hello fellow engineers and welcome back to City skylines 2 enopia a perfectly engineered City that's filled with super realistic Highway layouts slightly less realistic Highway layouts oh look you can see you can see the snow belting on the car look as soon as it get to there the snow melts that's cool it's also home of the Sky City as well as this poop container that we fixed last time although oh no no Slow Down slow down there's Pooh hit oh dear liquid poo everywhere yeah looks like my sewers Canal didn't quite work it's over topped around this Edge the poons seem to be okay though I don't think they're blocking the flow I think we just need to add some sort of burm like I added one up here let's just right click on there to grab the level and then just shove that around the edge just to raise it up which will hopefully keep all the poo in and stop the motorway from going under anyway the reason you're probably here as you may have seen in the thumbnail today we're testing out an experiment m al highway intersection layout I like to call the lucky clover leaf now it's basically a clover leaf Junction like this which you may have seen before but this is a fourleaf clover you can see it allows traffic in four directions up down left and right but what we're going to be looking at is a three-leaf one it allows directions in just three ways but you can you can upgrade it to six however I did not come up with this layout in fact if you come behind the screen welcome to my office and aside from my computer and Patty down here we have plushies up here we got my plaques we've got my drums under this cover M drummy as well as over here where I keep all the fan mail you guys send me uh thank you everyone that sent me letters by the way really really appreciate them but this latest one I received was from Alex and it included blueprints to this three-way Clover Leaf Fair Play It's really it's really well drawn and easy to follow like it's got a key it's got detailed instructions and as per his request we're going to be heading back into the game to see exactly how it works all and it won lie when I when I saw it I was like that's actually that's amazing why have I never seen a junction like that before and then I sort of noticed a detail and I was like ah I think that's probably why uh but we'll we will get to that um let's uh let's build this now the thing is where are we going to build this because it's a threeway Junction so we can't replace the DDI you can see this has four arms that is no good over here this is the bum thing that I did so I can't replace the bum hle CU and there's no point having a bum up here I'm not getting rid of that that's a master piece and over here the magic roundabout that is another fourway so I think what we might have to do might have to head into my game saves and let's load up engineering done 16 episodes we've done of this so yeah this is the map for my exclusive Patron City that I've been doing realistically yes I do play some games realistically as intended uh this this is one of them look at this place it's lovely but the good thing about this one is I haven't actually touched this initial Junction the three-way interchange and I think as long as I move the if I move the pylons out the way I think this will be a brilliant Junction to really try this thing out um I'll probably have to move it like up here maybe just so we have some space but it also solves the issues of these guys having like a a big old sound barrier at the end of their drives and a Motorway just beyond it so yeah I think first off then let's turn the HUD back on we can see things aren't perfect over here there's still there's still a lot of a lot of Hud um but let's hit pause and then let's really let's really get into this so I think we're going to need extra land now thankfully we can buy up to 38 tiles right now and money is not an issue turns out if you play this game properly and don't build cities in the skies and stuff you make loads of money so yeah let's buy those for 600 Grand Boot and then let's have a look at moving all of this up so where do these pylons go to and from it looks like do they just yeah they come of these solar farms and they literally just head over this direction probably to the edge of the map where I'm selling electricity yeah they go to the edge of the map where I'm selling electricity so I think what I'm going to do I'm going to go from there and then up over this way I'm going to delete like probably like over to like there it's a long way but I think it'll be worth it it give me loads and loads of space all right and then I'm just going to do a new load of pylons so from from that one let's just go straight sort of straight yes there's a bit of a kink but over to there I'll do the same with the this arm as well connect that to that arm and then I just need to delete that in between because that means these two solar Farms go along this line these two go on the other one and I think yes so each one of these solar Farms produces like 150 megaw so like 300 in total I think these uh these power lines as you see there power line capacity 400 megaw hence I need two in order to get all this electricity out to the edge of the map if I did just one we would't be able to sell it all and we' we wouldn't be able to make the the massive stalks we're making right now anyway I'll just press play make sure that's all working as intended yep everyone still has Electra's deat so that's good right we'll hit pause again cuz now we need to delete this monstrosity now this this is what the devs think is a standard sort of three-way interchange I mean it's okay but it's a hell of a lot of bridge and they're all curved very very expensive in real life and then down here the entrance to to the engineering done I mean I I sort of made it nice I put a nice pedestrian bridge we put some bushes in but I don't I've never really rated this thing so it does bring me quite a bit of joy to delete this um and I don't just want to delete this I want to sort of make it a bit more natural so I think rather than this curving and staying so close I'm actually going to bring this highway like out here a bit now this is our we can't really move this this is our entrance to the solar farms and stuff so I think we're going to have to delete from like there so we'll delete up to that end so we'll do do the same on the other side of the road and then just delete all these arms as well right and just like that we have no highways so next up we select the two lane oneway Highway which is what this is all made out of we'll do where's the parallel tool there it is parallel mode then we'll grab this and then just bring it up to I don't know there is then with these motor we want to make sure it's parallel want to make sure that degrees is 180 there we go then we can come way up this way um I am just going to flatten the land just to make the building process a little bit easier of course we'll soften it afterwards though do do not worry about that there we go nice and natural looking now but basically I want three arms coming in all sort of similar angles so something like that and then this is the one that will go off the other direction that will go up over this way and then just connect in down there so the idea of this Junction is to tie up three motorways that want to join together so let me consult my blueprint a second we've got to make it look like this worth noting I have now installed mods so down here we have the move it mod we also if we're building something like a road we can also to make things easier on ourself we can turn our lovely little bird down here into a heavy metal it's got just a phase that allows me to build highways however I want also known as the Anarchy mod so basically that allows me to like literally just build highways however I want to and the game will not put any limits on me it's a work of art but no we will we you will delete that get get out of here get out of here yeah I was about to say I don't know why the devs never included like Anarchy as like a just standard setting and then I look at a mess like this this is a Road apparently yeah maybe maybe there was a reason yeah anyway looking at the blueprint I think what we got to do we got to make sure all the left hand turns go to like exactly where they want to go in terms of the right lane so this one's got a connector there that one's got a connector there and then this one has to connect to down there now obviously that means there's going to be Bridges and they're going to overlap each other so I think to start with if I just sort of Mark on like a similar distance on all of these so maybe do something like that something like that something like that then just trim those back a bit then I should be able to do my curve fairly easily so the first one will literally just go from there we go to that line so it snaps with that intersection so like that and then we just click up there boost that is one done we then go to the next arm got to go from the left lane over to the right uh but obviously this is going to need a bridge and actually I don't think I've gone far enough back here cuz I don't think we're going to be able to get a bridge like up and over yeah look slope too steep so I think maybe we'll go back another length how I'm measuring these it's just can you see like the the like white line so if I just get that white line to overlap at the end of the road and then just do a 90° I know I've I've reduced all of them by the same amount so that when they're all trimmed they've all been pushed back by the same amount I might actually do it once more I think I think give myself a bit of room right yeah there we go we got a bit of room in the middle now so let's go back and let's put our first curve in okay that one's nice from here though we can't just do that cuz look it makes a Crossroads we got to make that bit of bridge when we go from here over to that one same thing we got Crossroads everywhere so basically we just need to make all of these Bridges um probably not the easiest thing to do actually I don't really know how I'm going to do it I'll tell you what if I leave the middle bit and just delete the entrance is I can get my slope to line up in the right place because I can say go from there we got this diagonal white line that appears that means it's lined up with that one I think so we can do that for the middle of our sleep then we can go up 7 and A2 M then if we snap to there I think that should be high enough I had to use anak key to get it in but you can see the the pillar is well in the road underneath so hopefully you could in the first skylines I haven't actually tried with this one but hopefully I can use move it mod to actually move where that pillar is I should probably try that first actually so I'm just going to save the game cuz last time I tried to use move it mod it it crashed great first experience anyway there we go can we select oh no oh no I'm spinning I'm spinning I didn't want to spin oh no now I've moved the road underneath okay I'm not convinced you can actually move pillars that's slightly annoying I can move the entire thing hey look I've made a cat pour it's pouring at something so yeah I've just reloaded back to this I think I should be able to use this to to like move stuff out the way though move it does seem pretty good um I think I'll probably do the the same thing from the other side yes I do realize as I do this I'm doing it in the wrong direction but I'm pretty sure once that's up I can just is it right click or is it replace Road and then drag the other way yeah there you go we can just change direction of the road all right sorted so now we have our ramp in hopefully from this point we can just go from up here looks like I need to use Anarchy but we can go from the middle of that lane over to there like that it's actually at this point I've realized I've actually drawn this wrong because we're only meant to have a bridge on like one side so I think this is meant to go over the top but then it's meant to go under this arm it's got to be like a bit more prep delete so I think actually I need to delete that that that I mean probably up to there all right and then if I delete this one there I can then just join back up to there I think that should be fine so yeah like that so it comes over this arm and it's going to go under this one so this one needs a bridge over the top just like we did before so I think we'll do the same sort of thing so we'll delete that piece we'll go from here up that way but then we'll add an elevation of 7.5 we then finish on top like that then just like before we delete that middle bit we then continue this snap it to there bring it down to zero join it up then that's a second arm in right then I'm just got to do the final thing with this arm so it looks like that and then we have a nice little link up between all of these Junctions yeah nice little triangular feature now I should probably use the move it mod to try and like try and make these look a bit nicer they're a little bit wonky in my opinion so if I just try moving nodes I think we just should be able to make these Bridges a bit more symmetrical a bit nicer looking okay so I think that's pretty good aside from the pillars in the middle of the road that looks way better hopefully there is like a way I can actually move them cuz could in the in the first city skylin anak mod now obviously this layout at the moment it doesn't allow for every direction only allows each road to like continue all the way through so if you want to come from here if you want to go down to the city you actually can't at the moment so what we need to do if we want to get from this road here down to that one over there all we got to do quite simple we just come off this way head over here and then just link up like that so basically from this road you just turn off come around there over to there now this leaves a big space in the middle and this is where the leaves of the Clover go in so we'll put those in now basically this allows you to go from like this road here over to this one here so I think what I should probably do is put the leaves in first and then come back and put these around the edge I think it will fit a a lot nicer so we'll do one laying Road perhaps yeah I think to be honest even doing a oneway road is probably too much Road um this is where I sort of discovered like like yes it's a very cool looking layout but this is where it's not very efficient because as you'll see these literally aren't really needed I mean technically you could say they are but in reality there shouldn't be anyone using these so if we put one of the leaves in like that then allows us to come back and I can put this arm in like way closer I think literally get to there and then just try and stay as parallel as possible yeah so I think that's pretty good so basically we've just got to go around doing that to all the arms so actually I want a bit more I want a bit more curve so all we got to do is do the Clover Leaf from this arm over to that arm now annoyingly move it mod doesn't seem to have copy and paste yet so I'm going to have to try and draw this like as well as I can to try and make it look the same I can tell you now it's it's going to be difficult although I have heard one is always bigger than the other okay so after way too long that one s of the right shape I think it is it looks all right if you like if you move faster you can't actually focus on it it looks fine just got to do the top one now okay so although not perfect I think that's pretty good i' I've spent far too long it's really hard copy and paste would be really useful move it mod person just saying but yeah if you haven't figured out yet why why these leaves are actually a bit pointless in this in this design if you try and look like let's say let's say we're driving along this way so we get over to here people merge on there that's fine we go over the bridge down over this side mine the pillars and then we turn off so this means we're coming around the leaf and then basically we head back to here we're then over the bridge and look we're heading along do you recognize Sunnyside Highway that's that's where we started so literally these Clover leaves the thing that makes this as big as it is like in terms of like land land use and stuff uh they they literally just make you turn around and come back and generally when you're driving along a highway you don't ever want to like turn around and come back now I say generally because people do make mistakes sometimes like oh I missed a turning got to go to the next Junction and turn around so I wouldn't say it's a completely useless design by any means I just think putting in big old Clover leafes making the the land take way bigger just for a turn that's like probably never going to happen probably a little bit excessive but we've got 133 million quid to blow so why not I think it looks cool and it works it is efficient at least in terms of traffic well hopefully we will we will be trying this and see how traffic FS anyway we've got to put the remaining roads in so I think I think last time I did sort of this bit first so we know that's pretty parallel then we can just put the slips in so I always make my middle point the actual Road I'm connecting to and then just do like that sort of thing so nice there symmetrical so we've done that side we'll just do the same for this one so we've put all of those in and there we go look at that I think it's definitely got like the wow factor in terms of looks it sort of looks like like a slice of chili or slice of cucumber maybe but it's actually a very very lucky three leaf clover yeah anyway I'm just going to press play Let's speed up time we'll let it run a little bit so we can see generally most of the traffic sort of going left down there into the city as expected quite a lot going right and you can see a bit of a bit of Carnage here that's because we got these two lanes and these split off and people can go from any Lane to any Lane so people on the right if they want to go left they'll literally like cut off that lane hence we should probably add some extra Lanes to this so ideally I think you'd come along and you'd probably add four lanes up here we'll start with three lanes a bit further back as well just so people can get into the lane they need to then when we get here cuz it's a bit messy let's just rebuild that quickly so it should be pretty easy job just do that yeah much nicer so now as you're approaching you go into the left lane you can then go into the left lane again then as they come around two lanes go that way two lanes go that way um as expected no one is really using the Clover leafes I mean actually we can probably watch this for a little while and if we just timelapse it oh no someone's used it already oh I was going to say we'll just time lapse it and we'll time-lapse it for so long that you'll see that no one actually uses any of those but then a garbage truck used it straight away to turn around yeah anyway those lanes that come in we should probably do similar down here so we don't really want like four lanes going into two I think we'll do four lanes there then narrow it down to three and then to two like that we'll then just neaten up this end so just deleted what was there and then we just go boost like that nice all right so just got the four lanes they will merge up like that pretty nice it should probably do the same for all of these arms to be honest cuz these are like the straight throughs so like yeah you can see that like that guy has to stop to let those guys in so definitely don't want that you want to upgrade this to four four arms then Round Here drop down to three then just put this back in a little bit neater then once we do the same for all the arms we end up with this so hopefully traffic isn't cutting off anyone anymore that's good and if you're wondering well Matt at the start you said this could be upgraded to six how do you make this work for six well this is where you can actually make use of these Clover Leaf arms to actually give them a bit more of a purpose um so let's hit pause let's see I want we've got a big Industrial Area down here now a lot of a lot of hvts coming and perhaps we don't want our htvs coming like let's say they come from like from this Motorway we don't really want them coming all the way down here into town all the way down to this round look down here look at all the hvv is like blocking up the roads um by the way yes realistic realistic City skylines build this is but yeah where all these huvs are coming down maybe we'd be better off if we just extend an area out like that so it's a bit flatter and we can just soften it up so it's a bit more natural yeah maybe we want to make a distributor Road of this one down here so you can see along there I think that is our that's our like industrial arterial road that one so if we make this one here a distributor what we can do we can delete those buildings and then from this road can then come up here is and then we can connect to this via our Leaf here now you'll notice we do have this Chestnut Highway in the weight so if we were to do a highway off like that and then a highway on next to it like that you'll notice we we cross over this road here so what we want to do Chestnut Highway that wants to turn into a bridge so if we just delete there there and there you can then take this and then increase elevation to 7 and 1/2 again then we've got a bridge over this Junction then we can lower elev ation back to zero and then connect back up and then suddenly we've got a nice little Junction here where we can probably shove a roundabout however those with a key KN will have noticed that we're we're doing leftand drive at the moment so yeah if you look at like our roads we always drive on the left hand side cuz this is British so as you're coming around this Clover Leaf and then if you turn off on the right hand side suddenly you're you're on the right hand side of the road like look at the arrows here you're on the wrong side of the road so we actually need to get another bridge over this because basically these two need to cross over so they're on opposite sides so if we delete that delete that we're then going to have to delete these but perhaps I could use move it mod if I just select one of these nodes can I yeah I can raise it up I don't actually know how well this will work I may be better off just rebuilding that road a little bit higher actually so yeah I'll delete all of that I think I'll put this in first so basically we have that down to there we can then do the other arm but this is the one that has to go up in the air all right so a little crossover Junction like that then I can come back and rebuild this one to go over that now remember there's a little bit of a bridge underneath this will have to go higher than it did previously so that's pretty good we've sort of got like a triple stack there it's not too high it's fine so then down here we've just got to make this into like a roundabout now being a Brit that comes pretty naturally to me so you can see here we got a roundabout now this is where I know a bit of thought has actually gone into this blueprint like yes I slated these earlier but perhaps with these this actually makes it really really useful because we've got the crossover here which means when people do come to this roundabout like say you're driving up here you're probably not going to want to spin around you're going to want to go onto the motor now the on-ramp is before the people where they merge in so that means traffic shouldn't cross over uh lovely jly in a word it then means we can come and make way more industrial down here and when we press play they all go in and then oh my good no there's a tornado this isn't Enit tupia this is engineering D this shouldn't get destroyed oh no my lovely lovely resident oh they just destroyed a school that was a primary school oh you kned I'm so angry at the weather right now but anyway suddenly as we're going to expect a bit of traffic and it's going to be heavy hdv traffic uh perhaps we need to I was going to say perhaps we need to add extra Lanes I don't think we do need to add extra Lanes cuz if you're an hvv coming down here you're going to be coming around and then you're just going to be going down here onto a single Road anyway so yeah don't think it's needed anyway look more more garbage trucks coming up let's see where they're off to so just speed it up so they're going over that way are they going to go down the clove Leaf no they're heading heading over there probably to pick up the rubbish of the completely destroyed Skool cheers for that game but yeah with these Clover Leafs we can add different arms off coming all of these so I could add like another way in to to this area we've already got this industrial arm on but yeah overall actually I've I've changed my mind I wasn't sure about the the Clover Leaf arms but now I've seen I've seen this work there's not actually that much Bridge here either so it is actually quite realistic so yeah fair play Alex I think you got a bright future of engineering ahead of you um thank you to you and everyone else that sent me stuff I read every single one and I I honestly treasure them like they they make my day usually so yeah for now I guess we'll say peace love and lucky three arm Clover leaves bye guys