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What is Wayne Grudem's new definition of prophecy?
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Grudem defines prophecies as potentially fallible, meaning they are not necessarily authoritative and error-free.
Who publicized his charismatic experience in 1960, leading to the spread of the Charismatic Movement?
Episcopal priest Dennis Bennett.
What is the difference between the Pentecostal and traditional view of Baptism in the Spirit?
Pentecostalism views it as a second experience after salvation, evidenced by speaking in tongues, while the traditional view sees it as a one-time event at salvation (1 Cor 12:13).
Who is considered the key figure in the First Wave of the Pentecostal Movement?
Charles Fox Parham.
What significant event happened in Topeka, Kansas in 1901 related to the Pentecostal Movement?
Agnes Ozman spoke in tongues (Chinese).
What are the views on the gift of tongues in Pentecostal and Charismatic theology?
There is debate between it being an actual known human language versus a mystical or private language.
What marks the Third Wave, also known as the Signs and Wonders Movement?
A focus on miraculous signs as part of evangelism and church growth, led by figures like C. Peter Wagner and John Wimber.
What are some strengths of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements?
A literal view of Scripture, evangelistic fervor, an emphasis on prayer, and the Holy Spirit's work.
How did tongues change in interpretation from the beginning of the Pentecostal movement to later years?
Initially seen as known human languages, tongues were later reinterpreted as non-human or mystical languages.
List some criticisms of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements.
Ongoing prophecy undermining Biblical sufficiency, subjectivity and emotionalism overshadowing doctrinal integrity, and the potential for false prophecies.
What has been a significant impact of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements on Evangelicalism?
They have forced an evangelical re-examination of pneumatology, the study of the Holy Spirit.
What is the primary focus of Pentecostal and Charismatic hermeneutics?
The emphasis on prophetic and sign gifts, particularly tongues and prophecy, as well as the belief in extra-biblical revelation.
Describe the doctrinal distinction of being 'Filled with the Spirit' in Pentecostal and Charismatic theology.
It refers to an ongoing control by the Holy Spirit, as commanded in Ephesians 5:18, and can vary day by day.
What major event characterizes the origin of the Charismatic Movement in mainline denominations?
The publicized charismatic experience of Dennis Bennett in 1960.
Name some examples of charismatic evangelicals.
Sam Storms, John Wimber, Gordon Fee, and Sovereign Grace Ministries.