Understanding Linear Regression and Gradient Descent

Aug 8, 2024

Linear Regression and Gradient Descent


  • Host: JP
  • Topic: Linear Regression Gradient Descent
  • Purpose: To explain how linear regression makes predictions using gradient descent.

Linear Regression Overview

  • Linear Regression: Predicts by plotting a straight line that best fits the data set.
  • Cost Function: Measures how well predictions match actual values.
    • Represents the error between actual and predicted values.
    • Formula: ( J(\theta) = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^{m} (y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2 )
    • ( m ): Total number of data points
    • ( y ): Actual values
    • ( \hat{y} ): Predictions
  • Goal: Minimize the cost function to best fit the straight line.

Gradient Descent Algorithm

  • Used to minimize the cost function value.
  • Graph Representation:
    • Cost vs. Theta graph resembles a parabola.
    • The goal is to reach the minimum point (minima) in the graph.
  • Step Process:
    • Start at a point on the parabola (cost value).
    • Take steps towards the minima:
      • If cost decreases, continue moving.
      • If cost exceeds, backtrack.
      • Oscillation around the minima is expected.

Mathematical Representation

  • The iterative step is represented as:
    • ( \theta = \theta - \alpha \frac{\partial J(\theta)}{\partial \theta} )
    • ( \alpha ): Positive constant (learning rate).

Understanding Derivatives

  • Slope of the cost function informs the adjustment of ( \theta ):
    • If the slope is negative, ( \theta ) increases.
    • If the slope is positive, ( \theta ) decreases.

Cost Function Derivation

  • Data set: ( X ) with ( m ) data points and ( n' ) features.
  • Adding a column of ones increases dimensions to ( n' + 1 ).
  • Predictions are given by:
    • ( \hat{y} = \theta^T X )
  • Cost function in matrix form:
    • ( J(\theta) = \frac{1}{m} \sum (Y - \hat{Y})^2 )

Gradient Descent Implementation

  • Initialize ( \theta ) as zeros.
  • Repeat the following for a set number of iterations (e.g., 1000 times):
    1. Calculate predictions: ( \hat{Y} = X \cdot \theta )
    2. Calculate cost function value.
    3. Calculate derivative:
      • ( \frac{\partial J}{\partial \theta} = \frac{1}{m} X^T (Y - \hat{Y}) )
    4. Update ( \theta ):
      • ( \theta = \theta - \alpha \cdot \frac{\partial J}{\partial \theta} )

Learning Rate (( \alpha ))

  • Determines step size during updates:
    • Large ( \alpha ): Risk of overshooting minima; may diverge.
    • Small ( \alpha ): Smaller steps towards minima.


  • Implement the linear regression model to fully understand the concepts.
  • Suggested further learning: Complete implementation of the linear regression model using Python.

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