hello everybody my name is Hass bukari I help guys get so attractive girls are going to want to start to reach out to you today's video topic is being attractive is easy as it actually it very much is easy as because I would say 80% of the population does not try and of those 80% who do not even try the remaining 20% are very very attractive and they receive they receive um benefits and rewards and all amazing things in life 10 times more and 10 times easier than someone who's not attractive uh you can look on online anywhere people that more that are more attractive will get less jail time when sentenced less jail time for doing the exact same crime they get less jail time so being attractive has a insane insane amount of just life benefit and there are more than uh one way than there's more than one way to get attractive other than your look so if you want to get attractive you need to improve more than just your looks and uh I will be showing you how to do this in this video so let us begin with rule number one step number one and boys also join the school Community I have the secrets to attraction and the free Discord if you want to ask me any more personal questions number one the four pillars this these are on my previous videos when I was just testing out um my my YouTube channel I've talked about this more in depth in those videos but I'm going to go over it again very clearly and very I'm going to um bring up only the most critical parts of the four pillars the four pillars describes the four pillars of Attraction of Attraction are every single thing that comprises a human being's um attraction and other stuff too you can you could call it dis attraction if you were to take it in like the negative but all the stuff and there's going to be four categories all the stuff inside of these inside of this is going to make up what your attraction is literally there is nothing else this is why this is a fundamental that needs to be understood understood you don't even need to know it that in depth you just need to understand that this exists that this is in the world somewhere so this is going to take in account your physical being and it's also going to take in the non-physical being so like your personality and stuff so the four pillars simply are your face your height your physique and the last one is your Vibe if you were to say this maybe 70 years ago if there was another word I had to use it would be your it would be your personality but Vibe is a better word because it takes into account because personality is it's ever changing personality can be different with this person but a Vibe is just an underlining tone that you kind of have with every single interaction even with yourself that's why a Vibe is such a it's more Universal so these four categories um the four pillars are everything that makes you attractive these three here are your physical ones so you will see that only the last one Vibe is the more emotional attraction the face the height the physique all in the physical and there are ways that we are going to increase each of these categories because attraction is nothing else but this that means if we increase anything within these categories or we are increasing our attraction if we increase anything in these categories we are increasing our attraction if we increase our soccer skills does that go under any of these categories so we're not increasing our attraction we're increasing our money I've made a billion dollars this year okay I made a bill does this go into any so it does not increase our traction so there's actually it's actually very funny because on surface level it's like okay obviously it's this but you look more in depth I have 18 Lamborghini cars does that increase our attraction no not really and moreover those are status symbols hold on I just lost my marker cap it's somewhere down there I'll be one I'll be back in one sec okay even though those lost might those those are status symbols they are not the fundamental pillars of Attraction and in long-term relationships someone made you status over um you know someone's face so you're very good-look but you have zero status versus you're okay looking but you have a lot of status in the long term I'm going to pick the high status guy because long-term status is going to win but in short term I'm going to pick the guy with a better face because in the short term term I can you know always go back to the guy with higher status if I choose the the the hotter guy right now I may not get the opportunity with the higher St status guy for the long-term relationship later on and this is genuinely how people um are going to think but you will see in that short term um the face does win in short term this stuff does win and this is what I'm going to tell you of course there's you know the external the external so your status you know your job title and stuff like that but even on those if you do not have this stuff to begin with even those do not work so these are the base fundamentals of Attraction I hope that was a good intro I hope you are ready to get into them now so first one is going to be your face when I'm writing everything down here there's another thing that you need to keep in mind and that is health is equal to attraction I'm going to put a lot of things here that are going to make you much more pleasant to look at people are going to want to speak to you more they're wanting they're going to want to interact with you more they're going to want to give you a pleasant experience because you are more attractive what this signifies is that you are healthier when you are healthier it signifies you have good genes and you are breedable breedable okay that's crazy that's crazy you have good genes and you're breedable you're submissive and breedable but on a primal level if another um if another one of your species wants to mate with you well they're not going to kill you they're going to probably treat treat you well so you keep in that good condition that you already are in that made them attracted to you so they're going to want to treat you well keep you in that good condition so that they have the opportunity to breed with you now on today's modern social level that may that may not be the actual reason why someone treats you good so they can mate with you but that is what's happening in their Primal brain they may justify it for a different reason oh he just seems very sweet it's like no you want to on a primal level make kids with this guy therefore you're going to treat him better so on face it's going to be skin care this means your skin is clear no pimples no acne look at my skin get a good closeup of this okay there's a little bit blemishing does my skin look like it's covered in pimples does it looks like I does does it look like I take care of my skin I do now the one thing I'm missing from my skin right now is hydration I have a water bottle right next to me but whenever I make these videos I do a lot of talking and my mouth gets very parched so I may not look too hydrated right now but this is very important water whatever water you're drinking right now like I guarantee you you're not drinking enough water I just I just I just guarantee you so drink more water drink a lot when you wake up drink a lot when you go to bed drink a lot throughout the day so this is going to all help with your skin care you're going to get healthier skin healthier skin just means well first of all no one really wants to kiss someone with like hella pimples hella wrinkly and acne and if you have acne scars like man it's okay like there's nothing that you can change about that so you have to just kind of be okay with it like live with it and find maybe a confidence in it so there are character traits about myself that are outstanding so my teeth stick out a little bit I could either make this super self-conscious about myself and never smile and never speak and never want to talk to anyone or I could say okay this differentiates me in a way it's not like no one else has it on the planet and it's not like I don't take care of myself in other ways I still respect myself and I still take good care of myself so I choose to view this feature this thing about myself in a positive way and I don't let it affect me I let it differentiate me I am different I am now myself it it makes me unique and I take pride in that um and the rest of my teeth are good good smile so I don't mind skin care is something that you can you know take care of and if you do have scars and stuff like you can go to doctors if you have the money you can get this stuff healed and fixed LOL anyways okay next skinc care face on a man there's a whole bunch of things that we can uh that we can do but the main thing I want to talk about now is dimorphism so I'm not going to get into every single feature I told I'm only only going to talk about the most critical things dimorphism is essentially the differenti the differentiating the differentiating uh features on a person that makes them clearly man or woman so when I look at you right now do you see a guy do you see a girl you you wouldn't know without looking at my without looking at my dick but you know you can probably make a good guess from looking at my face I'm probably a guy and then you hear me you're like okay his voice kind of sounds like a guy it's probably a guy the reason that you can tell that without looking at my penis is because of these dimorphic traits so voice is a dimorphic trait a woman's voice is typically it's not always but it typically louder I mean uh hey kind usually louder too but it's usually hot it's usually more like this and it's more uptone and it's more soft and it la la la and maybe they talk like this and they have a nice swing to them where a guy's voice is more deep and it's more in his belly and when he laughs he goes uh uh uh and he doesn't hold back a bit more these are dimorphic um traits about a man and a woman and they're also dimorphic uh like physically like a physically a man's voice box is like deeper it's just G to make him sound deeper the same thing goes for what is on your face a man's jaw which is a big thing on the uh on on the on the face category is your jaw is that you have a well forward growth that you have um minimal recession so I do have recession on my jaw does that mean does that mean I look horribly ugly ugly no because I have good forward growth and I have good angularity and leanness and I'm healthy in other ways and so even though there's a little bit of a takeback in the attraction because of the recession of the jaw it does not mean I now all of a sudden a ugly person all of a sudden all the other attractive things are gone no that's just stupid okay that's just dumb that's just stupid to say so dimorphic traits are like your eyebrows it's like your jaw it's like your head shape it's like the size of you probably the biggest one between man and woman is the size so men are usually bigger they are usually taller they're usually way more they're usually denser in bone mass and structure and so their face is more used the bones in their face are usually more robust and they're more angular these are all dimorphic traits uh hand sizes are usually bigger foot size are bigger um head shape men's heads are usually bigger just in size their brains are usually bigger because they're just smarter XD their jaw like I said before their jaw is usually more angled so a woman's right here this right here this line down that is called your Ramis a man's Ramis is usually taller a woman's is very short and then his angle here a man's angle is more like this and a woman's is going to be more like that so you will see um this one is probably more straighter than this one on this side I can't even see that side the reason for this is because because for many years of my sleeping I have I had been sleeping on one side of my face um instead of just the back of my face and because of this my jaw um hung more to one side and the it actually grew over so many years unevenly same thing with my nose my nose May curve a little bit and this may be the same with you curves a little bit and that is because of un sleeping sleeping not on my back but on my side but you know small cost to pay comfortable sleeping I know I don't know what to say these are going to be the main things for your face for your height I mean just get taller right height is one of the most attractive things um on a guy because when we're looking for this good jeans and readable tallness is one of the hardest things to fake so you can have amazing skin care masculine eyebrows a masculine jaw masculine in your head shape big head you know you have dense bones you have all this attractive things but you're 3 three but you're 3 three you're not I I'm holding my hand up like this but it's not even on the camera well this is going to say wait a minute there's something wrong with your jeans why are you three you're not to survive in the wild you're 3 three and so because height is such a hard thing to fake you can't really improve it at all you're just it's like a base determinant of your genetics um it is a signifier of very you know good attraction this is why girls don't mind guys up to six seven six like they like this is attracted to them someone that much taller to them just because it's that sign it's that much of a signifier of good genetic You Can Get Hype boosting shoes add 3 in do that that's your only thing I can help you with your physique okay this is this because um most guys are going to be like they're not going to be 68 67 but they probably are going to be like 5 6 2 63 I would say something like this at at these Heights I mean 63 is very attractive I would say maybe five 6 to 5 11 at at these um very very typical like I would say 90% of the population is between 56 and 5'11 what you want is broad shoulders and when we're going for a very masculine phys physique over is better than under so if you have a little bit of a extra mass to you it's going to be better than having a little bit of a zero Mass to you so if you're a bit overweight not fat a bit overweight you're a bit chubby you're a bit chubbier you're just a bit chubbier it's going to be better than being skinnier and that is because of size size is the one of the biggest dimorphic traits between a man and a woman and a woman does not want to be bigger than the man she's with a woman does not want to take up more space than the guy she's with that's just that's demasculate to uh that's defeminizing to her you're putting her in a leadership protector kind of vibe very subconsciously and that's going to make her you know not feel the best not feel in her feminine and the physique is only based on your diet slash your labor and I use labor because you do not need to work out to get in shape you can work a construction job where you're bending over and you're hitting and you're using your body all day it is literally just dependent on how you move labor how you move your body 70% of your body is going to be your diet the other 30% is your labor if you are eating well you're already going to have a good diet you're already going to be at a healthy body fat percentage in weight these are the only two determinants in your physique your height too but you can't control your height so your body weight and your weight your body fat and your weight your body fat is going to be controlled by your diet and your labor of course and the same thing for your weight if you do more labor you're going to lose lose more weight and you're going to lose more body F if you eat your diet is Big here remember your diet is 70% your diet is 70% your labor only accounts for 30% of your physique what you eat if you're eating you you work out good but you're eating only twinkies and you're eating only chips and you only drink soda pops you get no protein you get no nutrients your body's not going to look the best it's like what the right it's just not going to look the best you're going to have very pale puffy peachy skin you're not going to have that nice healthy glow to you but when your diet is on point you're eating your proteins you're eating vegetables you're eating a good healthy amount and you're at a good weight I would say anything between this is 160 to 180 maybe even to 200 depends because all body are different so 160 to 200 if you're between 56 and and uh 511 and you can get into good shape at those weights so we're aiming for that type of weight and the body fat always kind of stays the same around 9 to 12% and that's going to keep you very lean and listen the the this type of weight okay so imagine this you're a 59 guy and your goal is to get to 9% body fat 180 PBS okay this is a life lifetime long goal this is going to take a ton of time to get to even get to this is very hard to get to but if you can get to it you're going to look in the best shape of your life like you're just going to have the amazing physique you're going to look like Batman and that's going to give you broad shoulders a big strong back big legs and you're going to want this very Vaper physique for a guy and you only get that by getting up to high weights like this with low body fats look at any superhero watch um Justice League the cartoon the animation watch any cartoon with like Batman or Superman or Green Lantern by DC Comics the men in that show have the most unbelievably thick neck ever their neck is just so wide and their their bodies their chests are just ginormous and it just shrinks down into this and you're like oh my God female beauty standards are hard no that isn't that's that's just that's just super god that's just the Superhuman physique right when I was looking back at that show like The Hawk Girl her physique is like bro I I see 10 girls like that at my gym literally at the flash bro he's supposed to be like skinny this man runs he loses a th000 calories in a second bro his physique is just it's just Triangle Man and so like getting to this is a lifetime long goal but it's going to be worth it I would say someone with this type of physique already is Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate their physiques especially their Prime physiques which was maybe a couple years ago I don't know how they look right now but their physiques their physiques are prime they're very tall too they're like 63 they're very tall too but even if they were smaller in height their physiques are perfect the amount of broadness in their shoulders the like the all the ratios perfect perfect perfect perfect and lastly we have the vibe the vibe is going to be everything that is not the physical and the vibe is needed to be an attractive human not even a guy just an attractive human A vibe is again like your personality but it's more than that it's your body language the way you move the way you carry yourself it's your tonality the way you speak the confidence in your voice all this stuff is going to be presented very subconscious Sub sub uh consciously and in a subcommunication like very small very almost unnoticed not going to be surface level so there's one way of saying hey I'm rich say I'm talking to someone I'm rich versus talking to someone and I look at my $14,000 Rolex versus I'm talking to someone and I don't know like what's a rich guy problem I I don't I don't know like like I get a call that my but I don't know I don't know like okay I'm talking to someone and then another waiter comes by and he's like would you like our most expensive champagne and you're like yes to please and you're just very nonchalant about that like it's the same message coming across I have a lot of money but it is in a subcommunication kind type of way of yes I'll just have two of those versus hey I am very rich believe me both of them are the same message but they come across like I'm trying to impress you vers I am not even trying to show off at all and that's the difference that is the vibe so personality body language tonality your confidence all this is under lay Vibe your energy perhaps one could say your charisma so if you like to tell jokes tell jokes right if that is just who you are you like to tell jokes you like making people laugh then tell your jokes but the thing is is that you're not being the center of a you're not being the butt of all your jokes you're not always making jokes just to please other people you're doing it to entertain yourself and so a good vibe is nons supplicating and it's self entertaining non-s supplicating means you're not doing it to impress anyone self- entertaining means you're only doing it to entertain yourself and that is what free will is Free Will is the ability to express your will on to the world you're free to enact your will the more you can do that the more masculine you are uh example of this is I want to say this thing in the in this meeting I'm having at work but I can't say it because I'm too scared that is that is not you asserting your will you had a will you want to say it but you couldn't versus I want to do this I'm going to go do this personality very this is a again a word that's very hard to uh to describe because it it has a lot of you know of person who you are and that you don't want to uh mold that down into one thing but I would say what common characteristics of what makes a good masculine personality is calmness playfulness and grounded so you're able to let me just go over these calmness you don't have to be super energetic jumping off the walls all the time bity Bop like you can just sit and chill you're having a conversation you can just take breaths or or moments and just look away and just playfulness but you can also when you're around your boys or you're around you know girls that you can be playful you don't you're not always in a serious mood and calmness is different than seriousness calmness is not seriousness you can be serious and calm so those are very two different things playfulness you are you can take jokes you give jokes you are able to play around physically with your body push people um get pushed laugh have fun and groundedness meaning if someone tries to stir you up tries to induce stress into you if you go into an environment a club um downtown at night anywhere I know I have felt a lot of anxiety at these places then you need groundedness to uh just for the ability not to detach yourself because once you're in these very high stress environments you're going to get out of your head oh how am I how am I standing how am I walking what are those people I because you're not thinking about the present you're not grounded and a good way to practice it is just by meditating breathing in through your nose or whatever the it is basically when you meditate you just want to keep an empty mind and when you get a random thought you think about that thought you say interesting thought and you go back to the breathing and you're only focusing on breathing in and breathing out and that helps you when you're in other stressful environments to keep in the moment moments that's just a very good uh practice to do for groundedness your body language body and these are going to be subc communicators right this is not something that you demonstrate by saying hi I'm a shy person no you demonstrate this by your tonality and by your body language so if my body language when I first come into my work is slouched and H hung over or it's like this or it's like this and I'm fold it up then that's going to look very different if I'm just like this if I'm like this if I'm like this the difference between most of the poses I just did there is first what's the difference between this and this well one is exposing the whole front half of my body and the other is guarding that up and you'll see when I'm hunched over I'm guarding the front part of my body and so so a good body language is having your neck your entire front body exposed just to the world this is going to show that you have nothing to hide that you are secure in yourself because you you would think like oh my gosh this guy's hiding himself because he's secure he's always on guard that means he's high value no that no no no it means why are you always on guard why are you always scared a true person who has you know his going together he isn't scared he knows he can deal with when it comes and people aren't going to test him so he'll keep open an open body language he'll be friendly he'll think everyone is his friend CU that's just how it is tonality tonality is the loudness of your voice and more importantly it is the power the energy behind your voice because hey I think you guys look very cute is very different than hey I think you guys look very cute and the difference in between those two sentences is the energy and the tonality Behind The Voice Hi I think think you guys look very cute the pacing of that sentence the first of all the loud the volume of that sentence was pretty good I guess better would be hi I think you guys look very cute even then like the words are coming out pretty well hi I um I think I think you guys are very I just thought you guys were very cute cute cute okay that was probably the most unconfident way you could ever um say a girl is cute genuinely that the stutter the pace in my head no confidence in my voice the energy was lacking I went silent at times because I was so nervous and they could tell that I was nervous it the micro expressions in my face my body language was probably tensing up everything about that did that look calm did that look playful right did that look like I was grounded in the present moment uh-uh it look like oh my God what are these girls going to think of me oh my God I'm so nervous right now that's what it look like so different would be like more confident we be like oh my God you guys look so cute oh my God you girls look so cute oh my God you girls look so cute d powerful energy in my voice I'm saying it like I'm just going to expect a good reaction and if they don't well then I'm going to still be calm grounded and playful and I'm just going to roll off that and that's how a very good uh uh charismatic person good social skills we're talking so boys with that this is all everything that you would need to know to become attractive the four pillars of Attraction and again the school is coming out when we reach a th000 subscribers I will be releasing are uh the school I will have the secrets to uh be extremely attractive in there video courses weekly calls whole community of guys in there uh for right now you can join our Discord that is completely free I'm in there too ask any questions you want and with that boys I love you peace bye