swall and in that's Bishop [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on [Music] [Applause] [Music] and salute salute D face Jerusalem men Israel blow [Music] trumpets trumpets down the book of Psalms chapter 121 verse one I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help my Help Cometh From The Lord which made Heaven and Earth he will not suffer thy foot to be moved he that keepeth thee will not Slumber behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep The Lord Is Thy keeper the Lord Lord Is Thy shade upon thy right hand the sun shall not smite thee by day nor the Moon by Night the Lord shall preserve thee from all evil he shall preserve thy Soul the Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and even forever more Heavenly Father the god of Our Father Abraham Isaac and Jacob yahwah we come to the name of your son Jesus the Christ father God we pray for each and every camp that outside of our see those are our brothers those are our sisters we pray father God that you may use these men for thy Glory the same way you using as I see for thy Glory we pray father God that you pray you put your the spirit of your son Jesus the Christ that these men these women may we pent we pent in the spirit of you son Jesus the Christ father God we love our brothers they are still our brothers they are still as sisters we love them but father God we also pray for the destruction of those that not Israelite those who hate us those who don't want to see usse father God those who want to hurt us we pray for the destruction we pray for vengeance in our enemies those who hate us father God that they may never rise up again father God do not forget the promise you make to our for Father Abraham Isaac and Jacob Lord they are your enemy just like they are enemies father God we pray for the Bishops the deacons the captains the officers the men the children we pray for those who are sick in the midst of us Lord we pray father God that you send you mighty healing we pray father God for the men who's in the front line those father God who bring the truth forth those who in the who's going in the F of the earth father God to wake up your people we pray you send your angels to protect them never let no harm come to thy Prophet Lord Lord again Lord don't forget the promise you made you said when we call you going to answer you you said Lord when we repent you said father God God to never rest until you bring back the children of Israel father God put your word in Bishop mouth father God as about to bring your word forth may you will touch a brother or sister that they may repent father God let each and every one of us get something out of that class that we may better Our Lives thank you Lord let the say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah father God in these last days we ask you Lord you increase our faith we ask you father God to help us help us Lord to endure to the end and help us to overcome there's a lot of stuff out here father God and help us to overcome all of them Lord he send any you s CH we pray for our food and our drink amen am many Israel sons of God patient Saints sons of God Hand salute High Christ bless salute down face sisters to The Honorable Daughters of Sarah we say shalom Christ bless all pra to M welcome back Bishop welcome back Bishop Bishop [Applause] [Music] here all praise hey brothers make sure you got a paper and Pen Bible sisters too take good notes take good notes some of this stuff bush is about to bring out you might not get it right now but believe me you're going to get it one day don't worry about it right now it might not be for you right now but eventually you're going to get it all right so take good notes especially your brothers take good notes you going to you going to listen what I'm talking about later on all right hey uh Captain you're done welcome back bro good to see you we got Captain inak over there from Jackson V tassi he didn't come to Passover but he decided to show up today it's [Laughter] okay it's okay cap we got you we got you it's okay ke it's going to be all right hey put the camera on him so they can see who you talking about no no no put it on him what you put it on me for yep that's Captain enak right there oh Bishop you ready hey uh always say it La we in the building all praise all praise hey I was looking at uh de Mal have a really good class today I was looking I'm like wow that's a good class really good class Bishop can I have a good class hey those class Brothers those class is to help improve our lives believe it or not when you when those Class come out always pick something there is something in the class that was for you and that's what's talking about you sometime it's good to admit it hey that's talk about me this is for me and use that use those class to better your lives trust me I know some of those class you said oh this that's a repeat that's probably what you you need it you need it some of you need the class to be repeating 50 times and and de if it's not about you right now it will be it will be about you later on those spirits will eventually visit you so you better G up yourselves when that time comes so the class may not be about you right now it will be all right Bishop all praise to the m how your sisters doing this sabbath day thank you sisters how are you doing this sabbath day Brothers how are you doing good I can hear them it's more women but I hear you guys louder you know they ain't like that at home the hell is this anyway it's good to be back in Atlanta ATL good to be back uh today's lesson is entitled Rise of an unseen government Rise of an unseen government I know we often say that today in today's world we don't look like much our people are not respected even when the African um remember when the African president went to uh England for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth they put all they gave all the the the white delegates a bar um modate but the African presidents they put in a bus back of the bus like that humiliation total disrespect so we're going to talk about the rise of of our unseen government I want all you Christians out there to take a look take a listen get your Bibles pens notebooks papers who's reading for me off you you reading for me yes sir all right all great let's open it with Matthew chapter 1 verse1 17 let me see the captains we got over there okay I'm just wanted to look oh Olam is here Olam I'll call him Elam but that's Olam Matthew chapter 1 verse 17 Matthew chapter 1 and verse1 17 so all the generations from Abraham to David are 14 generations and from David unto the carrying away into Babylon are 14 generations and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are 14 Generations who can explain to me what occurred prophetically between those 14 Generations my question is what happened within the 14 Generations from David to Babylon and what happened from the 14 Generations from Babylon to Christ who can answer that oh I know that brother right there from New York City what's his name again right there yeah the one with your head down hoping I don't call on you yeah you yes you am aide give him a mic shalom shalom shom we went from um ruling to be in the Captivity all right I'mma help you out here stay right there don't move Abraham to David of 14 Generations okay we got that but this is the part of one and from David un the carrying away into Babylon of 14 Generations what happened from David to Babylon we lost the kingdom is that all you got yes sir that's all okay you have a seat who else can help him out here oh I no brother right here yeah you come on y'all y'all making my class I'm trying to cut my class shorter but y'all making it long go ahead what's your name Shalom leaders OB Nathan what OBS Nathan naan Nathan oh Nathan okay sir mean given okay I like that name good Ahad all right so from King David we lost the Kingdom Under King Solomon from King Solomon we lost the Kingdom Under Solomon after King Salomon you sure sure sound like you're not sure I'm sure okay what what what when did we lose the kingdom after King Solomon we went into captivity after King Solomon we went into captivity you messing up over have a seat bro oh I'm just put your hand back down over there yeah you this Atlanta this Atlanta what's going on here don't you have classes on this this New York all right go ahead this is not a difficult question from David to Babylon of 14 Generations what happened northern kingdom went into the Syrian in captivity okay you're correct I like that but you skipped something what happened before northern kingdom went into captivity the brother before you said that he said it oh God have a seat W Lord Jesus help me give me a black shirt go ahead you big man now if he don't get it I'm just going to give you the answer Shalom most high and Christ bless Shalom what happened from David to Babylon it was a split okay it was a split yes sir and then and then uh Norther came went into idolatry Norther came went into idolatry and what happened to them and they went in the Assyrian captivity they went into the Assyrian captivity okay that's good stay right there yes sir that is correct then it says and from the carrying away oh and then after that was the Babylonian in captivity right right so now from Babylon to Christ of 14 Generations what happened uh the southern Kingdom went in accepted that's Babylon Babylon took down Southern Kingdom and Northern Kingdom then what happened after that they were scattered no that's all I got you said it was Gad I said it was scattered oh scattered yes sir no what happened after Babylon I know you know the answer I got it hold repeat the question from Babylon to Christ of 14 Generations what happened to the nation of Israel after the Babylonian captivity after the Babylonian captivity they went in the Persian captivity yes and then uh and then after after the Persian captivity it was the Grecian captivity yes and then after the Grecian captivity Roman C very good have a seat thank you woo Lord Lord Lord help me hallelujah hallelujah W y'all's getting me nervous up in here up in here so that verse is very important because Christians tend to ignore this so let's say it again so from Abraham to David I inan verse 17 Yu read it for me yes sir so all the generations from Abraham to David are 14 generations and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are 14 Generations so stop so from David to Babylon of 14 Generations when Solomon died his son rabone took over under rabone r e ho o a b a m I believe it I can't spell b o m under rayone the kingdom was split in into two you had northern kingdom Southern Kingdom okay after they split northern kingdom went into the Assyrian captivity everybody understand that youu read it again so all the generations from Abraham to David are 14 generations and from David unto the carrying away into Babylon are 14 Generations so after the after the Assyrian captivity came the Babylonian captivity under Nebuchadnezzar he conquered um Southern Kingdom he took dominant captivity and he took all Assyria which included northern kingdom into captivity everybody got that read on Yuri and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ Our 14 Generations so from the Babylonian captivity after that came the Persian me captivity after that came the Greek captivity that Christians don't know nothing about after the Greek captivity came the Roman captivity now under Rome Christ is born jump down to verse 21 Yuri verse 21 and she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins that was the purpose of the Messiah because from them Generations we kept going from captivity to captivity to captivity to captivity to captivity now the savior is born that's what Christians missed that's what they say oh no no let's start at Verse 18 about the birth of Mary let's start at verse yeah that's what they do they say no no no no let's back up okay so from there give me Luke 21:24 now Christ prophesies something in in Rome under the Roman captivity Luke 21:24 Luke CH 21: 24 and they shall fall by the edge of the sword so Christ said the Israelites you're going to fall by the edge of the sword because during that time you had Judah Benjamin Levi and a small remnant of northern kingdom in Israel but Christ said again read it one more again and they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into all nations Rome would destroy us by the edge of the sword and we would be led away as slaves into all nations read that part again read it again read again and they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into all nations and Jerusalem and Jerusalem shall be trotten down of the Gentiles who would live in Jerusalem Brothers Gentiles Gentiles meaning non-israelites that's what that one read me means right there Christians read that oh no they're back in the land no Christ said they would not be back in the land for how long Yuri until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled until the time of the Gentile rulership is finished are the Gentiles still ruling today yes so who's in the land Brothers Gentiles I don't see why a Christian can't figure that out okay from there give me Lamentations chapter 2 ver14 Lamentations chapter 2 ver14 Lamentations chapter 2 and verse1 14 thy prophets have seen Vain and foolish things for thee so the prophets of our people have seen Vain and foolish things for us Vain and foolish thing mean lies they've seen lies for our people go ahead and they have not discovered thine iniquity they have not discovered our iniquity our discovering our iniquity means telling us why we as a people went into slavery discovering our iniquity means telling us why we as a people are continually oppressed for Century after Century after Century that's what discovered our iniquity means these prophets these pastors have not done that read it again Yuri read it again thy prophets have seen Vain and foolish things for thee and they have not discovered thine iniquity to turn away thy captivity to turn away our captivity because by them telling us why we went into slavery was breaking God's Commandments Christ came he taught us keep the Commandments he died on the cross for us we would figure out we would would know well in order to get out of this captivity we got to keep the Commandments in the Faith of Christ but our pastors have not done that read on Yuri but have seen for thee false burdens but they have seen for us false burdens and causes of banishment and causes of banishment let's deal with the false burdens Christmas is a false burden you spend all your money a couple of weeks maybe a month before Christmas spend all check after check making sure your kids get some damn Christmas gifts making sure you got a big stupid Christmas tree with some bulbs on it that ain't got nothing to do with Christ Easter is another um what do they call it false burden you spend all your money on some Easter clothes mama got to have a big stupid hat the boys got to have a stupid uh three-piece suit you put put it on the screen put it on the screen a three-piece suit spend all your money on then you going to spend money on some damn eggs rabbits never laid eggs tell you that's a false burden anniversaries oh you don't want to hear that that's another false burden you know why I call that a false burden some of y'all get you women you get divorced because your husband forgot that stupid day you forgot our anniversary I want a divorce you don't love me how stupid that is and then you Brothers you spend thousands of dollars on that dag on ring to give them what that ring got to do with anything that come from ancient Egypt now I'm not saying something's wrong with jury but the symbolism behind that if you don't buy her uh give me a price a $115,000 ring you don't love her are you kidding me are you kidding me you know that you could use that money for a down payment on the house but she has convinced you to get two and three jobs to buy her a damn ring that cost more than a mortgage huh he's he saved three ring three years to get a ring that's that's false burdens brother then if you forget the anniversary she think you don't love her she want to leave you now these are false burdens that we burden oursel with Bishop some of these brothers after they get married they want they want have paying their rent that make no sense you just spend 15 grand on a ring and then you want help paying your rent does that make sense to you oh you said help yeah they want help paying the rent yeah I mean that make no sense you can't use that money put down a house exactly read that again Yuri thy prophets have seen Vain and foolish things for thee and they have not discovered thine iniquity to turn away thy captivity but have seen for thee false burdens and causes of banishment causes of banishment meaning we're banished from from the kingdom of heaven because we're following false burdens wedding anniversaries Christmas some of yall got Quanza the Hajj uh uh uh birth oh birthday is another false burden you spending all your money on that foolishness Valentine's Day Mama's Day all them things are false burdens and it caus us to be banished from God's kingdom because those are all lies that we're following you're not enter the kingdom because of of some damn Christmas or Easter or an anniversary that was the causes of banishment oh everybody understand that oh was that verse 15 you read no sir read verse 15 all that passed by clap their hands at thee now all the nations they clap their hands at us why go ahead they hiss and wag their head at the daughter of Jerusalem they hiss and wag their head at the daughter of Jer we are the daughter of Jerusalem saying what saying saying what is this the city that men call the Perfection of beauty are these the 12 tribes of Israel that once ruled the world from the time of Moses Joshua David and Solomon are these those people go ahead the joy of the whole earth these were the joy of the whole earth go ahead all thine enemies have opened their mouth against thee all the enemies all our enemies of these other nations have opened their mouth against us go ahead they hit and Nash the teeth they hiss and Nash the teeth they say we have swallowed her up the nation said we have swallowed up the 12 tribes of Israel go ahead certainly this is the day that we have looked for this is the day we have looked for why because now we're all oppressed in captivity they say this is the day we have looked for was that it Yuri we have found we have found we have seen it we have seen it give me um Deuteronomy 28:46 we've fallen from a long way Deuteronomy 28:46 and they shall be upon thee for a sign read up verse 45 verse 45 moreover all these curses now the curses brothers write this down the curses I'm I'mma summarize the curses slavery colonialism loss of identity and oppression them four things slavery colonialism loss of identity and oppression those four things summarize Deuteronomy 28 verse 15- 68 of what would happen to the 12 tribes of Israel slavery colonialism loss of identity and oppression so Deuteronomy 28:45 Yu yes sir moreover all these curses shall come upon thee and shall pursue thee so those curses that are summarized in them four things what follow us pursue us and overtake us go ahead and overtake thee come on till thou be destroyed we've been destroyed as a people as a nation come on because because why thou hearken not unto the voice of the Lord thy God to keep his Commandments and his statutes which he command thee and they so wait wait wait wait so all those curses that God mentions in this chapter which summarize is slavery colonialism loss of identity and oppression happened to us because we broke God's Commandments read verse 46 and they shall be upon thee for a sign so these curses would be upon the Israelites for a sign to identify by us as the Israelites when you see a people in the earth who suffer slavery oppression colonialism and loss of identity those are the Israelites those are the 12 tribes of Israel read and they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder and upon thy seed forever how long would those things be upon us Yuri forever forever forever ever ever forever that's the prophecy right there so second ezas 5:42 five is it 42 yeah or is it 24 like a ring yes what verse is that 42 42 thank you 2 ezras chter 5 and verse 42 so now what we just read in Deuteronomy 28 the curses will be upon us forever meaning a long time I'm going show you how even in the Apocrypha says the same thing go ahead and he said unto me I will liken my judgment unto a ring he would liken his judgments unto a ring you know a ring goes round and round and round and round so God's judgments are like a ring they go round and round and round Assyria Babylon uh Persia media Greece Rome and Christians say oh it start with Rome it didn't stop with Rome because Christ said in Luke 21:24 we would fall by the edge of the sword and be led away where Brothers cap death into all nations so it didn't just end with Rome Christians don't know what the hell they talking about you read that again and he said unto me I will liken my judgment unto a ring so God's judgments are like a ring go ahead like as there is no slackness of the last uh-huh even so there is no swiftness of the first now watch this watch this so now brother I need y'all to pay close attention to this Christians say captivity for the Israelites ended with Rome we already proved that's a lie Christ said it's a lie Moses definitely said it's alive watch this let me show youall about the sub Sahara give me Muhammad put it on the screen put on the screen we're going to talk about the sub Sahara slave trade just for a moment just for a moment this is when they set up the I mean yeah the Caba Muhammad put that black stone as now I didn't paint this this is an old Relic painting from the time of anti Antiquities is that the word Antiquities anti Antiquities meaning a long long long time they got that black rock they put it inside that that that cube right there and people from all around the world kiss the Coba Stone Caba means black k a b a a means Black Stone the black stone okay give me the next picture come on y'all ain't got to go you ain't got to show me this is that this is the a photo now of them with the black stone in Mecca right and it's dressed exactly the same like the painting give me the next one this not a decorated now you see everyone's doing their HJ there H their HJ right you got to go there once in your lifetime and kiss the black stone brothers sisters that's called idolatry give me that in Jeremiah 2 Jeremiah 2 is it verse 14 because I'm not looking at it I ain't getting my notes is that it yes sir read that I mean verse 27 Jeremiah 2: 27 saying to a stock Thou Art my father a stock is wood saying to a piece of wood thou my father watch this and to a stone and to a stone thou has brought me forth that's all idolatry when you play pray to Wood and stone is idolatry that's breaking God's Commandments everybody understand that give me the next p picture please the photo now let's talk about the Arab slave trade a lot of us don't like to talk about it Muslim black Muslims definitely never want to talk about it but it's a reality it's our reality next picture here's a drawing of them bringing us into captivity from the East Coast from the east coast of Africa next one here's another one what the Arabs bring us into slavery next one there's another one what the Arabs bringing us into slavery they called us the zange when you look that up you'll see our forefathers and mothers next one take a good look take a good look that's the Arabs that's our one our mothers our father on the ground one of our sons in the background walking if y'all can see the little boy right there y'all see that okay this is what they don't talk about in schools and or churches next one please this was a slave market here hey give me that Jeremiah 3:2 Jeremiah 3:2 to show you this is not based upon any kind of racial rhetoric is strictly biblical read that Jeremiah 3:2 lift up thine eyes unto the high places and see where thou Hast not been ly with ly means corrupted see where you have not been corrupted read in the ways hast thou sat for them in the ways hast thou sat for them as the AR iian in the wilderness we sat for the Arabians in the wilderness what is it talking about slavery and that's when they forced Islam on some of us next picture please this is our mothers and daughters and aunts and grandmothers in a slave market next here's another one next one here's another slave market here NE next here's a photo of one of us one of our mothers as a young girl sitting on the ground a slave to the Arab women I'm not making nothing up you black brothers and sisters in Islam you don't want to talk about it well we going to talk about it because the Bible talks about this next next picture here's some more these our brothers as slaves see all the young boys in the back some of them were castrated too you can't make this stuff up next picture please you see the young little girl right there in the bottom of the stairs zoom in on her right there slave to the Arabs they forced Islam on our people through rape robbery and torture next picture it's another and they made some of us their their personal bodyguards and butlers next one please here's another one that's the the guy in the back back right back right right there that's right now the one on the ground is also a servant right there but the owner is the one in the chair the young boy and the three standing in there beside him give me the next one now anytime they had a a male as a bodyguard or Butler to a girl he was castrated he became a unic they cut his penis off that's what they did to ensure there was no type of give me a nice word sexual penetration give me the next cover the book here's a book you should all get slavery in the Arab world by Murray Gordon give me the next page inside the book I want y'all to look listen good what it says read that the sale of so many slaves from different parts of Muslim Africa as well as from India and java help assure A continuing rich and buried supply of surval labor in the slave markets of Mecca slave markets of where Mecca Mecca was a a slave market brothers and sisters stop fooling yourselves my black brothers and sisters in Islam that's always been a SL it's never been holy the holy Mecca are you kidding me are you in our blood fills meca that's right the blood of our ancestors covers that land read Sur our labor in the slave markets of Mecca and jadah pilgrims arriving from Iraq Syria Persia and other parts of the Middle East frequented these markets and many brought back with them newly purchased slaves do y'all see that when they went on their Hodges they brought us back as slaves like the class A few uh weeks ago I went over Malcolm missed the slave trade in in Mecca by two years two years he missed it he would have been a slave in next picture please y'all keep playing with these people y'all keep on playing and you going to call this place holy and they sold us there they killed us there they raped us there are you kidding me holy what's holy about it next picture I don't care how they Dazzle it up to make it look pretty that's a St has always been a slave market where they s SL enslaved raped and robbed our Sons our daughters our mothers our fathers give me the next one read that Yuri some of the seminar participants affirmed that while the transatlantic slave trade lasted for four centuries 1693 to 1884 the trans Saharan slave trade continued for 17 centuries yall see that 17 centuries watch this 652 now this is the 652 it actually some books say it started during the time of Muhammad cuz he's he was about 610 um ad so slave the subs slave trade started with the so-called Prophet Muhammad go ahead 652 to 1960 there were similarities 19 what to 1960 and I'm going to show you it didn't just end in 1960 go ahead there were similarities between the slave trade give me the next link officer Alicia there should be a link a link from The gry Zone yep right there read that Yuri this is the gry zone enslavement of African migrants big business in Libya thanks to EU funding what's what's the date on that April 17th 2023 so they've been selling Us in Libya after Gaddafi died so slavery did not end in 1960 they're still doing it today they're still and you because they had what they had over there flood or earthquake in Libya something just happened over there what happened earthquake and y'all crying they was just selling your brothers and sisters raping your sisters and you're crying for Libya are you insane what's wrong with the black man and black woman God sends judgment on them and oh look what's going on let's pray for them are y'all kidding are you insane God say what is wrong with my people I'm bringing judgment for what these people did to their people and they over there crying we have lost this is why we unseen government nobody considers that these people are stupid as hell we're the only race on Earth that would do such stupid stupidity God bring judgment on your enemies you oh what's going on let's pray for them so what you cry what you praying for vengeance for like Christ said in Luke 18 why are you crying for vengeance then when God brings the Vengeance you crying that makes no sense well all right read that Yuri I'm sorry SC down an investigation by the United Nations has concluded that money provided by the European Union to State entities in Libya has facilitated crimes against humanity ranging from Force labor and sexual slavery to torture so you on to force slave Force labor is what they did to the men sexual slaver is what they did to the women and torture to both of us if we did not submit to the will of Allah because they are Muslim over there by the way assalam alikum the hell is this go ahead read on through its financial support of the Libyan Coast Guard and the Libyan directory for combating illegal migration DCIM the European Union has aided and eded crimes against humanity according to a recent un report uhhuh so so the the UN is complicit with this the EU go ahead on March 27 2023 the United Nations released the findings of a three-year investigation confirming that arbitrary detention murder rape enslavement sexual slavery extrajudicial killing and enforced disappearance has become a widespread practice in the once prosperous nation of Libya which was plunged into Civil War by NATO's regime change War over a decade ago so the EU is complicit with this and it all popped off once they killed Gaddafi that's when it says in the once prosperous nation of Libya that was under Gaddafi raise it up read read that while crimes against while crimes against humanity were found to be widespread spread throughout the country the report HED in on the plight of migrants and blame the European Union for enabling the Tripoli based government trip tripol the tripoly based government of national Unity to enact abuses against Africans seeking asylum in Europe the report stated in its introductory section the mission found that crimes against humanity were committed against migrants in places of detention under the actual or nominal control of Libya's directorate for combating illegal migration the Libyan Coast Guard and the stability support apparatus these entities receive technical logistical and monetary support from the European Union oh y'all see that so they got money for this go ahead and its member states for inter Alia the interception and return of migrants so now let's go to the next one so now we done I'm done with talking about them they're getting them on nerves getting them my nerves give me the next article we're going to talk about Spain we're going to talk about Spain just for a moment because many times in school they neglect to include Spain in the transatlantic slave trade but Spain was the beginning of it Rome Spain Portugal d three nations were involved in it complicit during the transatlantic slave TR read that Yuri the history which one put on the screen where is it no no there's a book page the book yes yes yes right there the history of the Jews from the destruction of Jerusalem to the present time by Hannah Adams written in 1818 so this book 18 was printed in 188 that means white eyes only this is not for black slaves to be reading cuz we could couldn't read next page let's go inside I want to highlight an area at the B at the bottom zoom in at the bottom please the Spanish and Portuguese Jews claim their descent from the tribe of Judah and found these pretensions on a on a supposition which prevails among them that many of their ancestors removed now stop hold on for a second now you'll read this in your first thought is that this is talking about white folks but it's not as we go on I'm going to show you this is not talking about white folks who descend from the tribe of Judah next page or were sent into Spain at the time of the Babylonian captivity send into Spain during the time of the Babylonian go down go down on that page go ahead in Portugal the name of a Jew is a term of such high reproach that the government found it necessary to enact a law which forbade any person to call another by that appellation who what other Nation did by before remember the Greeks did that the Greeks made a law you could we cannot call ourselves the Jews Portugal did the same thing hey read the next part it says if a man if a man who was styled a Jew to his face stabs the offender the law does not condemn him and trifling as this regulation may appear it has produce beneficial effects so if you they could stab you in your face for you calling yourself a Jew and there'll be no law against them next book so now remember what we just read they made laws in Portugal we cannot call ourselves Jews okay and we said we're from the tribe of Judah I'm G show you something go ahead read that Yuri America this is aralis monus America being the latest and most accurate description of the new world so let's go inside the book this one was written in the um 1700s by the way read this now remember what we just read about the Jews in Spain and Portugal were from the tribe of Judah read this the Portuguese that dwelt on this island informed the netherlanders that few lived above 50 years there yet not withstanding the great gain tempted them to T several of them having two or 300 Negroes that worked in the sugar Mills that John II king of Portugal sent a colony thither so we're talking about Portugal go ahead above 200 years before whom though the UNH wholesome air destroyed yet the place was not left desolate for he sent new inhabitants who first settled in Guinea next in Angola and lastly on the island St Thomas that so they might be better used to the air that the said King sold all those Jews used for slaves so notice what it's calling them can I get a bomb right there it went from look above it called them Negroes y'all didn't y'all missed that 300 Negroes then you jump down it says sold all those Jews for slaves we're talking about Portugal read that part again cuz they missed it I know yall slow but come on read it again that the said King sold all those Jews for slaves that refused to embrace the Roman religion so if we didn't accept Christianity white man Jesus we were forced to they made us slaves in Portugal go ahead and caused their children to be baptized and they forced our sons and daughters to be water baptized go ahead from whom coming thither in great numbers most of the present inhabitants were descending so they sent us let tell you they sent the Jews to guinea Angola and the island of St Thomas and it says those Jews were sold for slaves why would you read this and think this about white folks okay there's no history of white people in Africa as slaves what you reading about that what what's going on with what what are you talking about give me the next book I mean the next page you right there read that the history of Spanish enslavement of Africans began with Portuguese captains and T Gonzalez gonalves and Nuno Trist in 1441 that's why I told you to transatlantic slave trade did not start in 1619 they say that date to throw us office it's not as bad as y'all think it is oh yes it was go ahead from 1595 to 1640 the transatlantic slave trade to the Spanish Americas was largely concentrated in just three American ports cenya de indias verra Cruz that's it so now let me show you a painting or a drawing of our people in Spain Spain that were made slaves Spain and Portugal this said look around the waist look around his ankle they made us slaves there this they're not going to teach you this in school and they ain't going to teach you this in church give me the next book please about the transatlantic slave trade read that Yuri the critical review or annals of literature written in eight somebody help somebody help Yuri somebody help me Google what is that 53 132 is it 1732 or 1832 see the L Google it m d CC lxx uh what is that you know my eyesight is bad I I I 111 1783 1783 1783 very good okay so let's go inside the book now I need y'all to pay close attention I know you got short attention span but pay attention read that Pope Nicholas ith and that famous bull by which he granted the unknown World a bull is a papa bull it's like an a what they call with the president rights and no executive order it's like an executive voice so read it again from Pope Nicholas Pope Nicholas I in that famous bull by which he granted the unknown world to the Portuguese and Spaniard expressly permitted and ordered the Christians to reduce all infidels into slavery y'all see that do y'all see that that came from Pope Nicholas the F he ordered the transatlantic slave trade read an order zealously executed by both these nations both what nations Portugal and Spain it's telling you Portugal and Spain was the first ones to follow with r home setup everybody with me so far let's go down Professor springle divides the history of the Negro trade carried on by Christians by who by Christians Christians started the transatlantic slave trade go ahead into two principal periods the first from 1443 to 1645 and the second from 1645 to the present time the first period is the time of its increase during which not only its Founders the Portuguese but the English the Dutch and the French dealt in negro slaves though chiefly for the use and consumption of the Spaniards and the sugar and tobacco plantations in the brazils during the latter period these four nations were obliged to share that trade with the swedes so notice from the Spain and Portugal go back go back Spain and Portugal was added the English that's Britain in them the Dutch that's the Netherland and France y'all see that do y'all see that yes sir okay next page oh and the swedes at the bottom go ahead to share that trade with the swedes the Danes the brandenburgers the North Americans North America and since 1778 with the Spaniards so I'm sh all those Nations got involved with the transatlantic slave trade who was it was issued and based upon the Royal edict by the pope Church churches ain't going to teach you that school ain't gonna teach you that okay next page at the top no at the bottom you're right right there read that the discovery of the Gold Coast now remember what we read earlier I want y' to pay attention go ahead the discovery of the Gold Coast served indeed yet more to enlar enlarg the sphere of the navigation of the Portuguese than their slave trade but it forced them also to extend themselves on the coast and to settle colonies in Congo Angola and other places which they had till then neglected Prince Henry's colonies were enlarged by his successors listen good to this King John II in 1492 expelled all the Jews to the island of St Thomas didn't we just read about that we just read about that in the other book but watch what this book says that the other book did not say read it again King John King John the 2 in 1492 expelled all the Jews to the island of St Thomas which had been discovered in 1471 and other Portuguese settlements on the continent of Africa and from these banished Jews banished what Jews uh-huh the black Portuguese what did they call them the black Portuguese they called the Jews the the black Portuguese go ahead as they are called uhhuh and the Jews in loango that's Africa who are despised even by the very Negroes are descending they were so our people hated us keeping the Commandments as well okay so this book tells you that the Jews were black and they were sent to Africa as slaves you can't make this stuff up give me the next book no I is it go go down yeah right there read that these Negroes were purchased in Guinea Congo and Mana cono and the colonist had plantations furnished with furnished with from 15 to 3,000 negro slaves in the beginning of the 16th century the Spaniards and Portuguese begin to transport Negroes for similar labors to the West Indies and Brazil by which the Negro trade was rapidly increased let's go to the next book the nautical magazine and Naval Chronicle for 1870 1870 let's go inside the book which led the Roman Catholic missionaries who labored here during the 16th and 17th centuries to the conclusion that they had that they had found black Jews in loango see that this this is like to can I get a bomb somebody like you already knew this the hell is going on here raise it up read that barbos states that in the region of Don John II and about the close of the 15th century large numbers of Jews were expelled from Portugal and taken to the coast of Southern Guinea that the island of St Thomas which is not more than 100 miles from the mainland was populated by mulad descended from the Jewish Exiles in Anglo women now you'll read that and think is talking about there was molad based with the Jewish exil you say oh those white men and Anglo women is white women no the Jewish Exiles we already read that they were what brothers they was black okay that was exiled they had kids with Anglo women white women that's what that's saying jump down instead instead of regarding them as pure African family of Jews right of Jews because they was they said they were mixed raise it up go ahead it is important it is important to remark however that these families in Africa cannot be fairly estimated by such specimens of the Nations as have been brought to America for the subjects of the slave trade so they're telling you in this book that those Jews and the molato Jews was brought some of them was brought to America they already said it was brought to Brazil the West Indies now this book says those same Jews was brought to America this is what they're not going to teach you in school okay give me the next picture next page now if you look read that Yuri when did transatlantic slave trade start and end between 1 151 now we just read a book that said it was 1441 now this is now that's what I'm this is Google okay the old books give you more accurate history that's why you got to find those old books CU these new ones what they do they try to limit your understanding give me the next one read that Yuri the encyclopedia Americana complete in 30 volumes 1829 1949 now there's one thing when you look up slavery in this book give me the next page next page read that highlighted read look what it says slavery was due to raids of Arabs and hamites on negro communities do y'all see that so the scholars know when they say oh blacks so blacks they know those were hamites they know that was not our own people selling each other that's what they do give me the next picture please exactly so this is what happened to us during the transatlantic slave trade next picture please this is some more of us our children next Picture This Is Us with yolks of iron on our neck Deuteronomy 28:48 next picture yep yolks of iron next picture these are the slave ships of Deuteronomy 28 verse 68 so now Yuri give me Jeremiah 21:14 thank you Jeremiah 2:14 listen good listen good listen good Jeremiah chapter 2 and verse4 is Israel a servant are the Israelites a servants go ahead is he a homeborn slave why does he say is Israel a servant is he a homeborn slave because every time you read the Bible the Israelites are always in captivity from captivity to captivity to captivity to captivity to captivity was that it Yuri why is he spoiled why is he spoiled why is he oppressed and robbed was that it yes sir give me Isaiah 14 now I'm going to say something about our people we are the only race that that does not desire to rule the planet Earth anytime we're on the street discussing World Dominion our brothers and sisters the first thing they say can a white man be with us they white man don't ask that about us now I'm going show you what God says how the Nations feel about rulership Isaiah 14 I want verse 9 Yuri Isaiah chapter 14 and verse 9 hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming when it says hell from beneath is moved for thee the hell is talking about the Nations okay is moved to meet the the there is Babylon the great to meet thee at thy coming read it stirreth up the dead for thee read even all the chief ones of the earth that's the proof right there the Dead the hell are the chief ones of the earth watch this it hath raised up from their Thrones all the kings of the Nations it has raised up from their Thrones all the kings of the Nations okay bear with me let me see bear with me bear with me wear with me so here let's jump up jump up for me a little bit I think I want bear with me I'm looking I'm looking read down verse verse 10 sir yeah verse 10 all they shall speak and say unto thee art thou also become weak as we Art Thou become like unto us thy pomp is brought down to the Grave thy pomp is thy pride is brought down to the grave now jump down to verse 18 that's really what I wanted Verse 18 all the kings of the Nations listen good all the kings of the Nations even all of them lie in glory lie in glory go ahead everyone in his own house you know what that means all the nations are waiting for their opportunity to rule to have world Dominion when America is destroyed read it again all the kings of the Nations even all of them lie in glory everyone in his own house they all wait for their Glory okay we are the only race that does not desire or lie in weight for Glory we're the only people that wants to be subservient and you can you can look at start with with the men under their under their women you're not fit to rule being a mama's boy you're not fit to rule chasing behind a woman you're not a leader you're a simp just sit on the sidelines and suck your thumb from there Isaiah 51 and 20 Bishop you know what's so heavy also mhm you got also other Israelite Camp who who don't want uh who don't want to see it because think about it they more the more we push in this the more that we want Christ to come back so we can R and said what they're doing that's not what they doing they're talking about other Israelite that doing the same thing is doing the work so even other Israelite don't want to see it too you right let's read that now I'm going to show you the state of what we're about to read regarding our men men this is why many of us don't desire to rule read this Isaiah 51:20 thyy sons have fainted when it says fainted meaning we have lost Consciousness we have fainted from God's truth we have fainted from our identity we have fainted from keeping God's laws we have fainted read it again thy sons have fainted they lie at the head of all the streets our young men hang at the head of all the street hanging on the corners if you ever see that this the series The Wire you see us hanging on the corner if you see the new series uh on Netflix called uh top boy you see them in England doing what hanging on the corners okay nothing to do but sell drugs all the music videos sell drugs and chase women around read it again read it again read it again thy sons have fainted they lie at the head of all the streets as a wild bull in a net what does it mean as a wild bull in a net our people our sons uncontrollable no discipline read they are full of the fury of the Lord full of the fear of the Lord meaning full with God's judgment Deuteronomy 28 that's the fury of the Lord yeah that's our that's our sons right there and let something pop off every pull out that phone world star we love Drama We Love drama read on the rebuke of thy God Deuteronomy 28 is the rebuke of our God go ahead therefore hear now this thou Afflicted so our people are The Afflicted so now Isaiah is saying hear thou this now thou Afflicted and drunken but not with wine we are a drunk people but we're not drunken with wine we're drunken with what lies philosophies that's what we're drunk with go ahead thus sayith the thus sayith thy Lord the Lord and thy God that pleth the cause of his people behold I have taken out out of thine hand the cup of trembling the cup of trembling is Deuteronomy the 28th chapter verse 15-6 he said I'm going to take that cup from you go ahead even the drgs of the cup of my Fury even the dregs of the cup of my Fury so what is he saying he's taken from us slavery colonialism loss of identity and oppression so how does he do that he's starting to restore to us our identity who we are we're the Israelites we got to keep the Commandments that's him taking the cup from us go ahead Thou shalt no more drink it again he says you shall no more drink them curses of Deuteronomy 28 no more again go ahead but I will put it into the hand of them that afflict he said all them curses that I Afflicted you with I'm going to put them curses on that white man them Arabs them hamites all them Nations that Afflicted us they going to drink Deuteronomy 28 15- 68 that's thus sayith the Lord that's right you where we at verse 23 go ahead but I will put it into the hand of them that afflict thee which have said to thy Soul what have the Nations said to us bow down bow down they said to our no it's a spiritual thing the Nations said to us bow down [ __ ] go ahead that we may go over that they could walk over us go ahead and thou Hast laid wait wait wait it says and thou Hast laid go ahead and thou Hast laid thy body as the ground we allow the Nations to walk all over us that's why I give you the example at the beginning of class during that funeral for the freaking Queen Elizabeth they put all the African presidents on a bus and they gave all the white presidents a moade disrespect total disrespect dishonor anytime a white a white woman will get uh kidnapped killed they find a guy right away the black woman or our sons get kidnapped and killed we can't figure out who did this case closed that's it cold case right that's the the that's the one of us the African leaders on a freaking bus in the back of the freaking bus and they smiling it's how you know come on you know what's funny they were smiling until there the moade put it on the screen that's the moade for the whites they were smiling until they got to the actual funeral and saw all the white leaders getting out of their limos getting out of their personal vehicles and they're all getting off the bus so nobody gave them a memo you you didn't even have enough enough they didn't have enough regard for you to tell you what was going on they said no take what the hell we give you [ __ ] so this is an example read that again you what we've been talk and bowed ver 23 but I will put it into the hand of them that afflict thee which have said to thy Soul this the part we wanted bow down uhhuh that we may go over and thou Hast laid thy body as the ground and as the street to them that went over they went all they walk all over us they say Jesus is white you come with a scripture they said we don't give a damn about that he's white and that's it and that's what we're going to teach you say Christopher Columbus never discovered America there was people already here they said we don't give a damn what you say you're going to teach it you're going to teach it to your kids too and if you don't bring your kids to school we're going to put you in jail that's what they do so now give me the book before the May FL you can put that on the screen real quick put that on the screen no no not that not me put the other one the Arabs out a moment's pass just give me the book yeah just give me the book Thank you so I don't how many of you have read this book before the Mayflower anybody read this book okay five people okay all Praises by Lon Bennett Jr let's go inside the book I want y'all to pay close attention zoom in vess BK vessie vessie Denmark vessie vessie B he said BK me he talk loud he yelled he said a witness reported that he did not go to Africa because he had not a will he wanted to stay and see what he could do for his fellow creatures uh so it's talking about Denmark vessie go ahead there burned in Bessie's breast a deep and unquenchable hatred of slavery so he hated slavery and slave holders jump down for time sake next highlighted Men He Saw must not only be dissatisfied they must be so dissatisfied they will act Denmark Bessie was interested in action so Denmark vessie wanted action this is a brother he wanted action read he told slaves their lives were so miserable that even death would be an improvement he said death would be an improvement to slave because Denmark vessie was free read the bottom vessi buttressed his arguments with quotations from abolitionists tant lator so he he quoted tantor and who else and the Bible and what and the Bible he was quoting the Bible to the slaves our people people go ahead he was trying to resurrect that dead Spirit they had that defeated spirit that said just walk all over me master go ahead he would read to the slaves from the Bible how the children of Israel were delivered next page out of Egypt from bondage so he would quote from the Bible how we would deliver from Egypt go ahead but he warned that God helped those who help themselves read that again what he said but he warned that God helped those who helped themselves so he's telling our brothers to get off your black ashy behinds stop being a slave go ahead it was necessary to strike the first blow always everywhere the words of Joshua were on his list so Denmark vesty was quoting Joshua everywhere he went go ahead and they utterly destroyed all that was in the city this was a quotation go ahead both man and woman young and old and ox and sheep and ass with the edge of the sword read this volcanic man they called him this volcanic man go ahead Witnesses Say Never rested they said Denmark vessie never rested go ahead if he saw slaves bowing to white men in the street uh-oh he would rebuke them he would what rebuke them come on when the slaves replied but we are slaves vessie will comment with biting sarcasm you deserve to be slaves do you hear that do you hear that you bowing to white folks he's like what the hell is wrong with you bowing to them they're not God but we are slaves that with that attitude you deserve to be slaves that's and that's the same thing for these Christians that come against us teaching the Bible but they never go against the white man with white jesus never ever ever do they do that we dare you to we double dog dare you do videos on them we want to see it yeah sometime somebody's going to get married Bishop is the same thing every Saturday every Sabbath Bishop you bring scriptures out to revive the dead Soul we got some dead soul in here I'm telling you some of you you spend the whole week working for Esa when the sabbath coming you should looking forward to revive your spirit with the scripture with classes but some of you you still miserable you still got that dead Spirit you got to get rid of that dead Spirit that's what Bishop just read how with the scriptures Bishop try to revive those their spirit and you're the only one who can revive them Bishop only can bring the class out you got to apply you're not guessing the scripture is not going to make an effect if you do not apply it that's the only way to revive those dead soul where we at Yuri the Yellow Part go ahead if it had not been for the cunning of the old villain Bessie they called vess Denmark vessie a villain go ahead I should not now be in my present situation he employed every strateg him to induce me to join him so de he was trying to convince the brothers and sisters to join him go ahead he was in the habit of reading to me all the passages in the newspapers that related to s Domingo Haiti St Domingo Haiti and apparently every pamphlet he could lay his hands on that had any connection with slavery ridiculing taunting threatening vessie gained a vice hold on the minds of negroes in Charleston and surrounding areas read read that next part many many slaves feared him more than they feared their masters one man said he feared vessie more than he feared god what the hell is this read the next part having reached this point Bessie switched from the role of agitator to the role of organizer stop right there notice see what it said he switched from the role of agitator to the role of organizer I'mma show you an agitator give me Deuteronomy 2833 please here's it will get you agitated then I'm going to show you organizer Deuteronomy chapter 28:33 uh-huh the fruit of thy land and all thy labors about your natural resources shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up we seeing that today in society it's been going on for a long time go ahead and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed always so one of the curses is that we' be oppressed and crushed always watch this so that thou shalt be mad for the sight of Thine Eyes which Thou shalt see that's an agitated God says this what you going to see this constant oppression is going to make make you mad for the things that you see but like Denmark vessie he went from agitator to organizer give me that Ecclesiastes 7- 7 Ecclesiastes chapter 7:7 surely oppression maketh a wise man mad you see that oppression makes a wise man mad that when that's when you become an organizer you go from being just pissed off at the thing you see the conditions you see to using wisdom and say you know what I need to organize the people we need to do something about this constant oppression big Burly black men bowing down to white men and white women and don't say you don't bow on to the white woman some you got your face between her legs today the hell is this let's go back to the book be Bessie showed great penetration and sad judgment damn he enlisted slave Artisans and class leaders in the Methodist Church he did not disdain the darker Arts uh oh now we ain't dealing with the dark arts I just wanted to read this part though go ahead a valuable functionary in his organization was Gull Jack an African born sorceress which who he was from Haiti by the way go ahead who was considered invulnerable if gulla Jack could not convince a potential recruit the talents of blind Phillip were available Philip reportedly could see ghosts and other invisible phenomena timid recruits were carried to his house Philip would run his unseeing eyes over them and inquire why do you look so timorous the abashed recruits thunder struck that a next page or was that it okay that's it give me Isaiah 52 And1 let's go back to where we were at because we read Isaiah 51 right read verse read the bottom verse again Isaiah 51 and verse the last verse sorry Jeremiah back to Isaiah 51 and verse 23 the last verse Isaiah chapter 51 verse 23 but I will put it into the hand of them that afflict thee which has said to thy Soul bow down that we may go over and thou has laid thy body as the ground and as the street to them that went over keep reading to chapter 52 go ahead awake awake so now God says awake awake so that's the warning to us he's telling us to wake up you got your body on the ground your soul is on the ground letting all the nations walk all over you now God's message to us is awake awake go ahead put on thy strength oh Zion put on thy strength oh Zion keep these Commandments as Israelites go ahead put on thy beautiful garments put on your beautiful garments means keeping it Commandments and literally putting back on the dress code of Israel go ahead oh Jerusalem uhhuh the holy city for henceforth there shall no more come into Thee the uncircumcised and the uncan he said I'm going take these unclean nations from off your back go ahead Shake thyself from the dust Shake yourself from the dust why did he say that because in the last chapter we just was laying down on our ground letting people walk all over us now in verse three he says what again Shake thyself from the dust verse two verse two again Shake thyself from the dust uh-huh arise wake up and do what and sit down sit down what does it mean sit down study study learn your history learn the testimonies of Abraham Isaac and Jacob get your mind right get focused organize yourselves that's what he's saying read that again Shake thyself from the dust arise and sit down oh Jerusalem loose thyself from the bands of thy neck oh captive Daughter of Zion give me re Romans 13:11 Romans 13311 New Testament so we went from the prophecies in the Old Testament to the prophecies in the New Testament saying the same thing Romans chapter 13:1 and that knowing the time that now it is high time to awake out of sleep so he's saying again awake out of sleep get off the ground wake up and get out of the dead go ahead for now is our Salvation nearer than when we believe read the night is far spent the night is your captivity is far spent go ahead the day is at hand the truth is here now you know your Israelites wake up go ahead let us therefore cast off the works of darkness cast off your sins your adultery your fornication you're lying you're stealing your Abominations go ahead and let us put on the armor of light and let us put on the armor of light that's God's laws that's God's Commandments from there Isaiah 9 and6 Isaiah chapter 9 and verse 6 listen good listen good listen good for unto us a child is born unto us a child is born go ahead unto us a son is given unto us a son is given let's talking about Christ and the government shall be upon his shoulders I wanted y'all to see that right there Christ is establishing government one universal omnipotent government he's not establishing a church group he's not establishing a choir he's establishing a government I need you men especially you to get your mind right and understand government some of us don't understand government you you understand the club though you I know the club party over herey but when it comes to government what the government what you need s government what what's that about this is why we got to get our minds right we got to focus and understand okay read that again Isaiah chapter 9 ver6 For unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name Shall be Called wonderful counselor the Mighty God the Mighty God goes back to when you reading the Old Testament all these things are what you read from the time of Genesis go ahead the Everlasting father the Prince of Peace ah now you might be confused about the Everlasting father I think we've touched on that before we touched on that before remember like John 1 Christ is the one that created all things real quick [Music] blank stairs like huh give me Revelation 3:14 I think I'm just going to go quick through this if you get it you get it if you don't you won't Revelation 3:14 and unto the angel of the Church of the leod Deans write these things saith the amen the faithful and true witness the beginning of the creation of God read that again you went out for a second read it right the what the beginning of the creation of God Christ Christ is the beginning of the creation of God go to John 1 and one cuz I know some of you lost some just run through it quick John 1 And1 John chapter 1 and verse one in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was with God god notice with God go ahead and the Word was God and the Word was God so you got two right there that's God the Father God the son go ahead the same was in the beginning with God the same was in the beginning with God go ahead all things were made by him all things was made by him who's the him the word Christ go ahead and without him and without him Christ was not anything made that was made y'all see that was that the whole verse yes sir you can put those on the screen stop just sitting there y'all can put it on the screen I don't mind give me John 5:37 listen good John 5 is it 37 I'm guessing Yuri yes sir John watch what Christ said John chapter 5:37 and the father himself which has sent me hath borne witness of me ye have not neither heard his voice at any time nor seen his shape Christ said you've never heard the father's Voice or seen his shape at any time do you understand what at any time means we thought we was dealing with the father in the wilderness that's right that wasn't the father Christ said you never heard his voice remember when we said we don't want to hear you Moses we want to hear the Lord and it said the voice thundered and the Earth Shook and qu you thought that was the father Christ said you never heard his voice at any time you understand that I I know only five brothers got it one sister and five brother what's going on I'm conf anyway so give me hey hey so the I'm just for I'm just going to one more quick scripture the question is when we going to see the father give me Revelation 22 I think it's verse 4 when we going to see him that's remember when Philip said uh Lord show us the father and suffice us Christ said have I been so long time with you Phillip have you not known me what does it mean the one you think is the father remember what in Daniel call Christ the Everlasting father I made you I Christ is telling him I made you I'm your creator he ain't now listen Christ is not the father father but he's our father give me that scripture right there Revelation 22:4 revelation 22 and verse 4 and they shall see his face ah y'all see that go ahead and his name shall be in their foreheads read the verse above it I like the verse above it verse three and there shall be no more curse so this is the kingdom there shall be no more curse but the Throne of God and of the Lamb see that the Throne of God and of the Lamb go ahead shall be in it and his servants Shall Serve him read and they shall see his face that's when we're going to see the father's face go ahead and his name shall be in their forehead that's when we going to know the father's true name not now Brothers but on that day everybody got that let me get back to my lesson so now go back to Isaiah 9 y'all know I got sidetracked just for a second Isaiah chapter 9 and verse 6 For unto us a child is born unto hey guess what even when uh the Transfiguration remember you heard the voice this is my beloved Son hear ye him that wasn't the father cuz Christ already said you never heard his voice at any time so that was an ambassador speaking on his behalf look at his face look at his faces what are you talking about what you talk about you where we at Isaiah 9 and verse 6 uhhuh For unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name Shall be Called wonderful counselor the Mighty God the Everlasting father the Prince of Peace of the increase of his government of the increase of his government government government go ahead and peace there shall be no end it's never going to end go ahead upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom to order it and to establish it with judgment this why we got to learn the laws of God he's going to establish it with what order no no no establish it establish it with judgment and with Justice from hence forth even forever the Zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform them come on the Lord sent a word into Jacob and it hath lighted upon Israel so he gave us this word we're supposed to understand brothers and sisters the Lord is setting up a government what do y'all think this this is the beginning of us trying to get our minds and our spirits and our souls right to be part of this government okay from there from there Psalms 50 this is the rise of an unseen government that's right I want you men understand that this is the rise the rebuilding of true Israel is the rise of an unseen government because they don't see us as nothing even our sisters don't see us as sh [ __ ] you ain't nothing I'm just telling you the truth Psalms 50 read that 20 and 21 Psalms chapter 50 verse 20 thou sest and speakest against thy brother so the white man sits and speaks against us Esau sits and speaks against Jacob that's what it's talking about go ahead thou slander thine own Mother's Son Esau Slanders their own Mother's Son which is Jacob is the son go ahead these things hast thou done these things thou has done and I kept silent the Lord kept silent go ahead thou thest that I was all together such a one as thyself they thought God surely got to be a white man cuz we ain't been judged yet that's the white man's mentality he ain't did nothing to us we jacked his people up and we say we still getting away with a Scot free surely God's a white man go ahead but I will reprove the God says don't worry I will correct you I will reprove you go ahead and set them in order and set them that's you men and women set them in when what's that word order in order before Thine Eyes before thine eyes we are moving under the radar people don't see even people watch us on video they don't take us seriously don't punching [ __ ] and [ __ ] you ain't s look at them they always arguing fight they always in the midst of adultery and selling drugs man they ain't sh hey brothers nobody's going to see us coming nobody exactly hey give me that precept you you read verse 21 yes sir give me the one I think it's Colossians where Paul says I'm absent and beholding you anybody know what I'm talking about bear with me a second he says uh in my absence beholding your order Colossians 2 and 5 Colossians chapter 2 verse 5 that's it for though I be absent in the flesh yet am I with you in the spirit joying and beholding your order there was always order set up don't let nobody see black people there's no such thing as order we all are saying that's a lie we're the only race that says that and when you hear white people telling you that ask the white man if there's no order no ranking structure then why your government's got to rank in order structure why the Chinese got Rank and structure why the Arabs Got Rank and structure government how come blacks and Latinos are only ones that don't understand rank instruction order it's a trick they're deceiving us read it again for though I be absent in the flesh yet am I with you in the spirit Joy and beholding your order joying and beholding your order your order understand that was that it Yuri and the steadfastness of your faith and the stead steadfastness of your faith in Christ in Christ from there ecclesiasticus chapter 11 ecclesiasticus chapter 11 I want verse 12 Yu ecclesiasticus 11 and verse 12 again there is another that is slow brothers sisters we're slow always make a joke out of it I'm slow we don't catch things right away I'll give you an example you be at Camp there'll be a a Edomite and a Israelite listening you'll say Jesus Christ is black the black man will say it don't matter the white man will say [ __ ] I'm going into slavery he's already added 1 + 1 equal 2 the black guy and black woman is slow as hell it doesn't matter what he look like doesn't matter the white guys St backing them no y'all yeah they figured out already read it again read it again Yuri again there is another that is slow that's us we're slow go ahead and have need of help we the ones that always need help go ahead wanting ability we lack ability and full of poverty our people is full of poverty now watch listen good yet the eye of the Lord looked upon him for good yet the eye the Lord looked upon him for good go ahead and set him up from his low estate ah and set him up from his low estate go ahead and lifted up his head from misery he said my people is miserable let me lift up their head go ahead so that many that saw it marveled at him everybody that sees us rise is going to Marvel this is that low light no good stenc group of [ __ ] and SPS God's raising them up everybody that sees this shall Marvel that's the prophecy come on prosperity and adversity life and death poverty and riches come of the Lord read wisdom wisdom knowledge knowledge and understanding and understanding of what of the law of the law are of the lord of the Lord love in the way of good works are from him are from him and from there 1 Samuel 2:8 they ain't going brothers sisters they ain't going to see us coming they go they going to continue to mock us continue to disrespect us the Lord says don't worry when y'all together you organize yourselves the holy spirit is there amongst you don't worry read that 1st Samuel 2 and8 1 Samuel chapter 2 and verse 8 he raises up the poor Out of the Dust here the prophecy he raises up the poor from what out of the dust Out of the Dust and lifted up the beggar where the beggar lifts up the beggar from the dungill from the sh hole you mad cuz Clinton said uh Africa's a [ __ ] hole he didn't lie Trump I mean Trump he didn't lie so you mad what you mad for we went from dominating and ruling the entire planet Earth to this and when somebody say the continent is a Sho you mad God just said read it again God just said to get mad at God now go ahead he raises up the poor Out of the Dust and LIF up the beggar from the dung Hill the dung Hill is the [ __ ] hole that's where we at poverty this situation I don't care how much money you got you still in a dung Hill you got a crumb in the society compared to what God had given us go ahead was that it no sir to set them among princes ah to set them among princes go ahead and to make them imagine you would look at his brother on the screen and go hell no that could not he could be a prince never ever look at him look where he live nothing good can come out of that God says oh but but don't worry there is a God yeah that's his house in the back right there read that again Yuri to set them among princes God said he's going to set us among princes go ahead and to make them inherit the Throne of Glory he's going to make us inherit the kingdom forever was that a Yuri for The Pillars of the Earth are the Lords for the pillars of the earth of the Lords and he have set the world upon them that means not only we going to run this Earth we going to run the [Laughter] universe Yuri Yuri read that again yes sir to set and make them inherit the Throne of Glory for The Pillars of the Earth are the Lords and he have set the world upon them y'all see that that's the universe Brothers was that it Yuri yes sir that's some good stuff right there from there 1st Samuel 10:6 there you go there you go there you go 1st Samuel 10:6 1 Samuel chapter 10 and verse 6 listen good brothers sisters listen good and the spirit of the Lord will come upon you when you men and women get the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is not emotional that's for you women I don't feel tingly like I did in church God ain't dealing with your emotions he's dealing with logic he's dealing with knowledge hey hey hey hey Yuri scripture just popped in my head uh by him God is a god of knowledge that one 1st Samuel 2 it might be [Music] three yeah read that for I got to show y that 1 Samuel 2:3 uh-huh talk no more so exceeding proudly proudly in sin that's what it's talking about go ahead let not arrogancy come out of your mouth arrogancy in context of sin don't let it come out of your mouth how much money you stole today I stole $8,000 from Deacon Malachi you truck D drivers out here y'all know what I'm talking about get mad of you and I don't care uh read it again talk no more so exceeding proudly don't speak proudly Brothers in your sin go ahead let not arrogancy come out of your mouth and don't let arrogancy come out of your mouth for the Lord is a god of knowledge he's a god of what knowledge doesn't say emotion knowledge a emotional damage emotional damage so you s God ain't dealing with your emotions he don't give a damn about emotions it means nothing read it again for God is a what for the Lord is a god of knowledge uhhuh and by him actions are ways and by him based on the knowledge you men and you women God your actions will be weighed will be judged he ain't judging you on your emotions oh I'm angry he don't give a damn what are you doing with the knowledge he gave you okay hey you know what that goes with remember the the the talent he gave some one some 10 some five that's by him actions or what did you do with the knowledge God gave you did you sisters did you teach your children right H did you teach them laws while your husband was out at work no I didn't feel I wasn't I didn't feel it it wasn't it wasn't just the soap opera was on so I just couldn't get time for it now your son's a sodomite and she's blaming the husband that's cuz you wasn't home but she ain't going to talk about she sing home watching BET and Atlant Housewives not you sisters in here Dam not oh y'all don't do that God forbid you righteous read again for the Lord is a god of knowledge and by him actions are ways God's judging your actions based on the knowledge you got and that includes I'm going off topic for a second because things have been happening I just try to ignore it sometimes you know some sisters get maded and they want to divorce over some stupid stuff then they say after the divorce then they want to come back to UIC does that make sense why do you want to come back to get another no sister this is not the best wh house in Texas remember that movie The Best Little wh house in Texas this ain't that type of a party you're not going to divorce your husband and then come back and get another man that's whoredom sister the knowledge you learned should have taught you what a [ __ ] is and is not yeah Play It Again yeah that's it you got to learn the difference you got to know God is a god of knowledge and by him actions are weighed Romans 12 and one please I said that because we got an email this week alluding that she wants to come back once she gets rid of her no good husband who's in the congregation you no that doesn't work sis stop stop Theo him you married him he was good enough to sex you but he's not good enough to lead you and guide you then you complain he don't got a job you knew he didn't have a job when you got with him you knew that that's why sister when you you proven a man you if if the job is the issue oh I remember one brother in uh well one of the schools he wanted to marry sister so and so so her father was here so the father said show me that you can maintain a job the same job for two years then I'll give you my daughter now I said the brother was mad I said he ain't saying nothing wrong I said that's good thinking right there in fact I'm going to apply that too that's some good stuff that's for the bum brothers that work six months and then always get fired you know who you are I just collect unemployment sisters y'all get caught up with that was a bum there's some bums in iuic all these handsome men are not um up to par not yet we're trying to get them this sis there's some bums in this house there's some bums in this house yeah this is again this is why some brothers not going to join UIC HJ y we do not play this crap we don't play it we don't play it get a job that's part of getting yourself together you know what they say they say we too strict you d right we too strict the God is strict here you go where we at yri Romans chapter 12 and verse one read that I beseech you therefore brethen by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a Living Sacrifice present your bodies Living Sacrifice that means be willing to sacrifice your life for this truth if the time when the time comes for it everybody understand that read holy holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service hey why is it your reasonable service cu the Son of God died for you you you you mean to tell me you're not worth he's not worth you giving your life for and they can only kill the body Brothers they can kill the Inner Man the soul read and be not conformed to this world don't y'all hear that don't be conformed to this world don't be conformed to this there should be no sukias in here there should be no sexy Reds in here here we go one sister see she a brother that she likes he's so handsome she's so that sister that brother married she she going to get close with the sister's wife befriend the brother's wife befriend the brother's wife Oh Sister y y y y yeah taking pictures with her and that's a slick move fake count can you Cel me sister she get all up in the sister's ear and the sister that's my friend then she gonna say do you mind if your husband takes me to the laundry mat cuz my car broke down sure yeah sure and then one day turns into two days turns into weak it happens all the time now the brother's getting close with this sister and they on a spin cycle and after she sex the brothers this a true story now she going to get up and say you know what that wasn't enough there's another brother that's handsome her I'mma go to his house she belong and she gives him a BJ y'all know where the BJ is look it up [ __ ] anyway so she went from Brother one to to brother two in the same week I lie not Dallas Texas am I lying I'm not lying Play the song for me there's some hoes in this house there's some hoes in this house there will be no sexy Reds up in here no sukias we will throw you out they going passing around genit toward WS you want some got it Shazam and you'll be thinking oh she's so pretty she's so pretty she got a trap between her legs deep ditch oh there was another sister I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry another sister cute adorable sister I so I said this sister is adorable it'd be an honor for a brother to marry her no Bishop she just got locked up locked up for what robbing a bank what that cute adorable sister robbed a bank that adorable sister Set It Off hands up [ __ ] give me all your money oh man everybody on the floor the hell is this you can't make this is the people we get everybody that comes in here we sick we get we get all kinds we just trying to work with y'all where we at Yuri I'm sorry Romans 12 and verse 2 and be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed oh that's why I said them stories be not conformed to this world we got to change we got to change go ahead but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that's what God Said to Samuel I mean said to Saul in the book of Samuel he said the spirit will come upon you and you'll be changed into another man if you are the same grimy no good brother from last year to this year what you doing bro sis what you doing you still sukiana stop stop bro I'm sorry I got to just say it you in the truck and business robbing Brothers why come in Israel and you you extorting and robbing I don't understand that read it again Dam and be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind see that God should be transformed by the renewing of your mind go ahead that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God let me give you another story remember years years ago maybe six years maybe yeah about let me think this was about 2017 2018 we all talk and we said hey we should go into real estate and do this and do that I don't know if you remember but you was there though you a had no money you was broke anyway so we said every Everybody if you got you got to put x amount in and there's one brother there's one brother nicknamed Blackie that's a nickname Blackie he he gave it was like 40 GS he had 40 G's so okay let's go we're going to do this his sister comes in cursing him out and we like what's going what whoa whoa whoa what's going on she said this mother effer stole $40,000 from my Grandma's bank account we were like what you stole 45 what from your Grandmama if he'll steal from his Grandmama what will he do with us I from that I said I'm not getting no business businesses with Israel that's right none none and you truck drivers out there who's a truck driver raise your hand let me see y'all don't get in no businesses with of fellow truckers they will rob from you they will steal from you they will lie to cover it up I'm telling y'all I'm I'm shocked the stuff I've been hearing here in Atlanta you bunch of Thieves up in here lucky you ain't go to jail anyway cover your spirit then lie to cover it up I don't know what's going on I'm confused anyway where we at Yuri I'm sorry got me all off topic oh verse two again yes sir and be I don't care if you're mad either whoever's mad so what go suck your thumb in the corner I was going to say suck something else but suck a thumb in the corner I don't care and be not conformed to this world don't be conformed to this world brothers and sisters but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind be changed brothers and sisters be changed by the renewing of your mind go ahead that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God the only way you can prove what is that good and acceptable will of God Is by your life us seeing the change in you fellow sisters and brothers seeing the change in each other I know where that brother came from I know where that sister came from she did a whole 180 she has changed her life he has has changed his life read verse three for I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you listen good not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think don't get puffed up don't think of yourself more highly than you ought to think go ahead but to think soberly we got to think soberly this is my brother this is my sisters that's how we got to think soberly go ahead according as God ha dealt to every man the Measure of Faith he's dealt to every man The Measure of Faith uh give me um First Kings 8:46 y'all can put it on the screen I don't mind go put it on the screen hopefully inside the book she don't have a iPhone and she's on um Tik Tok or Instagram read that for me Yuri First Kings 8:47 yet if they shall bethink themselves so right now we're bethinking ourselves we are remembering who we are the loss of identity is being taken from us now we're remembering that we are the children of Israel go ahead yet if they shall bethink themselves in the land whether they were Carri captive here in America go ahead and repent and what and repent that's what everybody in here every man woman boy girl is doing repenting go ahead and make supplication unto thee and beg the Lord in the land of them that carried them captives saying saying what we have sinned this is what the Lord want to hear in your morning prayer Psalm 55:17 when you do your evening morning and noon prayer say what Yuri we have sinned this is what the Lord wants to hear we have sinned go ahead and have done perversely we have done perversely one some of the stories I told you were perverse stories but they were true nonetheless go ahead we have committed wickedness we have committed wickedness and so return unto thee and so return turn unto the Lord with all their heart with all our heart and with all their soul with all our soul in the land of their enemies and in this land go ahead which led them away captive that's why they not going to see us coming Brothers we done we them guys we them slaves that they destroyed the Lord said don't worry repent and I got this go ahead and pray unto thee pray unto thee toward their land toward where toward their land that's why we Face Jerusalem Jerusalem is that way go ahead which thou gavest unto their fathers the city which thou has chosen and the house which I have built for thy name read then hear thou their prayer and their supplication now is the time the Lord's hearing our prayers go ahead then hear thou their prayer and their supplication in heaven thy dwelling place and maintain their call maintain our call we want the Lord to set us back up we want the Lord to establish Jerusalem once again go ahead and forgive thy people forgive thy people that have sinned against thee read in all their transgressions wherein they have transgressed against thee and give them compassion before them who carried them captive that they may have compassion on them for they be thy people and thy inheritance which thou broughtest forth out of Egypt from the midst of the Furnace of iron John 3 and three so that's an example of becoming another man becoming another woman changing changing transforming not Transformer not a Transformer not that we ain't talking about change like that we a talking about the Inner Man the inner woman go ahead John chapter 3 and verse3 Jesus answered and said unto him verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born again except the man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God he cannot see the kingdom of God what does it mean to be born again here it goes 2 Ezra 14 verse 13 uh let me look no bear with me bear 34 2 e CH 14:34 therefore it so be that ye will subdue your own understanding that's being born again starting all over again remember that song starting all over again it's going to be rough and tough read that again therefore it so be that you will subdue your own understanding and reform your hearts the word reform is change transform your mind change the way you think go ahead you shall be kept alive you shall be kept alive and after death after your body is gone ye shall obtain Mercy you're going to obtain Mercy why cuz we got celestial bodies after this body is gone we have celestial bodies I know the white man ain't never taught you about that but it's true nonetheless let me give you an example real quick to prove my point first is the 1 Corinthians 5 and one I want second Corinthians 5:1 y'all think that when this body is gone that's it that's Christianity stop listening to Christians and stop listening to scientists they stupid Second Corinthians no give me the one in uh uh 1 Corinthians 14 first around verse I want Celestial terrestrial bodies 15 and 40 thank y'all thank y' thank you you know I'm old First Corinthians chapter 15 and verse 40 wait wait wait wait yes that's it everybody got it let's go there are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another terrestrial means Earth We're made of the earth Adam was made of the earth that's terrestrial but he's making a distinction between terrestrial Terra means Earth and Celestial celest goes into the spirit realm okay now let me show you 2 Corinthians 5 and 1 2 Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 1 for we know that if our Earthly House of this Tabernacle were dissolved what is the Earthly House of this Tabernacle talking about our bodies this terrestrial body read it again for we know that if our Earthly House of this Tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God Len Goods we have a building of God an house not made with hands a house not made with hands Eternal in the heavens Eternal in the heavens that's going into Celestial read on for in this we groan earnestly Desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from Heaven what is Paul saying I want my Celestial body I'm tired of this body cuz this body keeps me in sin I want my Celestial body read that again read again read again read it again for in this we groan earnestly Desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from Heaven if so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked meaning don't be found in sin get your Celestial body but don't be found in sin go ahead verse four for for we that are in this Tabernacle do grown for we that are in this Tabernacle this Earthly this terrestrial body we Gran go ahead being burdened we're burdened with what sin go ahead not for that we would be unclothed not for not that we want to be unclothed go ahead talking about Sin again but clothed upon we want to be clothed upon with a Celestial body go ahead that more mortality that mortality might be swallowed up now go back to Corin 1 Corinthians 14 see the part that mortality might be swallowed up go back to 1 Corinthians 15 again First Corinthians chapter wait wait wait wait where's Mortal verse what 54 50 yeah 53 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verse 53 read for this corruptible this corruptible is talking about this body this terrestrial body must put on incorruption must put on incorruption brothers and sisters go ahead and this Mortal and this Mortal body your terrestrial body must put on immortality must put on immortality that's the same thing said in uh 2 Corinthians 5 go ahead so when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this Mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written what death is swallowed up in Victory death is swallowed up in Victory so there is no death that's what death is swallowed Up There Is No Death brothers and sisters the only thing they can destroy is this flesh the Bible's telling you you have another body in heaven remember in Neo in The Matrix they they given an example of that when he came out in The Matrix they took his real body and he said my eyes hurt and Morpheus said because you never used them they showed you the difference between one realm to the other they got all that from the holy scriptures the churches just never teach us nothing they don't know nothing thank you uh Matthew 18:6 now we'll delve into that more another class just want to touch on that Matthew chapter 18 and verse six but who so shall offend one of these little ones you in verse six Matthew 18-6 yeah yes sir okay go Ahad I'm not looking at it go ahead yes sir Matthew 18:6 but who so shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me it were better for him that a millstone let me hear verse three it's not sounding right to me let me verse three verse three and said verily I say unto you except ye be converted that's what I wanted right there except you be converted go ahead and become as little children meaning what start all over again like a baby understand that I don't care if you 70 years old 80 Moses was how old 80 years old when God called him so age is no excuse I'm too old no you just rebellious if Moses was 8 and he convert and how old was Miriam she was 10 years old she was 90 and as a matter of fact how old was Abraham wasn't he damn near 100 yeah around there around 100 years old so if they can be that old and change you mean your old sank self can't change and you 65 or 75 what the hell's wrong with you you got a few years left you better change you better become like this little child forget meaning forget all that garbage you learn forget about it read it again and he and said verily I say unto you except ye be converted and become as little children ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven you can't enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless you start all over again start all over again as a child in this truth if you've been in this truth one year you are a one-year-old child if you've been in this truth eight years you are an 8year old child if you've been in this truth 12 years you are a 12y old child everybody understand that okay I hope you you're saying yes with your mouth but we know some brothers some sisters [ __ ] I'm grown you don't tell me what to do you a that little child Spirit ain't on you you got that old [ __ ] Spirit on you we can't the Lord can't use you until you decide I want to be converted as a little child Matthew 19:16 191 16 yes Matthew chapter 19 verse1 16 and behold one came and said unto him good Master what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life and he said unto him why callest thou me good there is none good but one that is God but if thou will enter into life if you will enter into life keep the Commandments do what keep the Commandments y'all understand that brothers and sisters he said keep the Commandments John 14:15 please John chapter 14 verse 15 if you love me keep my Commandments Christ said if you love me keep my Commandments that's what he said okay from there from there give me Galatians 5:16 hey do y'all have the tree I sent y'all a couple of weeks ago I I showed a tree huh yeah yes Galatians 5:16 please gal 5 and verse 16 this I say then walk in the spirit he he shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh so walking in the spirit means walking in God's laws that's what walk in the spirit means and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh what is the lust of the flesh read for the I went the other one too the lust of the flesh for the flesh lusteth against the spirit the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh uh-huh and these are contrary the one to the other so that you cannot do the things that you would I'm going give you all a precept for that verse right there you see how it says the flesh lust is against the spirit and the spirit against the Flesh and these are contrary meaning opposite the one to the other so that you cannot do the things that ye would write this down Romans 7 go Paul goes into this because you're inner man you're inner woman the inner Christ within you wants to keep the Commandments but your flesh says no hold on wait a minute get your groove on look at sister so and so she got it going on help her out do this for her but she's married so back in the world you did it you can still do it look at her smiling at you she don't mind true story Men's Conference I for it just popped into my brain I'm sorry Men's Conference Brothers in the car come close come over here on the camera we we go to Men's Conference we boys we going to The Men's Conference hey hey check your phone be checking your phone while I'm driving hey what you looking at don't show me you got to hide it from me we look at nothing okay we drive to The Men's Conference we sharing the room hey What's Going keep checking your phone everything all right bro everything good everything good huh huh huh yeah yeah everything everything right what you keep looking at your phone for huh huh huh what the hell is thisuh nothing nothing important nothing now go to now go to the restroom you go to the bathroom oh yeah he go to the bathroom true story so now brother so and so gets home and his wife he looks at her phone she has pictures of homeboy that I'm just driving with and got pictures of his his his uh uh his his his friend his Franken beans and pictures of the the the the hotel room and the bathroom remember he went into the bathroom he was taking pictures of his tally wackers sending it to the brother's wife true story I lie not you can't make this stuff up now and there's many other stories but y'all just file that one some brothers come in this truth and they don't change they don't change where we at Yuri I'm sorry you said precept Romans 7 oh precept was Romans 7 to Galatians 5:17 and give me wisdom of Solomon 9:15 yeah yeah put that on the screen that was it right there yeah that's when he saw his his friend Soldier raheem's penis on his wife's phone wisdom of Solomon chapter 9 and verse 15 here you go here's the precept for the corruptible body for the corruptible body what's another word for the corruptible body Brothers flesh give me one we read in Corinthians terrestrial read that again for the corruptible body presses down the soul presses down what the soul do your soul is the real you it presses your soul down this body is made to press your soul down go ahead and the Earthly Tabernacle and the Earthly tabernac that's your terrestrial body your flesh go ahead weth down the mind that museth upon many things it weighs down your mind that Muses upon many things you musing on God's laws but this body weighs it down uh-uh uh-uh I know you want to keep the Commandments but I'm here to prevent that that's go back to Galatians 5:17 now Galatians 5:1 17 for the flesh lusteth against the spirit there's a war brothers and sisters within us go ahead and the spirit against the Flesh uhhuh and these are contrary the one to the other so that ye cannot do the things that ye would read but if ye be led of the spirit ye are not under the law meaning the law of sacrifice the old Covenant law of sacrifice right that down it's not talking about you're not under the law that says thou shall not steal you're still under that everybody understand that so it's talking about the law of sacrifice the old Covenant law of sacrifice go ahead verse 19 now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these watch this adultery so that's the first remember the law says Thou shalt not what commit adultery that lets you know we're still under that law read it again adultery uh-huh fornication fornication uncleanness lasciviousness idolatry witchcraft hatred variance emulations wrath Strife seditions heresies envyings murders drunkenness rings and such like of the which I tell you before as I have also told you in time past that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God you know what that bottom part proves that we're still under God's laws it says that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God so if you're doing adultery fornication uncleanness lasciviousness idolatry witchcraft hatred variance emulations Wrath dri seditions heresies envyings murders drunkenness reings and the lik mean if there's any other thing I forgot to mention you're not getting the kingdom which means the law is in full effect read verse 22 but the fruit of the spirit is love now y'all see that for the fruit of the spirit is love is the first one like if you see on the screen it says 2 John vers 6 Yuri can you read that first to explain love Christians omit the meaning of Love according to the Bible second John verse 6 and this is love that we walk after his Commandments this is the Commandment that as he have heard from the beginning he should walk in it so let's go on back now Galatians 5:22 yes sir but the fruit of the spirit is love that's keeping God's laws his Commandments joy peace longsuffering I saw I was watching uh Captain hb's class I think it was this morning and he was talking about people that are spiritual vampires well they always depress they will suck they always complain that was it they complain they complain they complain they'll suck the life out stay away from people like that 22 one more again but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace longsuffering gentleness goodness Faith meekness temperance against such there is no law meaning there's no law you can pull on a brother or sister that's fulfilling the fruit of the spirit they're keeping the Commandments that's the love they they got joy they got peace in their life they are longsuffering they are gentle they they have goodness they have faith in Christ meekness and Temperance there's no law you can pull to condemn them or show them that they're wrong everybody understand that from there Isaiah 34:16 please hey go back to Galatians 5 I'm sorry I want to keep reading down verse 24 I just looked at it I said let me just read the rest Galatians chapter 5: 24 and they that are Christ have crucified the flesh with the affections and lust so if you're walking in the spirit keeping the Commandments you have Cru crucified the flesh because the flesh is filled with what adultery lies fornication stealing theft uncleanness witchcraft hatred if you walk in in the spirit you have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts go ahead verse 25 if we live in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit if you live in the spirit also walk in the spirit go ahead let us not be desirous of vain Glory brothers sisters sisters don't be desirous of vain Glory go ahead provoking one another envying one another and don't provoke one another to evil or Envy one another don't be jealous of each other everybody understand that all right from Isaiah 34:16 Yuri let's go through this quick Isaiah 34:1 16 seek ye out of the book of the Lord and read the Bible is our manual read no one of these shall fail no one of these prophecies shall fail are you ever get me the precept for that First Kings I think is 8:56 when it says no one of these shall fail this is what it means First Kings 8:56 no one of these shall fail put on the screen First Kings chapter 8 verse 56 blessed be the Lord that hath given rest unto His People Israel according to all that he promised there hath not failed one word of all his good promise which he promised by the hand of Moses his servant y see that they have not failed one word of all his good promise everybody understand that so go back to Isaiah 34:16 now we got the thought seek ye out of the book of the Lord and read read the Bible brothers and sisters go ahead no one of these shall fail they have not failed one word of all his good promises go ahead None Shall want her mate you can't mate the Bible with the Quran you can't mate the Bible with the Gilgamesh epics you can't mate the Bible with the Egyptian Book of the Dead you can't mate the Bible with any scientific book read for my mouth it hath commanded and his Spirit it ha gathered them and he ha and he hath cast a lot for them and his hand ha divided it unto them by ly so the Lord divided the prophets by lying in his Bible Obadiah got a small portion Ezekiel got a large portion Jeremiah got an even bigger portion Isaiah got a large portion give me uh Jude 1 and 20 Jude chapter 1 verse 20 so as you're reading brothers sisters listen good but ye beloved building up yourselves on your Most Holy Faith brothers and sisters I tell y'all to study I tell y'all to pray I tell you to apply you have to build yourself up I can't build up just like you can't build me up it's up to every man and every woman every Israelite man every Israelite woman study to pray and most of all apply because we already read it said God is a god of what brothers knowledge and by him what actions are weighed that's why you got to build yourself up read but ye beloved building up yourselves on your Most Holy Faith praying in the Holy Ghost praying in the Holy Ghost come up keep yourselves in the love of God wait wait read that again keep yourselves in the love of God read that again keep yourselves in the love of God what's the love of God brothers so read that again Yuri keep yourselves in the love of God only you can keep yourselves in the love of God every man and woman I can't keep you in it only you can do that it's your fight your fight not mine mine is different than yours was that a year verse 21 is all I want looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life give me second Peter 1:10 second Peter chapter 1 and verse 10 wait wait wait let me get it yes wherefore there rather Brethren give diligence write this down diligence means persistent work diligence means persistent work read it again Yuri wherefore the rather Brethren give diligence to make your calling and election sure why for if you do these things ye shall never fall you know why some of y'all get caught up with sins because you have idle time you have nothing to do and guess what brothers and sisters there's always something to do this truth is too big there are too many Israelites scattered worldwide the Bible says we number what brothers the sand of the sea you mean and we've not reached most of them most of the world and you have idle time that's why you're in the midst of adultery you're getting put out to school you got all this time free what bro why why a't you do a b and look all this work we got to do go ahead a lot of times they think Esau's work is what they're supposed to be occupied in but it's the Lord's work you're supposed to be occupied in so it's not the same thing don't think you're going to show diligence in Esau's Kingdom you're supposed to show diligence in the Lord's business watch this 2 Corinthians 5:20 remember the Lord is setting up what brothers what is he setting up government watch this 2 Corinthians 5:20 Second Corinthians pay attention pay attention 5 verse 20 now then we are ambassadors for Christ wait can we look up that word ambassadors you can put that on the screen put it on the screen that guy right there he's not an ambassador can we look up Ambassador Elicia or Elicia zoom in I can't can you read that Yuri because I can't see it Ambassador an accredited Diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country Brothers you are an official representative to the kingdom of heaven Jerusalem everybody understand that I I I don't think we understand that read it again Yuri read that again an accredited Diplomat sent by a country the country is Jerusalem go ahead as it's official oh and I'm talking about the real Jerusalem that's Heavenly Jerusalem that's coming on Earth go ahead as it's official representative to a foreign country you are a official represent reprentative to a foreign country that's why the Lord said hey watch this give me that in Jeremiah 1 Yuri I have this day set you over the Nations give me that and we coming right back to 2 Corinthians 5 Jeremiah chapter 1 and verse 10 see I have this day set thee over the Nations he's he told Jeremiah like he said to all the prophets all of us I have set you over the Nations what does that mean you are an ambassador go ahead and over the kingdom and over the kingdoms to root out and to pull down and to destroy and to throw down to build and to plant y'all see that that's our job as ambassadors for Christ that's our job we are official diplomats go back to 2 Corinthians 5: 20 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 20 now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though God did beseech You by us we pray you in Christ stead be ye reconciled to God be reconciled to God meaning repent return to God we are am see we have to start speaking like ambassadors conducting ourselves like ambassadors our pants should not be below our butt we should not look unkempt meaning homeless we should there should in fact there should be nobody in here homeless okay we should all become well studied okay from there give me Isaiah 49 and6 Isaiah 49 verse 6 hey hey hey you know what just popped in my head um I think it's Hebrew jury might be chapter 13 and one that says we seek a country chapter 11 real quick get that cuz I said we're ambassadors for Christ well if you're an ambassador where's your country where is it Hebrews 11:14 Hebrews chapter 11 verse 14 for they that say such things declare plainly so as ambassadors Brothers we must declare plainly go ahead that they seek a country that we seek a country go ahead and truly if they have been mindful of that country from when they came out they might have had opportunity to have returned so we got to let everybody know we seek a country when we go to other country we let them know we seek a country they say what happened to your country you destroyed our country you destroyed the people the our race you destroyed us that's where the prophecy is going to come in Brothers it's going it's going to activate them Angels like deck malakiah was saying in his P class we're going to prophesy what they did to us as the nation of Israel and what's going to happen to them everybody understand that all right Isaiah 49 and verse 6 Isaiah chapter 49 wait can I get it please yes sir I apologize thank you yes sir hey your brothers Bishop say you guys want this what an ambassador is an ambassador when you when you an ambassador you represent something right you represent something there's certain way you cannot join dress any little thing you do what remember you make whatever you represent look bad that's why Bishop some of you don't understand what that mean to represent Christ to represent something think about it you never represent nothing in your life now you you finally you stand for something there's some things believe believe it or not Brothers people is watching you there's certain thing you cannot do there are certain place you cannot go cuz I heard brother said oh uh I want some chicken wings I went to the Hooters brother stop stop there is certain place you cannot be I mean I want you to think about it can the president United State go to just walk in hoods think about it you are higher than the Pres of United States you represent Christ in Earth just think about it for a minute let it sck just just let us s for a minute Isaiah 49:6 Isaiah 49 and verse 6 and he said it is a light thing that thou should us be my servant see what he said it's a light thing for you to be my servant as servants we are ambassadors to do what to raise up the tribes of Jacob our job Brothers sister is to raise up the tribes of Jacob go ahead and to restore the preserved of Israel our job is to preserve the restored of Israel come on I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles the Gentiles are still talking about the Israelites in a gentile state of mind go ahead that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the Earth so that means we must go into the ends of the Earth to gather teach preach everybody understand that 2 Corinthians 10:4 2 Corinthians chapter 10 and verse4 for the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal see that so it has nothing to do with guns sticks or knives that's carnal go ahead but Mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds as we go as ambassadors for Christ as servants we're pulling down strongholds Christianity is a stronghold Islam is a stronghold okay atheist is Aon hold on our some of our people's minds read it again for the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal But Mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations we got to cast down all imaginations you might imagine Christ is white but we going to cast that stupid thought down you might imagine that God ordained Christmas and Valentine's Day we're going to cast that imagination down you might imagine a woman set over the man we're going to cast that dumb thought down down everybody understand that you might imagine it's okay for a woman to show her TNA when she walked down the street we're going to cast that imagination down everybody understand that read casting down imaginations in every High thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God so anything that exalts itself above the Bible our job is to cast it down go ahead and bringing into captivity every thought to the The Obedience of Christ we got to bring every man and every woman's thought to obey God's laws that's what it's talking about read and having in a Readiness to Revenge all Disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled that means we got to start with us first the individual the man in the mirror got to start with him and her first then you could do the rest okay from there Jeremiah 18:9 Jeremiah 18 verse 9 at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to build and to plant it see that and at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to build and to plant it okay read above that start at verse seven ver verse 7 at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to pluck up and to pull down and to destroy it so we're telling America Babylon the great re according to Revelation 18 America shall be burned with fire that's the prophecy it's not my personal feeling my my emotions has nothing to do with in fact when you read about the prophets when they saw it it said they wept their belly trembled they didn't want to be alive when they saw that that's how terrible and Dreadful it was so it has nothing to do with our personal feelings our job is to tell you the prophecy read it again at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to pluck up and to pull down and to destroy it if that Nation against whom I have pronounced turn from their evil I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them that's referring to the nation of Israel us that's us returning to the Lord go ahead and at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to build and to plant it if it do evil in my sight that it obey not my voice then I will repent of the good wherewith I said I will benefit them all that refer to us because what he said to us tearing us down for breaking his laws that judgment now goes on all the other nations from there Jeremiah 24 and6 Jeremiah CH 24:6 for I will set mine Eyes Upon them for good he's setting his eyes upon the Israelites for good that's us go ahead and I will bring them again to this land he said I will bring them again to this land so America is not our final destination go ahead and I will build them God said he will build us and not pull them down he said he will not pull us down and I will plant them he said he will plant us and not pluck them up and not pluck us up go ahead and I will give them an heart to know me so he's going to change our mind that's what's going on now he's changing the way we think the way we act the way we talk go ahead that I am the Lord and they shall be my people and I will be their God for they shall return unto me with their whole Hearts that's the prophecy that we in in the midst of right now from there from there from there Isaiah 62 and6 Isaiah chapter 62 and verse 6 wait wait wait wait go ahead I have set Watchmen upon thy walls oh Jerusalem Brothers you are the Watchman Brothers you are the Watchman not only you ambassadors the Bible calls all of us Watchmen go ahead The Watchmen is the Jews that stand on the castle top and look for the enemy look for see if danger is approaching go ahead which shall never hold their peace the Bible says as Watchmen we are to never hold our pre our peace go ahead day nor night that means we got to do what pray three times a day we got to teach from sun up to sun down this is why we teach three times a day seven days a week people be why y teach so much we're fulfilling prophecy read it again read it again read it again I have said Watchmen upon thy walls oh Jerusalem which shall never hold their peace day nor night ye that make mention of the Lord keep not silence keep not silent why go ahead and give him no rest Give the Lord no rest till he establish until he establish until he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth and until he make Jerusalem Jerusalem a praise in the earth yet so we ought to give him what Brothers No Rest no rest rest am understand that that means pray and we got to teach and pray and teach and pray and teach and pray and teach Give the Lord no rest from there from there give me 1 Peter 2:12 first Peters verse2 first Peter wait wait wait wait I'm slow goad 1 Peter chap 2:12 having your conversation honest among the Gentiles now yes that Gentile means all people in a gentile state of mind but what we always tend to forget notice having your conversation what's that word Brothers honest honest honest some of us in here are natural born Liars read it again having your conversation honest among the Gentiles watch this that whereas they speak against you as evildoers all the Gent our people in the Gentile State of Mind who's following the white man they speak evil against us Israel noted in that's a hate group they ain't right they murder people they rape people they don't have jobs read that part again Yuri whereas they speak against you as evildoers they may by your good works they said wait wait a minute wait a minute they teaching family they teaching order in the family the husband and wife together the husband is the head of the house raise them children properly man get a job man don't work he don't eat education learn your history they cleaning up the the communities literally they got missing persons posters everywhere what do you talk about hate group what what are you talking about doing youth violence seminars oh you mad because they're telling you the truth about history that what America did to the ancestors oh so that's why they're a hate group oh you mad you mad read that again you read having your conversation honest among the Gentiles that whereas they speak against you as evildoers they make by your good works by your good works which they Shall Behold they're going to be that's why Deacon Malachi was saying Malachi was saying you're always being watched whether it's at your job at your home on the street you are always being watched somebody knows you're an Israelite brothers and sisters Somebody's Watching You So read that part again they may what which they Shall Behold glorify God in the day of visitation why why would they glorify God in the day of visitation because they watched your example they watched your example this brother this sister I've watched them for months almost a dag on year I never told them I'm watching them but I watched them and I listened to that honest conversation I watched the way they conduct themselves maybe there's something to that bible let me check it out I'm I'm g go to the school I'm I'mma than and I thank the Lord he brought that brother and that sister into my life you y'all understand what that's saying from the there second Peter 2 1 Peter 3:16 1 Peter 3:16 1 Peter chapter 3:1 16 listen good remember as ambassadors listen good having a good conscience having a good conscience that whereas they speak evil of you as of evildoers brothers sisters they're going to speak evil of us as evildoers they go remember they call Christ uh bbub uh a king of the of Lord of the Flies Lord of the Flies Christ said if they call me names how much more they going to call you murderers Liars you thieves oh you're homosexual you're all homosexuals if you were purple if you were friend you're homosexual really come on read that again having a good conscience that whereas they speak evil of you as of evildoers they may be ashamed they will be ashamed come on that falsely accuse your good convers ation in Christ that's why I a worried about these other Israelite camps they will be ashamed in that day every last one of them because they don't know the Bible they'll read right through this and don't understand what they're reading oh yeah you you purple homosexual all you [ __ ] all of you and you you murder people shut up that's why we all got to have a good conscience I got a good conscience I know we ain't murdering nobody and I know we ain't a group of homosexuals I ain't worried about that the hell is this where at second Peter 2:10 second Peter wait for you to get this second Peter 2:10 yes sir second Peter chapter 2:10 but chiefly them that walk after the Flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise government presump Sumptuous are they self-willed that are not afraid to speak evil of dignities let's read that again now but chiefly them that walk after the flesh so walking after the flesh we read that in Galatians 5 walking after the flesh fornication hatred witchcraft uh what do it say uncleanness what else did it say emulations variances lasciviousness drunkenness things of that nature read it again Yuri but chiefly them that walk after the Flesh in the lust of uncleanness and what do they do and despise government guess whose government Peter's talking about that they despise God's government Christ's government they despise that thing they speak evil against it go ahead presumptuous are they they are presumptuous go ahead self will self will go ahead they are not afraid to speak evil of dignity give me another word for dignities Brothers ambassadors they ain't they ain't worried about speaking against the Bishops the deacons the captains the office to hell with you [ __ ] we G to stand outside school and curse you out that's what this is talking about they speak against Christ government and they're not afraid to speak evil of the dignities of Christ the ambassadors I know dign the word dignity hey can we look that word up dignity on the screen it's hard for black people dignity brother I ain't got no dignity girl I drink your bath water you have no dignity what mean Judah the hell is this yeah read that dignity one formal Reserve or seriousness of manner appearance or language two the quality or state of being worthy honored or esteemed three a high rank office or position Ambassador mm a legal title of nobility or honor see that do yall see that Brothers dignity it said they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities that during that time it was the apostles and the disciples and Christ now we got the Bishops deacons captains officers soldiers people ain't a going to speak Evil all this that's what the scriptures say everybody see that right don't worry though Daniel no give me Jeremiah 316 brother you don't mention northern kingdom I ain't mentioned northern kingdom in a while but today I'm going to mention northern kingdom I got a lot of history in northern kingdom I'm bring out soon not today though Northern K be moving slow that's why Jeremiah chapter 31 verse six verse six watch this watch this watch this for there shall be a day that the Watchmen upon the Mount Ephraim so Ephraim our Watchmen as well go ahead shall cry they shall cry what arise ye and let us go up to Zion unto the Lord Our God so the Watchmen are going to be saying repent let's wake up and return to Zion go ahead for thus sayeth the Lord sing with gladness for Jacob and Shout among the chief of the Nations and among the Nations shout this go ahead publish ye praise ye and say oh Lord save thy people the remnant of Israel notice what it says right there it says and Shout among the chief of the Nations one of the chief Nations now is America is one of the chiefest of Nations then it says publish ye praise ye and say what oh Lord save thy people the remnant of Israel it didn't say Save All Nations on the planet Earth he said go among the Nations and say save the remnant of Israel everybody see that read verse eight behold I will bring them from the North Country I will bring them from North America go ahead and gather them from the coast of the Earth the coast of the earth is like Puerto Rico Santo Domingo go ahead and with them the Blind and the lame the woman with child and her that travaileth with child together a great company shall return there so the prophecy is a great company of Ephraim shall return there read read fast they shall come with weeping and with supplications will I lead them I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way wherein they shall not stumble for I am a father to Israel and Ephraim is my first born meaning Ephraim is my Heir go ahead hear the word of the Lord oh ye nations and declare it in the AES of far and say he that scattered Israel will gather him he that gathered Israel will SC will gather him go ahead and keep him as a Shepherd doeth his flock for the Lord hath redeemed Jacob and ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger than he so he's going to Ransom us from the white man the white man is the one that's stronger than us with his military everybody see it read it again read it again for the Lord have redeemed Jacob and ransome him from the hand of him that was stronger than he so the Lord is going to Ransom us he's going to destroy Babylon and Deliver Us from all the nations that have us captives cuz all these nations are stronger than us we are the Unseen government that has no power no military okay no economic power no political power we have no power at all except this Bible and brother that's all we need Amos 911 y'all could have put all that on the screen why you'all wait till after the the point is past to put it on the screen yes these are they that are stronger than us these are the Nations that's stronger than us so Amos 911 Amos chapter 9 9 verse 11 in that day will I raise up the Tabernacle of David that is fallen so the Tabernacle of David is being raised up now go ahead and close up the breaches thereof God is closing up the breaches thereof and I will raise up his ruins and I will build it as in the days of old you hear that part right there he's going to rebuild Israel as in the days of old that means the 12 tribes ruling the Earth go ahead that they may possess the remnant of Edom we are going to possess the [ __ ] the white man we are going to best possess him go ahead and of all the can I can I get some some chains on the screen can I get some of the can I get some captivity on the screen [Music] please okay thank you put on the screen please y read that one more again verse 12 come on that they may possess the remnant of Edom y'all can change the picture now and all the Heathen and all the Heathen which are called by my name the ones that's called by God's name is Jews and Christians that's what it means those called by my name they all going into captivity every last one of them that's what the did we just read that in the Bible read it again that they may possess the remnant of Edom and of all the Heathen which are called by my name sayeth the Lord that doeth this was that it yes sir go to acts 15 I'm going to show you the same thing in the New Testament where we going acts 15:15 Acts chapter 15 and verse 15 and this agree the words of the prophets as it is written watch this after this I will return and will build again the Tabernacle of David which is fallen down and I will build again the ruins thereof and I will set it up so yall see that it's saying the same exact thing that's what the apostles and them were all about rebuilding the Tabernacle of David that was falling down okay from there Jeremiah 33:7 Jeremiah chapter 33 in verse 7 and I will cause the Captivity of Judah and the Captivity of Israel to return watch this and will build them as at the first do y'all see that he will build us again as at the first that's the prophecy okay Isaiah 126 Isaiah 1: 26 and I will restore thy judges as at the first the first is talking about from the time of Moses that's what it's talking about go ahead and thy counselors as at the beginning and thy counselors as at the beginning from there Jeremiah 30:19 so we got to remember as ambassadors our job is to remind our people from whence we have fallen and where we are going and let the Nations know judgment is coming for them based on what they did to our people everybody understand that Jeremiah 30 and 19 Jeremiah 30 and verse 19 and out of them shall proceed Thanksgiving and the voice of them that make Mary so out of us shall proceed Thanksgiving and a voice that makes marry go ahead and I will multiply them God said I will multiply them and they shall not be few we going to fill this Earth brothers and sisters go ahead I will also glorify them and they shall not be small we will not be small we won't be small in number or stature everybody understand that come on their children also shall be as a four time their children shall be as a four time meaning as in the beginning go ahead and their congregation shall be established before me and I will punish all that oppress them highlight that part right there and I will punish all that oppress them yall hear that come on and their nobles shall be of themselves see that the our nobl shall be of our own people we're not going to have Nobles or diplomats of other races other nations read that part again and their nobles shall be of themselves and their governor our what governor our governor go ahead shall proceed from the midst of them and that's Christ go ahead and I will cause him to draw near and he shall approach unto me for who is this that that engage his heart to approach unto me sayeth the Lord and ye shall be my people and I will be your God watch this behold the Whirlwind of the Lord go go forth with Fury the Whirlwind of the Lord Goes Forth with Fury go ahead A continuing Whirlwind M it shall fall with pain upon the head of the wicked so there's going to be constant judgment upon the wicked go ahead the fierce anger of the Lord shall not return the fierce anger of the Lord shall not return me be be undone it will not go ahead until he have done it until he have done the fierce anger go ahead and until he have performed the intents of his heart when in the latter days ye shall cons it so don't be looking for no sky in a pie No Sunshine for the Nations it says in the latter days you shall consider it that's why when we prophesy things happen things pop off amongst the Nations okay Daniel 7 and9 we almost done Daniel 7 and9 Daniel chapter 7 and verse 9 I beheld till the Thrones were cast down so what is D Daniel saying I beheld to the kingdoms of the world were thrown down I beheld and saw America thrown down I beheld and saw Britain thrown down China thrown down Saudi Arabia thrown down Iran thrown down India thrown down Pakistan thrown down Europe thrown down Germany thrown down France thrown down every nation thrown down that's what Daniel said read that one more again one more again I like that thing I beheld till the Thrones were cast down uhhuh and the Ancient of Days did sit that's the Lord and the Ancient of Days did sit M whose garment was white as snow he has a garment on if he got a garment he has a body go ahead and the hair of then excuse me garment was white as snow and the hair of his head like the pure wool and the hair of his head like what the pure wool the what the pure wool so what is God Brothers a black man you got that right hey read was that it Yuri his throne was like the fiery flame and his wheels as burning fire MH a firey stream issued and came forth so you can't just walk up to the Lord talking about hey Lord let me have a conversation with you that don't happen there's order there's rank there's structure in front of the Lord is thermal fire all around him read it again a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him thousands th thousand thousands ministered unto him and 10,000 time 10,000 stood before him the Judgment was set and the books were open the books were open go ahead I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake that horn is America stop right there I didn't want to get into America today from there Daniel 2 and 30 I need y'all to pay close attention to this close attention did y'all put that on the screen I like that put it on the screen y'all wait till the moment has passed that's Daniel 7:9 but they we've just finished it all right so where we going now oh Daniel 2 can y'all give me the next image please next image let's put this on the screen no not me nope yep right there put on the screen we're going to read about in Daniel 2 where the king had a dream about an image and Daniel is explaining to him what this dream means so Daniel 2 let's start at verse 30 for time sake Daniel chapter 2:30 but as for me this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living that's Daniel speaking go ahead but for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king and that thou mightest know the thoughts of thy heart thou oh King sawest and behold a great image you saw a great image go ahead this great image whose brightness was excellent stood before thee and the form thereof was terrible M the image's head was a fine gold the image his head was a fine gold go ahead his breast and his arms of silver his belly and his thighs of brass his legs of iron his feet part of iron and part of clay thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands which smoked the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay and broke them to Pieces then was the iron the clay the brass the silver and the gold broke into pieces together and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors and the wind carried them away that no place was found for them and the stone that smoke the image uhuh not yet we ain't getting can I can I'mma tell you thank you stay there go ahead and the stone that smoked the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth this is the dream and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king so now he's going to break it down for him go ahead thou oh King are a king of kings for the god of Heaven ha given the a kingdom power and strength and glory and wheresoever the children of men dwell the Beast of the field in the fils of the heaven hath he given into thine hand and hath made thee ruler over them all thou art this head of gold so Nebuchadnezzar represents Babylon the great the head of gold 605 to 539 BC everybody see that right go ahead and after the shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee so the kingdom that came up next was Persia media 539 to 331 BC y'all see that right and another third Kingdom of brass which shall bear rule over all the Earth that was the Greeks under Alexander the Greek 331 to 1 what does that say 168 BC okay come on verse 40 and the fourth Kingdom shall be strong as iron for as much y'all can give me the next image go ahead for as no no no put that in yeah I like but give me go back to the other one it's important go back yes keep going and the fourth Kingdom shall be strong as iron for as much as iron breth in pieces and subdueth all things and as iron that breth all these shall it break in pieces and Bru so that next Kingdom was Rome 168 BC to 193 ad okay some uh Scholars say 476 but 476 it was our people was ruling at that time so that's why we say 193 ad that's when Septimus Severus overthrew the Roman Empire and they sat on the throne Jake sat on the throne go ahead and whereas thou sawest the feet feet and Toes now we're looking at the feet and Toes part of Potter's clay and part of iron so write this down the feet is America and Britain the toes is NATO I forgot to put Britain there but America's a foot Britain's another foot then you got the EU NATO that's the 10 toes read that part again and whereas thou sawest the feet and Toes part of Potter's clay and part of iron the kingdom shall be divided mm but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron for as much as thou sawest the iron mixed with myy Clay it's going to break it down for us go ahead and as the toes of the feet were part of iron part of iron because the military here in America is strong go ahead and part of clay part of clay he didn't break that down yet so I'm going wait till he explains it so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly broken he's going to explain why go ahead and whereas thou sawest iron mixed with myy clay what does that myy clay represent read they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men all nations are here all nations are here the seed of men is here go ahead but they shall not cleave one to another there will be no true solidarity this is why you see races and Nations pop up what about this what about that there will be no true cohesion here in America or in Britain it's not going to happen read that part again but they shall not cleave one to another even as iron is not mixed with clay m and in the days give me the next image next image yes let me look at it yep yep yep read and in the days of these Kings yeah this is what I want yall to listen good to go ahead shall the god of Heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed in the days of these kings in the days of America in the days of NATO it's it's not destroyed yet America Amica ain't destroyed yet 44 read again and in the days of these Kings shall the god of Heaven set up a kingdom this is what you're seeing now like we read in Psalms 50 I will set them in order before your eyes because Israel is in this Kingdom we are an unseen government being established right before their eyes read again read again 44 and in the days of these Kings shall the god of Heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed this is why we are so bold to say white man you can't stop this it don't matter who he kill amongst us he can't stop this truth this teaching if just one of you are Left Alive the Lord going to start out he going to bring it the word all out again y better understand what I'm saying he cannot stop this this is like that Mustard Seed Christ spoke about he said in the end this is the greatest seed of all seeds read that again and in the days of these Kings shall the god of Heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed and the kingdom shall not be left to other people you know what that mean your white friend ain't going to rule with us your Arab friend ain't ruling with us your East Indian friend ain't ruling with us read it again read that part again and what and the kingdom shall not be left to other people that that explains what about the white man what about the other nations this it's not going to be their Kingdom it's not for them read again and the kingdom shall not be left to other people but why go ahead but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms wait wait what are we going to do to other nations read that part again but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms America shall be broken and consumed Britain shall be broken and consumed the United the EU European Union shall be broken and consumed NATO shall be broken and consumed none of those nations are ruling with us in the coming Kingdom it's our kingdom read that again read that again and the kingdom shall not be left to other people uhhuh but it shall break in pieces read put the put the next one on the on the ground on the ground I me read on Yuri I'm sorry yes sir but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever give me the you see it shall stand for give me the next picture right now read verse 45 for as much as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hand who's this Stone Brothers this stone is Christ hey give me the precept give me the one where is it Isaiah 8 I forgot 16:14 and there's one in Peter give me the one in Peter then give me that one find me one in Peter keep that on the screen and it's one in Corinthians 10 that Christ is that rock I like that 10 in uh 3 4 read that Yuri I'm in First Peter you're in First Peter sir okay you can read that but then I want 1 Corinthians 10:42 yes sir go ahead 1 Peter chapter 2 and verse 7 unto you therefore which believe he is pre he is precious but unto them which be disobedient the stone which the builders disallowed the same is made the head of the corner and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense even to them which stumble at the word being disobedient which unto also they were appointed okay give me 1 Corinthians 10:4 1 Corinthians chapter 10 and verse4 and did all drink the same spiritual drink for they drank of their spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was Christ that rock is who Brothers CHR that rock was who Brothers all right hey hey Ephesians 2:20 Ephesians chapter 2:20 and are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief Corner Stone he's a chief Corner what brothers Chief Corner what brothers Chief Corner what brothers let's go back to Daniel Daniel 2:45 Daniel chapter 2 verse 45 for as much as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it break in pieces the iron give me the next picture go ahead read the brass uhhuh the clay CL the silver and the gold the great God had made known to the king what shall come to pass Hereafter and the dream is certain the dream is certain and the interpretation thereof sure give me the next one next picture no not that one we goingon to get to minut that one that's the one so cuz the feet and the toes and all that represents all that we discussed today in the feet also goes into what we went through with Subs slave trade trans Atlantics it's all in the feat okay that's the latter end of this Kingdom and Christ the stone is said he's going to destroy all these Kingdom can you read verse 45 again for us for as much as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it break in pieces the iron the brass the clay the silver and the gold the great God have made known to to the king what shall come to pass Hereafter and the dream is certain dream is certain and the interpretation thereof sure now give me Zechariah 8:13 we're almost done we're almost done Zechariah 8:13 watch this I need y'all to make sure yall put this in your artillery Zechariah 8 verse 13 and it shall come to pass that as he were a curse among the Heathen that as were we were cursed among the Heathen oh house of Judah oh house of Judah and House of Israel and House of Israel so will I save you so will I save you go ahead and ye shall be a blessing fear not but let your hands be strong Fe not brothers and sisters but let your hands be y why is that picture still on the screen take it down thank y'all did you finish that Yuri yes sir read the verse again and you make me forget my thought goad and it shall come to pass that as he were a curse among the Heathen oh house of Judah and House of Israel so will I save you and ye shall be a bless so he's not saving all nations we got to kill that thought now he's not saving all nations read and ye shall be a blessing fear not but let your hands be strong Brothers the Lord said fear not why does he say fear not because we're going to have opposition he said fear not but only let your hands be wrong everybody understand that read was that it Yuri yes sir Jeremiah 46:27 Jeremiah chter 46 verse 27 uhhuh but fear not thou oh my servant Jacob and be not dismayed oh Israel for behold I will will save thee from AAR off I will save thee from a far off watch this and thy seed from the land of their captivity and thy seed from the land of their captivity and Jacob shall return Jacob shall return and be in rest we going to be in rest go ahead and at ease and we going to be at ease and None Shall make him afraid nobody's going to make us afraid ever ever again watch this read fear thou not oh Jacob my servant sayeth the Lord for I am with the for I will make a full end of all the nations wait wait read that again for what for I will make a full end of all the nations so brothers sisters y'all so worried about the other nations God said I'm GNA make a full end of them oh he's not savior he said I'm going make an end of them read that again fear thou not oh Jacob my servant sayeth the Lord for I am with thee for I will make a full end of all the nations with I have driven thee but I will not make a full end of thee but correct thee in measure yet will I not leave thee holy unpunished I want yall to notice the difference between us and the Nations he said I will make a full end of all the nations where I have driven thee but I will not make a full end of you Israelites we always going to be around Other Nation see the first thought you might have or that just means he's going to take away their power oh it's deeper than that when he says he's going to make a full end of them he means exactly what he says here's the precept I'm going give you two precepts second asra 9:22 get mad go call your mama now but my mama Edomite okay your mama Edomite my aunt Edomite my uncle Edomite my my aunt married a Edomite okay too damn bad watch this 2 Ezra 9:22 the Lord already say he going to make a full end of those Nations now here's a precept let the multitude perish then which was born in vain read it again let the multitude perish then which was born in vain that's why the Lord said your thoughts ain't my thoughts you want to forgive everybody and forget that ain't what the Bible says he said let the multitude perish then that was born in vain they are nothing brothers and sisters That's What God Says was that it Yuri and let my grape be kept and where the grape the elect where the Grape let my grape be kept and my plant and my plant for with great labor for with great Labor have I made it perfect God has made us perfect with great labor was that it Yuri yes sir here's another precept I'm give you another precept I'm going to go to the last book of the Bible and give you Revelation 20 and 15 is it Revelation chapter 20 verse1 15 and whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire wait a minute wait a minute I want to know who's written in the book of give me Daniel 12:1 who's written in the book I'm curious Daniel 12:1 and at that time shall Michael stand up the great Prince which standeth for the children of thy people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a was a nation even to that same time and at that time thy people shall be delivered everyone that shall be found written in the book so can I get a bomb on that who's Daniel's people Brothers the Israelites it says everyone that shall be found written in the book I'm going give you another precept in case you're doubting I know some of you are Christians Isaiah 4:3 I'm a Christian I don't know if I accept that the hell with you this is ludicrous I've never heard this before read that again Isaiah chapter 4 verse3 listen up and it shall come to pass that he that is left in Zion and he that remaineth in Jerusalem Shall be Called holy even everyone that is written among the living in Jerusalem in where Jerusalem only the Israelites is written Brothers now let's go back to Revelation again what was that 20 and uh 15 Revelation 20:1 15 and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the Lake of Fire see a lot of them scared only five people clapping five of y'all understand that group right there get it the rest back there is confused the captains are confused what are you talking about I got friends at job my job does good to me master show been good to me what do you mean they going to be done away with they going to be done away with brothers sisters every last one of them I know you ain't never heard that before we s we in with slavery oh yeah they go to slavery y'all deal with that but now we're going to go past slavery what happens at the very end they're all done away with every last one of them give me the Book of Micah I know I said we done before but we almost done Micah 4 and one hope yall taking good to good notes Christianity ain't going to share with you what we just shared with you Micah 4 verse1 now listen good because the kingdom shall be established the Unseen government the nation of Israel the true nation of Israel shall be established and here's the prophecy go ahead but in the last days is wait and when the last days wait wait wait let me see who's thinking what did we wait read it read it read it read it again but in the last days it shall come to pass that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountain stop didn't we I ain't going to ask y'all cuz I might get annoyed didn't we just read in the Book of Daniel chapter 2 he said in the days of those kings shall the mountain of the Lord's House be established didn't we just read that and it shall break in pieace all those kingdoms we're in that time right don't fear Brothers just be strong read that again but in the last days it shall come to pass that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountain and it shall be exalted above the hills and it shall be exalted above the hill meaning the smaller governments go ahead and people shall flow unto it and the people is the Israelites shall flow unto to it go ahead and many nations shall come and say come and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord these are the remnant of the Israelites coming up to the mountain of the Lord and say what into the house of the god of Jacob cuz we going to have the top economy on the planet go ahead and he will teach us of his ways and we will walk in his paths for the law shall go forth of Zion see that what's going to be taught the law shall go forth of Zion uhhuh in the word of the the Lord from Jerusalem come on and he shall judge among many people see now comes the other nations read and rebuke strong nations of far off this what we read about that stone going to break them in pieces go ahead and they shall beat their swords into plow shell and their Spears into pruning hooks Nation shall not lift up a sword against Nation neither shall they learn War anymore everybody talking about they want peace on Earth there will be no peace on Earth until the 12 tribes of Israel are established again in this earth that's what the Bible said we just read that that's what we just read read that again the bottom year Nation shall not Nation shall not lift up a sword against Nation neither shall they learn War anymore come on but they shall sit every man under his Vine and under his fig tree and None Shall make them afraid none going to make us afraid go ahead for the mouth of the Lord of hosts have spoken now listen good to this part for all people will walk everyone in the name of his God and we will walk in the name of the Lord Our God forever and ever what does it mean all people will walk in the name of his God give me that Psalms 82 and 6 Psalms 82:6 come on here you could put those on the screen bro come on you always wait till the moment is passed read Psalm 82:6 I have said ye are God I have said what ye are God God said we are Gods read and all of you are children of the most high and all of us are children of the most high come on but ye shall die like men but we have died like men we're in slavery right now go ahead and fall like one of the princes we have fallen like one of the princes go back to Micah 4 that last verse again yes sir Micah 4: 5 for all people will walk everyone in the name of his God so that you know what that implies what that's saying remember Christ said Well Done thou good and faithful servant Luke 19 be thou Lord over 10 cities be thy Lord over five be thy Lord over two everyone's going to follow you you will be their God they will worship you and you will give them orders and you will return to the Lord the king of King and Lord Lord of lords and give you cuz why you will be the ambassador on a whole another level everybody understand that thing I don't think we get it but that's what it's saying I know they don't get it some of them SC huh the hell is this me a God no that's impossible what about the other nations real quick I'm L going to go through this quick I know yall looking at why I got it looking like a square why do those pictures look at the Kingdom looking like a square there's a reason can you put why do you I'm talking about the picture they take it off the screen give me the next picture please okay here's another one you see everybody going down to it give me the next picture give me the next picture give me the next picture the next picture that's the last one oh okay so now I'm me we going to get back to these pictures in a moment what about the other nations you we want to go through this no we read that already give me Revelation 21:12 we're going to read down to 16 Revelation 21:12 so the question put those images back on the screen please come on Yuri and had a wall great and high so the kingdom the capital of the Earth shall have a wall great and high go ahead and it had 12 gates there's going to be 12 gates come on and at the gates 12 angels and there's going to be 12 angels at these Gates come on and names written thereon uh-huh which are the names of the 12 tribes of the children of Israel so only all names All Nations going names going to be on the kingdom brothers sisters go ahead on the East three gates so there's going to be three gates like Judah Benjamin Le go ahead on the north three gates like Ephraim Simeon Zebulon go ahead on the south three gates like isachar Nali uh give me another Zebulon did I say Zebulon already go ahead manessa go ahead and on the west three gates and on the west three another three tribes go ahead and the wall of the city had 12 foundations there's going to be 12 foundations go ahead and in them the names of the 12 Apostles of the land CU those 12 Apostles are going to be the top of the 14 4 I'm going to say it again those 12 will be the leaders of the 144 meaning they're in it but they're the top guys everybody understand go ahead verse 15 and he that talked with me had a golden Reed to measure the city in the gates thereof and the wall thereof watch this and the city lith Four Square the city lies four square and the length is as as large as the bread so the length of the city is as the same distance as the height of the city go ahead and he measured the city with the re 12,000 Furlong 12 write this down 12,000 furlongs is 1500 miles 1500 miles read the length and the breadth and the height of it are equal y'all see that part right there the length and the breadth and the height of it are equal that's why we have it looking like that this is our carnal fles especially mine you know the Lord's going to do it in the whole he already said I cannot see or ears here or heard eyes can't see ear hasn't heard what God has prepared for those that love him so this is our carnal imagination give me the next one Elijah I mean Elisha these are the next these are just what we came up with trying to figure out what it might look like okay you the next one all the people coming up Israel coming from everywhere we're going to have the top economy okay was that delici that's some good stuff right there so Brothers finally my brethren and all his oh 12 tries 12 tribes 12 tribes and with that we say shalom always mess that [Applause] [Music] up amen all praise to most high Bishop Bishop Bishop see those are the class that's what I telling you earlier those are the class that's revive their soul those are a class that keep you until you come back again sweet yeah those those things straighten you man yeah those class build you Faith cuz I know some of you know something do you got weak those things strengthen you back cuz sometime you make yourself you know sit and play your mind are you really the one you really those class we assure you the kingdom is for us get this out of the hand [Applause] man you got you got uh oh you got it yes sir yes sir let's get the Lord a hand for that class one more time that thing was [Applause] fire all right all right let's get to the announcements uh let's pull up the first one uh in iuic see Ghana I'll read this first says iuic Ghana held a community cleanup in Kumasi Ghana the brothers clean up trash and performed Law lawn work and a local neighborhood the reception from the locals was very positive one of the house owners in the community was so impressed with the cleanup that he is now interested in visiting the school all praises to the most high play that Shalom is most high in Christ blessed ISAC here with Captain we are in Kumasi Ghana we're doing a community cleanup which you know is one of our many Outreach programs to show the people that we do care about the communities that we live in um there are many churches surrounding in this area where we're at none of the pastors taught to themselves to come out and do exactly what we're do right to help build up these communities they're waiting for ES to come and do we all know es is not going to do that especially here so we took it upon ourselves to come out and organize this community clean up to help clean up our neighborhoods all right Lord's willing y'all stay tuned we got more footage coming all right shalom shalom all praises to the most high they putting in work y'all see what we do all around the world uh the next one will be iuic Jamaica uh let me read it first it says help us reach out to Israel scattered throughout Oceana Cyprus and Beyond oh wait that's part of the uh no no no my fault that's part of the um the gun I believe the diaspora read uh Play that video [Music] all right that was it okay all Praises all Praises all right so now let's get to the iuic Jamaica video that was my fault uh iuic Jamaica uh was in Spanish Town conducted a community cleanup to show an example of righteousness and change Flyers were passed out and the word edified the people mandaville and Montego Bay camp had theirs as well let's play that [Music] [Music] videoy [Music] so we here again we Israel United in and we just finished our fundraising SL cleanup campaign and we are in Spanish Town we think we do a real good job and and and and the the mission was successful so all praises to the most high we come out you with and we get the job done hey all Praises Benji in the spirit all praise to the most high uh we're going to go to the next one another diaspora commercial the Gathering of the 12 tribes continues email us today [Music] hey all praises to the most high all right we're going to go to the the next one the missing persons one let me read this it says the prophets of iuic Barbados have completed their very first person first missing person's flyer Mission some of the soldiers went out in the surrounded communities to hand out missing person's Flyers we even got the chance to speak with the father of one of the missing persons and as per usual the most high got the Victory and his word went out give a hand for the soldiers who did the work and we look forward to our next mission in the near future Let's Play that video say Christ blessed my name is we on the missing person fire mission and we here with actually one of the individuals that was missing but his father able to speak with his father directly and hence we asking permission for us to take out and be a to look for his son so we're going speak to Father directly so you're the father of this person that missing here right sir right and how long this Miss right you will you will you can back get anywhere so you know we here looking for said when one is missing all is missing we One Nation Nation Israel so that Shalom CHR bless shalom shalom Israel most high Christ bless my name is from I barbad we have just reputed the missing person by a mission in the area of Van call S Michael we have spoken to one of the parents of the person who missing able to shers From the Block so the uel with me is Soldier manessa and Soldier most high CH bless oh praise to the most ah you don't see other kevs doing that that remind me of Judith 824 we showing the example our people's hearts depend on us all right so next video uh captain aiel and iuct aana to sit down with a Christian Pastor who claims that his church is not Mormon but believes the Book of Mormon this book states that dark skin is a curse the pastor could not answer biblical questions that our people desperately need tune in to the full video that will be dropping soon let's play that foree all Praises all Praises all right let's pull up the next one it says the prophets of the Lord hit the borders of Mexico and the USA at the border Blitz biggest nor northern kingdom Blitz as of yet two camps full of Mighty Men from multiple schools hitting both the El Paso and Warz border many fliers were passed out as always opposition was present but when has the Lord ever lost a battle subscribe to El Paso on all social media platforms let's play that [Music] the of the I car my my back my stuck in the track no time to relax keeping my mind on theing the St been sh been patient through all of my through all of [Music] my [Music] man northern kingdom on fire all praise to the most high all Praises uh pull up the Ethiopia ad you put that on the screen all right the gospel is spreading throughout the four corners of the earth like wildfire this is history in the making we need everyone to subscribe to iuic arria and iuic Ethiopia on YouTube right so make sure you get your phones out and go subscribe to the channel now Psalms 19 and3 there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard subscribe now Israel subscribe now all right uh next video two Heavy Hitters from original royalty will be performing the first ever righteous versus Battle Jal versus Z zah will be showcasing their hottest produced tracks is going down Live in OKC this year for the Feast of Tabernacles make sure you register before it's too late let's Play that video just affect the people insects inss a come come back oh hey Shalom most high Christ bless hey Shalom most high Christ bless what man just watching some old Tabernacle promos man get Myer Spirit right you going to be in the OKC this year for Tabernacles right yeah yeah man that's what I was calling you for and since Oklahoma is hosting Tabernacles and it's the 20th year we got to do a big this year son okay okay okay what you thinking what you got up yo I'm thinking we should do a versus a verse versus like like me vers you we versing yeah man between me and you but it's got to be your hottest tracks against my hottest tracks H that's that's a little different that's a little different that's a little H all right all right hey you know what let's do it I think I think the people like that let's do it yeah man don't worry just Matthew 18 me when I wi all right don't worry about it me Matthew 18 you you mean after I win I hope you don't Matthew 18 me yeah we'll see man all right yo most high Christ blessed all right we'll see all right shalom [Music] it's hey y crazy make sure you register make sure you register for Tabernacles in OKC all right next video next video uh it says calling all 12 tribes worldwide it's time to put an end to the great debate on which tribe serves the best plate send your original recipes to the Hebrews Journal now play that let's play that the Hebrews Journal presents food Vibes which tribe do you think has the best cuisine in Israel some say Benjamin and some is we'll let the debate in now because it's time to send in recipes that is send in your entries to Hebrew Journal at israelunite.org be sure to include your full name Camp dish name and image of the dish a full ingredient list preparation instructions and a little history on your dish let the badest tribe stand hey all prais I know I'm Judah but I have to say Benji get down I'mma just throw that out there Benji definitely gets down um let's go all right can y'all hear me is it better now all right all right uh let's pull up the customer care let's pull that up all right uh Shalom we are committed to enhancing your security and improving your overall user experience we sincerely appreciate your ongoing patience as we strive to enhance our capabilities you no longer have to reach out you no longer need need to reach out to a bishop Deacon or Captain For assistance with iuic TV issues we have established a dedicated customer care team ready to assist you with all your technical concerns you can reach out to us at 8554842636 more all praise to the most high the replay feature is also back so you can now catch up on the latest episode of shout out Tuesday all Praises all right [Applause] Shalom all right let's go to the next thing the curse of Miriam uh let's pull that up the imagery uh imagery is essential to our people within a within the restoration of the decayed estate of Israel we are commanded to install the breath of the history of our ancestors and our children if you are tired of the whitewashing of of our Biblical imagery support your nation the people of the Bible are back and they're black and they are the blacks Hispanics and Native Indians donate to the curse of Miriam today at Matthew 23.com all right now pull up the little lights little lights casting call please reach out to your local it lead for the link to sign up all right we still uh calling for that so make sure to reach out to your local it lead all right uh next thing will be iic mobile iuic mobile was invited to a reality over religion gun solution panel there were many different religious backgrounds from noi pan-africanism and the Christian Church the word of God went out strong Lord's will one repent we were also invited back for future sitd Downs all right let's Play that video shom chist best officer mobile hey we invited today here in P Florida to a gun violence solution God remember we forget we forget the SL we forget the rap we forget the burn we forget we've been looking good losing if I'm a G what you think I'm my G acach if I'm adult what you think I'm teach my kids don't say so we can't we can't teach that a man can teach something but no no we got to teach what God say okay the second question is family and in order to have a family okay if I'm a family man when I'm going to go to teach my kids exact keep God command sustain a marriage we need to be about there you go that's all hey all Praises all praise to the most high all right let's pull up the next one uh iuic Orlando was invited to a second chance event for our brothers and sisters returning from prison the gospel was given and many bridges were built with other community leaders Let's Play that video brother ands that are reentering Society from the prison uhry we were able to speak and provide solution to people miss remp a redemp a redemp we I'm on the flight how about the what is you say isite think it's a game now we ain't playing we fight that's why we always we here in all your local building relationship the community you can have all the physical things that you may need but you must live by the word of God all praise to the most high all Praises all right next video iuic Colombia crashes The Hope For Tomorrow Justice walk showing our people who are the true pillars of the community and teaching that change only comes from the application of the word of God the people were AED at the unity and discipline and asked us to lead the March the word did not go out void Lord's will one Soul repent subscribe now to iuic Columbia YouTube Let play that new tonight A Stop the Violence event and March was held today in Spartenburg people gathered at Duncan Park to honor local mothers whose Sons were killed by gun violence my son was killed in July the 25th 2021 and it's unsolved case he says there's no Truth No Mercy nor knowledge of God in this land it's definitely some searching it still has to be done like for as a community I mean it's hard to get anybody to come together to want to do anything thing for as police department you know they don't do the bare minimum but we really haven't had nobody to come out and really you know just be on our side and just go deep deep and hard like we want several nonprofit organizations including people from Israel United in Christ were also there we have to change these things in our community well how do we change them if we don't change this we can't change anything in our community until we first change our minds according to what is written in in the Holy scriptures seeing y'all here encourages me yes yes yall discipline y'all structure everything about it I really like it it's really encouraging anything we have y'all are definitely welcome to come any point in time y always oh crazy shout out to iuic Columbia all Praises all right next video uh the family of iuic Cincinnati laid to rest our beloved sister Leora B Israel she had a fun loving spirit and truly cared for her people she worked to become a certified doua and help multiple families within the congregation bring forth the next generation of kings and princesses she will be forever loved and remembered Let's Play that [Music] video I'm so happy to be here and happy to see you guys um it's just a joy to be able to even put something on like this for you all because we really love you and appreciate you [Music] and she wanted to make a video for the body to tell them how much she care are my family that you are my people that have helped me get through this time of severe change in my life like this is a change that I never would have expected that I would have to live through and I just want to thank you all for doing it so graciously with so much love [Music] from I just want to hear welcome the dead in Christ Our beloved sister is dead in Christ she believed in Christ she kept the faith kept the Commandments appli it show her light amongst the [Music] world all right prayers up for our sister Leora Lord's will we will see her again all right pull up that uh article I mean not article the uh ad so it says Unleash Your Inner Warrior with man manly Badge of dignity step into a realm where beards are more than just facial hair they're a symbol of power pride and masculinity from the distinguished main to the brother struggling with those two strands of hair on the tip of their chins damn embrace the Warrior inside with manly Badge of dignity get yours now while supplies last buy three or more products and get 20% off with coupon code mbd2 go to get beard gangs.com all right for your brothers that's struggling there you go it is what it is um the next art uh ad all right 20 years strong dressed to impress our 20th anniversary line is a testament to the spirit and pride of true Israelites commemorating our shared history with pieces that speak volumes this is our story woven into every design celebrate our Milestone with a line that's both classic and contemporary see the collection only at original royalty.com all right so check out those pieces and make sure you buy something buy something all right uh pull up the next video premiering tonight on original royalty recordings the second video release makeup from the daughters of Sarah on their debut studio album Daughters of Sarah volume one available on original royalty All Digital stores and streaming sites let's play that so we're not going to talk about this so we're really not going to talk about [Music] this got what's up y'all we here at cult kitchen here at Kens ready to render a good performance man who wants to hit the mic tonight at Open Mic man who is that lucky person tonight that wants to open us [Music] up [Music] you I apologize I got out of my place I'm not too Pride to admit this up my face I just thought I should bring it to you do get and communicate but I kept running my mind ah here we go all right now all right now go check that out uh on original royalty uh recordings pull up the other um yeah put those on the screen put that one up and then put up the other one all right new original royalty recording artist merchandise available at original royalty.com all right so get your merchandise there and that is the end of the the [Applause] announcements let's break bread officer Yuri yes sir everybody got Bread and Wine all right 1 Corinthians chapter 11: 23 for I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread when he had given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he had sucked saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood this do ye as of as ye drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the Lord's death to he come wherefore who whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh Damnation to himself not Discerning the Lord's body for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we pray and we thank you Lord amen you hey let's get the Lord another round of applause for the leadership's class today all Praises all [Applause] Praises all right Brothers many Israel are you ready ready are you ready always ready what time is it what time what time is it what time who's the king CHR who's the king what color is he what color is he who are we is who are we 12 tribes World 12 tries worldwide Unity un Unity un never give up never give never give up Faith patient salvation the truth faith patient salvation the truth now finally my brethren be strong in the Lord his what his what his what his [Applause] word I