[Music] we invented the CH Tom and US isra Sal [Music] uas us taco salad us us us us hello and wel welcome to bad hasbara the most moral podcast on the plan [ __ ] the I got it wrong I got it wrong let meal give it to me again it's the world's most moral no slower slow down one more the world the world the world is possessive most moral the world's most moral podcast I don't know what that is that's what we're doing right now this is called podcasting it's a thing that um white people do uh because the economy is bad in the 21 century yeah because uh there there is no more um you know we don't we don't build stuff in America anymore you know we just we just make podcasts this is this is our number one export As Americans it's podcasts and I think guns I'm not sure which one is like if if pod have overtaken guns that'd be sick that would be so sick I know I I like to listen to podcasts while eating cherry tomatoes I like listening the podcast while eating my gun um my name is Matt Lee I am one of your most moral co-hosts my uh screen name says trepidacious D but my my born name is Daniel matate and I'm the other that's right that's right trepidacious d in the house uh I assume that's a reference to uh Kyle Gas and um Jack Black are maybe splitting up or they canceled the tour because what Kyle Gas said something about the assassination of the president being like what did he do what happened he said next time don't miss don't miss okay okay and and Jack Black didn't want to be associated with that because Libs right now are in an uncomfortable position of uh of denying what they H actually believe deep in their hearts well or or uh confessing uh Adam quite randomly writes canonically Bowser did Birthright you mean Bowser from from Mario yeah I assume so yeah okay we'll come back to asking him what the [ __ ] that was about a propo of nothing but at least nothing I can see but that we love Adam for that producer Adam in the house shout out to producer Adam you know one one theory is revealing what they really believe in their hearts MH the other one is revealing that in fact they never believed it and they've just been talking out of their asses with oh he's Hitler oh whatever because greenell pointed this out if you really think he's Hitler you might say it's a terrible thing when a president gets whatever or you say whatever you don't say we're wishing him a speedy recovery and so on and so forth like so uh Jack Black Not Having the courage of his uh his political class's convictions yeah it is it's just you know I I'm sorry but it's like I respect the when what's her name c k Cathy Griffin she got in trouble for having the like the Headless Trump thing and everyone like freaked out that was like the first time I was like you all all you liberals should love this what are you talking about it's like don't don't have the rhetoric if you're not going to [ __ ] if you're not g to just be like hey what can you do they almost got him yeah you know come on just I I would have made some kind of play on that Politics as we all know is all about Dead Presidents anyway yeah is that dead pre reference or Ghostbuster well dead dead pre reference being a reference to dollars because that presidence means bills you know I love it in in Hip Hop vernacular which is my first language uh producer Adam Lev has uh clarified that Jack Black plays the voice of Bowser in the Mario movie I don't know if he did screen capture like like Gollum style like oh with the ball suit politics stops at the moat to King koopa's Castle man I guess that would make Baron Trump um what's the name of that his his son uh one of the Koopas well I don't know I I don't know much about the lore behind Super Mario Brothers I'm more of a Sonic guy Lenny yeah exactly if you want to ask me about the Freedom Fighters fighting against Robotnik I think I know a thing or two about those Robotnik that's uh that's definitely Jewish coded oh very much so his whole thing was anti-semitic Sonic was straight up Sonic Sonic versus kutnik yeah uh okay before we introduce the guests just one more reminder uh come to Chicago uh on August 19th and 20th uh at Lincoln Lodge 700 p.m. uh live podcast and also a live standup show the next day ticket Link in BIO um and then San Francisco punchline uh Wednesday this next Wednesday coming up uh July 24th through 27th um Wednesday through Saturday I will be featuring for the hilarious Helen Hong at the San Francisco punch line please come out to that uh shout out to Adam Levan shout out to JP Ben and all the mods over at rbad hasbara which to this day is still running hey Matt can you hear me I can hear you okay amazing because I totally interrupted you and you just barreled ahead which I totally respected but I just wanted to make sure that it was because you oh yeah well now now I can hear you what what were you saying I well I just made a joke about Lincoln Lodge and Dead Presidents and so on so yeah you I did what you'd expect me to do which is just a barrel in with like total non sequitor yeah well GE has has Matt has has Matt GR some balls in in the past week yeah I'm finally stopping you from doing your thing uh no more yes no more I will not listen to any more references someone called us someone called us beta midgets on Twitter beta midgets beta midgets you know I'm six foot six that's [ __ ] exactly I want to say have you ever have you ever seen an alpha [ __ ] it's a bad scene dude Alpha [ __ ] the Tyrion Lannister I don't you know maybe he's a dwarf maybe you know listen I don't know the ter the little people is the term whoever said that was a fascist we're not fascist okay we're going to bring up our guest who I'm very excited about because uh I've been watching his videos since uh I mean it was like early in October um he started putting out content uh doing some geopolitical analysis of what's going on with the quote Gaza war and um has been someone who I find to be very very cogent and Illuminating when it comes to this stuff because I'm not a military guy I don't know [ __ ] about it all of my assumptions on how the war is going is based on just my general knowledge of Israelis that I know personally and I'm like oh they're saying it's going good so it's going bad um so our guest is a former Army Ranger geopolitical analyst for mint Press News and the host of the colonial outcasts podcast ladies and gentlemen everyone else welcome great stoker oh hey y'all thanks for having me on hell yeah how you doing oh you know I'm doing good just just stepping on on a Wednesday afternoon or whatever day this is ready to just start talking trash are you are you in Korea it's Tuesday where we are yeah oh my God no I I'm I'm in Long Island so it in North Korea is that why is that what you mean by Colonial Outcast yeah are you working for the enemy have you gone that far no I mean honestly I stopped because the I I I haven't got my irgc paycheck yet from Iran uh so I'm kind of freelance again between jobs I can't wait to you know the problem is is that when you invoice Iran they have a net 60 policy so it takes 60 days to get my money and I'm just like what the [ __ ] Iran the is the Islamic public excuse me godam the Islamic Republic of will get back to you there we go the Islamic Republic of hold please that's right and it's [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what do you think we're doing propaganda for free no I I have a lifestyle to maintain exactly dude you know I got [ __ ] to do I got people to see I can't just be waiting on my all right uh so I want to talk to you about uh your life and your experience and kind of the things that led up to um the content that you've been making um so can you tell me uh what exactly um is the Army I'm not really I don't know it's like I don't it's where you go if you get lost on your way to college okay yeah so uh can I ask a a followup question Greg yes how how is an Army Ranger different from a park ranger different from a Power Ranger how do I tell those three things okay first of all Power Rangers have the big the most funding because those suits are a lot of lot to maintain okay absolutely so I'd say Army Rangers are a special op direct action Special Operations unit so we're a little bit above funding for General Park Rangers but again okay Power Rangers get the most appropriate government I mean yeah they have to fight Rita repulsa I mean you can't do that with no money all right you gotta fight the putties I know a lot about Power Rangers I'm sorry I mean yeah I mean you're you're busting out some lore I don't know about I I I felt like if I passed Power Ranger selection as opposed to just regular Army Ranger selection I would know more power ranger Lord absolutely sound off in the chat as to which is more lame to know a lot of lore about Sonic Power Rangers or Super Mario Brothers yeah let's let's we're gonna add a poll to the chat but so you you were uh a ranger um what got you to uh enlist um and uh you know what are your thoughts about uh citizen armies in general now let's start with the first one and where did and where did you serve if you don't mind is tell yeah okay um so let's see I I actually wasn't from the the normal military uh recruit demographic I I did have some officers in my family but I joined the army when I got like uh kicked out of a New England boarding school and I was like I don't want to go to college and I also not a unique story didn't have the best like home environment and it was a good way to like get the F out of there um and then yeah I I I went into the ranger regimen because I was like I am kind of a bit of a psycho I want to have an adventure I'm gonna go into a spe Special Operations unit um I don't know the Rangers appealed to me more than the Green Berets so that's what I went with I wasn't about to be Marine Force reconnaissance because nah uh uh I came from an army family so yeah it wasn't some like Hua Captain America stuff it was just like a means to an end I mean yeah the I also had a lot of cognitive dissonance going on because in 2009 uh when I like passed basic training like we had already known that like the whole premise of the Iraq War was maybe a little like a straight up lie yeah fake um yeah and then uh I was actually too young for Iraq so uh I did four combat deployments to uh Afghanistan starting off as like uh a team leader like an assault team leader and then I started to Branch into uh uh Military Intelligence kind of in formally at first doing like field interrogations and stuff don't worry I only believed in positive incentives like money uh and then I did my whole my five-year contract then I got into Columbia University I was like oh I'm going Special Operations ivy league and then CIA uh and then I realized um that was not nice which is why I didn't why I Didn't Do It um well you [ __ ] up you went to school first yeah no if IID find found a way to uh go to college after I I would have still believed like imperialism was like awesome and totally rad but um you know it's kind of hard to like study anthropology and be like oh you know colonial projects good for the world good for good for the colonized good for the colonizer no it's all bad so that's why I don't trust in politics because the ones they all went to these like you know IV league universities and I assume learned about American imperialism and they were like cool like they sto decided to do it well well no here's here's my Ghostbusters reference for the day Matt all right do it I love this plan I'm excited to be a part of it yeah well actually like Edward Sayed and orientalism which I read Because I studied anthropology sure because I was also like taking international relations classes where they don't talk about imperialism at all so it was through like postcolonial studies where I actually got exposed to it's was like oh yeah um I I did fight in into illegal Wars that were actually just pretty much meant to wash money out of the public sector through the defense apparatus back into the private sector yeah um but like hell yeah dude like [ __ ] cool fight I fought for your freedom yeah yeah yeah thank you for the freedom dog thank thank me for my service yeah I mean so oh boy I hear that freedom isn't isn't free though yeah so thank you for paying the cost for us um so you uh you went to college and you um started learning about colonialism and uh American imperialism and uh sort of um the geopolitical web of alliances that creates an American Imperium uh and did you start uh being a Critic of the war publicly then or when did you start publicly being uh a Critic of American imperialism what were the first what were the first what m is asking basically what were the first hints the first symptom signs of treason yeah okay uh before I started working for the Iranian revolutionary right right right one One does not simply wake up one morning this is a Lord of the Rings reference I guess that I'll get one One does not simply wake up one morning and say I'm going to become a paid agent of the Islamic Republic sure you have to work your way up right and and you know I get it's it's it's all Obama's fault you know I I was in tactical operation centers like watching you know $150,000 Hellfire missiles get shot at dudes who may have been bad guys may have not been there just wasn't really a standard of proof for it then I was also in when Obama signed that order to like drop a giant wedding in Yemen uh and just smoked a bunch of people and then I kind of had like some sort of like Insider perspective on what was happening in Syria at the time around like 2012 13 like we were giving arms to Al-Qaeda Affiliated uh groups in the AL news for front to fight against uh Iranian proxies within the region and like oh whoops Isis gets created uh oh I guess we have to go like send in Special Operations units like my friends and us to go fight them it's like what exactly are we doing here guys uh what's going on on are we just manufacturing forever Wars to give us justification to stay in this mineral Rich area and strategically important area of the world I don't know that was just a question I started thinking about yeah I mean so you you started thinking about these questions was there anything during the time while you were serving you did for deployments is that right yeah yeah uh anything that you started seeing over there that um sort of started changing your perspective or or did you have any other comrades uh in uh you know your unit is it a unit I don't know yeah you say unit it work yeah uh who um you know you started talking to and being like hey uh what are we even [ __ ] doing here or was this something that kind of came after well I mean there there's a general dissatisfaction like sometimes you'd go out um to like conduct like a like a high value Target raid to like it's what we called like kill capture missions and there was like no intelligence basis sometimes you'd just be like they were just like sending us out on crap just to generate missions that were really weren't doing anything and you just end up like blowing the vehicle gate off some dude's house and like scaring everybody it's just like oh sorry um my bad dude uh and and it's like a lot of those a lot of operations were that it's like what actually are we accompl didn't you get didn't you get the operational instructions manual drafted by Thomas fredman what you're supposed to say when you knock on their door is suck on this that's right that's what you're supposed to do su another thing published in well not published in the New York Times that was on Charlie Rose suck I can't you guys weren't watching Charlie Rose what were you I didn't start watching until he got cancelled uh once once he got cancelled I was just like you know it's probably because he was spitting too much truth um um no I I I really wasn't watching much I mean I I think we like got bootleg uh like Russian Zena warrior princess from the local Afghan bizaar like I was watching a lot of that there's like Hercules what what Tunes were blasting in the in the tank panta seura I mean I I I definitely prefer seura to panta but I mean that was also when Kesha Roots bloody roots are the only three lyrics I know of yeah I mean I think that I think that are that's most of the lyrics to Roots bloody Roots it's just Roots bloody Roots but um I think that Kesha was really big at the time sure um you know nothing gets the boys turned up for a direct action night red like this place about to blow that too uh yeah yeah so yeah just trying to keep it light yeah yeah yeah just trying to have some fun out there during an you know just got to keep it light during an legal waral occupational War so you came back you went to college you started um seeing drone strikes um and being like hey this seems illegal and bad um and at what point did you start publicly talking about this was it after October 7th that you started talking uh about things like like having an online profile it had to be if if you had any kind of moral conscience I mean for me it would have been when Obama threatened the Jonas Brothers with the Dron yeah yeah that was the first time that was really that was some really deep State stuff so if I even mentioned it I know it would have been taken out 100% 100% you know I I think um pissing off uh 8200 and being on one of their lists is much safer than you know trying to stop the assassination of the Jonas Brothers absolutely explain what's 8200 8200 is like their straight up information operations militarized hasbara it's part of the um what is it their address no no it's it's their uh no it's their Military Intelligence Wing it's called Unit 8200 and so yeah they they basically um mine the internet for any uh Pro Palestine or not even Pro palestin just like anti-child Slaughter uh influencers and you get put on a list this is is a United States uh Military Intelligence intelligence unit or this no no no isra it's called oh how didn't know that I've never heard I've never heard about this that's that's crazy unit 8200 um one of the women uh who who uh did the screams without silence article I forget which one uh she had uh she had uh links to udit 8200 so they're the big information operations propaganda Wing um I remember the Hebrew Hebrew mayot maybe yeah sounds good to me um It's All Greek to me so uh yeah and uh I don't know they're they're just propagandists and I like I like beefing with them and yes uh the Israeli intelligence apparatus collects heavily on American citizens I wanted to ask you about um what exactly happened to make you uh realize that this has Bor out at least in the American Media regarding the war um was just complete lies that they were saying to you in order to uh playing off of people's ignorance of military you know the way the military Works in terms of how big the bombs you're allowed to uh to drop on civilian populated areas and and whatnot right so um I've definitely witnessed United States forces commit objectively what amounts to war crimes so uh I'm not being an apologist here but around like October 13th I was like godamn uh they're making us look like the good guys because the moral equivalence is so insane between the two and the double standards are so there's such a great distance between us conduct and as bad as that is and then what the IDF is doing so first of all I was tracking what was going on in uh in Palestine uh before this happened I started to understand what Israel was through military literature um the first uh operational autopsy I ever read was that in the 2000 it was the official position of a US army war College out of Fort lenworth that the IDF got its ass kicked in 2006 by Hezbollah when Hezbollah was way less powerful um than they are now and that that kind of started and that wasn't that was in like 2009 so I had like years to start deconstructing the propaganda that I got um pushed when I was like a like white kid in boarding school with like Zionist roommates or like a white kid in Texas around a bunch of Christian evangelicals I was like okay uh so it was through military literature being like yeah they're kind of an incompetent conscript Army all we do is give them weapons um we we send uh advisers to train them on stuff but they don't listen to anybody uh so that's kind of how it started and I was like oh wait this is technically a partti this is this is definitely according to international law occupation so and I knew about how bad octo uh it was going to be the response after the escalation on October 7th it wasn't an act of War it was an escalation I mean objectively the conflict was still ongoing to say that it was an act of War there was a peace is absurd um so the escalation October 7th happened I'm like oh my God this is going to be bad they're going to do they're going to use their diaa Doctrine which um it basically is collective punishment of civilians in order to pressure the associated militant population into laying down arms or giving political concessions that they don't want to give so it's like okay yes they they're literally their military Doctrine is a war crime it's the collective punishment of the civilians uh so I knew it was going to be bad I I had no idea how bad it was going to be because um they they they started doing things that I had seen them do at least not in 2014 um you know during operation protective Edge and stuff they were just straight up they weren't carpet bombing that's the wrong term right but um they were targeting prayer bombing like sure yeah yeah yeah um so they were dropping ordinance that I know that we could my best friend was a a fire controls officer in Baghdad during the Iraq War um he like and then I did kinetic strike targeting in Afghanistan I was like we can't we can't drop those ordinance like we would be in jail um so and and they're just they're just dropping it on the most densely populated civilian place on Earth and there's something called like a collateral damage estimate and collateral damage methodology that you do um and they just weren't doing it they so I I would say it's inaccurate for the most part to say that they weren't targeting Hamas I mean they were they just don't they don't care about casualties at all in fact the more the better so you know like find like getting targeting data in a GPS location off like a hamasa or resistance Fighter's cell phone and he's like in an apartment building with hundreds of people or they're just going to drop the apartment build the entirety of it so that's how they do things we wouldn't because they refused to do Special Operations so because I was in a special operations unit every time I would have to go and interrupt my Star Wars marathon or Game of Thrones Marathon or Harry Potter marathon it was because there was some like Al-Qaeda or Taliban guy in a guest house that was attached to a civilian building and that becomes a dual use facility so a dual use facility is one that has a civilian function and a military function if there's militants in it it becomes a dual use and based off of our engagement parameters during Obama's surge which was like one of the bloodiest periods of the Afghan war we still couldn't drop it so you'd have to send in a special operations force uh which is thought to reduce civilian casualties because like we're somewhat competent um right and like not air huling kids like the IDF snipers are uh to go and minimize that and still get the target but they refuse to do Special Operations mostly because they're script Army that can't fight but yeah so that's just one aspect do you need do you need special Zoning for a dual use facility yeah I mean look um do they have the permits for it is the thing I look I mean we all know that fascists love to weaponize bureaucracy ABS great point they didn't have the permits for a dual use facility so Aliva hospital did not have the permits yeah if you if you don't get the permit for dual use then we just going to kill everybody that's kind of well they didn't they didn't they didn't have the permit for single use either the single use saving people's lives and training doctors I I still am hung up on when you described I didn't know I mean I know that is Israel sends people all over the world South America US cities inner cities to train you know police forces I didn't realize that we send them foreign advisers and they don't listen and I just have to imagine like a comedy sketch where it's just a bunch of Israelis with their their feet up on the table and there's like a foreign adviser who's really trying to like get them to improve their game and be like look you guys got your asses kicked in 2006 the the the Gaza um operation isn't going the way and them just being like do you live here from here yeah have you even been on Birthright are are you Jewish are you Jewish are you Jewish it's just like a like a Hal guy or a Kad guy just comes up are you even Jewish so mother or father gentlemen the genten gentlemen the building is surrounded okay you know oh Jewish you don't know what it's like uh have you had disco MDMA Pizza thank you Adam uh yeah so you know you talk about like um the incompetency of the Israeli Army um of the uh IDF and I think that a lot of the propaganda around the IDF in Western media has been how competent they are like the entire narrative has been this is the most technological amazing army in the world uh you know they don't just have soldiers they have like super soldiers who can you know uh have a chip in their head that's basically the ways app and they can tell you you know where exactly to go and uh you know they have uh cameras everywhere so they know every single thing that's going on in Gaza at all times um yeah they're all like they're all like are you Sarah Connor yeah ex exactly I'll you s um so yeah so you know I think this for anyone who's been paying attention for a while you've kind have known pre- October 7th that the IDF the propaganda around them being the best army in the world uh is is [ __ ] um but now it seems to be more and more on display can you explain to me how um what exactly you see in that you know Army that makes them more incompetent than let's say you know the United States Army and if you can try to do it in a way that doesn't contain any helpful hints on for them on how to improve that yeah yeah yeah don't tell them how to be better okay just insult them and discourage them and bring them down no constructive criticism please look if they're not listening to official like uh US military Liaisons they're not going to be listening to hbar for a bad hbar for advice I mean hey you guys got an awesome thing going on but yeah if they're not listening to them they're not well they don't listen to anybody yeah they're only listening to this to uh try to find something to get us canell on Crow trying create yeah they're crowd they're crowdfunding to try and create a good hbar up Podcast right well I think Alon Levy is trying that and it's not going well no yeah all right but to M question okay here we go uh this is one of my favorite subjects it's actually really not hard to understand why they suck so much okay okay um first of all they're conscripts they're not professional soldiers so um they do like two years right that's that's the general draft essentially it's it's two-year term of service uh guess what you are still in in the in the military after two years you're still a dumbass private that's like not even that's not even long enough to know how to do your job like I didn't become a I didn't become a non-commissioned officer until like I was like what three years in right um you know uh like one of my buddies he was a West Point major in the artillery he didn't become major until it was like 33 they've got 25-year-old Majors running around it's like you you don't you don't have the amount of maturity or both like mentally intellectually or emotionally to like be running an entire Battalion of dudes like at 25 are you ad ad Admiral McFly yeah no straight up it's you know it's the first time I started realizing this was when I would see uh the lists of casualties uh uh that you know either from October 7th who were IDF soldiers or past that and they would have their name rank and age and it would just be like you know uh Major General uh Major General leeb 19 and I'm like why do they have so many major generals and why are they all dead like my God privates at all we're gonna have to do a Gilbert and Sullivan parody now I am the perfect model of an Israeli Major General yeah I am the perfect model of a Sabra Major General oh damn it all right write it down we're doing it I'm on it I am on it [ __ ] musical theater all right um so yeah uh so you uh you go on please Greg yeah I mean it's not just the insane like youth the the the infancy of these like field grade officers or like senior non-commissioned officers um it's still like two years and you know what uh I'm not sure I I've talked to some people that are disillusioned IDF guys that are associated with like breaking the silence and stuff there's kind of like from my understanding an unspoken tradition of like buying Commissions in some ways like like like if you have political contacts you're going to become like a major you know um so it's like all of uh all the uh all like the senior officers are for some reason look very European and like all the all the dirt Pounders are not um right right so so it does seem like there's some like 19th century British Army buying your commission type thing going on through like a political appointments and stuff oh good so that's not just a Jewish coded thing like other like white like goam have done that right yes we've I was getting I was getting nervous yeah yeah he was about to accuse you of anti-Semitism no I was about to I was about to accuse anti anti-semites of being like maybe right sometimes oh so you're going to accuse yourself of anti-Semitism I'm yeah yeah so yeah buying your commission was a big thing in the British Empire so my ancestors were all about that um and that's another thing so you could it seems like because if you look at the the the officers that have died uh through like resistance sniper operations it's like oh they're always they have a family connection to someone like inside the knesset or like part of like a government organization and they're well to do and they have these political connection it's like okay so that's where their officer core is it's not it's not coming from like a meritocracy it's coming from you know just like happens what happens under most like fascist uh systems or you know authoritarian systems it's it keep it all in the party baby all in the party Neo gen genocide nepo genocides well I mean it's a good way to it's a good way to sort of equalize or pay them back for you know I don't know killing senoirs infant twin daughters or whoever the [ __ ] I mean they always end up just obliterating entire families they send their own families in and they're the ones uh the you know the fail sons who get uh uh sniped and get the failed failed to a permanent end yeah comom yeah by the way I love military speak man when you're talking about kinetic strikes and like no it's just it's such a weird cool horrifying um subset of the lingo like when talked about you you guys have an assault team like I would I would love to see like a a Fortune 500 corporation that has an assault team you know the VP for assault yeah I I think I don't know I think you might be be beefing with like HR quite often yeah yeah they would just have a special policy for it you know they would investigate themselves just like the IDF and speaking of IDF guys speaking of IDF so I've noticed that sometimes Greg uh and by the way your last name stoker reminds me of a joke I made on Twitter there was a group there's a group called stop anti-Semitism and they posted about how meta has a new policy that you can't say Zionist and I said this this group should be called Stoke anti-Semitism anyway I got that oh hey oh my God Matt you have that right on on hand that was the luckiest break I've ever had on this podcast holy [ __ ] it was right there on screen so that amazing amazing that was a tangent to a tangent to a tangent um sometimes you say IDF and sometimes in your post say iof right Israeli occupation Force I think we need to diversify we need to do the whole damn alphabet so let's play a game I'm going to do an i something letter you tell me what it stands for okay yeah irf isra well hey hey there there's a there's a canceled term that still you start with the hardest one yeah the I there are other words in the language can we call it the I AF F then you know s a is a little easier you know otherwise okay there's other uh r words um so once you have the one in your head hard igf yeah is is really goon Force there we go goon Force yeah yeah exactly great uh that's by the way the Israeli goon force uh they just are masturbating in front of their computer for a long time that's what gooning to but to their own Tik toks to their own Tik toks yeah we have so funny you get the game I won't I won't do the rest of the alphabet but people can play at home yeah with your kids or on the dinner table yeah that's a fun game to play with kids so I I ruin I apologize for ruining the R1 I CH it was my first thought too okay I actually can't think of one either it's crazy by the end of okay by the end of this podcast and whoever gets it just blurt it out we're gonna come up with we have to be providing people with other options for that word for that letter there's only 26 letters in the alphabet okay we can't start you know it's like f you know n we need we need to have options okay yeah um so just to kind of round out the subject of the incompetency of uh the irf um uh Israeli remedial Force oh see that's good that's great that's great but that that that implies that they get retrained they don't get retrained yeah yeah but so you know you talk about their incompetency uh that you you read this report in uh one of your military magazines that you read I assume or some sort of memo it's it's open source like okay I can actually post it to the chat right now um oh great so yeah keep going but well you read one uh regarding the uh 2006 Lebanon campaign in which uh Israel got uh they're ass whooped by uh Hezbollah and um the again the whole narrative around that was like how can we be losing look at what we're doing to them look at look at how our our kill ratio it was like you know we're killing all of them um guys in honor of our pay masters can we call them the party of God please that's their proper nameb yeah Hezbollah the party of God uh thank you shout out um to our uh main producer Hassan nasala uh we love you homie um but yeah the uh you know what did you see um in this report regarding the 2006 leanon campaign that uh wasn't so much reported in the western media and um yeah well that well first of all the one thing that wasn't reported was that there were like more than two Israeli casualties you know uh another another thing that wasn't reported was that there were an insane number of casualties in Beirut especially in the DIA uh uh neighborhood so uh by the way I I posted in the private chat the uh yeah the report okay cool uh so yeah it nothing has changed if you read if you go through this report knowing what you've seen of the Israeli military from October 7th to the present day it's the same thing okay so right now we're seeing videos of um either like pi J or Hamas or uh whatever front is operating Gaza literally running up to tanks placings uh explosively forign penetrators which cut through anything um uh just let destroying tanks and no one's guarding the tanks right such a good video game level oh my God someone I mean like you need to you be hiding in a a bombed out building you get in there get the thing in there you know yeah yeah you get stealth points when you when I see these videos I think I have a reaction similar to yours or maybe I've been my reaction is painted by watching your videos which is like how is it that easy to run up to a tank plant an explosive in the middle of it like inside of it you know and then run back into a a hole and is this kind of like asymmetrical Warfare um G to especially when the tank is there ostensibly looking for yeah yeah um well you know the thing is if you read this report that I just posted um yeah they refus to have infantry and support of the armor so there's something in military terminology is like basic 101 stuff you should learn within days of like War College uh it's called sorry Greg I yeah yeah but before you get to that infantry is a word I've never understood based on the idf's uh approach in Gaza I'm assuming it means being trained to kill INF yes yes it also means you are an infant so oh baby on baby crime yeah baby on baby crap actually um no that was back during like the uh the late Middle Ages when they were using child soldiers we we've just kept the term but now it means yes killing killing infants so okay you have which means they're not in they're dismounted their rifle men uh Matt you saw that joke coming right that was oh I was I I knew it immediately and I almost you know I I almost said hey let him let him finish talking but I said you know what I'm just going to let Daniel do his thing the power to mute me you know I do but you know I'm not a dictator uh so Greg please continue what yeah so you know you you'd have you'd have the dismounted baby killer people supporting the baby killer people within tanks because tanks are made to shoot tank shells and take out larger targets hard s sites other tanks um they're not really good at taking being anti-personnel like taking out people who just run up to them so they you need to have people protecting the tanks so I don't know people can't run up and slap a bomb on the tank that is interesting I it's crazy I had never considered that fact before is like oh tanks are supposed to battle other tanks yeah yeah they're not in this case they're they just go into this area that is tankless and they're like shell that building is that yeah I mean no well to be fair tanks are also meant to like be a a heavy fire a heavy fires platform that can take out like a sniper position or something oh sure sure yes yeah yeah um but yes uh you need the bottom line is you need infantry to protect them from other infantry it's called combined arms you're using different combat arms to work with each other Israel cannot achieve combined arms so they just they stay buttoned up in their tanks because they're scar to walk around because what they've done is create Stalingrad just like like literally they from World War II the one of the biggest military blunders in history was the Nazis going in bombing the [ __ ] out of Stalingrad neutralizing the one big Advantage they had over the Soviets which was their mechanized core their tanks well tank tanks can drive over just about anything except it was they thought it was gonna be they thought it was gonna be Stalin Rad but it's not stalling stalling that's Adam L after my own heart so what can't takes really drive over Rubble because Rubble will make him start throwing tracks so they neutralize their one big Advantage which is why you see all these bulldozers uh driving through Gaza trying to clear clear channels of maneuvering so they can get their tanks around because because they they've just bombed it to [ __ ] just like the Germans did during Stalingrad and they neutralized their biggest Advantage because they're do they have in common psychologically like I'm I'm trying to pin like I'm always looking for like what so kill them all but like is there also a kind of cowardice is they're like they don't know how to say I've got your back in Hebrew a kind of inability to work as a team like what is that mentality that would stop you from having someone there with you to support what you're doing is it arrogance because I'm I'm trying to obviously like our minds many of our minds are on like what why not how are the Israel Israelis different from the Nazis but like because they're they they they they do give you know third R energy yeah so yeah well I I'd say because of this the postmortem semen extraction they're giving like fourth Reich Eugenics yeah energy yeah yeah yeah no doubt so that's another level of that's another level of a different video game it's like that in between level and Street Fighter where you just break the car apart except it's you're extracting the come out of a DE it's called it's called come hither yeah um but yeah like do you when you see something like a tank that is uh completely uh unguarded being run up upon by um you know D flip flops yeah dud and flipflops and and blowing it up um what do you you know in your experience like what what what are you seeing there in terms of the mindset of the U higher ups at the IDF well yeah yeah so first of all what I see is like they don't want to get out of their tanks because they're scared uh first of all they're scared and it what it tells me about like the higher ups is the Israeli military has a very low tolerance for casualties like they're deeply affected by I don't know if it's some chosen people think [ __ ] going on um but Israeli Society has a has a very low tolerance for for dead soldiers for military casualties yeah yes yes let me clarify that different yeah different game when it comes to the people who aren't currently serving right yes um because because their entire um costus belly their cause for war their moral justification is like all built up on propaganda if people stop thinking that they're this big badass military they're going to start getting scared they're going to start questioning it well what and this is why there's a gag order in Israeli media on casualty figures the only time they're really honest about what's happening is when there's a mass Cal event a mass casualty event where there's like three or more dudes killed and they can't because people are like watching hospitals they can't hide it so they get ahead of it but if it's but if it's just like one or two guys they can maybe sweep it under the rug so whatever their casualty figures are they're not it uh because again because everything's based on and we touched on this earlier um the idea that Israel has this big bad military uh well it doesn't no one in the know ever thought it has and they were basically banking off their Det capacity scaring everybody in the region into not wanting to mess with them through sustained multigenerational propaganda so like the Massad is all knowing they know what you had for breakfast right and that their military is awesome but they didn't have the uh architecture to even deal with October 7th and the Mad ignored it and shinb dropped the ball so October 7th has completely shattered their deterrance capacity and they can't get it back in order to get it back they' have to defeat Hamas which they can't and if you can't defeat Hamas you definitely can't defeat Hezbollah so they're kind of screwed they're not going to get it back um and that fees back into they they need to try to find some way to maintain it that's why they have a gag order on casualties that's why they have a very low threshold for sustaining casualties that's why they always stay buttoned up on the in the tanks but that's not actually how you fight a war that's not how you take ground that's not how you clear tunnels that's not how you control objectives it's not how you really do anything except roll around shooting rubble and tanks and killing people for the sake of killing people This lends CED This lends Credence to my theory about the Tik toks you know there's a lot of perplexity on a lot of people's Parts like how can they be doing this it's such bad PR I recently saw a film called Israel's real extremism reel right you know uh basically 40 minutes of just looking at how Israeli media is replaying these Tik toks you know and it it occurs to me that hasbara is no longer for the outside world anymore it's about keeping morale up sure among the Israeli public that's the ones they need to convince now and that's a huge turn I mean they always had to propagandize their people but in terms of inoculating themselves against anyone getting wise it's there the the threat is coming from inside the the the villain in the jungle yeah exactly and and so you have you you'll see a lot of symbolic operations so last month when they did the uh nerat uh refugee camp Massacre they rescued four host first time right um then they killed a whole bunch of Palestinians um most of them were not Hamas um because what basically what they do they they got the hostages out uh and then they just like activate all containment boxes drop everything and so everything in the neighborhood gets like dropped with a bomb or a missile or something holy [ __ ] you're telling me that the sequence of events was hostages exfiltrated hostages safe then kill a bunch of Palestinians that's how it happened it happened during xville it happened when they were leaving that's what we do know um so uh uh it doesn't seem because like based off of the F uh the video footage that the IDF released which is very tailored and doctored um there there were there were no air strikes going on during the operation uh there didn't even seem to be any gunfire uh so it's hard to determine there's a lot of fog of War stuff going on but the most of the the all the ordinance apparently was dropped during the xfil so there Yosi Yosi how did the hostages get out how did the operation go it was entirely bloodless and peaceful you schmuck dro the bombs now people will think we are [ __ ] um yeah so so um but the reason I bring this up as a case study yeah is because they rescued the hostages and anybody who thinks about these things operationally or tactically is like that was really dumb because now that you got those four hostages you are never rescuing another hostage again because those hostages were being kept above ground um so they could be like maintain a certain level of health so when they're released to the Israelis it'd be a good PR victory for Hamas right so now they're going into the tunnels and they're not going to be found again so so it was a PR Victory meant to it was meant for the Israeli people to be like see we can actually get hostages back so bear with us for another seven months while we the [ __ ] out of Gaza even though anyone who knows anything knows that Hamas will not allow even if they have to kill hostages now hostages get back so it was just it was just a PR stunt yeah yeah and now it's done yeah and it did seem like uh part of the propaganda was also watching people's reaction to the Giant number of Palestinian casualties that happened as a result of trying to rescue these um for captives uh and going C they hate it when we're free you know as opposed to no people hate it when you kill 200 people in order to save four people who could have been uh released in a you know diplomatic exchange like that's what people actually hate but it's as soon as people saw how big the casualty number was of uh Palestinian civilians uh people started being mad about it and they they were like good we want you to be mad about it so we can convince our own people that they hate it when we're free yeah mad Matt they were just they were just triggered they were just triggered yeah and you know um I I rarely interact with um the Zionist anymore um I used to get like like last early last year early this year I mean it kind of like fizzled off um so I don't really like engage in like debates or talk much with them but uh we were just at this stolen land auction up here in Queens yesterday uh Sunday um and it was in front of this like four-story Mansion it's like oh my God you're you can pay Pro property taxes on a four-story mansion in Queens probably don't need someone else's land but you know so um this one wasn't in a synagogue it wasn't in a place of worship it was not um that's decent of them yeah um so it was nice but but they did it because they were trying to keep it secret but like we got people on this that that's all they do they'll do it they'll do it in a a Children's Hospital in Queens yeah yeah so um I and I and I saw the lunchroom in a cancer W pediatric cancer W yeah look at these Pro Palestine terrorists brutalizing these children they hate when children are being cured of cancer it's like no why did you why did you hold this [ __ ] auction here so anyways like U what's what's amazing to me is like the huzar I was experiencing there because I because this guy wanted to talk to me sure and I was like yeah sure dude whatever um I'll answer like she I have a question for you did you do you know anything about the Middle East I was like yeah I mean I do uh have you ever been there I was like yeah I've been through I also did four combat deployments to Afghanistan I have a pretty good understanding of like politics of the region and stuff uh he's like okay well did you know that in 2005 they voted the Gins voted for Hamas I was like dude we're done with that we got past that in November like how are you guys still on this it is insane having to have the same conversation over and over again uh with people like it's always a new person every time who wants to do wants to spit his bar a 101 at you and you're just like I C I literally can't have this conversation again read a book like at that point it's like like a team that got knocked out in the in the first round of the playoffs showing up the semi-finals or the finals and heckling from the crowd oh so you think you can play huh yeah yeah te that yeah it's just so it's it's so disingenuous too because the idea that these people have not heard the counterargument uh is is ridiculous of course they have uh they just are like well no I'm here to waste your time well that's kind of what in which case they just got out of the pods and they they only have one setting yeah yeah so I I I think like I don't know um there the uniformity of it was something I didn't expect though um there's like there's like no difference of opinion there's there's no shades of ways to approach it it's the same talking points and I and it's like they haven't adapted at all over the past nine months they they it hasn't become any more sophisticated so it was just really easy to be like oh hey yeah I'm sure the I'm sure the 20,000 children that have been murdered in in kinetic strikes totally voted for Hamas they were totally around to vote for Hamas in 2005 yeah uh and it's just like uh it's like so the inability to adapt just makes me seem like it it's not gonna last forever but then again my my my family's German um uh still have some really problematic beliefs the font on that t-shirt is is giving me gothic uh Saxon it's giving me Saxon you know oh well I mean it's Merciful Fate actually a Norwegian metal band from the80s so oh [ __ ] yeah do they really spell merciful that way with the y instead of the yes yeah it's like the same way Corin spells it with a k and a backwards R come on man that's how Metal Works even new metal so I I I mean all I just wanted to finish up with that is these these supremacist like well these ethno supremacist ideologies they don't just go away unfortunately in fact uh like in Germany nobody fascist like my people and the Neo-Nazi shit's making a hard comeback so yes I don't think Z is unfortunately is going anywhere anytime soon either yeah no and uh you know I think what's going to happen uh with regard to the sort of uh right-wing Neo fascist love of Israel turning into a right-wing Christian nationalist uh hatred of Israel or some sort of uh you know secular Neo-Nazi [ __ ] like there's I have there's a lot of Confluence of uh different forms of anti-Semitism that are very worrying for me because I uh I don't see uh anything from the left that even gets close to the amount of like uh at least on Twitter especially since elon's taken over the amount of like right-wing uh fascist uh like hatred of Israel that feels like they're using Palestinians in order to uh um you know just launder their own anti-Semitism and it just I mean they're jealous they want America to be the one murdering right exactly exactly why getting these Jew these Jews to do the middleman work for us and charge us interest yeah but before we continue this conversation I have been told I have to take a break for ads uh and I know that so I'm going to do it Adam I'm sorry it took this long I'm sorry to everyone who wanted to listen to advertisements and there just buy the [ __ ] just buy the [ __ ] yeah please whatever's just buy it unless it's on the BDS list don't buy it and we're back wonderful ads we're here with Greg stoker who um is telling us about Israel and the military and uh kinetic strikes um but I want to ask you some further questions regarding um a a recent thing that happened in the news uh so apparently somebody um tried to shoot Trump yeah did you have you seen this have you heard about this I I I I I heard it I read about it in some girls blog seemed interesting seemed important yeah I mean you know I was like oh okay uh that that sounds uh interesting and uh I watched the video and I was like oh [ __ ] someone tried to kill Trump and I I feel like it's it's led to uh a weird feeling the last few days of people who don't know how to publicly talk about this in uh any way that either won't get them in trouble or will um in which they can say anything that is of substance mostly people are just going damn thoughts and prayers um yeah thoughts and prayers to the person we've been calling Hitler for the last eight years yeah thoughts and prayers to uh the person who is an existential threat to all of us um there's no place for violence if Hitler was alive you know we wouldn't want him dead is essentially what that means um if they were telling the truth their response would be damn yeah well you know L like like November is cooked yeah yeah so I guess from my what what I like to say is like when it comes to like Hitler violence against Hitler I'm just kind of like hey guys Follow Your Leader you know yeah exactly completely different rhetoric surrounding this though yeah yeah and uh I I have um some some video of it uh obviously you know the bad hasbara podcast which is uh nothing but a speedy recovery for um the the ex-president um a wonderful man who deserves nothing but the best and uh I just want to um play the the video because it's it's a shocking shocking video take a look what happened over my di my my day won you please suck I don't know who added that dick I did not add that dick I'm gonna blame that on producer Adam we are respectful should we describe should we describe for the podcast listeners and the visually impaired what that was Matt so much work into yes uh describe show your work man okay that was uh Trump on the ground with his ear bleeding and um uh Ben Flores uh comedy writer uh superimposed the dick in into his mouth and um I just I just think that is wrong I just want to say I'm not happy Trump got shot and I am happy he didn't get killed I think a civil war would have ensued I think presidential assassinations are [ __ ] up in including former presidential assassination there's and if you know if I was going to be happy about his death I'd have to wish death on a lot of other people and I just can't afford that but I will say given that it was a head turn that could he have lost the full ear I just think that would have been badass yeah like give him the reservoir dogs treatment then you could have played Stuck In The Middle With You for that give him the van go and I don't know I just think that just it it just felt a little bit uh half-ass you know yeah I agree I mean yeah the thing that strikes me is the the there's response from uh the liberal World um the world of the libs we should say um you know they they uphor political violence but it you know they they also uh control the the way you define political violence so like basically no free health care no affordable housing like that that's not violence the disappear the the impoverishment and the imprisoning of the American population not political violence criminal criminalizing homelessness so you get like uh a labor an exploited labor population to compete with China not political violence uh sending 2,000 pound bombs to Gaza not political violence no yeah yeah no the only policy yeah that's yeah that's just good economics that's is good market economics you know OB Obama did us a favor he had a tweet saying this kind of political violence is unacceptable yes yes yes other kinds of political violence are acceptable I mean listen if you didn't want to die you shouldn't have been born in Gaza I think we can all I we can all agree with that you know hey man takes a village takes aage or Ferguson yeah or Ferguson or Flint um yeah if you didn't want to get lead poisoning you shouldn't have been drinking water and Flint uh so yeah it was just one of those instances where I saw it and I was it was nothing but depressing when I saw it and the reason it was depressing was for obviously there's a multitude of reasons um but one of the biggest ones was uh just if you to quote Omar little if you come at the king you best not miss and I felt like it was you know one of those decisions that you make in your life where you go like if you're going to do it you the to fail goad quote George Michael if you're going to do it do it right that's right and I'm not saying he should do it I again I am not uh pro- uh assassination but I am I think in my head I'm like well if I have to choose the type of political violence to quote uh Barack Obama um politicians versus uh proletariat I choose politician political violence way for I choose proletarian political violence I mean especially if the policies uh are you know of the politicians are the ones causing uh the the death and malnutrition and uh you know despair of the vast majority of the population then I mean you know if I have to choose if only there if only there was a slight head turn the proletariat could make to escape the of the violence against them you know if only something just nicked our ear instead of you know bankrupting us from medical debt yeah I mean first of all one of my big issues with W with the response from the The Joe Biden and the Democrat uh the DNC is first of all Joe Biden when during his oval uh office statement couldn't pronounce Ballot Box he's like this needs to battle boot hell hell yeah battle box I'm all about battle boxes uh second of all you know you know it's all Bs if they would have if Trump would have gotten assassinated they would have been like oh this is horrible like what's this country coming to we're better than this we upore violence and then we are yeah yeah this is the worst this is the worst of Both Worlds for them because now they have to deal with exact re a reborn and in fact it's very possible some right-wing commentator maybe it was Rod Dreer or one of these guys but some Christian conservative was looking at a picture of trump or footage of trump at the Milwaukee convention he's in the audience now you know right and someone was praising him and he was nodding along and smiling and someone was like you see he's softened there's vulnerability he's he's he's been re and actually that's a possibility that there could be the this kind of we could see a new kind of Pious uh fascist you know which would be very dangerous indeed yeah I mean listen uh if if if joh fedman can have a stroke that makes him a Zionist uh then Trump can have an ear Nick that turns him into a nice guy this anything is possible with these you know uh these medical things um yeah but I wanted to touch on there was uh at least as far as I know one death um uh in the crowd not Trump real friend a real friend of Palestine bit the dust yes and and that was the thing it was a it was a Pennsylvania firefighter named Corey uh compor comparator Corey comparator and uh you know when I heard someone else had died you know uh other than the shooter I was like oh man that it [ __ ] that sucks right and then people started posting [ __ ] from his Twitter and I just realized like [ __ ] posting you know the problem with it is if you die your tweets live on forever well what was it saying uh so this is uh Piers Morgan um in uh October is asking where are these Palestinians uh going to live after the war is over this is after a story that says over a million people have fled their homes in Gaza uh and where are they going to go Pierce asks and the firefighter says they'll get over it get over it the Japanese did and you know it's just one of those things where it's like I look he's an this guy was just at a thing and and he got shot father of two father of two it is actually a tragedy but when you see that tweet you just kind of go like your kids will get over it the Japanese did yeah they you can't help it okay yeah kid their their children will get over it but you know what we can say that because Japanese children Palestinian children you know it sucks I mean that's just War they'll get over it yeah exactly you know but then again is is this is this any this is exactly the Twitter post you would expect from someone who was at a trump rally too so yeah and someone who got the tickets to be right behind him you know like someone who got the I'm gonna be on camera treatment uh yeah you just like you think when the bullet entered his whatever part of his body it did it was covered in like Trump ear oh maybe that would be did he die with Trump's body inside of him I mean hopefully if he did he knew that you know he'll always be with him I think that's called that's called that's called republ that's called Republican communion crazy Jews we're crazy Jews over here dog we have to ask Greg about the operational security failure at the assassination right it's kind of off rid of our of our topic but I mean you want to talk about uh yeah incompetent Defense Forces yeah okay so I guess we should touch on this uh basically I'm not a conspiracy theorist I think everything that happened could just be explained satisfactorily by just massive police incompetence because you know they're cops and if we want them to be better at their job we need to give them more money like actually fund them okay fund how about fund the police how about actually funding the police instead of defund how about fun fund the police coming straight from the underground exactly so if we don't want this thing to happen in the future I mean we're joking of course but we're they're going to use this opportunity to really fund the police because all the politicians are going to be like oh my God we need protection and all the cops are gonna be like we want more money do you wna do you want to do a deal and was like yeah we want to do a deal sign the Appropriations bill so um yes we need to fund the police more uh and then this won't happen we could also just have police you know IQ tests and this also couldn't wouldn't happened um yeah well listen listen once you start doing IQ tests for police then all of a sudden we don't have any more police I mean come on might as well you know ask them to take a psychological exam put a picture of their wife in front of them and say like what are your feelings right now and if you say I want to hit her you know then uh you can't be a cop and then you have no cops you know what I'm saying yeah exactly personally I think I think the uh The Thin Blue Line should be representative on the flag of like all the blue like 40% of the flag should be blue for the domestic violence complaints but anyways you are working with three different organization like multiple different organizations um who are all cops essentially you got the FBI you got the Secret Service who do work for the Department of Treasury you have local uh and state law enforcement and they're all working together at this event so you have multiple departments working in tandem together and they're not communicating well and you know it's not unbelievable for me that this random dude just walks up finds a ladder either he pre-staged it or a maintenance guy left it there and they didn't pick it up on their sweep and so the civilians are like hey first of all there should have been a law enforcement officer on top of the building we're not going to get into the we don't have enough time to get into the whole like semantics of what went what went down but the police officer was informed that there was a guy on on the roof with a gun he calls it up to the Tactical Operation Center where all these liaison from different departments are working the local law enforcement guide tells the Secret Service guy hey there's a guy on the roof we need to check him out Secret Service guy calls the snip the counter sniper team on the roof they reorient to look at the guy meanwhile rally go rally goers are pointing and talking to each other and saying there's a guy on the roof no look he's just up there he's just sitting there right they look at him here's one thing that actually could happen this is a legitimate thing they could be like okay is it some sheriff's deputy that didn't tell anybody he was going up onto the roof and he has a gun and he's in plane clothes that that does happen um okay call back to the Tactical Operation Center be like hey is everybody accounted for does anybody have a guy on this roof and they're just like and they probably don't have accountability of where all those people are so there's actually some confusion right bred born of incompetence both in the planning of not having a guy covering that roof and two just having poor Communications where this is for me explainable like um Harland uh harland's Razer don't attribute to malice which could be attributed to stupidity having worked in Special Operations and for the government at a really high level or high operational capacity level I've seen some really dumb stuff happen so um I that's a new razor I've never heard of this I know aam yeah this this one's a simpler one it's even simpler than aam even simpler than aam yeah I wonder if there's a manam razor that's the one the idef uses don't use that razor want that one I just know Gillette yeah those are great razors dude yeah uh it it does seem like one of those like strategically bad ideas where um because anytime you see like uh the president speak I mean if I I haven't been to many events or have I oh no I went to the uh inauguration of trump in 2016 uh for work and um I uh you know there are snipers on the roofs and you uh you just kind of go I assume that's uh not a guy who's going to kill the president you like you just as a as a regular you know attendee you're just like I assume everyone with guns here is uh looking for bad guys with guns or or but you know I've never been to a trump rally I'm not that interested or intellectually curious about what goes on but I imagine that crazy white dudes walking around with guns climbing random things um rolling around in the mud uh eating grass or whatever is not something that's beyond the pale yeah no yeah I love how I was like guy with guns quickly turns into just ravenous hog in the grass rolling around licking his balls just like I assume you know just shoveling funnel cake into the mouth and just masturbating to pictures of Hitler it's like yeah you know Trump stuff um yeah well I mean the the the the grer crowd the the and the you know right some right-wingers have already figured out who to blame this on and it's the de Dei movement because you know that's right there were there were women in the the Secret Service detail the funniest take that I've seen from the hey it all it almost makes too much sense exactly it's too good yeah just like the immediate shift of blame where you're just like no no no [ __ ] all this like conspiracy theory [ __ ] what's a chick doing here it's like [ __ ] once yeah you know you know you know who Trump needs protecting him bronzed shredded beef cakes hot Beefcake man yeah yeah yeah that's what you want that's that's who I want hugging my president yeah I only want High te guys you know do CrossFit and drink raw milk The Only Name the only first name that should be allowable on a secret service application should be Chad that's right they're all Chads did you see Elon musk's tweet you know sort of uh bitterly criticizing the SS I just thought that was hilarious wait what what did he say secret service but he said SS he said SS and I'm just thinking Elon is really displeased with himmler's performance oh yeah I liked it better when it was the sa he said and you know ESS is I'm not talking about the other essay that is also R I'm talking about there was two never mind I'm not going to give a history lesson on the SS you get it Greg gets me um hey guys what Israel R rust bucket Force oh there we go okay R bucket is one word yes it can be could be whatever you want all right I [Music] mean Israel relaxation Force why is it easier now oh that that does work because we see uh uh videos of them getting like Manny petties outside of Gaza that's right because because like I don't know cosmeticians just want want to help serve their country and so they make sure everybody has a as a really glamorous Manny Petty before they go into to schwack some kids I'll tell you as uh growing up in uh West Los Angeles in a in a neighborhood with a lot of uh Israelis um the Israelis do enjoy a good Manny Petty the shiny fingernails when people say they're tough as Nails that's what they're talking about yeah exactly we're hanging on we you know we don't need bombs we'll use our fingernails if we have to and they're talking about these really shiny beautiful nails that only Israel can make yeah my French pedicure exactly I have french tips French but uh yeah so you know I I figured we had to talk about it because it was just like damn that seems like a news story that uh is going to live on and people are saying that oh this is going to ensure Trump's reelection and all I can say is yep get ready yeah that I was prepared before that and now you know I'm just like well there we go this is this is it especially now that he's got J Dan Vance uh yeah JZ dance Vance I got it I stole that from someone on Twitter I thought that was really funny JD Vance of Vance Refrigeration um a the office reference um so yeah uh before we end the show I do want to uh talk about a meme that I saw okay um yeah so the IDF uh you know uh is very much online and uh there are a lot of former IDF soldiers who have these accounts and uh they are incredibly racist and there's a level of racism that I think like the average like Israeli um has become sort of immune to in which they like you've seen how they are not fully in touch with kind of the general liberal Western sentiment around talking about race and whatnot in ways that you're like this feels racist but I don't know if they know it's racist yeah and names used to only sort of uh color code let's say uh you know opponents and people they could dismiss and mock in terms of the color of someone's hair you know purple ha but this this thing you're referring to Matt if it's the one I think things considerably further yeah so there's uh there's a guy who uh I think I've shown some of his tweets before on this podcast but his name is uh Aiden uh a Aden I like calling him Aiden it feels you know listen like like Aiden Aiden Gillan CC yeah that's right yeah I was I was think like you know any [ __ ] Mormon child now in Utah they're all named like Aiden or Jaden or Braden I think making Hebrew names sound Irish is a is a is a good form ofal violence I I think so too I think it it hurts their feelings and I like that so he he's he puts out these like memes that are um like pretty racist but I think uh this one might be the most racist one he's ever done this is his choose your anti-zionist okay so for those of you uh who are listening uh it is a series of four like wo Jacks um and he has made them all essentially I see eight there's eight there Matt oh yeah yeah eight excuse me eight wo jaacks they are all uh racially coded not even like secret codes this is like uh black guy black guy black guy black guy black guy and um Muslim guy and then white transperson yes and then of course white transperson you can't forget like you know uh they they hate people who have purple hair it's a it's a meme with them and I just want to like go through them one by one because this is I already found mine I already found oh yeah yeah he he Nails me yeah so it's uh we're going to play drag yourself um so I assume is this you are you far left dirty dirty unwashed leftist okay so uh this is farle once again it looks like it looks like Bill Cosby as seen Through The Eyes of someone who's just waking up from having been drugged by Bill Cosby yes yes uh just uh a warped Bill Cosby he is uh a black man who's got a North Korean FL deformed Albert yeah yeah exactly L um and uh it says the farle hates Israel simply for being allied with us uh fair enough then the second point is it's not as simple it's a bit reductive but it's valid yeah uh corroborates the idea that Israel is a quote white ethnostate don't corroborates don't think weird word weird word choice aside I mean you you can make an argument that at least it's a a white adjacent ethnos state right yeah but the greatest thing about it is it's just like oh I mean if that's your argument why did you make this guy a black guy like it sounds kind of like you're race baiting you're doing a little race baiting and maybe uh you know kind of prize the color of your skin and then unironically thinks uh North Korea is a totally reasonable country I mean I I think that the reason North Korea is the way it is has is understandable it has to do with like making up fake borders and like bombing relentlessly an entire group of people assassinating political leaders and just leaving it as a rubble Heap and then something that we don't really like or couldn't really predict is born out of that seems reasonable to me yeah I mean I clearly didn't listen to my bad Hamas bar remix because I actually used North Korea as an example of something bad that Hamas created so we don't yeah no what you meant to do is it's something good that Israel created that's right North Korea Us North Korea us but yeah I I there's something about like uh an Israeli um criticizing North Korea at this point I'm just like come on you guys you you do the whole stereotype you got instead of Kim J Kim Kim Jong Elan right it's like instead of you know Jui or whatever is their religion you know they they've supplanted ISM and a perverse form of Judaism that's mixed with sism I mean something I saw at the protest yesterday was they have no sense of irony it's like they yelling they were yelling at all these pal Palestinian Americans like go back to the Middle East and they're like we're [ __ ] we're trying to it's like no sense of irony at all there's a level of like brain worms that uh like a culture can have that makes them completely impervious to scorn for saying the dumbest Poss possible thing like they don't understand irony so therefore when they say the dumbest most ironic thing you're you you can't even be like I'm trying to go back if you're a Palestinian and they're just like what shut up it's like arguing with anyone in the idiocracy world you know I I hate using that as an example because it's it's so overdone but like it is the exact same thing you're just like what and then you say that you know they look like an RW um do you do you have any of the others oh I have all of them dog let's look at them all okay so this is I think my favorite it's Irish which is Ju Just a black guyed red fox or something yeah th this is the most Irish looking man I've seen it's a jack of it might be Fat Joe I'm not sure but it's like very much like I don't know The Gangs of New York level of anti-irish racism where like this is old school dog and perhaps perhaps this is the uh ever elusive leprechaun you find at the end of the rainbow yeah right the two points that are under this anti-zionist uh archetype is quote we were once occupied too that's why we support Palestine second point is has no other real arguments needs no other real arguments [ __ ] what that is a sufficient argument name one thing outside of you were also colonized by a brutal people that another reason why that were bad the Irish are famous for generalizing occupation oh because yours was brutal and bad this Brutal bad one shouldn't exist yeah you have no other reason to hate us other than and also this is just an admission that you're occupiers I love that it's like oh yeah we're BR brutal occupation and contravention of international law what else you got loser that's all the heat you're bringing yeah oh oh you hate Israel name three of their war crimes it's like okay that would be a challenge yes name name eight would be an easier question other than occupation I mean listen uh I'm sorry to do this on the podcast but it's time to officially announce uh the Irish you're no longer white uh you're back to your no Irish need apply days and um I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry to do it to you but better get to that tanning salon there Mr TIG yeah get get tan calling you out you do not match the photo you do not match the caricature I need you to work harder and gain some weight too love this [ __ ] picture oh perus hit Molly perus hit perus hit Super Size Me [Laughter] boy it was holy dream I used to read Word Up Magazine uh all right and then we also I mean we have this is Western LG Patty Malone and sheno Conor up in the magazine there we go oh so uh they got the Western LGBT community uh the Bowser like that that is that is a Bowser expression yeah is uh so damn confused was 0. one maybe maybe some of them are I mean we all deal with confusion yeah like I mean I'm mostly confused by your usage of corroborate like what the [ __ ] are you talking about yeah so it's like you're agreeing with me or aren't you okay yeah is yeah so copes by thinking that Palestine is more liberal than it uh than it really is doesn't want to talk about about why LGBT Palestinian seek asylum in Israel and uh if if you've ever talked to any lgbtq uh Palestinians uh the idea that they're lining up in droves to go seek asylum in Israel specifically because they're like oh I'm afraid of of uh being hate cried is the most laughable idea of all time it's just like although although as Asylum Seeker would be a really good grinder profile name well that is very good Asylum Seeker that you know the the the the Secret Service wishes that Hamas had been there on the day you know why why throw people off the roofs he would have thrown him off the roof of course H okay and there's a there's a few more I mean this one is just insane neonazi wait wait is he going off that old Chappelle Show sket the black supremacist yeah it's the black white supremacist uh this so incredibly racist hates Israel only because it is run by Jews hates Jews but hates Arabs equally as much Jo joins Pro Palestinian rallies because they can finally spew hatred without being silenced now I'm I'll give them this that there's absolutely a type of Neo-Nazi that falls into this category uh and they launder their you know their hatred through anti-zionism the problem is is you made him a black guy for no reason when he would look exactly like Aiden the guy who [ __ ] made this post like I'm sorry he he didn't want to insult other white supremacists by making it a white guy so he's like no I will make it I'll make it a black guy I mean the the the thing about all all of these wojack uh figures they're just so much to unpack with the imagery itself like if you bring this back up like he he's got an X logo the the Twitter logo right there and uh that is that is true there are a bunch of neo-nazis all over t% all over Twitter and and and you also see uh that you know it's got like some of the the different like very online Neo-Nazi uh like emojis there's a cross there's the lightning bolt and and all that stuff and it's you know it almost works if if he didn't make it randomly a black guy and then go on to defend it because that's the other thing is like the the me calling out this image uh blew up on Twitter and made a bunch of zionists mad so now they're trying to do hasbara for why this This Racist meme is actually accurate uh and one of them is that no it's because black people people are neo-nazis and I'm like I really think your view of Nazi at this point is so warped that you're doing Nazi [ __ ] like you are you are actually a Nazi the real KK me KKK members are all these damn blood and Crips gangs we gotta kill them all it's like oh my God they certainly do not they do certainly do not see where they uh where they've gotten to and who they've become that's right crazy Jew crazy Jew uh um finally um Daniel I it's us he's got us here as a je us as a JuJu us the you guys you guys are so smug look at y'all yeah look at us look at us um I have a thing or two to say about Israel uh in my uh my graduate seminar we were just yeah having a Shabbat if you'd like to come over we'll break kala and and hate on Israel for no reason other than we're beta males yeah uh they have the it says thinks they have moral superiority to talk on the subject we do but only because you're so morally retrograde yes like generally speaking like just relative to like normal people we have no moral superiority probably less average but compared to you yeah you've given moral Superior ority like we're on easy mode in terms of moral superiority all assist mode absolutely yes it's like a Game Genie for moral superiority it's like yeah like you have a 5c window to Parry with the shield you know yeah come on man you you made it too easy for us by just not being pro-apartheid and pro genocide um and then uh just wants to be accepted by their non-jewish peers which is a strange one to me because that see to me that comes that's very Israeli that is is what that is because uh the there are of course Jews in the United States and you know diaspora Jews all all over uh the world who um are insular and have only Jewish peers but I would say the vast majority the vast majority uh have non-jewish peers and are of course accepted by their non-jewish peers for the most part to me only in Israeli could could see the idea of acceptance by anyone as being like a a fault it's like you're just trying to impress the rest of the World by being against genocide and it's like look i' I'd rather want to be accepted by my non-jewish peers I.E friends and loved ones and people I respect than want to emulate my non-jewish persecutors and oppressors right what y'all do exactly that's what Zionism was it's an assimil It's actually an assimilationist movement in terms of assimilating into settler colonialism yes into white supremacy into eurocentrism yes you want to be included in the in the in the the company of Nations that's right that's right that that that sublimate their individuality and their more principles into nationhood yes congratulations yeah congratulations you did it you've assimilated into being uh a colonial power Victor Orban loves you yes congrats um still bitter that they didn't get to go on a Birthright trip for anyone who listens to this podcast uh you know that that one does not apply to me as Birthright it's kind of what made me an anti Zionist and I do you I I do you about 20 times better because I spent 10 months on yeah yeah I had a plenty of opportunity to find out what Israel is about to fall in love with it forever to have all of the anti-zionist Hokum debunked and it didn't quite do the trick it didn't take well you know as an as as an outsider it just seems like maybe you guys didn't go to all the right EDM clubs I think that's what happened if I had been on Birthright before I got sober see this's a problem yeah just sweating on Molly the whole time exactly if I had just been able to go to a Tel Aviv nightclub and just have some of the best cherry tomatoes that I've ever tasted I I will grant them this they you know they called you and me beta midgets and all this kind of [ __ ] I didn't get laid once sunky boots it just didn't happen for me all of my all of my uh North American Jewish girl friends none of them were my girlfriends they because they were all uh hooking up with Israeli soldiers right at the Disco on Friday night and I will admit I [ __ ] hated it and resented it and that is definitely somewhere in in my I'm sorry Palestinian I'd like to say that it's all more principle it's all human compassion it's all solidarity no from The River To The Sea you you bws cheated on me that's all it is hey man hey in the end we're we're just a bunch of dudes being guys like that's right like how how did I get what was like one of the main things that I got through the ass pain that was uh special operation section oh the the hope that I may be getting laid eventually sometime in the future exactly having a story to tell a girl on a date you know that's like that's half the reason we do anything and you know you think do you think I'm cool now so yeah I get it yeah and you know I I get it I get it I get it you don't you don't [ __ ] on the first date but have I told you about the time I exploded a person's dual use uh complex and a little girl came out and I was like you know what you can live yeah so and then then [ __ ] later and also here's me being Buffalo Bill in her mom's lry lingerie look at this funny content I made do you see how I'm yelling Put the lotion in the basket or it gets the hose again here now now let me sing for you goodbye hes oh man yeah so the point being that Birthright or being on a Kutz for 11 months at a Zionist summer camp um is something that we experience and yet we uh still became as Jews well and it might not be an inspite of situation it might be a owing to situation think you know these people have no [ __ ] idea yeah or maybe they do and they're just in denial how many people get radicalized towards Palestinian solidarity by virtue of having been exposed to this [ __ ] Zionist propaganda yes because some of us have critical faculties some of us love being North American Jews and are proud of Yiddish culture and are proud of other aspects of Jewish culture and artistic achievement and a kind of humanist View and philosophy and achievements in science and the Arts that Israel wants to negate and obviate okay and some of us take offense at the notion boy oh boy am I getting steamed up here end yeah some of us take offense at the notion that our kind of jewishness is somehow inferior to the jewishness of a bunch of [ __ ] bunker dwelling racists many of whom are in the desert where they don't belong other others of whom are in a different desert than where their family started out and got their culture wiped out and it's this artificial country and we're supposed to [ __ ] worship it from a far a longdistance collect call kind of worship culture but don't you dare have an opinion about it you little Jew and some of us said you know what that's not so pleasant I think not I'm up 100% 100% And Beautiful rants I I I I want you to rant more because the one thing about you Daniel is your coaching all the way through whereas I forget what I was talking about two sentences in well given that we're probably not going to have Dennis Miller on the podcast it is up to me to provide the rants that's right yeah and my rants uh are mostly [ __ ] based sex based you know generally disgusting um although I will have a real quick rant and I want to get into this on another podcast because we are running out of time but uh the last thing I'll say about Aiden and like this type of like Zionist poster um in Israeli is that uh I think I'm tired officially of um um any Israeli any Zionist Israeli who is um talking about anti-Semitism as as if they've experienced the power Dynamic that creates anti-Semitism let's put the kibos on this if you're a an Israeli person you're living in a society in which you are at the top tier here so anti-Semitism historically has not been something in which you could say that Jews were at the top te and then causing anti-Semitism uh upon themselves or had to deal with it like uh like an anti-white racism in America what you know I put in quotes so just the idea that this this constant you know uh pointing out of anti-Semitism throughout you know uh you know the the fear of anti-Semitism and the kind of uh the idea of the Israeli safeguarding the world against anti-Semitism I just done like allowing them to continue this line of rhetoric as they actually do not have to experience anti-Semitism nor have any of the ones who were born and raised there the saas don't know a [ __ ] thing about it if you left Israel I feel like then you could understand the world outside of Israel is not a Jewish supremacist state it is something in which you might actually be a bit afraid to experience anti it's a pluralistic uh supremacist State yes ex exactly and and so you know just seeing it weaponized and is just uh one of those things that we just kind of allow without giving a second to analyze the idea that maybe they uh they don't know what the [ __ ] they're talking about because this is this is like uh it's like saying you're uh you know you just got Reverse Racism in America as a white person it's just like the power structure is really the defining aspect of racism here and I don't know Matt I don't know I heard a story of um you know a group of Israeli soldiers showed up just with the simple benevolent intention to bulldo a Palestinian home which is to say uphold the law uphold the law in the West Bank uphold ottoman law which as we know the Turks were reasonable people whose laws were you know I think we can all agree were good Justin and and and and and they showed up and a Palestinian mother came out of the house and she said my daughter is having her birthday party right now no soldiers allowed well every single one of those soldiers was Jewish Matt and now what does that remind you of Jim Crow yeah signs in South Africa you know beaches I retract I retract my previous statement it is actually um anti-semitic to yell at an Israeli soldier who's bulldozing her house in the same way it is anti-white to not allow a white man to use a water fountain that says uh colored only like that is racism against white people everyone knows that it's also racist against white people that they can't say the word colored anymore that's right it's it's also racist but I feel like a lot maybe hot take this problem would be solved if actually Israelis were more racist because speaking for right because you know a white guy in Jim Crow South would never even want to drink from a segregated water fountain because it's gross so maybe they just need to be more racist and it would solve the entire problem I think that's it seems like that's what they're trying out do you think do you think Jim Crow whites were trying to take over black homes they were just making sure that they were not moving into those neighborhoods that's exactly and red line yeah so may maybe we've got this backwards that's all I'm saying maybe we just need more racism that's right maybe they're doing Jim Crow right um and I think that is a good place to leave this episode a badass bar Greg thank you so much for coming on uh the podcast and uh and talking with us where can people find you and uh what is uh the name of your podcast again so we can plug it for everybody and why isn't it stoked yeah yeah well I don't know uh we're just trying to that might be the next thing uh you know I I got a sick burn from someone yesterday or from a a troll a few weeks ago it was just basically said discount Brendan Frasier has opinions so I think that might be my third podcast juster has opinions is a really good podcast yeah yeah I was like that's a good one um okay so uh we're on Colonial outcasts uh so that we do Anti-Imperialist stuff we call it the uh Anti-Imperialist podcast your uncle will hate um so that's on YouTube and all like the listening apps and then I'm also just started with me press I do a show called state of play and that's twice a week so those are the two places all right thanks Y and a grin thank you so much for having me been a great time it's been fantastic learned so much yeah same and uh Matt do you feel like our episodes are getting less and less oh let's just do the topical Twitter reel of the week and more and more like let's actually learn some [ __ ] from like people who are real Specialists and like the David Sheen Aaron brought some cool [ __ ] like it's getting more and more educational I feel like yeah I know and uh you know it's getting further and further away from um the premise of the show which is uh me pressing a soundboard and uh and you doing a pun which is either a good thing or a bad thing I don't really know but all I know some of some of our fans want to grow with us and some of us can just go back and listen to the first six episodes on repeat yeah just my my final thought is like if you are getting more sophisticated over time you are bad hasbara because good hasbara does not evolve that's right that's a very good point on a meta level we are doing it correctly um so uh we are doing bad hasbara by doing good hasbara I think I'm having a stroke um and on the level of meta don't say Zionist that's right yes zword please uh uh thank you everybody for listening patreon.com bad hasbara please join And subscribe or email us uh bad hasar gmail.com with any questions or comments or concerns and uh all right Daniel take us out and we have a good one from producer Adam here from the river well until next time folks until next time folks we love you and from the river to the today we lost Tenacious D oh all right jumping jacks was us push-ups was us K us all karate us taking Molly Us Michael Jackson us Yamaha keyboards us Char us Andor was us Heath Ledger Joker us endless us Happy Meals was us McDonald's was us being happy us be yoga us eating food us breathing air us drinking water us we invented all that [ __ ] [Music]