what's going on my name is Will and I have the honor and the privilege of serving as one of the leaders here at Transformation Church I just want to say thank you so much for tuning in from wherever you are watching from and if you haven't already be sure to like And subscribe we believe that God has such an incredible word for you today so let's jump in this amazing message and so today week five of a series we're calling somebody say fr fres fruit fresh fruit and today um today I've I've heard God to take a pivot from something we've done for nine years straight and to do it differently usually at this time of year we're doing a finance series a series on generosity and stewardship and I was like God do you want me to change to play cuz you told me to speak this series called fresh fruit he said no no no no no he said the people have matured he said they don't need six weeks they need two and I said hold on God but you know some of them is remedial and some of them be forgetting Lord that you really do own everything and I need to do five weeks he said this is a test of their maturity he said children that you have to tell over and over and over again the same thing have come to a place where they don't respect the voice he said but there's some maturing Believers some ones that want to be fruitful he said that they don't need a revelation they need a reminder and so today and next week I'm going to give you a reminder of the power of generosity and stewardship in a Kingdom Life great and I am not actually going to preach at you I'm just going to remind you of what God's already proven to you some of you on a big scale some of you on a small scale but but the only person that gets to determine the scale is you yes sir yes sir and so for the next two weeks I need everybody who has some type of issue with people talking about money in church I need you to unclench your booty cheeks cuz I know some of y'all just got tight there will be no offerings no second offerings no $100 lines we actually going to give stuff away we are a generous church we give just to give and not to get and so I want to let you know that this is not about getting anything from you we don't have a building campaign we're not trying to repaint the parking lot and ain't nothing wrong with all of any of that I'm just saying today relax cuz I want you to get the principle cuz if you get the principle you will become a person that lives in so much overflow that you will then begin to pray to God of how to manage see some of y'all have not walked into the revelation of management cuz you ain't got enough to man manage but God's saying I need you to manage the little that you have so that I can allow you to manage somebody say more fruit okay John 10:10 the thief the enemy comes to steal kill and what destroy y'all y'all know that scripture the crazy thing is we know more what the enemy wants to do than what Jesus wants to do the focus is off the enemy he wants to come and steal kill destroy okay but we know he's defeated the Bible says he's under our feet we don't have to worry about him but what does our savior want to do yeah he said I have come that you may have life and life to the full write that word down on your paper full I like Fu l l okay I like all things full I like I like I mean come on like I don't know about you but when I first got my my my bachelor pad before I was married there was there was a few feelings that you know when you don't really have a lot that really make you excited it's like the feeling after you go grocery shopping and buy everything you want and I mean you place all your Gatorades how you want them and and you place all your fruit snacks and you put your stuff in there and you got a little stuff and it's not when you finish it's when you go away and you come back to that refrigerator I'm rich like ain't nothing like a full sir refrigerator sir it make a bad day good it's like they hate me but at least I got food like it's like H have you ever gone shopping and you found everything in your size Jesus y'all know what I'm talking about there's sometimes you go and it's like oh that's cute and they don't never got your size but there's something about going shopping and he was like I didn't think I was going to find nothing and your bags are full and you know everything in there is drippy it's just like oh yeah I'm about to kill her H have you ever I just want you to think about having have you ever gotten an unexpected check and you used to seeing your account close to that zero line or whatever line is yours some of y'all got the $100 line the ,000 line but it's all zero in our mind cuz when it gets close to that amount it's like I'm broke have nothing I have no everybody stop eating stop eating stop eating like we're on a fast mandatory fast right now as a family but you ever had an unexpected check or an unexpected something and you didn't know if it was going to cash it wasn't even real to you until it actually changed the numbers in the account you hit that little Bank cap [Applause] yes and the bank account was full have you ever woke up in the morning and you breathe deep in and you breathed out and you felt that your life was full if you've never felt that last one it's better than all of the other ones combined cuz it's the reason Jesus came he came that you might have life and life to the what busting at the seams more than what you can handle more than what you even know you need yeah somebody just Shout At Me by faith fool I'm believing that this is a new paradigm a new thinking process in our lives that we are going to come into an area of fullness but right next to that word full I want you to write this fruit full what would it look like if your life was fruit full everywhere I went I was full of fruit and what would happen if I told you by the end of this year the end of next year the end of the year after that that the measure of your life would not be how many followers you had would not be how many accounts you closed would not be how many people you know or how many people know you what would happen if your life was everybody say fruitful fruitful we need to pray right now father we don't know what's going on but in the name of Jesus I pray healing and strength to this young man or this young woman whoever it is Father God I thank you that you are a Healer and I thank you Father that in this church there will be a place where people will be able to be safe healed delivered and set free thank you for wisdom for the nurses and the doctors and I thank you Father God for making everything okay in the name of Jesus we declare all healing disease and sickness have to go in the name of Jesus and we give you the glory we give you the honor and we give you the praise in Jesus name amen Hey listen the enemy can try but he ain't getting it here in the name of Jesus Amen how dumb of you to do that in a church I'll quit this whole sermon and I will turn this thing out yes sir oh I love God somebody shout at me full okay all right all right all right fruitful when I begin to write this down on my paper like a hundred times I just kept writing fruitful and then I wrote my marriage and then I wrote fruitful and then I I wrote down parenting good and then I wrote fruitful and then I wrote down transformation Church yes sir I I want you to practice this right now write fruitful but then I want you to put at least three things that that you desire for your life to be fruitful in and then I started getting real deep cuz my paper just started it wasn't enough paper I started writing fruit full and then I was like in kindness I've never written down kindness as something I wanted to be full of cuz the idea in culture is like like I mean I'll be kind until you till you push me past my limit come on y'all know and once I pass my limit I ain't responsible for yes you are you're going to jail but what if we could be full of kindness full of forgiveness some of you have been so entitled to the debt that some made that you won't even let it go because you feel safer with the unforgiveness and what if you were full of forgiveness well when I started writing down all of these fools God said to me he said Michael to be fruitful you have to recognize watch this Revelation that you are seed fo that's right I said what he said Michael look at any fruit I've ever made inside of the fruit is the seed okay I'm about to preach this thing he said I never meant for the fruit to be it I always meant for the fruit to be a catalyst to more fruit so if you want to be fruitful you have to be seed full and the beautiful thing about our God is he put so many seeds on the inside of all of us how many of you know there are seeds on the inside of you that have not fully been cultivated but there would be a lot of fruit if they actually hold on let me ask that question again how many people know that God's put a lot of seeds in you gifts in you things in you that have not been ful okay I'm in the right room so when I started to go through my mind if the goal is fruitful and God has made all of us seed full why are so many of us pitiful have you ever act like you go to church you be singing the songs over and you being but your life is pitiful and he said Michael cuz they they missed the last point being fruitful means you have to be seed but being seed full means you have to sew cuz a seed outside of soil is sus some of y'all don't know what that is I I'll use the I'll use the four is suspect but the Urban Dictionary would tell me that seed without soil is sus why is this seed not in something that can produce its greatest potential and may I submit to you that many of us are full of seed but we have not discovered the revelation of sewing so you're wanting to be fruitful and you are full of seed but your heart is still grasped by fear and greed so you won't sew it and when I got this Revelation y'all it freed my entire life cuz I learned the formula of the Kingdom if I sow the seeds God's given me I get more fruit but if I also take that fruit and seow the seeds that come from that fruit I get more seeds to seow [Applause] more it's never supposed to stop somebody say that it's never supposed to stoped to stop think about this concept we're still eating the same apples that was in the garden you missed it if he put one apple on the earth inside of that Apple was seeds right the only way we eat a apple in 2024 God is that there was an Apple at creation come and one of those seeds that were in the original Apple created fruit which created seeds which created fruit which created seeds which created fruit which created seeds which created fruit which created seeds that's good that's good but those seeds outside of soil is suspect and my question to everybody in Transformation Church is why is your seed not in soil today's message is called something very simple fresh seed I'm believing that God is going to give you a revelation that you're going to realize that everything that he puts in your hand is a seed and your job is to sew it immediately your job is to figure out where do I put this your job is to who do I spend time with how do I encourage somebody is this money where do I give it God I need to learn what to do with this fresh seed cuz so much of it is coming in it's producing so much harvest in my life I think my full-time job is generosity on yes sir oh I'm talking to the wrong group of people today I used to have a poverty mindset I used to hide Oreos y'all know what I'm talking about you come to the okay all right you come to the last row there's only four left and all you want is two right now but you want the other two later so you take it and you put it somewhere that is a poverty mindset why you saying that Pastor Mike it's very trivial but the truth of the matter is there's something in you that wants to not do what's necessary to get more and I used to live like this not just in finances not just in generosity I used to live like this with my talent yes sir yes sir with my giftings and then God begin to challenge my heart because giving is all about the heart generosity is all about the heart and when God be to show me this Revelation that he wanted me to live fruitful and he made me seed full so I have to be sful what do you mean sful s o w full I have to be full of sewing somebody say I'm going to sow I'm going to and some of y'all are so stingy that the word fumbled out of your mouth when you just said that because the truth of the matter is you feel like you're your protector and you feel like you're your provider and you feel like you are your lord and so what you have to do is set up a system that I have enough resource enough overflow enough so just in case God doesn't come through I can protect myself oh come on y'all I just exposed somebody somebody standing there [Applause] like and that is not faith and this whole thing works by faith 2 Corinthians chapter N I love the word of God now may he who supplies seed to the S and bread for food supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness that is a juicy scripture right there keep it on the screen I'm going read it one more time it says now may he that's God who supplies seed to the swer that means the determination to S God already knows before he gives you the seed we're talking about the God who knows you the God who knows your innermost thoughts who can count the number of hairs on your head The God Who knits you together in your mother's wombs he says I know if you going to se before I give you seed and some of y'all you're not seeing what you desire not because God can't Supply it cuz he knows you wouldn't sew it oh my God are y'all reading the same scripture I'm reading he who supplies seed to the person he knows will sow and he gives bread for food watch this supplies and multiplies watch this the seed you have sewn uh-oh reverse equation if I se it that's what he multiplies off of yeah Supply and multiply the seed you have sewn no Lord if you give me the seed I'll sew it he said uhuh how much did you sow that's what I'mma multiply no no no no no no no no no no no well when I make it big when I get this job uhuh with the $4 you have right now I only can multiply off of what you have already sown that's good do y'all hear what I'm [Music] [Applause] saying so 4 * 10 is what somebody was like uh Carrie I said 4 * 10 is 40 the only way that that number changes is if what I start with changes so 7 * 10 is 10 * 10 is 100 20 * 10 is somebody's like 694 stop okay hear me hear me somebody I ain't done that type of math in a long time Pastor can hear me it's what you start with that multiplies that's enough for us to go home cuz now you can figure out why the math hasn't been mathing for you that's good father why don't I have enough cuz you don't give nothing away and I only can UL multiply what you've given me so watch this watch this back to math class 0 time a million is what [Music] Z so if you have not sown anything if you don't have a heart posture of generosity if you're not looking for something to give on behalf of your savior he has nothing to multiply right good oh my goodness when I figured this Revelation out it changed the way I viewed watch this seed okay can you give me that Seed where is it it's over here seed when I go to the store I go to the store with seed and I'm looking hey what's your name Jen seeds of encouragement that's good wow you have such a beautiful smile how long have you been working here they should give you a race oh y'all thought I was just talking about money I walk around with seeds person in front of me oh I'm my for some reason my card is not working my son and you sitting there like y'all should hurry up if you ain't got the money get behind me if you you you knew you came here without no money you greedy selfish you sitting there just praising God in the car like I got that money money money good and they need $18 and some of y'all when I said 18 you was like if it was like six or seven I would be okay but when it crosses into the double digits I know I got some of y'all double digits hold on now you know what I can buy with $7 I'm always [Music] looking so yes seed abely why Pastor Mike cuz this is what he's multiplying what's up fam good oh man still need some money for my tuition can't pay it all but I'll give you 50 well that didn't meet my need this ain't about me in your need this about me [Music] planting God this ain't about me meeting your need he supplies all your need but I got to plant this I got to plant the seed the seed is my responsibility him providing it is his but if I don't plant it and most of us take our seat and we put it in a bank Mr Banker hold my seat do you have anything nothing if I had it i' you know you she caught me at a bad time only use cards see you only use cards yeah out of a cash oh no cash app wow oh come on how many excuses how many times have we not made provision to be generous my team will tell you one of our opportunities for growth yeah I'm about say arguments cuz I be going off on them cuz these my dogs who got cash who got money like we'll go into a store and I see a little boy trying to pick out some shoes and he's at the wall and his mama is at the sail rack she them Jordans them KDs them he's never but he's just there dreaming I see him standing right there I walk over to his mama what size he wear no no no not my no he fine he ain't got nothing he don't need nothing I know he doesn't need nothing but God told me to bless him this has nothing to do with [Music] [Applause] you do not let anybody keep you from the blessing of being seed for oh my God no no no we don't need your money I know you don't but God needs my seeds you may not need my money but God needs my seed and if I'm going to be fruitful I have to be seed full which means I have to so [Applause] sir cuz some of y'all got a problem let me tell you where the flip comes when you start giving to rich people you missed it you miss missed it you missed it cuz you thought it was about what they [Applause] had but there's things I've given to people with more money than I'll ever have that blessed them in ways that let them know that God saw them you want to bless somebody watch this bless their kids you missed it you y'all and everybody's trying to figure out how go I'm going to provide for mine and God said you're full of seed but void of sewing what I'm asking everybody to do is go get your seed run run back to the place where you've stored your seed and say hold on I need to borrow a little bit of that cuz I'm not just giving wherever I think I'm giving wherever he says cuz I don't use seed for manipulation ke see cuz some of y'all will use this you want some seed got seed for you a little seed seed well if you make space for me or promote my situation or talk nice to me Daddy wow and what that is called is witchcraft oh y'all missed it that's witchcraft that's why we say we give just to give not to give I have given in places that I've never expected to see the Harvest in that place okay and some of y'all are okay with me doing this this whole time I've been throwing these seeds y'all just been like wow that's really a mess but if I change the seed form yes sir yes sir huh that would change up real quick huh if I start y'all miss it if I start walking around planting seeds where the kids at is there any kids in here look at her she said boy get up get up get up he was sleep what's your name Buddy okay here you go here's some seed for you hey can you do me a favor can you find that little boy right there and you keep two of them but give one to him right there okay you see that right there yeah give him one yeah there you go are y'all are y'all sisters or friends here yeah here here's some see you you giving away more I know he says sure okay well then here take all of these dollars and give them to these people right here just give it to them right there yeah just yeah you miss somebody you skipped her you what you didn't like a skirt come back here come get my you didn't have your hands out your hand was in your pocket you wasn't ready to receive hey go hey look at him he's on a mission here give her the rest of it give her the rest of it right there give her the rest of it give her the rest of it that might be your wife one day give it to give you the rest no where you going yeah give give right there no the rest of it everything that's in your hand give give them the rest of it no all of it no no all of it yeah there you go you got the concept okay how old are you uh nine he said nine but see that was just the first part of the seat these are all 20s okay now hold on one second now hold on you see he was quick he was ready now I'm going trust you with five of these and I need you to go on this row and hand the seed to these people and then come back and visit me just real quick real fast I need you to do it fast boom just choose them bow ooh bow there you go bow and bow and [Applause] bow okay just stand there for a second don't move see see see see it's it's different when it's not just seeds sunflower seeds she she didn't open her hand you didn't open your hand the Lord I wasn't I wasn't I was you was ready you was being a humble servant huh you didn't you didn't want nothing from the Lord you ain't getting nothing there look at the kids is standing up hold on she said hold on I don't got a job all right look you smiling at her look at you why you smiling at her no no no it's not like that here go run up and give her three of those real fast hurry run run run run run run I need you to quck quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick and on your way back down give it to her yeah give it to her and then on your way hold on you supposed to give her all three you not listening three no no to the same girl no stop to the same girl y'all see how y'all don't be listening he represents y'all I don't need some money he you said I need some money too what I like your boldness what's your name Dominque but he said Dominique but he told me his whole name here you take that but just give one of them to some give one to your mama and then you keep one okay yeah where my mama he said let me find my mama cuz I'm in a blessing business yes sir he felt bold enough sir to just come up and ask that's good you've been faithful man you've been fa you get it wrong sometimes look at him he's like yes I do but every time I've told you to go do something you've done it you've tried to do it you did it with the right heart how much money do you have right now do you have did do you have any cash that I gave you okay well I'mma give you some seed here you go how you feel about that good good I like your heart give give give her the seeds that those seeds right there yeah and then I want you to take all of the rest of this it's like $300 okay now I want you to take all you're nine yes if I was nine with $300 I would be rich okay but but this is what I want you to do there was a little girl that was up there okay where she at come here stand up baby can can you walk to the aisle real quick bring her to the aisle and I want you to meet her and I want you to give her all that money go ahead give her all of [Applause] it you're welcome and do you know that this whole time the seeds I gave you the $1 bills I gave you the 20s I gave you it was all a test cuz the whole time I had hundreds for you put your hand out put put your hand out 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 you nine right [Applause] nine and I want you to live in the Overflow here you go there's a thousand what would happen What would happen if God's people yes sir yes yes sir that's so good with just so good now do y'all know that tons of people just got blessed I only touched four people 9 years old with $1,000 that's a different level of [Applause] living here here what what I'm saying to you it was never about the amounts right right from this to $1 bills to $20 bills to $100 bills I had more than enough to supply sir but I gave seed to the and everybody wants to receive the seed when you receive the seed you touch the least amount that's good the S touches the most seed oh my God y'all are going to get it on Thursday when you sow even though it doesn't stay with you you get to touch the most [Applause] seed the truth of the matter is when you become a conduit that God can flow through you get to touch the most seed some of y'all like you making a mess this is what my life looks like in things that God gives it's more than anybody could pick up and clean up by themselves I actually to pick all of this up I would need [Applause] help this is a kingdom principle and he only supplies and multiplies the seed you have SE Pastor Mike what you should be praying is that God doesn't meet your need ask him to give you fresh seed just give me fresh seed cuz the principle Works no matter what if this goes into soil this is why y'all can't figure out why people who are wicked have resources cuz they're actually more generous than you that's true but you quote John 3:16 you don't live like it for God so loved the world that he did what or you could say it a different way God sowed his son oh my God where did he put [Applause] him he sowed him in this earth they put him under yeah yes yes sir so that we could be the fruit we all get to come to Salvation because Jesus was sown for us yes sir what if God would have had your attitude about [Music] sewing okay I need you to go home and study 2 Corinthians 96-111 the whole thing because it literally will preach I'm going read the Bible in church because uh uh that's why we gather to hear about the Bible but I want you to hear all of this it says 2 Corinthians 9:6 remember this whoever SS sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever SS generously will also reap generously each of you somebody say he's talking to me talking to me should give what you have decided in your heart to give not reluctantly or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver and God is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will be abound in every good work as it is written they have freely scattered their gifts to the poor their righteousness endures forever now he who supplies Pro seed to the SE this is where our scripture was found in the midst of all this meat where God is telling you don't give a little yeah don't be stingy with this thing cuz you're literally giving me the opportunity to bless you when you s generously he said now he who supplies seed to the SE and bread to the food will also Supply and increase your store of seed hold on and will enlarge the Harvest of your righteousness hold on you mean God gave me this little seed bag to see what I would do cuz right there it says now he who suppli seed to the store bre Food Supplies increases he will increase your store of seed that means that this my bag of seed but there should be a store of seed where I go fill up all the time so if I act right with this I won't have to go to him every time I need to fill this back up he can trust me enough to give me so much because my heart has turned to giving generosity stewardship and being intentional he said yeah pour out some more on it pour out enough where he can't carry it in a bag get him a wheelbarrow of blessing What would happen if God blessed you with so much seed that your job during the week is to just go back and fill it [Applause] up oh yeah that was fun giving away that seed yesterday but God today I thank you wherever you send me I thank you that we use me as a conduit of your goodness father I thank you and then God says did you do what I said today yes [Music] God poured out all the seed for today he said I give you more than enough go back and fill it up well God I just thank you so much that when I used to be so brokem minded and frustrated about other people getting blessed now I celebrate when other people get blessed cuz I actually know that it is a sign that you are round me about to do something else and I thank you Lord that as I give this seed today you do what I said today yes God poured it all out well God D it I got to you know what somebody would call this [Music] work yeah yeah yeah it takes work to live a generous [Applause] life Mo we can tell him it takes work to be generous to people that's right you want to buy somebody something and then you got to try to get it in their name and then you try to do all this stuff it can get frustrating and God says what kind of work do you want to do cuz I can make you so blessed in your life when it comes to love when it comes to generosity when it comes to peace when it comes to sewing your talent all I want you to do is fill up from the supply that I increased you with and I want you to be willing to be generous enough to give it away when I say to yes sir yes sir not for your selfish gain not to impress anybody I just want you to be one of those people that I can use as one of my ambassadors on the earth when I hear people praying I send them next to you and I'm telling you bless that woman you're like God she look blessed you don't know what she just cried in the car and you don't know that she just said God if you're still with me when I walk in here have somebody do something that's unexpected and she's sitting there with her Gucci Lulu and Lou Louis bag y'all saw Lulu and Lou I'm talking about Lululemon and Louis Vuitton and you like these is Amazon leggings I'm not giving her nothing and your attitude has judged an outfit to determine if you're going to seow the seed [Applause] he said he increases your righteousness you will be enriched in every way so that you can be oh my gosh you will be increased and enriched in everywh when you get the heart of generosity when you get the concept of having fresh seed he said you will be enriched and enlarged in such a way that watch this promise you can be generous on every occasion yes sir the only reason you're not generous every time that you can be is because you think you're going to run out but what if God could see his heart in you so much that you could have enough increase to give on every [Applause] other this is Prosperity Gospel no it's not this is principles of the Kingdom I did not write this it says you will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion and through us your generosity watch this watch watch when I give will result in Thanksgiving to God great great come on let's thank God in this place and you go hallelujah hallelujah great but he said you thank me when you give too that's good what am I saying okay sum it up the fruit is the result that God wants for all of our life the seed is ready for us do y'all oh my gosh this seed is ready to produce right now it is full with expectation this seed right here has so much potential this seed can make all of this this seed is ready but it's looking for somebody who's responsible enough to put it in the right soil and what are most of y'all [Music] doing you're eating your seed ah now I just I destroy the potential wow wow well there's so many other seeds around me yeah and there's so much you will never see because that thing I ate and I ain't even really like it the fruit is the result the seed is ready somebody say the seed is ready the seed is ready the sewing is your responsibility that's all I wanted you to know is God is about to give you fresh seed and I just want Transformation Church to have faith like a farmer that's good that's good I want you to wake up every morning like I don't got a lot I just got one scoop but the thing about a seed bag is you don't know how much is in here right only the person that gave it to you so this bag could be full you wouldn't know or this bag could have two things in it you wouldn't know but if I came with the same attitude hey here you go what for me yes God bless you great God's looking at how I sow not what I sow y'all remember that story in the Bible where the woman she gave the last two mites she had two seeds and all these people was coming down and they was making it rain they was like I'm a big baller sh and they was coming in the temple and they were doing all this other stuff and Jesus said don't pay attention to none of them he said cuz they're doing it to be seen yes sir but he called that woman over he said disciples look at that you see that woman over there yeah she reached inside of her B and took the last last two seeds she had and all these other people are giving out of their abundance and their pride and they're trying to impress people at the golf club and they trying to oppress people at the the PTA meetings and they're trying to oppress people at the boat on the duck with the buds and the bud risers and you trying to do all this stuff on the lake in the weekend and prove yourself and God said but you none of that matters to me you see that woman with two seeds yes sir Jes well she did is she solded from a place of desperation and we going to talk about the seed she sowed for as long as there's an earth somebody say I will have I will have faith like a farmer Faith Like a farmer y'all know how many people is there any farmers in the building right now Farmers Farm what's y'all Shout Out The Farmer in the building what's up what what what what you what do you what do you farm cotton cotton you f hold on man what hold [Applause] on I'm just playing guys people Farm cotton he didn't want to say it y'all should have seen him he turned red coton I appreciate you my shirt would not be made without you okay so so so watch watch watch this watch this this man in this room I want you to hear me has a revelation that most of us do not have that's good cuz most of us go in Uber door Dash pick up whatever we desire we don't have to make a deposit or sew anything to see the actual Harvest but but you're you know about Seasons you know about having to plant something at one moment and you don't wake up every day be like oh it's going to happen today you already know that it takes seed time and then what harvest the Earth is just explaining the word of God so this man does not seow seed on one day and get frustrated cuz it didn't show up the next day well God I sold that one time in Crazy faith and I'm still waiting right here a farmer knows that I keep sewing seed I go find more land to put it in I go find an area of the country who has different weather and I can live in one place but I can be sewing in another you missed it I can be going to this church but I can sew in another one I y'all I can be a part of this family but I can sew into somebody else's [Applause] family Faith Like a farmer what are you saying pastor Michael eastes 11:4 says it like this farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant and some of y'all been waiting for the weather to be perfect oh Lord like yeah once I get my debt down to here when I I pay this Mazda off and then Lord once I once I get out of this broke apartment cuz you know I can't do roaches and I seen a roach last week and I have to get out of here and I'm going lose my deposit because I did paint the walls but I I like and you going through all of them look what happens he said farmers who wait for the perfect weather never plan if they watch every cloud they never Harvest now the stock market's about to turn now Bitcoin I'm telling y'all it's it's going to be the thing no no no I got my blockchain together I got my blockchain oh no no no no no I'm I'm I'm investing in squids right now oh y'all ain't he about the squids the squids boy if I go over to and buy 17 squids I can bring them to Alabama I can sell them for $1,000 a it's everybody's going to be he said if you keep waiting for this perfect moment he said you don't have a heart for this that's right that's right you're waiting for your situation to give you permission to se what a farmer knows is I'm going plant anyway I got a lot of money I'mma plant anyway I got a lot of time I got I'm a plant anyway I got no time I'mma still sow something watch this sewing all the time is the right time let me tell you the perfect time to se all the time do y'all hear what I'm saying sir I'm trying to break the back of poverty and low thinking off of your life what if you made a decision that every this year I'm going give away a dollar that's good I'm not I'm not talking about hundreds $1 pick your amount but I want you to prepare to sew it every day oh God what if you could wake up knowing I'mma make some little kids day what if you could wake up knowing I'm going to be a conduit what if I took this dollar and actually put a invite card to church what if I sold this dollar for a kid to get some candy whose parents wasn't having a good day with them and they didn't have the money and they like what if I and then I said hey you should come to my like what if you decided what if you gave good [Music] tips they ain't even serve me good you don't serve God good I'm sorry but the truth of the matter is you're judging people on a scale that you not even [Music] on what if you decided anything I spend God if you bless me I'm going to give 20% it is not about my their service to me it is about my service to them well two things are going to happen some of y'all going to stop going out to eat and then the other thing and then the other thing that's going to happen happen is you'll be a conduit of generosity then people know the service wasn't good but you gave them 20% and just say Jesus loves you what could happen all right when's the right time to sew I said when's the right time to sew all the time and the thing that I found out about sewing seed is seed makes you sensitive wherever you have seed you care about that space Theon reason why y'all can judge people is you ain't got no seed there but the same celebrities that you talking about are the celebrities I'm praying for why cuz I've been up at 4:00 a.m. with some of them trying to pray for them and give them hope not to kill themselves some of them Charles knows have shown up at our church door has I'm in Oklahoma I got seed in the ground so why you commenting about them the what I'm doing is I'm praying and interceding and tearing down strongholds and asking other people who have anonymity as a part of their anointing to get around these people and pray for their marriages and why cuz I'm sensitive why are you sensitive cuz I got seed there the reason why you can't talk about people who are lgbtq a i it's cuz there's nobody around you that you love that's in that battle oh God I'm I'm stepping too heavy right now but the truth of the matter is if your son and struggle with that you will become sensitive that's good I hate religious people y'all are so fith wherever your seed is sewn you become sensitive that's why I'm sensitive about the atmosphere of this house I got Blood Sweat and Tears in this house before I was a pastor before I was in I sold seeds in the sound booth I would not be on this platform had I not sewn the seeds in the back of the auditorium and everybody wants our seeds to be platformed and God said it ain't about that it's about me seeing it that Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes 11:4 it just is nasty it says just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of the tiny baby growing in a mother's womb so you cannot understand the activity of God who does all things he said when you plant something you will not be able to understand what God is doing with your seed do y'all understand that he's letting you know that when you SE there is a mysterious component to it yeah cuz if you knew how to make it happen you would manipulate the system so I want you to trust me so just so and watch me work in the background in stuff you could never ever imagine and he's saying watch this write it down in a point the mystery of sewing won't make sense but it will make [Music] Miracles and then it goes on to say watch this plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon oh I love the Bible so it tells you first off wake up some of y'all just been sleeping on your seed I'mma come closer you've been sleeping on your seed you've been sleeping away the thing that God wants you to sew somewhere well they won't pay me enough you don't need the money you need the experience cuz if you would get the experience in this season I got a door so cold up the street for you but you watching these podcasters that don't have nothing except Lighting in a microphone and they don't do anything unless they D D D D shut up and listen to me but they have a louder mic in your life than the Holy Spirit and he told you to go sew at that elementary school that doesn't have a budget but I'm going to be a principal one day and I he's saying would you get up and sew your seeds early in the morning in that third grade classroom great great well I'm retired but you're not dead that's good and cuz you worked all of them years you thought now you're supposed to stop working for me so because you don't got to go to a job every day does it mean I don't have work for you to do but you sleeping your life away instead of planting your seeds he said plant your seeds in the morning and watch my favorite part o ooh oo o oo and keep busy all afternoon so he he doesn't say plan I did it God all right call me when call me when the he says Now find something else to make [Music] profitable what's the point Pastor Mike so swiftly work steady it's the morning I'm sewing it I'm getting this out of I'm getting I got to get this out of my hands got to get it out and I'mma still work steady why am I going to do that here's the reason here this is where we're closing for you don't know if the prophet will come from one activity or the other my favorite part or maybe both did y'all did y'all see that it's almost like God's playing with us he said sew the seed early in the morning work and invest in something else all afternoon he said do both of them yeah just keep doing it cuz one may work or the other may work or think about this maybe m i want you he playing with us cuz he knows all you're doing is sewing seed he's telling you both will work yeah yeah cuz if I saw a seed here and I saw a seed there and I saw a seed here and I saw a seed it's where the seed is planted and what it was designed to do it's going to produce everybody shout at me fruit there it is Pastor Mike why why are you saying this because when you read the last part of that for you don't know if Prophet will come from one activity or another or maybe both it gave me the faith to say it is coming yeah somebody say it's coming something's coming from what I planted something is coming from all the meetings and all the counseling and all something is coming from me waking up and forgiving something is coming from me moving my whole family to TSA Oklahoma and I didn't know what the heck I ain't know Oklahoma existed but the seeds that I've SE something is coming somebody shout at me something's coming I don't know where it's coming from I don't know who's going to be a part of it but I know I sow good seed and good ground and something something's [Applause] [Music] coming so that's why each of you should give what you have this is the last word I want you to maximize on decided today all I wanted you to do is see a real picture of what it would look like if you decided to wake up every morning and have faith like a farmer cuz God wants us to be fruitful and he's already made us seed fo so our responsibility is to do what so each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give not reluctantly or under com compulsion for God loves a cheerful Giver let me tell you how this works out in my life I've already decided to give all my children once they do the necessary um things when they get their driver's license I've decided to buy all of them a car as soon as they get a driver's license couple reasons one of them selfish I don't want to drive them around no more but but but for real the the the reason is like because I want to be a father that gives them more than what they deserve and I know some of y'all no kids need that and they're going to have nice cars like I'm not no no I started out with a bucket and you going to get a bucket I thought we were supposed to build generationally and it was supposed to get better I'm just saying I'm just saying I'm just saying so they going to have nice cars and I've already planned that they're probably going to wreck them cuz I know my kids but I've already excited my oldest daughter's 10 she can't legally get a vehicle or a license for another 6 years but her father is thinking about her in advance and I've already so because I decided I've already started making preparations sir because I'm going to sew a car into her I've already decided so now I'm already planning and preparing for it so me and Natalie talked about this for years and all that other stuff my parents blessed me and my brothers with cars and stuff like that it was a really big like moment for us like whoa like I got a car I got responsibility oh I got to put gas in that mug like there's like different things that I started learning and the Holy Spirit said I give seed to the Sewer I was like yes God and I'm going sew into my kids he said sew into somebody else's kids I said what he said what do you mean me and Natalie went on a trip a withdrawal trip on the way back he said I want you to buy this person's child a vehicle I said Lord I said that I decided to give my kids the ones look like me and Natalie so come on sometimes you got to clarify like ones we had he said I know I know what you decided but if that heart is already there yes sir and I give seed to the do you have the heart [Music] now MO is my witness this week went and bought somebody else's kid a car no hear me no no it's not for the clap cuz it hurt to do do you know what I could have done with and it's a nice car but I'm not looking for a harvest cuz my responsibility was to sew [Music] the I'm telling you as a church that if you would [Music] decide decide you're going to actually give to people at Christmas this next year come on some of y'all Miss ain't never gave me nothing they don't have the heart to they don't have a heart like me they don't have a heart like our father but you could decide and I'm not talking about being frivolous and ridiculous and getting in debt I'm not talking about that but right now you could make a everybody say decision decision oh my God you could decide and if you decided that I am going to be a generous person this scripture changes your life watch it Proverbs 11:2 24:26 this is where we end the world of the generous gets larger and larger and the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller the one who blesses others in abundant is abundantly blessed those who help others are helped don't eat your seed don't leak your seed and don't cheat your seed how do I cheat my seed by Not sewing it what every everybody stand all over this building I feel Hearts changing in this room right I am talking about finances everybody listen to me everybody listen we're going to leave in just a second but I really feel like God wants a fresh commitment from you to decide the level of generosity you're going to live at and this how I want to end service we going to sing overflow again but I think we going to sing it with Revelation this time yeah I'm not just talking about one area of my life I'm talking about overflow in every area but that means if I'm going to have something that's full enough to overflow I got to sew what God's already placed in my hand generosity isn't dramatic it's a decision if you want to make a decision to live at another level of generosity you're not going to prove it with your finances today you're going to prove it with your heart commitment to God there's no switching bait there's the bait and switch that's what it's called no there's no bait and switch there's no I want you to have this Revelation cuz it changes the quality of your life Christ came that you might live to the full would you lift your hands if you desire to live at that level and actually experience what it's like to have fresh seed oh my god father here we are today God I pray the prayer that I prayed almost 12 years ago father would you take all of us from a place of providing for ourselves to a place of knowing that you truly are our provider would you teach us the kingdom principles that would allow us to give freely and expect you to be Jehovah Gyra would you AR eradicate us from all of the thoughts of greed and poverty cuz both sides of the pendum are evil and God would you let us walk in a level of trust that would allow us to see your faithfulness over and over and over again today God we trust you and we decide that we will live [Music] generous God I'm thanking you that all week you will do heart surgery on us and you'll give us opportunities father God to wake up and be ready to sew the seed that you've given us a seed of encouragement a seed of kindness a seed of love a financial seed father whatever the seed is whatever type and we won't look for the place that we seed to be the place that we reap the Harvest I thank you that we will look to you the lord of the Harvest to be able to to meet every need blow our minds God God and let us live in the Overflow we give you glory we give you honor and we give you praise change our faith in the name of Jesus let us have faith like a farmer in Jesus name if you're in this room and you've never accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior y'all y'all y'all they're going to have to come and clean this up in just a second and then we going to sing the song but I just need everybody to focus right now if you are in this place and you've never received the seed of Jesus on the inside of you it will be the thing that makes you more fruitful than anything that you've ever ever ever seen in this world I can tell you it's taken me from being a liar a manipulator somebody who was addicted to pornography I had a lot of evil things in my heart had a lot of manipulation motives in my heart and God didn't make me a perfect man but I'm telling you he turned my life upside down there's no way I should be standing up here in front of you after 10 years who I was was nothing like who God has made me to be and I'm telling you it was because of one name Jesus and today I want to offer you the greatest gift that I was given and I'm telling you this is not a moment to actually be excited about anything else except my life being transformed today some of y'all are tired of running you're sick of the relationships not working you're done with church as normal some of y'all are religious but you don't know Jesus you got rituals meditation prayer times candles and you have nothing that will actually help you and today I want to give you say his name with me Jesus he's the reason we're here he's the reason we give cuz he already gave abolutely say his name one more time Jesus yeah today I want to offer you Jesus this is not spooky this is an upgrade whatever life you've been living is is better with him so on the count of three if that's you if you want to give Jesus your life today and actually for real living the Overflow I just want you to lift your hands you don't got to confess every sin you've ever done you could still be struggling with addiction he's the only person that he will bring you in and he says give me your heart and I'll help you change your habits God don't believe the lie that you got to clean up before you come to God you can't do it you'll still be a mess yes sir absolutely but he'll take you just as you are and then he loves you so much he'll not leave you just like that today if you want to give Jesus your life one you're making the greatest decision of your life two I believe that God has divinely orchestrated you to be here right now today is the day of salvation and your name is going to be written in the Lamb's Book of Life all over this room three if you want to accept Jesus lift your hand in this place I see you my brother so proud of you man holding your baby I see you I see you my sister come on transformation come on hands going up up online oh y'all this is the reason that that we that we're here thank you Lord hallelujah hey we're we're a family nobody prays alone would everybody just lift your hands and say God thank you thank you for sending Jesus for sending Jesus today today I give you my life I give you my life I believe you lived I believe you live you died you died you Rose again you Rose again and today and today I give you my life I give you my life change me change renew me transform me make me fruitful make me fruitful I'm yours I'm yours in Jesus nameus amen can we shout all over this place and all over the world hallelujah thank you Jesus Hey listen we're going to do something and the team knows we about to sing overflow one more time I want us to go out in Victory cuz some of y'all about to be so fruitful cuz you going to be seed and you going everybody say so so okay next week I'm going to cut you real hard okay so everybody wear bandages bring your bandages bring everything it's going to be the best cut you've gotten in this whole series and then uh and then we going to get ready for Easter but um as they're doing this I I I I need I need you to know if you need prayer for anything after we sing this song The Altar call workers are going to be at the rear of the building where you see the little blue kind of lights going up everybody look back there y'all see the blue lights that's Heaven okay and you're going to go back there and there's going to be team there to pray for you okay and then I I want to I want to give everybody a reminder as you leave we got these Mustard Seed bottles with fresh on them and everybody as you leave I want you to leave with your fresh seed cuz it's not going to take a lot I want you to put this in your car I want you to put it on your desk I want you to put it um on your nightstand I I want you to remember that God is the one who gives seed to the SE amen and I just want you to have this reminder that every morning you wake up you get grace and mercy but there's fresh seed there too amen thank you so much for watching this message we pray that it encouraged you here at Transformation Church our vision is to represent God to the lost and the found for transformation in Christ and if you would like to partner with us in giving you can text give to 82 8282 or you can visit on our website also so be sure to subscribe and check out all the other incredible sermons available now go out and live a transformed [Music] life