Prerequisites for Penetration Testing Course

Sep 13, 2024

Tutorial on Prerequisites for Penetration Testing Course


  • Today’s focus: prerequisites needed to follow the course.

Working Environment

  • Recommended OS:
    • Linux Distros: Fedora 20 (main OS) and Kali Linux (virtual machine for pentesting tools).
    • Virtual Machine: Will demonstrate setup and installation process.
  • Windows:
    • Not advisable for pentesting activities due to low anonymity.
    • Most tools are designed for Linux; compatibility issues may arise with Windows.
    • Anonymity is critically important in real-world pentesting (e.g., using proxies, VPNs).
  • Mac OS X:
    • Compatible with most tools (similar command line tools as Linux).
    • Good level of anonymity, but Linux is superior for this purpose.

Internet Connection

  • A working internet connection is mandatory.
  • Fast internet is beneficial for executing attacks.
  • Attacks can also be conducted over public Wi-Fi, which is generally slow and less secure.
    • Practical Scenario: Setting up a wireless access point at home to simulate a public Wi-Fi.
    • Real-world practice: Some may conduct attacks from public places (bars, cafés) for anonymity.
    • Need to evaluate bandwidth capabilities of public networks before executing attacks.

Wireless Card Requirement

  • Essential to have a working wireless card.
    • Laptops: Most models from 2005-2008 come standard with wireless cards.
    • Desktops: May need a USB wireless adapter if not equipped with a built-in card (approx. $10-15).
  • Functionality:
    • The wireless card must be recognized by the operating system.
    • For Linux users, ensure the kernel supports the wireless card (e.g., Atheros, Broadcom).
    • Testing: Try connecting to a Wi-Fi access point to confirm functionality.

Additional Topics

  • Future tutorials will cover installation processes in detail.
  • Basic terminology will be addressed to facilitate understanding of the course content.


  • Farewell and thank you for watching!