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Understanding the Kernel

[Music] when you hear the word kernel you might think of popcorn chicken or popcorn chicken or the Colonel's popcorn chicken but you might have also come across the same word in a Computing context with folks talking about the Linux kernel or Windows kernel what the heck is it the kernel is basically the heart of whatever operating system you're using although the kernel is a software component it sits between your system's hardware and the rest of your OS and software you see user software such as your web browser or your favorite game doesn't talk directly to your Hardware instead the kernel serves as an intermediary but why is this necessary well one of the main functions of a kernel is to abstract away the physical differences between Hardware setups there are an endless number of possible Hardware configurations in a PC or server I mean think of how many rigs you could could build just from PC part picker lists a kernel gives your other software a standardized surface area to interface with making the differences between individual machines much less of an obstacle as a more easily digestible analogy kernels provide the low-level Plumbing that your software hooks into the pipes underneath your house might not be all that interesting but they allow you to make tons of choices as to what you're going to hook them up to without caring whether it's a dishwasher a Jacuzzi or that cool RGB showerhead you found on Amazon well like I'm going to see that and just ignore it another key function of the kernel is to provide security and stability allowing programs to talk to Hardware in any way they wanted could allow them to access data they aren't supposed to which could lead to a system crash or Data Theft from a malicious process but because programs have to interface with the system through the kernel the konel can prevent these sorts of shenanigans if you've ever heard the term protected me memory space this is part of what we're talking about running programs get their own portion of RAM and can't access memory outside of that thanks to the colonel but of course plenty of things can still go wrong we'll tell you how and how Kernels have been designed to prevent crashes right after we thank our sponsor ODU if you're looking to create a website but lack the technical expertise ODU is here to help building a website is quick and painless with odu's open-source intuitive platform use simple yet comprehensive drag and drop elements to make an eye-catching and engaging page for your audience to interact with all with no coding experience required they've also recently introduced their own AI copywriter powered by chat GPT so if you find yourself at a loss for words you can let AI do the heavy lifting for you best of all odu's website e-commerce application is 100% free to use comes with unlimited hosting and they even pay for your domain name for the first year so visit the link below and start creating a website for free with Odo traditionally Colonels were designed in one of two main ways monolithic meaning the kernel incorporates most of the main functions of the whole operating system and micro kernel in which the kernel handles more basic functionality leaving more software such as device drivers running outside of the kernel monolithic kernels tend to be higher performance and easier for programmers to work with while micro Kernels have the advantage of being able to kill problematic processes without bringing down the whole system now the windows kernel was designed to be more of a micro kernel while the Linux kernel was more monolithic but these days both operating systems have moved towards a hybrid kernal model to try and incorporate the advantages of both design philosophies for example Linux is commonly found on servers that need as much uptime as possible in other words you don't want to reboot the whole system if there's an issue so it makes sense that Linux has moved away from being more purely monolithic and has tried to become more modular meanwhile in Windows land Gamers benefit from the OS adopting a more monolithic philosophy that doesn't have as much overhead enabling higher performance for folks who are trying to squeeze as many frames as possible out of their rigs picture orange juice but much less tasty of course no matter how you design a kernel crashes can and do happen if you've ever heard the term Kernel Panic this means the system has entered some kind of unstable or undefined State and the colonel decides to just halt the system as the OS simply doesn't know what to do next this is what often causes Windows blue screens it's not because your computer hates you but why can't the system you know just fix itself instead of needing a reboot well error handling functionality in an OS like Windows has to be written for specific errors so if the system encounters an error it wasn't written to handle you'll likely get a kernel panic but one example of an error the windows kernel is designed to handle is when your display driver crashes you know how your screen goes blank then it comes back up and you get a little notification saying the driver success successfully recovered that's a bit of Kernel magic that took the developers a great deal of effort to write so remember that when you get a blue screen please know your poor Colonel is trying its hardest it just has no idea what to do next I mean you wouldn't get mad at your dog for not being able to speak German right unless it's a German Shepherd in which case jail and you're definitely not going to jail because you watch this whole video wow thanks so much hey like the video if you liked it dislike it if you disliked it check out our other videos comment below with video suggest questions and don't forget to subscribe and follow now enjoy your freedom watch another video all right