Transcript for:
Exploring Genesis and Divine Promises

it's day three of heart dive 365 I'm your Bible study friend kenoi welcome to the heart dive [Music] podcast well here we are day three I hope you guys are back for more if you are if you have been here the last 2 days could you hit that like button for us also if you're new here could you hit that like button for us at some point if this Bible study helps you out in your learning by doing so you are partnering with us in the Kingdom to be to help to get the gospel message out to the world we had more people checking in from all four corners of the earth yesterday so thank you so much for letting us know where you are watching from now also if you could please make sure that you are subscribed either to our Channel on YouTube or to our podcast and hit that notification Bell so that you know when the videos Drop each day and if you want to continue the conversation after these videos are done you can join our Facebook group which is where we are scheduling out our weekly groups and also encouraging one another and just praying for each other we've got a prayer room going on so it's just one more way that you can get connected if you have any questions at all about this ministry or about this podcast you can head to our website there you can also download our heart dive 365 reading plan lots of information there and we also have a lot of information in our show notes or description box for more bible study resources and information including which Bible I am using that question continues to pop up so I have an interleaved ESV Bible it's linked in my Amazon link below as well as all of the highlighters and pens and all of the things that I love to use so I want to start off here with one correction today I jokingly referred to Immaculate Conception yesterday and I honestly can't even remember what I was referring to because it kind of just popped off of my head but that was a grammar slip on my part the word that I actually should have used was divine conception not Immaculate as that specifically refers to Mary's conception of Jesus and not a generic Divine concept ction so I just wanted to clarify that thank you to Michelle who pointed that out to me otherwise we are getting into Genesis 8 through 11 today so let's go ahead and pray our heavenly father we thank you so much for another day for the third day of a new year so much significance of the third day Lord and it is no accident that we are going to be reading about the new beginning here today as we read about the flood and how you gave New Life to not only the family of Noah But ultimately to us as well so we thank you for that Lord and we just pray that our eyes ears and hearts will be open to everything that you have that you would like to speak to us today help us to learn to learn accurately and also to be able to Fellowship in community here Lord and help each other out iron sharpens iron and so that is what we are here for but we pray ultimately that it will be your voice that is heard through every comment through every conversation God may you weave throughout every part of this ministry thank you for every person who is here Lord I pray that you will bless them today let them know you're with them meet their needs let them know you are The Great I Am everything that they need can be sourced in you and from you and so if there is anything Lord that is keeping us from being able to be in unhindered relationship with you I just pray that you will bring it to our hearts today bring it to our minds so that we can make things right we can clear out our hearts of any junk we can come here with Clean Hands and a pure heart and may everything that we do today in thought and action be pleasing to you Lord we want to be able to worship you and bring you glory and honor in everything that we do so forgive us where we have faltered also help us to forgive those who have hurt us or sinned against us please do not lead us into temptation but Deliver Us from Evil for yours is the kingdom and power and Glory forever in Jesus name amen so we're starting off here in chapter 8 where the flood begins to subside but God remembered Noah and all the beasts and all the livestock that were with him in the ark now does that mean that God forgot about him absolutely not God does not ever forget about us we are always on his his mind so this term here remembered actually speaks of an active attention back onto Noah and the Ark and everything that was in it so this is remembering him in his mercy and God made a wind blow over the Earth and again this is that word ruach in Hebrew which often times throughout the Bible refers to wind or the spirit of God so whenever the spirit moves we know that things clear up so we'll see that happen here and the waters subsided The Fountains of the deep and the windows of the heavens were closed and the rain from the heavens were restrained and the waters receded from the earth continually and at the end of the 150 days the waters had Abad and in the seventh month on the 17th day of the month the ark came to a rest on the Mountains of Ararat now we do want to note here that the same amount of days that it took for the waters to fill the Earth was the same amount of days that it took the waters to reced from the earth or to Abate and lots of parallels of time running throughout the Bible also the significance of the 7th month and the 17th day of the month what else happened on the 7th month and the 17th day well first we have to take notice that later on in the book of Exodus God actually changes the Hebrew calendar God actually changes the calendar putting the sth month at the first month called the Nissan and so when we take a look here once that happens we see the Feast of the first fruits taking place on the first Sunday whenever a Passover is on a thir Thursday the Feast of the first fruits actually symbolizes that there's going to be a Greater Harvest new life and abundance then Israel came through the Red Sea on the 17th day of the first month also symbolizing a new start and new life after they were able to escape the Egyptians and then new grain came after the Mana stopped on the 16th day again symbolizing new life but even more so the greatest 17th day of the first month is the resurrection with the Passover happening on Thursday Jesus rising from the dead on Sunday showing us that God is the god of new beginnings giving us Fresh Starts giving us new life he is the god of the new and it's no mistake that God had the ark rest on a mountain big things happen on mountains and we will see that throughout the Bible and even though we don't know the exact location of where the ark landed most scholars believe that this is in modern-day turkey verse 6 at the end of the 40 days Noah opened the window of the ark that he had made and sent forth a raven now a raven typically symbolizes a dirty bird or a scavenger or even is equated to evil it went to and fro until the waters were dried up from the earth so it never returned back to the ark probably feasting on some of the carcasses is what would make the most sense here then he sent forth a dove a dove in the Bible often symbolizing a peaceful bird also the holy spirit so if you keep that in mind you can actually see the way that the holy spirit is moving throughout this story to see if the waters had subsided from the face of the ground but the dove found no place to set her foot and she returned to him to the ark for the waters were still on the face of the whole earth and this brings to mind the scripture from 2 Chronicles chapter 16:9 where it says the eyes of the Lord look to and fro throughout the Earth looking for hearts that are set on him and so that is the picture that we see of this Dove it is going to and fro throughout the Earth looking for a place to land and so when you think think about a dove Landing the Holy Spirit Landing he is looking for people to land on he wants to be able to come upon us because there are three actually very distinct ways that the Holy Spirit dwells either with us in us or comes upon us so remember whenever we were reading that scripture about the spirit will not always strive with man that means being alongside him being in his vicinity the second one being when the Holy Spirit is within us that is when we get saved we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit dwelling within but there's a third one of the Holy Spirit coming upon a person and that actually requires an invitation by us to ask the Holy Spirit to empower us this is what we will read about in Acts whenever the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples at Pentecost in the upper room and that's when they started speaking in tongues they were enacted into service and that is available to us but we have to be open and willing and invite the Holy Spirit to come in and so Watch What Happens he put out his hand and he took her and brought her into the ark with him now this too I don't believe this is a mistake that this very detail was put into this story if indeed we are comparing this to the holy spirit because the Holy Spirit wants us to be able to partner with him because if you think about it faith and empowerment neither one of those two things are a passive situation we have to not only invite Jesus into our life as our Lord and savior that's our faith but we also need to invite him to come upon us so faith and empowerment both require us to reach out our hand and partner with him and he waited another seven days and again he sent forth the dove out of the Ark and the Dove came back to him in the evening and behold in her mouth was a freshly plucked olive leaf now Olive leaves typically symbolize peace restoration Hope New Life New Beginnings so here this Dove is returning with the evidence that there is indeed new life and dry land but look what happens he waited another 7 days what and he sent forth the Dove and she did not return to him anymore I could not help but think why in the world is Noah continuing to wait another 7 days if I knew that there was dry land I'd be like everybody pack your bags we're out of here cuz even when he had that full evidence that there was dry land he still Waits well we have to remember that the only thing Noah knew going into this was that it was going to rain for 40 days and 40 nights and everybody was going to die but guess what after the rain stopped they're still floating along for another 150 days the Bible stories in our childhood didn't tell us that detail and this wasn't a Royal Caribbean cruise ship we're talking about I mean this was a stinky hot boat ride with a zoo not to mention probably surrounded by carcasses outside so being shut in may have either left Noah feeling as though God forgot about him in that entire year and all he had was this promise that God would save him and his family or it could have been that God's presence was with him in the boat so he simply didn't want to leave until God said so so then I realized that was it throughout this entire year he probably had so many ups and downs I mean literally on the waves right doubting along the way but ultimately developing so much patience and steadfastness in the waiting What in incredible Faith being displayed before us and in today's I need it now Society we have a really hard time with patients I mean mine is tested every single day when my kids keep barging through my door in the middle of filming or my video says that it's going to take an hour to render followed by another hour to upload followed by me mistakenly uploading the wrong video so then I have to wait another hour and I'm sure there are some who share that same sentiment waiting for this podcast has to drop every day so let's do a heart check how do you fair when things don't happen in your timeline are you able to patiently wait on God so now we are fast forwarding one year later in the 61st year in the first month the first day of the month the waters were dried from off the Earth and Noah removed the covering of the Ark and looked and behold the face of the ground was dry now in the second month on the 27th day of the month the Earth had dried out out and then God said to Noah and I love this because God speaking to Noah shows how much grace he had and how much he valued Noah's life go out from the ark you and your wife and your sons and your sons wives with you bring out with you every living thing that is with you all of the flesh birds and animals and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth that they may swarm on the earth and be fruitful and multiply on the earth and this just brought to memory someone who commented saying what about all of the animals in the sea they weren't brought on the ark or were they and we just didn't know and other people answering and saying it's likely that all of those animals of the sea were actually left in the sea and were able to survive the flood since that was their natural environment so Noah went out and his sons and his wife and his sons wives went with him every Beast every creeping thing and every bird everything that moves on the earth went out by families from the ark showing again that God loves families and one interesting fact that I actually took note of in John corson's comments commentary is that in a book by Dr Dolph hooker he's a scientist he actually says that the Ice Age immediately followed the flood and this would make sense because remember the flood occurred whenever that canopy that covered the Earth burst forth and therefore that bringing in all of this cold air from above the Earth's atmosphere which would then explain the fosses of woolly mammoths who have fresh vegetation in their mouths and he goes on to say that the Ice Age actually caused a recession of water which then would have allowed the continents to become one giant piece of land so that way the animals were able to migrate all across the earth once again which is why we see such a diversity of animals being spread out throughout the earth now I don't know how much of that is true I just thought it was interesting and worth talking about because there is clearly evidence of the Ice Age and so this could have been where it fit in verse 20 then Noah built an altar to the Lord and took some of every clean animal and some of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar I just love that the first priority for Noah is to build an altar to worship God he didn't have anything to gain from it it was purely to please God and I just thought wow what is our motive and our heart whenever we are worshiping you know are we coming to bible study or are we going to church or are we singing our worship songs to get something out of it to feel better are we trying to get something for ourselves and then whenever we're not feeling it when we don't get the Goosebumps or we don't learn something new do we walk away disappointed because it didn't meet our expectations or do we look for ways to just simply bless God's heart because that's what worship really is all about so heart check is worshiping and pleasing God's heart your motive whenever you worship and this just goes to show that it was likely the sacrifice and not actually the flood that caused God to never Wipe Out the Earth again as he we see him declare right here in verse 21 and when the Lord smelled the pleasing aroma so there it is when this happened the Lord said in his heart I will never again curse the ground because of man for the intention of man's heart is evil from his youth neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done while the Earth remains so this won't happen until the final judgment so while the Earth remains seed time and harvest cold and heat summer and winter day and night shall not cease now while the offering itself was pleasing to God it was more so the heart of Noah that pleased him so God is smelling this yummy barbecue from Noah and saying good job Noah you're cooking the right way but what a beautiful merciful promise God gives us and again even when we are in a sea of doubt and uncertainty his promises still remain and that what once was destroyed can be renewed and that is God's wheelhouse we are a new creation whenever we receive Jesus so unlike Noah we actually know the Final Destination so let's end this chapter with a heart check how does the story of Noah inspire you to deal with adversity chapter n and God blessed Noah cuz that's what he loves to do he wants to make his children happy but not only did he bless Noah he blessed his sons and said to them be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth so he's giving them that command once again giving them this new lease on life literally and the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every bird of the Heavens upon everything that creeps on the ground and all the fish of the sea so this innate fear in animals of humans into your hand they are delivered every moving thing that lives shall be for food for you so here we're seeing very distinct differences in the way that they are to live now the first thing is that animals will now be scared of them the second thing is that all of the animals are food whereas remember before they were supposed to be vegetarians and as I gave you the green plants I give you everything but you shall not eat eat flesh with its life that is its blood so because blood represents life there is a respect that needs to be given for blood for life and so he is saying do not eat food with blood still in it and for your life blood I will require a reckoning from every Beast I will require it and from man from his fellow man I will require a reckoning for the life of man so this is basically saying that the death penalty is being put into place for murder so here we're seeing the foundation for government actually being laid whoever sheds the blood of Man by man shall his blood be shed for God made man in his own image so this poetry here is important because it is intended to make an impact and give us the ability to be able to memorize the importance of this message and you be fruitful and multiply increase greatly on the earth and multiply in it so we are seeing God give Noah and his family this brand new beginning giving us a new beginning as well as we were on the path to Simply never exist if he didn't save Noah so heart Che what do New Beginnings look like for you and how does it affect the way that you live cuz you know we're beginning a new year often times we start to say we're going to make changes we're going to do different things do you guys have any resolutions set or do you have any goals made for this year I know a lot of people typically do that or people have one word that they are trying to Center their lives around if you do let us know in the comments below if you got anything specific that you are working toward this year in this new beginning of time verse 8 then God said to Noah and to his sons with him behold I establish my Covenant with you and your Offspring after you so this is what is known as the noic Covenant and with every living creature that is with you the birds the livestock and every beast of the Earth with you as many as came out of the Ark it is for every beast of the earth so again he loves animals too he's making a covenant with them I established my my Covenant for every beast of the earth which makes me happy when I look at my dog I establish my Covenant with you that never again shall All Flesh be cut off By the Waters of the flood and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the Earth and God said this is the sign of the Covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you for all future Generations I have set my bow in the cloud and it shall be a sign of the Covenant between me and the earth when I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the cloud S I will remember my Covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of All Flesh and the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh now when the bow is in the clouds I will see it and I will remember the Everlasting Covenant between God and every living creature of All Flesh that is on the earth and God said to Noah this is the sign of the Covenant that I have established between me and All Flesh that is on the earth so here I drew myself a little Rainbow to help me to remember what this symbol is but of course if you have grown up in church you knew what the significance of a rainbow was but isn't it amazing that this Covenant promise has remained for thousands of years and still acts as a constant reminder of God's faithfulness to us today so heart check what else in your life does the awareness of God and his promises show up in and how can you cultivate a consistent awareness of his faithfulness so that it's not just when we see a rainbow we're like thank you Lord for being faithful what else in your life allows you to feel that presence to know that he's around you and that he will remain faithful and true Verse 18 the sons of Noah who went forth from the ark were Shem ham and japheth and we are going to see racial identity being established through these Sons ham was the father of Canaan and these were the sons of Noah and from these people of the whole earth were dispersed so Shem representing IRA and the Arabs jath representing Iran and the Persians and ham having settled in Africa now we'll see the details about this in just a little bit but first Noah began to be a man of the soil and he planted a Vineyard so now he's going back to work basically and kind of going into autopilot cuz you know how it is whenever you start getting into a routine everything you just start doing on a day-to-day basis and you do kind of get into an autopilot mode he drank of the wine and became came drunk uh-oh and lay uncovered in his tent now the original writings point to the fact that this uncovered was due to some sort of immorality we don't know what it is but that is what it implied and ham the father of Canaan saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brothers outside so rather than showing mercy and covering his father he ran and he told his brothers in a mocking sort of way because an ancient Hebrew proverb actually says that he told them with delight so in a sense he's making fun of his father or even undermining his authority and we will see that in the way that Noah actually reacts to this then Shem and japheth took a garment laid it on both of their shoulders and walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father so they actually covered the sin of their father whereas ham exposed it so if it isn't our sin we really shouldn't be talking about it if you think about it we should actually cover them in love because love covers a multitude of sin it doesn't mean that we try to hide what people have done I mean there is a very corrective way to go about things in a biblical sense but we don't go gossiping about it is what I'm trying to say and so Shem and japheth are obviously honoring their father not wanting to expose him in any way so when Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his youngest son had done to him and he said cursed be Canaan now oh how come he's cursing Canaan Canaan is Ham's son so why isn't he cursing ham well this just goes to show how sin will actually have its effects in generations to come so in a sense this is looking at generational curses in the Old Testament a servant of servants shall be to his brothers now a lot of people have used this verse in history to be able to justify slavery especially when we're talking about ham who were the dark peoples of the earth who settled in Africa and so they would say that it was biblical to use Africans in slavery which we clearly know is not true and he also said blessed be the Lord the god of Shem and let Canaan be his servant may God enlarge japheth and let him dwell in the tents of Shem and let Canaan be his servant so shem's name actually means Glory this is where the Jews and the Arabs come from living in the Middle East and from Shem actually comes Abraham so it's fitting that his name would be glory because obviously Abraham's line comes Jesus and then japheth's name name means ruler now after the flood Noah lived 350 years so his later years not as glorious as his former years however we will see in the Hall of faith in Hebrews chap 11 that Noah is still included which goes to show that even whenever we mess up if we have a general sense of faithfulness and righteousness God will honor our lives and he will allow us to leave a legacy despite our mishaps and our shortcomings all the days of Noah were 950 years and he died and now in chapter 10 we move to a section known as the table of Nations these are the generations of the sons of Noah Shem ham and japheth Sons were born to them after the flood and I'm not going to stop on every single one of these Sons but I will let you know that in my notes over here I have it all listed from the sources of either John Corson my study Bible or enduring word which are my three main sources that I'm actually studying from right now this is what those sources dis played through these names however I definitely encourage again personal responsibility that if you want to dig a Little Deeper as to where these people came from or who they represent today I would recommend that you do that for yourself what I also have here are maps of where these people settled or where they were or are and I actually got this I believe out of this resource here which is the Zander van atlas of the Bible so I love to show you guys my resources cuz I know a lot of people want to know what I use so I just took a picture of this and I printed it out since it's for my personal use I think that it's okay I hope it's okay now I printed it actually on tracing paper I like to use tracing paper just because it's really thin and then I just add some glue to the edge of it and just glue it right into the spine and I also printed out a little genealogical table of the descendants of Noah as you can see here and also glued that into my Bible so I like to have these little additional types of resources in my Bible I also did print out the Bible project poster of the entire book of Genesis and so all of these things are linked in today's notes or in the show notes or description box where if you want to go ahead and print these out you can and add them into your Bible so let's go the sons of japheth Goomer Magog midi Javin tubal Meek and Tyrus the sons of Goomer ashkenaz rifath and to gorma the sons of Javen Elisha tares kittim and dodanim from these the Coastland people SP spread in their lands each with his own language by their Clans in their Nations now the sons of ham were Kush Egypt Po and Canan the sons of kush siba havala sabta Rama and Sabika the sons of Rama Sheba and Deen Kush fathered Nimrod he was the first on the earth to be a mighty man and he was a mighty Hunter before the Lord therefore it is said like Nimrod a mighty Hunter before the Lord the beginning of his kingdom was Babel so from the sons of ham we actually see many of Israel's enemies and why is this guy Nimrod here in the middle of this whole genealogical pool well his name actually means Rebel or Rebel and he actually built Babel and is known to be very arrogant and he's later associated with Assyria and Babylon and so that identity continues all the way into Revelation so very significant so the fact that he built Babel this later becomes synonymous with Babylon and that means gateway to God but then later on we see God change the name of Babel to confusion the beginning of his kingdom was Babel EK akad and kalna and in the land of shinar from that land he went into Assyria and built Nineveh reoboth ear Kayla and reason between Nineveh and Kayla that is the great city Egypt fed ludim anamm leim napim path rusm kesim and from whom the Philistines came cterm so this he here in verse 11 went into Assyria was Nimrod himself verse 15 Canaan fathered sidon his firstborn and Heth and the jebusites the amorites the girgashites the hivites the arites the sinites the arites the zores the hamites and the mosquito bites and terabytes all right had to throw a bad joke in there I won't do it again afterward the clans of the Canaanites dispersed and the territory of the Canaanites extended from sidon in the direction of girar as far as Gaza and in the direction of Sodom gomorah adma and zabya as far as Lea these are the sons of ham by their Clans their languages their lands and their Nations so here we are seeing the languages lands and their Nations via the Tower of Babel which we'll read about in chapter 11 verse 21 T Shem also the father of all the children of Eber which by the way eber's name means crossing over and Eber is another form of the word Hebrew the elder brother of japheth children were born the sons of Shem Elum Asher arid lud and Aram the sons of Aram uz by the way job is from uz hul gether and mash arid fathered Sheila and Sheila fathered Eber to Eber were born two sons the name of the one was Pig for in his days the Earth was divided and his brother's name was Joan Joan fathered Alm moded shef haar MTH jira hadoram usol dicka obal AEL Sheba ofur havala and jobab by the way some scholars believe that this could have been job all those who were the sons of Joan the territory in which they lived extended from Misha in the direction of sephar to the Hill Country of the East these are the sons of Shem by their Clans their languages their lands and their Nations these are the clans of the sons of Noah according to their genealogies in their Nations and from these nations spread abroad on the earth After the flood this word Earth here is the Hebrew word eater which refers to the physical Earth and we aren't speaking about peoples here so the Nations spread across the physical Earth After the flood so in the end of this chapter that many of us have probably skimmed over in the past we see God's sovereignty throughout the entire genealogy which tells us that family history and where we come from is important because it gives us a sense of identity and for us that is knowing and understanding that Jesus came from a real family from a real line of people and we find our identity in him so our understanding of this is actually crucial so heart check where do you Source your identity or your sense of belonging so again taking a look here at the genealogical table of the descendants of Noah if you are a visual learner this would be something great for you to have and if you are listening by podcast I definitely suggest that you download my notes so you can see what I'm talking about but we have jth ham and Shem the most important thing here to see see is that Abram came from Shem which of course we know Abram leads to Israel and of course that ultimately leading to Jesus now we're going to see a dispersion of racial cultural ethnic and familial diversity and of course this is going to be temporary until Jesus comes back to then unify the world once again now the whole earth had one language in the same words and as people migrated from the East they found a plane in the land of shinar and settled there shinar by the way is modern day Iraq this is known as ancient Babylon in Mesopotamia possible location of the Garden of Eden and they said to one another come let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly and they had brick for stone and pumin for Mortar pumin is basically asphalt and so this would have been similar to some of the materials that Noah actually used to build the ark now if you think about what God uses in his building he uses Stone and so here as we focus on this human effort this organized Rebellion against God we see them working in their own efforts so therefore they are using bricks which bricks obviously are nowhere near as strong as Stone would be and then they said come let us build for ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens and let us make a name for ourselves so they're wanting to make a name for themselves like the way that the Nephilim were famous in the land and also this Tower here was likely a zigurat which was a pagan astrology Tower so they're wanting to do this to make a name for themselves unless we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth so here's their Disobedience right there because remember God's command was to be fruitful and multiply so in other words have babies and populate the Earth but they're saying no we want to stay right here in our little area we don't want to be dispersed so this is displaying sort of this self versus God all rooted in Pride and arrogance and the Lord came down so some would say that this is what is known as a christophany which is Jesus coming to the Earth in human form before he actually walks the Earth so he came to see the tower which the children of man had built and the Lord said behold they are one people and they have all one language and this is only the beginning of what they will do so he knew that he was not about to allow them to go back to the days of Noah and he sees it beginning right here and he ain't going to let that happen and nothing that they proposed to do will now be impossible for them come let us go down there and confuse their language so here we see him pointing toward the Trinity or the godhead three in one and this just shows his omniscience the fact that he is all knowing at all times he isn't sitting up in heaven oblivious to what is happening in our lives here on Earth and the word confuse in verse 7 is actually a verb that is similar to the name Babylon so Babel and Babylon actually become a symbol for activities against God in the Bible and we'll see that in Revelation 17 so this confusion however is actually reversed in the upper room in Acts chapter 2 whenever the Holy Spirit comes upon them at Pentecost where everyone was able to understand what was being spoken in their own language so there was a unity in communication once again and that will happen true communication will happen whenever we are focused on the cross whenever we are filled with the Holy Spirit and I don't know if you've ever heard those Miracle stories about people going on mission trips and actually being able to miraculously understand the language or speak the language I actually know someone I should have her on the podcast sometime I'm going to call her up and ask her to do an interview because it's a pretty incredible story and to this day she still speaks Spanish this was during her mission trip in Argentina verse 8 so the Lord dispersed them from there over the face of all the Earth and they left off building the city so here we see God's third judgment the first judgment Adam and Eve being cast out of the Garden of Eden the second Judgment of course being the flood on the earth and therefore its name was called Babel because there the Lord confused the language of all the Earth and from there the Lord dispersed them over the face of all the Earth so here we have wrapped up God's displeasure with human selfish ambition where we make our own plans and we manipulate it for our own purposes now to the world this is what is encouraged right I mean at the beginning of every year people are making vision boards they've got goals they've got inspirational quotes about being successful and wealthy and they're envisioning all of these great things for their life now that's not a bad thing God does want us to prosper and to do well but he wants us to be able to lead us into that life rather than us thinking that we are the general contractor of our own lives so heart check where is your ambition coming from are you building your life on your own or is God guiding your plans and now we'll take a look at Abram's family tree starting off here in verse 10 these are the generations of Shem when Shem was 100 years old he fathered ARP pasid two years after the flood and Shem lived after heathered arid 500 years and had other Sons and Daughters when ARP pasid had lived 35 years heathered Sheila and ARP pasid lived after heaed Sheila 403 years and had other Sons and Daughters notice that the lifespan is actually decreasing when Sheila had lived 30 years heathered Eber and Sheila lived after heathered Eber 43 years and had other Sons and Daughters when Eber had lived 34 years heathered Pig and Eber lived after heathered Pig 430 years and had other Sons and Daughters when Pig had lived 30 years heaed Ryu and pig lived after heathered Ryu 209 years and had other Sons and Daughters when Ryu had lived 32 years heaed serag and Ryu lived after heathered s 207 years and had other Sons and Daughters when sag had lived 30 years heaed nahor and sah lived after heaed nahor 200 years and had other Sons and Daughters when nahor had lived 29 years heathered Tara and nahor lived after heathered Tara 119 years and had other sons and daughters and when Tara had lived 70 years heaed Abram so all of that was to get to Abram thousands of years between Shem and Abram is likely what's say span that time now these are the generations of Tara so we went from Abram's family tree to now seeing his family ties Tara fathered Abram nahor and Heron and Haron fathered lot Haron died in the presence of his father Tara in the land of his Kindred in ER of the calans and Abram and nahor took wives the name of Abram's wife was Sarai and the name of nahor's wife milka now s actually means either princess or of noble birth or I've also seen that it means contentious now the majority of the definitions of her name side with this of noble birth or princess and milka's name means foreign or queen and the daughter of Heron the father of milka and Isa now s was Barren so this now pointing to a miracle that is going to take place in her life because we know that she is going to have a child and she had no child Tara took Abraham his son and lot the son of Heron his grandson and Sarai his daughter-in-law his son Abram's wife and they went forth together from ER of the calans to go into the land of Canaan but when they came into Heron they settled there the days of Tara were 205 years and Tara died in Heron now Tara's name actually means delay and Heron means parched or Barren and there's always significance in the names of the Bible or often times there will be and so when you know the story about Abram being called by God God to go to the land of which God will show him which we know is Canaan well he was given this command while he was in Earth but we're seeing here that they stopped short of that land and ended up in Heron which is where his father Tara died so there were two things of Disobedience here one he is told to leave his family and to go to this land and we see him here taking his father as well as his nephew lot but he also stopped short I mean this would have been like God saying I need you to leave New York meet me in florid Florida but you stopped somewhere in the Carolinas but we will definitely read more about that in the chapters to come so Heavenly Father we just thank you so much for this word today the more that we read about you God the more that we just stand in awe of who you are the way that your hand so intricately move throughout history in order to carry out your Divine Purpose is just simply awesome so we thank you for the life of Noah and showing us how faithfulness and obedience pleases you and leads to your protection and your restoration your fresh start and ultimately your favor that is poured out unto our lives may we be a people who partner with you reaching out our hand to Behold The Olive Branch for we know your desire is for us to live in peace and to hold on to the hope of one day being fully restored and so I thank you for your constant reminder of your grace and your mercy through physical images like a rainbow but also daily reminders as the sun rises over a new day bring new mercies with it knowing that your love and your promise is unconditional and will remain forever and so I pray Lord that whenever we go through our own storms or our seasons of waiting that you will build within us a patience and endurance and the ability to hear your command and I pray that we will make worship a priority in our lives the way that Noah did worshiping you with sincerity not for what we can get from you but out of a place of gratitude we want to live our lives Lord in full Obed obedience to you not based on our own efforts so forgive us where we have strived simply for our own good we know that you want to bless us but we cannot manipulate you or our situations in order to receive that blessing so anytime we begin to build anything on our own effort oh God we give you permission to come down and to stop us in our tracks so thank you for showing us the beauty today of the diversity in the world and I pray that we will see each other through your eyes both nationally and personally so we give you all of the honor the glory and the praise to you this day in Jesus name we pray amen heaven and salvation is a Divine gift that is given to us by Grace none of us deserve it in fact the Bible says that the wages of sin is death and every single one of us have fallen short and then we desperately need someone to pay that price and Jesus did it he didn't do it because we are righteous on our our own Merit he did it because he loves us and he wants to spend eternity with us but it won't happen if we don't receive him before we leave this earth as Lord and Savior hell is a very real thing and there is no second chance after we take our last breath here so I want to be able to give someone the opportunity today who is saying I'm ready I've never given my life to Christ I don't know where I'm going to end up after I die but I don't want to live another day without knowing Beyond shadow of a doubt where I am going to end up I see now that this is real and I want to believe so if that is you we're going to say a prayer and I'm going to put the words on the screen so that you can say them audibly with your mouth because the Bible says that when you believe and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and that he died and rose again then you will be saved so we're going to say this prayer together believe it in your heart speak it with your mouth and know that this is indeed the day of your salvation dear heavenly father thank you for Jesus Jesus thank you for dying for me I believe that you came you died and you Rose again I confess my sins to you today and I turn from them and I now live my life for you I know that I am forgiven of all my sins so I receive you now as Lord and Savior and I belong to you Jesus I pray these things in Jesus name [Music] amen