Transcript for:
Exploring Christianity and Faith Issues

when Jesus says I am the way the truth and  the life no one comes to the father except   through me he's making a truth claim he's  either wrong or he's right and the reason   I'm convinced he's right is because he lived  a sinless life he taught amazing teachings   he bled and died on a cross forgiving  and loving his enemies and he rose from   the dead the dude's in touch with reality  just in case you haven't noticed and that   is why trusting in Him is so wise because he has  a grip on reality that's phenomenal he's totally   credible and reliable in his teachings  ethical teachings lifestyle death and   Resurrection you can trust him and you can  grow in that trust more and more each [Music] day pretty impressive worship wasn't it my goodness five questions this morning first one  if God's so powerful and so loving why is there   so much suffering why is there so much evil and  destruction what's God's problem is he sleep on   the switch or something second question doesn't  science contradict Faith doesn't faith mean you   commit intellectual suicide and you blindly  believe third question you believe that Jesus   really rose from the dead when was the last time  you saw some dead person get up and walk around   fourth question you believe Jesus is really the  only way to God isn't that narrow-minded bigoted intolerant fifth question the Bible's 2,000 years  old what gives you any degree of certainty that   we really have what those eyewitnesses wrote  2,000 years ago those are the five questions   we're going to go over first one if God is so  loving and so powerful then why do you suffer   so much why do innocent people get raked over  the coals what's going on doesn't God care or   is he simply too weak to do anything about  it now one of the reasons that I think if   you don't have a home Church you should make  Fellowship Church your home church is because   of what Pastor Ed and his precious wife Lisa went  through in losing their precious daughter in 2021 I mean you're a pastor that's not supposed to  happen to you and your wife well sorry all of   us suffer it's part of reality and when Pastor  Ed and Lisa wrote that book about pathway through   pain I got to look at at a bit last night the  vulnerability the honesty is incredible so why   why does God allow people to get destroyed  by circumstances by other people is God disinterested first part of the answer is I do  not know I don't know why God allowed evil and   suffering for thousands of years philosophers  and theologians far more intelligent than me   have struggled with that issue and they've never  come up with an old answer and the Bible does not   answer that question ultimately so I do not know  and I can promise you in 1997 when I went out to   Madison Wisconsin where my brother younger brother  was a transplant surgeon transplanting kidneys and   livers I went out there because his seven-year-old  daughter had just been crushed in a car accident   to death and if you think that I'm going to go  out meet my brother who's far more intelligent   than I'll ever be and explain to him why God  allowed his 7-year-old daughter to be crushed   by a pickup truck coming down the road at 55 mph  why the babysitter didn't see the stop sign ran   the stop sign and that pickup truck slammed to  the side of the car sending my seven-year-old   niece to an early grave I'm not going to do that  because I'd be lying I do not know why God allowed   evil and suffering yeah but come on C you got to  think well yeah we do have to think you're right   and one of my thoughts on is the the issue is this  which I think is very biblical God chose to limit   his power by creating us with a free will which  means I can either pull out my wallet and give   you money to eat lunch or I can roll this hand  into a fist send it crashing into your handsome   face I am free to do either and what the Bible  teaches is in Genesis chapter 1 God created us   In His Image which means we are not robots we're  not machines and I like to walk so if I Stumble   and fall off of this stage I'm not going to  pick myself up at the bottom and say phew I'm   glad that's over with that's determinism that's  fatalism God creates Us in His image which means   we're not robots we're not machines we're human  beings created with a soul a personality but it   also means we got a free will and if we want  to abuse our free will we can go right ahead   and do it but there will be a day of judgment  when God promises to hold us responsible for   the free decisions that we have made and that's  why Joshua stands before the people of Israel and   says if serving the lord seems undesirable to you  then choose for yourselves this day whom you will   serve but is for me in my house we will serve the  Lord so Genesis 1 says God created this and God   saw that it was good and God created that and God  saw that it was good and you got to get the point   guys when an author repeats and repeats and  repeats a little phrase obviously he's trying   to get the point across when God created he did  a good job and that little phrase God saw that it   was good is repeated and repeated and repeated in  Genesis 1 but in Genesis chter 3 we read how human   beings rebelled against God they didn't eat an  apple they ate some fruit but that is symbolic of   their Rebellion against God it's symbolic of sin  and why do I sin I sin because I think I'm smarter   than God and I know it'll make me happier so I'm  going to do it my way instead of God's ways not   because I'm trying to be evil I'm not trying to be  evil I'm trying to be happy my problem is I think   I know how to make Cliff happier than God knows  and that's basically what Adam and Eve did we   know what'll make us happier we will Define good  and evil we will assume godhood and when they made   that decision that's where the train got off the  track that's where the arrow missed the mark and   things got ugly fast because when God steps back  chaos fills the Gap now what's one of the main   points of the Book of Job one of the main points  of the Book of Job in the Old Testament is life is   unfair God is fair don't get the two mixed up life  is unfair God is fair do not get the two mixed up   so when you suffer if you clench your fist and  wave it at God that's misplaced anger misplaced   anger it's not God who's getting you rather it's  you're born into a cursed unfair messed up world   life hurts and to blame God is a copout the same  way if I hold back slap you in the face and then   turn to you and say God made me do it that is a  copout I'm lying through my teeth to you he gave   me a free will I am responsible for feeding you or  I am responsible for slapping you God gave me that   inability that's part of why I believe we have a  soul because you see friends if there is no God   you don't have a free will if there is no God you  just are a chemical reaction between your two ears   that's all you are and determinism wins the day  fatalism wins the day what will be will be what   is is no the Bible teaches we've been created in  the image of God we have a soul and that means a   rational mind a free will the ability to love or  to hate or to be indifferent we choose all right   so we choose to rebel against God and that's where  suffering evil and death enter the experience of   humankind then we go to the gospels and in the  gospels what does Jesus do he comforts now what   is comforting based on it's based on presence  presence people Comfort Me by being present   people don't Comfort Me by preaching a sermon  to me people comfort me when they make their   presence real when they're with me they don't have  great points to make they don't talk a lot it is   their presence that I need all right the biggest  comfort you and I will ever get in this life is   the presence of God the presence of Jesus Christ  well how on Earth do you experience that you open   up your heart you open up your life by praying  by repenting by growing and trusting Christ by   obeying him by meeting with other believers by  having a church family Allowing God to speak   to you through other people in small groups in  one-on-one conversations in a worship service   and you begin to build an understanding of the  presence of God job asked a lot of questions of   God a lot of hard questions finally God comes to  job job chapter 38 and we got four chapters of   God speaking to job did God answer one of job's  questions nope he did not answer one of job's   questions what did he do for job he gave job  an overwhelming sense of his presence and that   presence of God brought tremendous Comfort to job  a you stupid person you're going to go to church   every Sunday don't you know all the athletic  events that your children could be attending   Sunday morning you're really dumb you're hurting  your child no you're not you are teaching your   child how to position themselves to experience  the presence of God oh you read the Bible every day you read the Bible every day you pray every  day you have a quiet time what an incredible   waste of your time don't you know that if you  were on the job you could be making more money   mhm possibly true well let me tell you why  I'm going to do it because I want to know   God better I want to experience his presence  better because life's going to get Rocky real   Rocky in your future and in my future and the  presence of God is one of the key ways that we   experience comfort in this life so yes there's  a lot of suffering and yet Jesus Christ wants   to comfort us and he also bled and died on  a cross so if ever anybody says to you the   reason you suffer is that you don't have enough  Faith isn't it sad that Jesus didn't have enough   Faith because in the Garden of Gethsemane he  prayed father if it is possible take this cup   from me yet not my will but your will be done  did the father take the cup away from Jesus   nope did the father answer jesus' prayer the  way I would have liked him or Jesus would have   liked him to do it nope Jesus went straight to  the cross one of the most painful excruciating   death's possible death by crucifixion but what  Jesus did was he surrendered to the father he   said if it is possible take this cup from me  yet not my will but your will be done then 3   days after he died he rose from the dead which  means we have the ultimate solution for suffering   and that ultimate solution for suffering is  not a drug high it's not slitting your wrists   it's not hopping into bed with someone and having  promiscuous sex it's not the solution the solution   is eternal life which begins now as we experience  the presence of God and then it continues through   eternity when Christ returns he will give us new  bodies he's going to give my little niece who was   knocked into an early grave at the age of seven  Annie a new body and my brother Stuart is going   to be and his wife Mary banks are going to be  reunited with their precious little daughter and   I will get to see Annie one day and Ed and Lisa  are going to see their precious little daughter   as well Lee Beth one day because leebeth put her  faith in Christ and Ed and Lisa put their faith   in Christ and Christ promises eternal life  to all who trust in him that's the ultimate solution so now my atheist agnostic friend let's  go to the hospital come on my atheist agnostic   friend let's go into the room where the kid lies  whose body is being shredded by some perverse   disease come on my atheist agnostic friend what  is your solution you're going to kick back and   say well if God was all powerful and all loving  this wouldn't happen that is such a theoretical   bogus question to focus on the kid's dying let's  get a little more practical is there a solution no   if there is no God there is no solution because if  there is no God when we die we to the fertilizer   pit and adol fitler's in the fertilizer pit and so  is Mother Teresa in the fertilizer pit and that's   where I'm headed and you're headed if there is  no God so don't talk to me about a solution I as   a follower of Christ will walk to the other side  of the bed and I too will hold that child's hand   and seek to comfort that child but in Jesus  Christ we have God's ultimate solution to   the very real problem of suffering evil and death  forgiveness and eternal life in heaven well there   will be no more evil evil Injustice unfairness  death Revelation 21:4 he will wipe every tear   from their eyes and there'll be no more death or  Mourning or crying or pain for the old order has   been wiped away behold all things to become new  so the bottom line question is do you have God's   solution to the very real problem of suffering  and pain do you have Jesus Christ second question   don't science and Faith contradict each other  no they don't why because science is not a   relationship science is a study of process how  nature works it's a brilliant field of knowledge   why can we do science because God has given us  rational minds and we by using our rational Minds   in a reasonable fashion can ascertain truth we  can grasp truth Yohan Kepler the father of modern   astronomy as he peered out into the stars at night  exclaimed oh God I am thinking your thoughts after   you that is good science and it's good faith  Russell cowburn is a professor of experimental   physics at Cambridge University Russell cowburn as  a professor of experimental physics at Cambridge   University University says you can't work in  science and not be struck by the amazingness   of the universe and I love this line a good day  in the lab is a cause for worship that's good   because you come out of it seeing God's creation  just a little bit more clearly than when the day   started a good day in the lab is a cause for  worship because when you begin to Grapple with   the amazingly intricate design of the universe the  exquisite beauty it points you directly to God and   then you begin to worship God you begin to stand  in awe of God for his explosive creativity for his   goodness for the gift of beauty that he's given  us to enjoy so science is good now what is faith   faith is not I believe I believe I believe  I'm going to try harder I believe I believe   I believe no that's intellectual naivity  if Jesus Christ had hated people if Jesus   Christ had not risen from the dead I would not  believe in Christ the reason that I Believe In   Christ is because the evidence historical in  nature is he taught amazing ethical teachings   he lived a sinless morally perfect life the way I  have tried to and have miserably failed he died a   death forgiving his enemies who nailed him to  the Cross I'd have been cursing those suckers   from the cross not forgiving them and then 3  days after he died he physically bodily rose   from the dead and over a period of 40 days he  appeared to over 500 people who saw him risen   from the dead so the overwhelming evidence  is he is reliable so for a Christian faith   is the following evidence of reliability plus  commitment the evidence is historical in nature   he lived a sinless life obviously the guy  who taught the Sermon on the Mount was an   ethical genius well that was Jesus thirdly  he dies forgiving his enemies and fourthly   he rises from the dead so the evidence is you can  trust him now now you need to make a commitment   to him I need to make a commitment to him I  need to respond to that evidence by trusting   in Him by committing well faith is stupid no  no no no faith is the biggest compliment you   can give another person and it's the biggest  compliment you can give Christ let's say I have   the privilege of meeting you after the service  and after meeting you I walk away from you like this what's that statement of it's a  statement that I think you're a crook   I think you got a knife or a gun and  you're going to go get me no trusting   someone is a statement here's how I view  your character you are good you are fair   you are just and therefore I will trust you  well faith in Jesus Christ is not stupidity   faith in Jesus Christ is a statement that  I understand your character Christ is good   therefore I'm going to trust you and that is  what a Christian is a Christian is someone   who understands God is good Jesus Christ is  reliable therefore I'm going to trust him that   is not irrational that is very reasonable it's not  based on proof no proof it's based on evidence of reliability third question did he really rise from  the dead no he did not rise from the dead if if   there is no Supernatural God if all of reality  is matter and energy then obviously there's no   life after death it's impossible if all of reality  is matter and energy there's no life after death   friends if there's no Supernatural God then your  life is you move dirt and when you die the dirt   moves you it's that simple but if there is a  supernatural God who created you in the first   place then it's totally reasonable to believe  if he chose he could give you life after death   eternal life now the historical evidence is that  Jesus really died on the cross in the Gospel of   John we read how they took the body of Christ off  the cross and they put it in the Tomb of a very   well-known man Joseph of arthea this was no hidden  tomb his disciples dispersed in disillusionment   and 3 days after he died he rose from the dead and  first of all appeared to some grief torn women and   you have to understand in the first century women  were not allowed to get an education and they were   not allowed to testify in court that's how bad  the sexism was pathetic chauvinism sexism women   were viewed as inferior in spite of the fact  the Bible teaches God created man in his own   image in the image of God he created him male and  female he created them folks miss that part and so   the sexism was tragic and yet Jesus attacks that  sexism and appears first of all to some grief torn   women then over a period of 40 days he appears to  over 500 people Paul writes in approximately 52   ad in 1 Corinthians chap 15 and he peers risen  from the dead many of those people are willing   to die for what they claim to have seen the dead  Christ risen from the dead they weren't like the   kamakazi pilots in World War II dying for a belief  they died for what they claimed to have seen the   dead Christ risen from the dead the historical  evidence is Jesus was stoned dead buried in a   tomb 3 Days Later rose from the dead yeah he rose  from the dead but I still have a problem I still   struggle with doubt I mean just imagine there I  am in the cemetery performing another funeral and   we got this box called a casket there and it's  about to be lowered down into the ground and I'm   supposed to tell people oh because this person  put their faith in Christ they got life after   death they're going to have a new Resurrection  body and I'm sitting there saying really wow so what I do is I look up I look at the  sky I really like to go out at night and   pray as I'm looking up at the stars and  the Moon is a really big place we live in   this universe this Cosmos now if there's  an intelligent mind who's so powerful so   creative so intelligent that he  created the universe do you think he can raise a dead body to life  and give you eternal life yeah   that's easy compared to creating  the universe here's the analogy   that helps me if you bake a loaf of  bread from scratch can you toast a Pop-Tart yeah yeah if you can bake a loaf of  bread from scratch if you can make a loaf of   bread I think you'll be able to figure out how  to toast a Pop-Tart okay so I'm standing there   next to the casket or the n and all of a sudden  I begin to realize in my doubts wait a second he   created the universe that's like making a loaf  of bread from scratch do you think he can raise   a dead body to life pretty small this one body  compared to the universe yeah it's like toasting   a pop Dart so the evidence is Jesus rose from the  dead and based on that evidence I have hope for   eternal life and that is the basis for Hope from  eternal life the resurrection of Jesus Christ from   the dead fourthly how can you believe that Jesus  really is the way the truth and the life well it's   real simple I don't say that Jesus said that in  John 14:6 Jesus said I am the way the truth and   the life no man comes to the father no woman comes  to the father except through me oh Cliff that's   narrow-minded arrogance well it might be yeah I do  struggle with arrogance but no it's a truth claim   and if I tell you that 2 plus 2 equals 4 and not  five or three that's not necessarily arrogance on   my part it's a truth claim 2 plus 2 does not equal  5 2 + 2 does not equal 3 it equals 4 now in spite   of the fact that I can be an TWiT at times I don't  have to be when I simply say 2 + 2al 4 not 5 not   three if I say to you every path leads to Heaven  is that a truth claim of course it is I'm saying   every path leads to Heaven that's a truth claim  if I tell you half the paths half the religions   lead to Heaven is that a truth claim of course it  is I'm saying half are wrong half are right when   Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life  no one comes to the father except through me he's   making a truth claim he's either wrong or he's  right and the reason I'm convinced he's right   is because he lived a sinless life he taught  amazing teachings he bled and died on a cross   forgiving and loving his enemies and he rose from  the dead the dude's in touch with reality just in   case you haven't noticed and that is why trusting  in Him is so wise because he has a grip on reality   that's phenomenal he's totally credible and  reliable in his teachings ethical teachings   lifestyle death and Resurrection you can trust  him and you can grow in that trust more and more   each day and then the fifth question is well what  about the Bible is the Bible reliable or is it not   well I can promise you I could never prove to you  that the Bible's a word of God so I'm not going   to waste my time trying or your time listening  instead the evidence is that the New Testament   gospels are historically reliable why because  I have tests and I would encourage you to have   tests and I'd encourage you to teach your children  to have tests to determine historical reliability   my four tests are internal consistency are there  contradictions within the text that point to mass   of confusion secondly what's the literary style  Jack and Jill went up a hill to fetch a pale of   water Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill  came tumbling after that's mythology sweet fairy   tale no that is not the literary style of the  gospels the literary style of the gospels are   at this time in this place with these people  around Jesus said this and he did that it reads   like the New York Times the LA Times third  test archaeology are we talking about the is   of Atlantis out in the ocean that none of us can  verify no we're talking about Bethlehem Nazareth   Jerusalem Rome did Jesus float a boat on the sea  of Atlantis no Sea of Galilee archaeologically   verifiable places and then fourth test come on  man those new testament gospels are almost 2,000   years old what gives you any degree of certainty  that you really have what those dudes wrote well   it's real simple the New Testament that we have  in English Today is based on over 5,800 Greek   manuscripts or pieces of manuscript found from  the 2nd through the 11th century around the known   world of that day which was the Mediterranean roam  down around to Alexandria Egypt all agreeing to   an infantes degree and if we didn't have all those  manuscripts we have 38,2 189 quotes from the early   church fathers who were quoting the New Testament  between the 2 and fourth Century ad there are only   11 verses in the New Testament that are not quoted  by the early church fathers between the 2 and 4th   Century ad so we could put the whole new testament  together just based on their quotes we have a very   reliable New Testament you can read it and ask  yourself does the evidence of his life teachings   death and Resurrection point to his credibility  or not now why do I trust the Bible as the word   of God because I've seen the historical evidence  point to Christ being the truth I have made a   commitment to Christ and put my faith in him and  I have experienced his trustworthiness how did   Jesus treat the Old Testament as the word of God  Matthew 5:18 I tell you the truth until Heaven and   Earth disappear not the smallest letter not the  least stroke of a pen will by any means disappear   from the law until everything is accomplished  he taught the Bible at the Old Testament the   Torah as the word of God how did he view his  own teachings Matthew 24:35 Heaven and Earth   will disappear my words will never disappear whoo  he treated his words as the word of God that's why   I do but what about that Rascal Paul and Peter  and James well the eyewitness Community accepted   those writings as the word of God that's why I do  now I can't show you that the Bible is a word of   God because I can't give you my experience of the  trustworthiness of Jesus Christ you got to do that   for yourself you got to look at the historical  evidence you got to put your faith in Christ if   the evidence is he's reliable then you've got  to develop a relationship with him and as you   develop that relationship you will experience  his trustworthiness in your own life and then   you'll begin to realize oh yeah the Bible is more  than just a great work of literature it indeed is   inspired by God God it's the word of God all  right I'm going to lead in a short prayer it's   not a magical formula but maybe some of this  is beginning to make sense to you like never   before it's a short prayer to put your faith in  Jesus Christ to ask him for forgiveness to trust   that he died on the cross for your sin and then  to commit your life to him and if you're at the   point in your life where such a decision would  be appropriate because it's beginning to make   sense and the Holy Spirit is working in  your heart and you want to respond to   Christ by trusting in Him I would like to  invite you to pray silently after me this   is between you and Christ and nobody else let's  bow and pray together Lord Jesus I know there's   a gap between the person I should be and the  person I am please forgive me for my wrongdoing   thank you that you promised to Lord Jesus I trust  that you died on the cross to pay the penalty for   my wrongdoing thank you for the gift of eternal  life you give me Lord Jesus I got some bad habits   I've got some addictions I got some hurts some  pretty deep pain please put your Holy Spirit In Me   help me to become the beautiful person you  created me to be in Jesus name I pray amen   God bless you hi guys thank you so much for  watching the Ed Young YouTube channel that's   right and if you want to be inspired encouraged  and challenged like never before subscribe and   click the notification button we believe this  channel can help change your lives [Music]