Ritchin'on the earth is the story Darwin can explain The HMS Beagle set himself to observe living things. He found out that the animals they had changed, he saw it in their bones. Seen to him these species changed, he found it out on Galapagos. Animals change to survive.
The ones that change the least have often died. Natural selection's how nature decides. In fossils it is seen. The story of our life, evolution, changing through time, generations of time, adaptations. The story of, the story of, the story of our life.
Don't believe our life will change too soon, help them survive, and reproduce their kind. The story of our life. The story of, the story of, the origin of the earth is why species will vary and change.
The origin of species, Darwin and Wallace do explain. The new natural selection, why individuals survive and others kill. Overproduction, competition, variations affecting how Animals change to survive The ones that change the least have often died Natural selection's how nature decides In fossils it is seen The story of our life, evolution, changing through time, generations of time, adaptations.
The story of, the story of, dormant, believed, alive, who changed too soon, helped them survive, and reproduced their kind. The story of our life. The story of the story of...
All young and heavy, helpful traits, which will allow more members of species to be better suited to go on. The story of all life, evolution, changing through time, generations of time. Adaptations Dormin believed all life will change too soon Help them survive and reproduce their kind The story of all life The story of all life The story of our lives The story of, the story of your whole life