Lecture on Water Tank Design and IS Codes

Jul 28, 2024

Lecture Notes - Water Tank Design and IS Codes


  • Good evening and welcome to the lecture on water tanks.
  • It’s important to revise the PDFs provided, as exam questions will be based on simple code provisions.

Key Concepts

Concrete Stress in Water Tanks

  • Question: What is the permissible concrete stress in direct tension for M20 concrete?
    • Answer: 12 kg/cm² or 1.2 N/mm² as per IS 3370-1965.
    • IS Code Clause: 8.2.1 allows for direct tension in plain concrete.
    • Permissible tensile stresses:
      • M20: 1.2 N/mm² (direct) / 1.7 N/mm² (bending)
      • M25: 1.3 N/mm² (direct) / 1.8 N/mm² (bending)

Minimum Grade of Concrete for Durability

  • Question: What is the minimum grade of concrete required for water tanks?
    • Answer: C, M30.
    • Importance: Water tanks are exposed to severe weather conditions, necessitating higher strength to prevent cracking.
    • IS Codes Referenced:
      • IS 456: For concrete cell.
      • IS 1343: For pre-stressed members.
    • Minimum cement content:
      • Plain Concrete: 250 kg
      • Reinforced Concrete: 320 kg
      • Pre-Stressed Concrete: 360 kg

Bending and Tension in Circular Water Tanks

  • The circular ring beam in an intimate tank primarily resists hoop tension.
  • Design Implications: Recognize that water pressure creates tension in circular tanks.

IS 456-2000 Compliance

  • The minimum grade of concrete should not be less than M30 for structural reinforced concrete water tanks.

Allowable Stress and Design Parameters

  • Tensile Stress for M25 concrete (bending): 8.5 N/m², 6.0 N/m², 2.5 N/m², 1.8 N/m² factor based on design requirements.
  • For M30 concrete, the maximum allowable bending tension is assessed by understanding the permissible stress limits through IS code analysis.
  • Remember: Tension and bending stresses differ, and it's essential to memorize at least a few key values from the tables.

Reinforcement Percentages

  • Minimum percentage of steel reinforcement for walls in tanks: 0.24% for HYSD bars, calculated based on thickness.
  • Design Calculations: For tanks thicker than 100 mm but less than 450 mm, percentages decrease linearly from 0.3% to 0.2%.

Practical Tips

  • Focus on doing previous year question papers (PYQ) to familiarize with exam patterns.
  • Reviewing the principles of design will enhance understanding without memorizing entire tables.


  • The class covered significant topics concerning water tank design, reinforcing the importance of IS code compliance.
  • Next class will initiate discussion on pre-stressing in water tanks.

Final Notes

  • Prepare thoroughly and reach out for clarifications on challenging topics.
  • Reminder: Take care during adverse weather conditions.

  • Class ends with an alert to prepare for next topic and discussion on Independence Day celebrations.
  • Please utilize provided resources via the telegram group.