on this video today I am going to talk to you about how broke can make you rich and I did a video recently um called from zero to Rich right and talked about how in the last four and a half years or so our businesses generated over $41 million etc etc and in that video I commented on the fact that when I was broke I had a friend of mine who loaned me $4,000 a month for two years man that comment got so much hate like and it's okay I don't mind the hate I don't like I have very broad shoulders okay so I can take it um but but it got so much hate and and and I felt sad for the people who's like okay I'm done listen to this video right now because who has friends that loan him $4,000 a month and and and that's that's one question you could ask but is it the only question you could ask is it even the best question you could ask like uh well who has friends well of course you made money you had friends who who loaned you $4,000 a month of course you couldn't fall down if you wanted to well maybe that's true but maybe a better question would be how does a person develop a relationship with another person to the point where that other person trust them enough to loan them $4,000 a month for two years like what kind of person here's a good question what kind of person would I have to become in order to have a friend who has the ability and the willingness to loan me $4,000 a month for two years and so I I I think the and the reason I'm I'm talking about this even before I get into this because I I think unfortunately for some of you bless your hearts I love you God knows I do and I want the best for you but some of you the only exercise you ever get is jump into conclusions and and it's like it's like like like you're so easily triggered and like like you get out of kilter so fast like you can't even gain your equilibrium and and you think the problem is out there but that response shows that the problem is not out there the problem's inside and so and so so let me say this about my dear friend who loaned me $4,000 a month for two years and if I fell again he'd probably do the same thing if he had the wherewithal which he does right so but before that friend loaned me $4,000 a month for8 for four $4,000 a month for two years five years before that he had a business that would had been losing money for seven years I taught him a business model that he used to build a business that did $12 million a year and it was doing $12 million a year when he loaned me $4,000 a month he was in a position to loan me $4,000 a month for two years because of a seed that I had swn into his life 5 years earlier but nobody asked that question and and by the way I like I don't need those people to feel good about me I I that's that's not why I'm having the conversation I'm having the conversation um about why how broke can make you rich because I'm thinking about people who have businesses that generate a lot of Revenue and they're still living paycheck to paycheck and then I started thinking about that and then I started thinking about all these comments like people think that somehow because a friend of mine loaned me $4,000 a month for two years that somehow that disqualifies that that somehow that well the bed was made for you like you just had it made in the shade well first of all I had to pay the money back he didn't give me $4,000 a month are y'all with me and when he when he was struggling in his business I've given him money like it's he's my Covenant brother we're we're we're like this we're family it's it's what we do and when we have the ability to help somebody that we love we help them but he had the ability to help me because I had already helped him and he had the willingness to help me because I had already helped him like what kind of person do I have to become in order to have friends like that see the scripture says he that have friends must show himself friendly it didn't say he that ha friends must feel friendly it didn't say he that have friends must Proclaim himself friendly it says show you gotta like it's got to show up somewhere anyway so I was thinking about this because I think about how many people like we have a bunch of people who fill out applications to work with our be become one of our coaching clients and fill out a form and they'll say yeah we're making I'm making I made $300,000 last year but they don't even have enough money to buy a 15 or 25 or 30,000 or $50,000 coaching program I'm like okay something's wrong something's missing you're generating all this Revenue but you never have any money like that's not a that's not me being condescending I'm just saying there's something that's missing somewhere and I believe a part of what's missing is what Damon John calls the power of broke and I don't know if any of you read Damon John's book The Power of broke but it's really really an interesting concept how Damon John in this book The Power of broke he talks about how being broke can actually be an advantage but then again when you think about the law of polarity being broke has to be an advantage right because every disadvantage has to have an equal advantage on the opposite side right and so so how can broke like how can like how can being broke make you rich that's a good question right well I think first of all when you're broke it gives you the opportunity to hate poverty and all the paths that lead to Poverty right like if you've never been poor you might not you might think oh that's poverty is odd if you've been Rich your whole life you might think well that's odd you might think it's interesting you might think it's like uh like something to be avoided but you don't hate it right if even middle class people a lot of middle class people don't hate poverty they're just like okay well yeah I just want to stay away from that I'll just like keep my good job and maintain my good credit but they don't hate poverty and I believe that like sometimes what happens is when the pendum swings like it goes all the way over here to poverty and all of a sudden it's like like you so po you can't even pay attention right and then all of a sudden you're like I hate this I hate not knowing where my next meal is coming from I hate not knowing if I'm going to be able to pay the electric bill or the water bill this month I hate not knowing if my cars going to get repossessed or Worse me possessed right um I I don't I hate that I hate not I hate having to tell my children no every time they ask me for something and so I'm going to do something about this right and see I had a lot of like I had a lot of practice being poor when I was growing up I'm the second of Seven Brothers my parents never lived in really nice houses never bought a nice car never bought a new car the whole time I lived in their house like cars like an expensive car for us growing up was like a $500 car right and then you buy it and then you put a transmission there you put it an engineer you whatever it needed you'd fix it right and so I had a lot more practice being poor and but but like even when my children were young dad can I have no like it not like I didn't even it didn't wait for whatever was coming next right because I knew the thing was going to cost money and I already knew that the money that I was making was already allocated to pay for stuff we were already paying for right and so I would say no often times before I even knew what the question was just so they could get used to hearing no cuz life says no more than it says yes at least that was my that was my philosophy right that's not necessarily true but it was true for me because I believed it was true and so I created an experience of life that made it more true in my life even though it's not true and everybody like that's not true in my life anymore right like no life tells me yes way more often than it tells me no right so but part of the reason is because when I was poor I didn't like it I wasn't okay with it there are some people who are broke and they just resolved that this is the way it's supposed to be well you can do that but I would recommend against it like I would recommend that you just like you develop a level of hatred for poverty so that you beat it so far away from the door it can't make it its way back to your house in your children's Lifetime and so for me like I the idea of my children children having to start where I started when I left my parents home or my granddaughter having to start where I start like that's unacceptable to me and so I hate poverty so much that I don't care if I don't watch television I don't care if I don't listen to music I don't care if I don't like join a bowling league or hang out and watch the game I don't care about any of that stuff if I'm broke I'm not I am I don't care about any of those distractions until I get poverty away from my door right and so broke can make you rich my passion like Maring the love of money is the root of all evil well fortunately I don't love money I love people and I love people so much I use money to love them sometimes see and what a lot of people do is they'll pretend to hate money but all of their decisions are made by money right what they do what they don't do what they can do what they can't do who they help who they don't help who they won't help what they give what they won't give all of that's determined by how much money they have like none of my decisions are determined by the money why because I'm not going to have money as my master mying the Bible says no man can serve two masters okay but what is a master a master is somebody who tells you what you can and cannot do and M money was way more my master when I didn't have any than it is now that I got plenty I wish I had some help in here oh and what I'm saying is like some of you want I like I was like if you don't hate poverty enough you ain't going to beat it away from the door like I loath it I the idea of somebody in my family that I love to life and Beyond needing something and me not being able to provide it for them is unacceptable to me unacceptable unacceptable it's not no it's not a it's not a conversation I'm willing to have and so I hate poverty so much I beat it about the head and shoulders to get it away from my door and as far away as possible so like like hate poverty in all the paths that lead to poverty what are the paths that lead to Poverty well there are several that the Bible names clearly right one is laziness right laziness is a path that leads to Poverty not all poor people are lazy but most lazy people are poor there are some rich lazy people okay so so not all lazy people are poor but all lazy people are poorer than they need to be okay so so number one um is laziness okay well if I become a diligent person my chances of getting poverty away from my door are have increased dramatically because I'm now willing seest thou a man diligent in his business he shall stand before Kings he shall not stand before mean men wow the hand of the diligent maketh Rich oh okay so I actually can do something about this do not make the mistake of thinking and believing that you are a victim of your circumstance you are you are a victim of your belief systems you are a you are a victim of what you've accepted you are you are a victim of what you are unwilling to fight for and I know I I'm coming kind of strong right now not cuz I'm not I ain't mad at you I'm mad at poverty and doing my best to get you cranked up enough to beat it away from Yodo so you got like so laziness is a path that leads to Poverty gluttony is a path that leads to Poverty think about it we eat stuff that robs us of our energy to go create solutions for other people that could provide wealth for us and our families drunkenness and you can say drunkenness getting high like tripping out whatever you want to call it I don't care if it's I don't care if it's alcohol marijuana mushrooms LSD I whatever it is a pathway to Poverty the script scripture say says the drunkard and the Glutton shall lie down together and drowsiness will clothe the man with Rags huh okay so okay so let me get this right I got to be diligent work hard at what I'm working on don't overeat so I don't actually dig my grave with a knife and fork don't be a drunker or getting whacked out of I I don't have any brain cells to sacrifice on the altar of feeling good stay away from that stuff dishonesty it's a pathway that leads to Poverty because what it does is it tells other people who by the way all of the money that you desire and don't have right now it's in somebody else's pocket and so dishonesty tells people they can't trust you and if they can't trust you they ain't going to do business with you if they don't do business with you they're going to keep the money that could be your money if you serve them it could be your money but they're going to keep it in their pocket cuz they don't trust you and they don't trust you cuz you're not honest and your word doesn't mean anything to you and I've had this conversation with people if your word means nothing to you how can you expect your word to mean something to me H and if you'll lie about anything you'll lie about everything well cuz what you told me is when you lie all you got to do is lie one time and you've told me everything I need to know about you you are a liar leads to poverty adultery is a path that leads to Poverty the scripture says when you commit adultery your treasure will be in the house of another what it's in the Bible so like if I hate poverty I'm going to beat poverty and all of the paths of poverty as far away from the door as I possibly can and that this is one way that broke can make you rich like I've been poor there's nobody there's there's nobody in the world that's going to persuade me about the virtues of poverty been there done that got two T-shirts there's no virtue it's painful it's sad it's disgusting not poor people poverty itself you're better than that you're better than that your family deserves better than that hate poverty anyway I don't have any opinions if I did I'd never voice in publicly as y'all well know so how broke can make you rich hate poverty and all the paths that lead to Poverty hack into the pressure of poverty to access creativity what do you I mean hack into the pressure of poverty you know that lump you get in your throat when you know the bill is due tomorrow and you have a negative bank balance you know that feeling you get in your heart and your heart starts palpitating Mar the words palpitate no when it's real bad it's pipita you got to add a syllable it's real bad it's y'all know what I'm talking about and that feeling like a lot of times people who have money what they will do is they will throw money at a problem to avoid having to do the hard artist work most people never do and I just think about a solution like tap when you don't have money that can be an advantage because now you can tap into a level of creativity that you didn't have when you had money because you didn't need the creativity because you had the money like I tap into the most creativity when I'm stepping outside of my spending like the most entrepreneurial the highest level of entrepreneurial um creativity that I step into is when I am Desiring to buy something that's outside my current Comfort spending Zone did I say that too fast I kind of did didn't I um the way I tap into the highest level of creativity that I get to tap into is by is by um tapping into um or I'm sorry the the way I tap into the reason the way that I tap into the my highest level of entrepreneurial cre creativity is by deciding to buy something that outside my current Comfort spending zone right I remember when I decided to start flying private I had no idea how much it was going to cost no idea but I decided before I like sometimes I think we'd be better off to just make a decision and I'm going to research and make sure I'm making the right decision I didn't make the right decision I just made the decision then I made the decision right I'm going to start flying private I'm never getting a commercial airliner again but I said it I I didn't put my foot in my mouth now hope I like the taste the leather cuz here we go anybody got salt and pepper to go with that leather and and so I called my friend Gary and I'm like Gary uh you have access to a jet don't you I need to go to Vegas in two weeks and I want to fly private what can we do and I'm thinking it's going to cost $25 to $30,000 he said yeah we could I I got access to a jet it's only going to cost 60 Grand how much how much and then he said yeah you got to put your big boy pants on You Gonna Fly private I only have big boy man don't you get to Jet right now I'm like okay I can I mean I had $60,000 but I don't want to take $60,000 is making me money out of where it's making me money and go put it in a plane ride that's going to be over in three and a half hours what in the world is that right but I already decided now so what did I do I created an offer I created an offer called a VIP day that back then when I first created it was $200,000 now it's $350,000 I've sold $12 million of that offer in the last two years it's an offer I would have never created if I wouldn't have decided to buy something that was outside my current spending comfort zone and see when you come to something that's outside your current Comfort spending zone I'm not I'm not I have nothing to sell you today I'm just telling you how this whole thing works in me it may not work you may be different you may be wired a little different right this is how I'm weing and so when I made that decision it gave me the ability to tap into a level of creativity that I've never tapped into before and you know what's amazing I've spent less than $5 million on private air travel so I've profited in the last two years $7 million profit because I made a decision to buy something that was outside my current Comfort spending Zone that's what I mean when I say when I say hat tap into thank you thank you Jose that's what I mean when I say hack into the pressure of poverty to access creativity see some of you what happens when you feel the pressure of poverty you hide from it or you an estize it by going and watching television yes right you to go do something to make yourself feel better so you don't have to think about it is that is that real yes and so what what if you just allowed yourself to sit with the idea that you've got this thing coming up that you got to pay for it could be an IRS bill it could be like it could be um whatever a vacation it could be um a a sick relative that you want to go visit it doesn't matter what the thing is but make a decision I'm going to do this thing I'm going to figure out how to do this thing I'm going to figure out how to pay for it effortlessly right and then allow yourself to tap into a a level of creativity that you've been protecting yourself from because it makes your brain sweat a little bit too much so hack into the pressure of poverty to access a level of creativity you're not going to access any other way and so um like I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday uh Felipe and I we were playing golf and like like I've been flying private for the last two years and I don't own a jet and I don't I don't see me owning one like in the next six months by any stretch of the imagination I don't travel enough right it's not off the table but it's not it's not necessary it's not necessary yet um like I would probably have to fly three times as much as I'm flying right now for it to make sense to me to own a yet right but I was telling him I said when I build this software company and we do an exit which if we get 10,000 when we get to 10,000 customers we could probably sell it for 300 million with 10 with only 10,000 customers because that would give us like three uh 10,000 customers would give us about $12 million a year in revenue and you can sell two 20 to 30 times evid on software right um and so I'm like when I exit that software company I'll probably buy a 30 to $40 million Jet and and I I know that sounds ridiculous but when but I said and I know and and Felipe when we're just playing golf and we're just having a regular conversation because he's he's just a friend of mine he's not we're we're friends we just play golf together that's what we do he's not a business client or anything but we just talk about stuff he's like this just crazy not crazy that I would do it just like the numbers to him are but to me I it's like to me I I get it seems that way but to me 40 million 4 million [Music] 4,44 400 million it's all the like to me they all represent the same thing like if you think about the four levels of value the lowest level of value is implementation if you make all your money on the implementation level you got to do a whole lot more implementing to get to $40 million from wherever you are but if you operate on the next level it's a whole lot closer which is management skills like you use your management skills on the unification level but when you get up to a communication level and you can learn how to have conversations that create cash flow and create messages that move the masses now you have something that can generate a whole lot of money in a very short period of time but when you tap into the highest level of value which is Imagination now everything that you buy you're paying for with ideas and how much does an idea cost what generally cost the time and effort and energy it took to think it up right and then you just so so when I think about paying for something I don't think about paying for it by exchanging time for money so whether I buy a jet or a bottle of water it's all the same thing it all costs the same amount it cost me some of my creativity and it doesn't really cost me um like it costs me according to my creativity not out of my creativity because when I tap into the creativity and I create the thing I don't have less creativity than I had I'm going to show you on the board so if I if I this is me right this is me oops that's not me oh oh the oh wait no update on next launch here we go okay my by board is acting goofy of course it is okay exit page yes there we go okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back over here and start talking again so but what no it's G it's going to it's going to reset Okay cool so this is me this is me okay and I decide I see this this car that I want to buy it's an SUV okay so so so if if yeah so if if I'm stop laughing at my art y'all okay if if I decide okay okay I want to buy this and I'm I'm working on the implementation level what I have to do is I have to use my muscles over time so I go exchange some time which is a limited asset for some money which is another limited asset so when I go exchange the time for the money I don't have the time anymore but I have the money when I go exchange the money for the car now I have the car and I don't have the time and I don't have the money so what I've done is I've I've exchanged two get it back there we go so I've exchanged two limited um assets two limited assets for a limited liability are y'all tracking track but oh this is so good youall better not laugh at my art either oh I should have did that done that in yellow but I'll do it like this and I come up with an idea and this idea when I exchange the idea for money when I exchange the idea for money I get the money but I still have the idea are you tap are you TR tracking so when I tap into my creativity when I decide to buy something I don't get poorer I get richer if I'm if I'm down here operating here every time I buy something I get poorer when I operate up here every time I buy something I get richer because I create an idea that pays me money when it pays me the money take the money that it paid me I go buy the car but guess what this can make me more money to replace the money that I just spent so now I still have the idea I have the money and now I have the idea I have the money and I have the car this is why this is why tapping like like being poor being broke can be an advantage why because it gives you the ability to tap into a level of creativity you can't tap into when you have money sometimes because you have money just say I'll just pay somebody to do that I'll just pay somebody to do that I'll just pay somebody to do that and I see all these entrepreneurs they get started in business and they don't have any skills and so they're they so they're paying people that they don't they can't manage because they don't know what the person's supposed to be doing right and so so so they Outsource their marketing they Outsource their sales they Outsource their fulfillment they Outsource and the next thing you know all their money is outsourced and the Outsource is costing more than the income is bringing in and I I I get that idealist IDE ideologically that's a good idea but it would be a really good idea to learn how to do something I'm so glad that when I started selling stuff on the internet I'm so glad that I built my first website in Microsoft front page it was so painful it took me 30 days to build this website hoping it was going to make me some money it took me another two weeks to figure out like how do you connect the credit card processor thingy which moule to this cuz back then you oh just sign up a stra account I just no you had to have a merchant account a payment Gateway a mer um and one other thing I forgot what authentication something something or you to have all this I'm like I don't even know what these words mean I don't know what they mean but I got to learn so I'm like I'm like all day eight hours a day like okay build this website you have to have an index.html what does that even mean everybody like back in those days everybody assumed who was teaching people how to build websites that everybody they were talking to knew everything they me what they meant I didn't know what an index.html was oh it's your root F I don't know what that means like you you start at the beginning right and know so it took me forever to figure it out but guess what I did I built my first website it made money so when I hired somebody to build websites for me I knew what I was looking for you tracking and so many people you you want to hire somebody to Outsource something you've never done so you can't even manage people and you don't know if they're doing a good job or not because you don't even know what to expect from them so tap into like not having money to throw at a problem will make you a better person so let being broke inspire you to learn the skills necessary and tap into the level of creativity necessary to make you wealthy okay I think I think this is probably ringing a bell for somebody somewhere in the world maybe okay so hack can to the pressure of poverty to access a level of creativity have a higher level of poverty to intens I mean to multiply your intensity what does that mean higher level of poverty take your poverty floor and raise it and take your wealth ceiling and obliterate it it'll change your life what do you mean take your poverty floor and raise it okay so can anybody can any of you on YouTube right now or anybody in this room can you remember when you got your first job remember your first job remember how excited you are I'm going to have my own money I don't have to ask my mom and dad I'm going to have my own money it's going to be great I'll be able to buy those Converse Allstars right okay that that I'll tell you how old I am right okay there was no a Nike Nike what that there was no such thing okay anyway so I remember my first job I remember how much money I made how much money did you make put it in the chat I remember how much money I made my first job my first job I made a155 an hour oh yeah I got my own money and the reason I got the job was I asked my mom to buy me some Converse Allstars and she said if you think I'm buying you some $13 sneakers you are out your mind oh okay cool well I'll get a job buy my own $13 sneakers I got a job and guess what when I got paid I'm like I ain't buying no $13 sneakers with this check I'm going to get me some Converse coaches they're only $7 right so I didn't get the allstars I got the coaches right okay so some of y'all you can relate right and so and so $155 an hour now here's what's interesting about that there's no Universe in which I am willing to make to work for a155 an hour anymore it's unacceptable it doesn't matter how hungry I get not a155 I ain't doing it right so so what is the amount of money you made at your first job that there's no Universe in which you'd be willing to settle for anymore okay because that tells you something about you what does it tell you that you have a standard what does that mean you have a poverty floor and it's higher than it was when you got your first job but guess what it's lower than it could be so what if $155 an hour for me okay unacceptable what if you decided I am unwilling to work for less than $100 an hour I'm I'm not saying that you should I'm just saying like what if you decided that well here's what would happen all of the opportunities to make less than that would no longer be in your field division and you'd start more opportunities that make that amount and more would come into your field of vision why because it became the thing you're looking for right raise your see I believe that one of the reasons so many highlevel entrepreneurs are broken a higher level is because their poverty floor is too low my poverty floor is very high what does that mean I remember within the last couple years I looked at my accounts and I had less than $2 million and I felt like I was broke like what have I done where am I right now now I'm not saying that that's I'm I'm saying and some of you probably oh he's just flexing no no no think about it you have a standard you have a number where if your money gets down below that number you feel like uh I better step it up up up a little bit too much Netflix up up a little bit too much golf up up a little bit too much basketball maybe I better go do something a little different yeah better go do right so we all have one we all have a floor and the only person who determined our poverty floor is us so what's going to happen when you have a higher poverty floor well now let's say your poverty floor becomes um when I have less than $100,000 in my accounts I got it like I'm like oh no I better get I better get stepping right or or I'm I I had a month where I made less than $30,000 I better get stepping I made less than $50,000 I better get stepping like so we all determine that we here's what happened though we determined it unconsciously so because we determined it unconsciously we're unconscious of it and so until I started talking to you about it you probably never thought about your poverty floor before but some people are okay like there are entrepreneurs who are okay with letting their bank accounts get down below you know whatever number that is 30,000 50,000 100,000 500,000 6 million whatever and it gets down below that like there are people if their bank accounts got down below $100 million they're like oh my goodness I got to get busy I got to step it up not because I'm spending that much money I don't spend anywhere near as much money as we generate not I'm not even close it's not the point the point is I've created an environment where like if you imagine imagine this you make millions of dollars and then you're broke and then you're living on borrowed money and then like you used to be the richest person all your friends knew and now you're the poorest right and then all of a sudden you say um you bounce back you're like that was terrible you know what's worse than being poor your whole life being poor and then getting rich and then being poor again that's more wora right okay and so so I said I said I am not going to do that anymore okay one of the ways that I can keep from that that from happening again is like to elevate my poverty floor so that it's so high that if I if I if I get down below a certain amount it's like all the alarms start going on right alarm start going off there is no number there's no magic number you just have yours I have mine we all have our number and so what happens in your life when you say to when you say to yourself never again will I allow all of my accounts to get below $10,000 never again will I let all my accounts get below $100,000 never again will I let all my accounts get below qu of a million dollars or half a million dollars or like like to me my new level like poverty for me now equates to having less than and then you give it or poverty income equates to me making less than x amount of dollars in a month see how it it just like you made the standard if you made it you can make a new one you can get rid of the old one and make a new one and I'm telling you if you do it this way poverty can like being broke can make you really really rich because I the idea of not like the idea of finding an apartment building that say I need $3 million as a down payment and I don't have the $3 million to me would create anxiety I know that SS goofy however even though that would create anxiety I wouldn't even use my $3 million to make the down payment I would go create an offer and make the $3 million and then I still have the $3 million and the offer and I'll have the apartment building right so all of us can do that though but most of us don't why because nobody ever told us to and we never thought of it before but I'm this is coming from a guy who was rich and then poor and now Rich again and don't ever plan on going back to being poor and I'm telling you what I've learned from that so you don't have to experience the same thing Okay cool so so elevate your poverty floor like if you if you have a higher level of um poverty what happens is it multiplies your intensity when when you start getting close to that number or you get below that number like you're you're I've got to get to work like mode like kicks into high gear okay and then have a poverty fantasy and a Prosperity reality instead of the other way around what have a poverty fantasy and a Prosperity reality instead of the other way around what does that mean I one of the biggest reasons aspiring entrepreneurs never get rich is because they spend too much of their money attempting to look rich did y'all did y'all pick up what I put down one of the biggest reasons aspiring entrepreneurs never get rich is because they spend too much of their money attempting to look rich like what you need other people to know about you is keeping it from ever coming true oh snap right you go out and you make you make 500 Grand and you think oh my goodness I'm rich now I'm going to go buy that car want $500,000 you gonna go buy a car baby baby don't do that look broke look broken be rich and I know I know some of you are looking some are looking at me but M you have nice cars I know I know but watch this I have nice cars that I don't need don't need them at all just bought them because I liked them don't need them and a couple of them I paid cash for which I don't ever like to do but the bank was getting on my nerves taking too long so I just wrote a check and it didn't hurt me it didn't I mean I why am I telling you this like I don't believe in even I don't I don't even like paying cash for cars I don't it's dumb are y'all tracking I bought my Rolls-Royce and my wife's Escalade on the same day and the bank was just taking too long to get back with me and I don't like Hassle and I don't want to wait for phone calls and I don't want to do a whole lot of back and forth and I know that sounds crazy I'm just like okay I'm done waiting these people I'm like this is this is stupid I've got great credit I've got pockets full of money and y'all are taking 100 years to approve a loan this is dumb I'll just write a check and I'll just go borrow the money against the cars and I just never got around to borrowing a money against the cars but my point is my point is yeah I have nice cars but I could have nicer cars than the ones I got I could if I wanted like if I wanted to buy a Bugatti I could go buy a Bugatti and pay cash for it I could but why would I I could already own a jet but why would I just be sitting there cuz I sure ain't fixing to have nobody on my my jet just doing all kinds of no no when I buy my jet it ain't getting leased out it's going it's going to sit there till me and my family get ready to go somewhere okay you say my what's your point my point is my point is like like it's you're so much better off living below your means I live so far below my means so far below my means our business generates 7 figures a month I pay myself like a very modest salary my and some to some of you if I told you like it's like I pay myself no more now than I paid myself when I was making a tenth what we're making now why cuz I I've got a poverty fantasy and a um a Prosperity reality I'd rather look broke now generally speak like if you saw me out in public at the golf course you would not know that I'm some rich dude you would just say oh there goes a guy playing golf right right because I'm not I'm when I'm in the marketplace and I'm I'm attracting the highle entrepreneurs yeah I've got a little bit of flashing a little bit like even this watch somebody gave me this watch I don't I just don't my very first pair of expensive sneakers somebody gave them to me like like when I say expensive they were like 90 bucks right that was back in the day like somebody gave them to me I'm not spending $90 on a pair of tennis shoes now I I do but back then no like look poor be rich I'd rather look poor and be rich than be rich and than be poor and look rich so many people want to be poor and look rich yeah you want to have all the bling and you want to have all the fancy cars with the wheels and this and that and the expensive designer clothes there's nothing wrong with any of that stuff unless it's making you poor stop wearing your wealth man but you don't understand Money Talks yeah money talks but wealth Whispers baby wealth Whispers and stop being so conspicuous and just like keep it quiet as it's kept you want to know something funny I was making $70,000 a month before anybody in my family knew I was rich and I was I mean that was like 70,000 Rich new Rich right I was making 70,000 a month before anybody in my family my wife and kids knew but like nobody else in my family my parents didn't my siblings didn't know nobody knew my friends didn't know I was making that kind of money I lived in a simple house that I bought for $175,000 had a nice little uh GMC whatever that thing was called BL is like a Chevy Blazer just doesn't like let your P let poverty create wealth for you like look broke as a joke and then take that money and invest it in something that's going to make more money if you will do these four things that I share with you today I'm telling you being broke can make you rich like not kind of Rich sort of Rich maybe Rich a little Rich I'm talking about really rich if you to apply these four things so allow yourself to tap into the power of poverty as your path to Prosperity I promise you you'll be glad you did thanks for watching I hope this helps you on your quest to create wealth for your family in the meantime and between time we'll see you in the next video bye for now [Applause] yes can you speak to the importance of