure if that is true but doubt in terms of is that too good to believe oh it is that good but believe it don't doubt it it's true you're back on the Lord's Side and he wants to pull you towards peace and prosperity so in 50 they go forth they Minister unto all the people they declare throughout all the regions round about all the things which they had heard and seen and as a result the more part of the lamanites right there in lonite headquarters were convinced of them because of the greatness of the evidences which they had received what evidences the changed hearts of those that they were hearing from thus convinced in 1 they lay down their weapons of war and they lay down their hatred and wicked Traditions right alongside them and then they yield up unto the Nephites the lands of their possession all the Warfare that Iha was pursuing to try to regain their cities Nephi and Lehi had a much more peaceful plan oh just convert everyone they'll not only lay down their weapons but they'll yield up their possessions they're no longer possessed by those possessions like they'd been before now chapter six we can sum up very simply there are two different directions we can face within this Pride cycle we saw that before the prosperity of the church LED some people to Pride and let other people to become stronger and stronger in their humility you see in chapter 6 verse1 The lamanites had become the more part of them a righteous people this is going to be important when we meet Samuel the lonite in two weeks in so much that righteousness did exceed that of the Nephites because of their firmness and their steadiness in the faith we see more of that in 3 through five the people of the church have great joy because of the conversion of the lamanites they Fellowship one with another they Rejoice one with another they have great joy together verse four the lamanites come down into the land of zarahemla they declare unto the people of the Nephites the manner of their conversion they exhort them to Faith and repentance I love this new converts strengthening and calling to repentance the lifelong members and then in five they preach with exceedingly great power and authority they bring down many of them into the depths of what humility to become what the humble followers of God and the lamb they've chosen the right side of the cycle meanwhile verse two many of the Nephites had become hardened and impenitent and grossly Wicked in so much that they did reject the word of God and all the preaching and prophesying which came among them you see this fascinating role reversal the lamanites have become more righteous than the Nephites and many of the Nephites had become more wicked than the lamanites fascinating and when you jump ahead to verse 31 it happened because Satan had got such great hold upon the hearts of the Nephites that's always his aim work from the inside out they had become exceedingly Wicked the more part of them had turned out of the way of righteousness and did trample under their feet the Commandments of God and did turn unto their own ways they'd been on the Lord's Side Of The Line they turned to the adversary side of the cycle they rejected God and therefore had no Divine strength were left to their own and thus destruction was imminent you see here the cycle renews from 8 to 14 here's Prosperity again phrases like exceedingly Rich exceeding plenty all manner of gold and of silver Rich abundance flourish exceedingly multiply and wax exceedingly strong great joy and peace but if we're not careful what does prosperity lead to if we choose to succumb to Pride verse 15-9 is the wickedness and pride segment of the cycle two successive Chief Judges are murdered sounds like we're starting the book of Helman all over again and then phrases like exceedingly Wicked set their hearts upon their riches seek to get gain lifted up one above another Rob and plunder to get gain all at the hands of gadianton robbers and murderers in fact at the end of 18 it says they called themselves that talk about Unapologetic no longer the need of the secrecy and subtlety and disguise of kishkumen now we can come boldly out we are gadianton robbers and murderers ERS it's what we're here for pride and wealth ambition and greed well what are we to do two choices here the lonite plan we see in verse 20 when the lamanites found that there were robbers among them they were exceedingly sorrowful they did use every means in their power to destroy them off the face of the Earth but having laid down their weapons earlier how are they supposed to destroy the gadian robbers Jump Ahead to 37 came to pass that the lamanites did hunt the band of robbers of gadianton and what they do once they hunted them down they did preach the word of God Among the more wicked part of them I love this we're going to destroy them we're going to hunt them we're going to preach the gospel no better way to root out wickedness we're working from the inside out right in so much that this band of robbers was utterly destroyed from among the lamanites destroyed in the the best possible way meanwhile what was the nephite plan back in 21 Satan did stir up the hearts of the more part of the Nephites in so much that they did Unite with those bands of robbers they entered into their covenants and Oaths that they would protect and preserve one another and as a result of that 38- 40 the Nephites built them up supported them until they had overspread all the land they'd seduced the more part of the righteous until they'd come down to believe in their works and partake of their spoils and join with them in their secret murders and combinations and that way they could continue their wicked work accelerating the Cycles on the adversar side 39 thus they did obtain the soul management of the government that was the pride and ambition half in so much they did trample under their feet and smite and Rend and turn their backs upon the poor and the meek and the humble followers of God there's the greed and materialism side of things and 40 Mormons thus we see they were in an awful State ripening for an everlasting destruction what a difference to compare the nephite plan to the lonite plan when it came to how to deal with these gadian and Robbers no wonder the lamanites are beginning to Blossom as the rose there's a humility there and not just in the lamanites who were converting in helan there is a beautiful humility in those who are joining the church in our day and I don't just mean lamanites by lineage anyone who might have been considered an outsider an outcast but deciding to come in to the welcoming Embrace of the Gospel of Jesus Christ let me conclude with verses 34-36 three more thus we seize from Mormon what are we supposed to take away from all of this study this week 34 thus we see that the Nephites did begin to dwindle in unbelief and grow in wickedness and Abominations that's one side of the cycle while the lamanites began to grow exceedingly in the knowledge of their God y they began to keep his statutes and Commandments and to walk in truth and uprightness before him see the differences side by side dwindle versus grow unbelief versus knowledge wickedness versus uprightness and the choice is always ours in verse 35 another thus we see the spirit of the Lord began to withdraw from the Nephites because of the wickedness and hardness of their hearts you see they had withdrawn from him compared to 36 thus we see that the Lord began to pour out his Spirit upon the lamanites why because of their easiness their willingness to believe in his words that is a humble heart the Nephites beginning in prosperity had chosen pride and the natural consequence was destruction the lamanites starting in destruction had chosen repentance and humility and the natural consequence was prospering through the gospel of Christ the choice was theirs and the choice is ours wherever we live no matter what the outside influences we can choose the Lord's Side Of The Line I am so grateful for that because I don't know all that the future holds but I know enough of what the future holds to stand between concern and courage worry over my family versus faith in their future these are our days Days of Darkness on the outside but Days Of Glorious Light Within days that will culminate in the coming of the light of the world may these days your days be great days as we use them to choose to come unto Christ [Music]