Hey, we all know there's a lot of cholo workout videos out there, but this one, eh, is gonna have you, like, "Damn, homie, that's what's up," you know? This is "CholoFit with Creeper." The first one we're gonna get started with is cholo squats, eh? Whether you're locked up, or you're at your homie's barbecue, and it's time to represent with your clica for a photo, then you go like this, eh? You go left foot, point it forward like this. Right foot, point it to the right in that direction. Feel how down you are for your homies. And then we're literally gonna take it down. Okay, squat down, bend the knees. Keep your back straight, hands on the knees, chin up. Feel the power, eh? Now we bring it back up. All right? Whoa, Mami. Feel that burn. Represent. We're gonna move to Cholometrics, all right? And this one is a resistance workout. I'll need a volunteer. Hey, O.G.! Come up here, homie. Right here, we're gonna do a resistance workout where you have pleito with somebody. Like, "Hey, fool," like, "you been talking papas about my lady?" I don't really like that right now, so right now, I'm putting my chest up on you like I'm 'bout to throw down, and then you get the resistance right there, you see? You already feel it, you feel it down here in your gluteus mas o menos or whatever, and down to the calf. No disrespect, O.G. This is just a workout. You know I got mad respect, though, homie, all right? You do that for about maybe a minute, 'cause longer than that, then you really start to fight. It's a trip, eh? 'Cause people come up to me, and say, "Hey, Creeper, uh, CholoFit, eh? It changed my life." One time this fool came up to me, and said "Hey, fool, like, I did CholoFit, and my gluteus, eh, is sore," and I said, "Hey, fool, like, don't be telling me, like, "that in public, you know, 'cause fools that don't know "that I teach a class will be like, 'Damn, was that fool, like, ramming that fool or what?' You know?" All right, eh, now we move on to the next stage of the workout, which is cardio, homie, with running and getting the heart rate going. And we'll get that started with a "Be trucha" workout, so be trucha, homie, be on the lookout for anything that might pop out. La Jura! You know what I mean? It's really not about me, eh? I'm like a chosen instrument of our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, eh, and I just, you know, he guides me, homie. Life can be like whatever, eh? And a lot of times, people, they--they're dumb. Look at whitey. Hey, that's good technique right there, eh? You been locked up? You been to Quentin or what? Hey, nah, just playing-- all right, hey. Bring it back up. CholoFit really works you, eh? And sometimes it could really take a lot out of you. I have these, uh, energy tamales that I got, eh? It's a special mixture of masa and carnitas that helps with your muscle recovery. And plus, we put a little lightning bolt on it, eh, so that's pretty fitting around there, you know?