Transcript for:
6-Month Glow Up Plan

so figure out what you want out of these next 6 months and go [Music] crazy hey girl welcome or welcome back to my channel my name is Trinity if you're new here today we're going to be discussing your 6mon glow up but before we get into it make sure you like comment and subscribe especially if you love content about personal development self-development becoming your highest self your best self because that's my specialty we have officially completed the first six months of 2024 and I thought that this would be the perfect time for us to sit down and reflect on the first 6 Months of the Year reflect on the goals that we set a few months ago and possibly even set new goals for the remainder of the year because you still have time to become your best self you still have time to be unrecognizable by December 31st you still have time to accomplish some of the goals on your vision board if not all of the goals on your vision board there's still hope and there is still time I know that someone watching this thinking well you really don't have to wait until July 1st to start a 6mon glory plan in order to accomplish your goals you don't have to wait until the beginning of the week or the beginning of the month or the beginning of the year or a new quarter to finally start something new and that's true but I like to think of times like this as the perfect opportunity for a fresh start because it's so easy to measure your growth at the end of time periods like this on December 31st 2024 you'll be able to look back and say wow I accomplished this in the last 6 months I got this far I got this close to my dreams just like people like to measure how much weight they've lost in a week or in a month and while you can start a new habit on a Tuesday or Wednesday it feels so good to start something new on a Sunday at the very beginning of the week because it's kind of like you have a clean sleep and the same goes for the beginning of the month the beginning of the year the beginning of a quarter so now that we're about to be in July we have a new month it starts on a Monday it's not Sunday but it's still technically the beginning of the week it's a new quarter July 1st starts quarter 3 and it's also the beginning of the second half of the year so I don't know about you but I'm super duper excited for what the next 6 months are going to bring so here's your 6month glowup plan if you want to be unrecognizable if you want to achieve a lot of goals by the end of the year this is how you do it you want to start off by revisiting your 2024 goals that you set at the beginning of the year or maybe even the end of last year I usually make my vision board for the coming year around December and I've talked about it before on my channel but I like to do digital vision boards and I like to make my vision board my lock screen on my phone for the whole entire year I like digital vision boards because you can just go in whenever you want and take stuff out as you need to or add things as you need to and I also don't like hanging stuff like that up in my home so I would rather just have it on my phone where I can just see it every single day when I pick my phone up if you don't even have a vision board for 2024 yet it's okay we'll get into that a little bit later I'll tell you exactly how I create mine but for now I'm talking to the people who already have vision boards or already have a list of their goals and intentions for the year so as you look at your vision board just looking at the photos the words the quotes that you have on there what did you want at the time when you made that board what do those photos represent I'll put a picture of mine right here just for you to reference I have a good amount of stuff on here and I get so excited every time I see it but we'll talk about why later I have a silver play button which is the 100,000 subscriber PL from YouTube I have a picture of a whole lot of Cash There's a girl who's drinking some champagne she just looks really polished and put together I have a picture of a planner on there there's a quote that says I wanted all the care the love and the life there are two photos of girls in the gym who have body types similar to what I want my body type to be there's a photo of some meal prep there's a quote that says you owe it to yourself to become your dreams there's also a little sticker that says 100% debt free there's a quote at the very bottom about tithing and there's also a photo of a woman with her son I'm assuming and they seem to be out just enjoying life having fun those are all the things that were important to me when I sat down and thought about what I want my year to look like you might have a car on yours you might have a house you might have an apartment you might have a business idea on there maybe you have your goal weight on there no matter what it is write down exactly what those things mean to you and what each photo represents the second thing you're going to do is reflect on the past 6 months what did you do what didn't you do why didn't you do those things it's important to reflect so that you know how to move going forward and when I say reflect on the past 6 months that doesn't necessarily mean to just think about what you did or didn't do as it pertains to the photos you have on your vision board or the words or the quotes you have on your vision board this can just be in general because there may be some intentions or habits that you wanted to implement this year that you may not have put on your vision board like personally I have a vision board where I have photos of all the things I just shared with you and then I also have a journal that I like to call my manifestation Journal where I write down goals but also intentions and habits that I want to create for myself so as I reflect on January through June of 2024 I surprising have gotten a whole lot done in these past 6 months I definitely could have done better with some things but for the most part I am definitely on my way to the things that I said I wanted some of them I've actually already achieved so like I said I have the 100,000 subscriber PL and I currently have about 82,0 83,000 subscribers I finally see changes in my body when I look in the mirror and also on the scale from going to the gym and eating more so I've definitely been meal prepping and working out in the gym I haven't been working out three times a week sometimes I don't even get 2 Days in but I'm in there for a minimum of 2 days most weeks the sticker on the vision board that says 100% debt free was a reminder to myself to constantly work on my debt I don't have a whole lot of debt I definitely don't have a lot now because I've knocked down a good amount of it but even starting out I didn't have a whole lot I just don't like things hanging over my head so I really wanted to focus on debt this year and really just stop being such an impulsive spender I have a video on your financial blow up already on my channel so if you're interested in leveling up financially just go ahead and watch that I'll link it down below in the description box but for the most part for the past 6 months I've been doing really good with paying towards my debt and not impulsively spending sticking to a wish list all the things I mentioned in that video the photo of the girl drinking the champagne the girl who looks really polish and put together that photo just represents putting effort into my look on a daily basis even when I'm just running errands or going to work because for those of you who don't know I am a l Tech so my work attire is a lot different from a lot of other people like if you have a 9 to-5 I like to be really comfortable at work casual and I noticed that whenever I was just going out to run errands or going to work I was associating comfort and being casual with sweatpants or leggings and after a while I told myself like okay if you don't really go out much you don't have many opportunities to wear your going out clothes so St wearing them when you're running errands or when you're going to work and you don't have to be 100% dulled up but put some effort into your look without just throwing on sweatpants Comfort doesn't have to mean sweatpants comfort doesn't have to mean leggings you can look cute you can throw on a nice comfortable casual pair of pants like there are a whole lot of different ways to elevate your look and still be casual and comfortable if you follow me on Instagram then you know I'm doing a series on that so that's what that photo represents and I feel like I've been doing a pretty good job with that I've also been utilizing my planners more so I have an actual physical planner where I have literally everything that I have going on for the month bills events appointments everything is in one place because that just helps me to stay organized and to really see what I have going on each each week it also helps me to see what I can afford each week another thing that planner represents is routine and structure something we're going to talk about a little bit later in this video but those are two things that have really been helping me to stay on top of my test every day every week every month I used to try to just wing it with all the things I have going on and that did not work for me I always felt overwhelmed and I always felt like I didn't have enough time to accomplish everything I needed to accomplished but I realized that all I had to do was start planning everything out allotting time for each specific task and putting myself on routine the one thing I haven't been doing consistently is tithing I started off really strong at the beginning of the year if you don't know tithing is basically giving 10% of your income back to God it's hard for me because I get paid daily so I have to remember to do it at the end of the week when I'm paying my bills and sometimes I forget or I just feel like I don't have enough to do that or sometimes I'm not going to lie I would rather just spend it on something else and I'm trying to get out of that habit and really look at it like another bill so those are just a few things that come to mind when I reflect on the past 6 months of 2024 so once you revisit the goals that you set months ago for the year and you reflect on the first 6 months of 2024 it's time to start setting new goals if you need to sometimes you'll look back on your vision board and say to yourself I don't even really want these things anymore and that may mean you don't want anything that's on the vision board sometimes it means you just don't want some of the things you put on there and that's okay you can change your mind as time goes on but the important thing is that you understand why you want one of those things and why you know no longer want those things so this is the part that's going to be really beneficial for anyone who does not already have a vision board for 2024 or whatever year you're watching this I told this story in a previous video about how I never really took vision board seriously years ago because I felt like it was just a bunch of pictures on a piece of paper I didn't really understand why gluing pictures to a poster board will all of a sudden make my dreams come true and I know a lot of other people feel that way because I've talked to a lot of other people who feel that way they don't understand the power of vision boards and honestly if all you're doing is cutting out random pictures and gluing into a poster board then no there's no power in that and that's why you can't just be cutting out random pictures and gluing them to a poster board that isn't going to do anything for you it's going to look nice maybe but at the end of the year you're going to look at it and say to yourself I didn't accomplish any of this stuff you didn't accomplish any of it because you never really wanted it to begin with I realized that my vision boards were never coming to life because I would go to these vision board parties and I would flip through magazines that they had on the table and I would just keep flipping page until I see something that catches my eye and I'll say oh I like this let me put this on here maybe like 2 years ago I started doing it differently I started by making a list of my intentions and goals first when you start this way you avoid allowing a magazine or pop culture to tell you what you want for your life sit down close your eyes Envision how you want your life to look at the end of the year Envision who you want to be at the end of the year what things do you want how do you want your lifestyle to change think about all of this before you open up a magazine before you scroll through Pinterest before you start looking on Instagram for inspiration photos figure out what you want first then once you have your list go on Pinterest or look through magazines if that's your choice and intentionally look for photos of the things you already decided that you wanted this is intentionality when you just open up a magazine and flip and flip and flip until you see something that you like or that you think you like that represents going through life aimlessly and hoping something sticks you're just looking for something and letting something jump out on the page at you instead of looking for the thing that you want when you do it this way you're so much more likely to actually accomplish the things you say you want because you started out being intentional when you start out being intentional you're more likely to go through the rest of the journey being intentional I've been doing it this way for the past maybe 2 or 3 years and every single year by December 31st I look back at my vision board and I say wow I've accomplished most if not all of these things and don't get discouraged if you get to December 31st and realize that you have not fully accomplished some of the things on your list or all the things on your list as long as you are working towards those things that's all that matters the things on your vision board don't necessarily have to be accomplished fully in one year if these are the things that you say you want in your life if this is how you want your life to look if this is the lifestyle you want to live if this is a representation of the person you want to be at some point in your life you need to just actively be working towards that every single day no matter M how long it takes you and this is something I explained in one of my more recent videos I was talking about how I'm not really the type of person who gets upset or discouraged about timing I'm more focused on working and results and doing the things I said I was going to do when I set goals for myself I don't always put a time limit on it honestly most of the time I don't put a time limit on it and if I do it's kind of just an idea it's not something that I'm really going to be upset over if it doesn't necessarily happen in that time frame for example my channel was growing growing really really fast a few months ago and it has slowed down in the past few months but when it was growing really fast I said that I wanted to be at 100,000 subscribers by June or July here we are on June 19th and I still only have 82 83,000 subscribers I'm fine with that because my channel is still growing and I know that I probably could have gotten to 100,000 by this point if I had kept up the momentum that I had when my channel was growing really fast but but I didn't so it's kind of on me but I also know that it's not going to take me another year to reach the goal like I know that it's going to happen soon just didn't happen by June or July like I said completely fine with it because I'm still putting in the work it's okay to not get to a certain place by a certain time you just need to be actively working towards that thing and now we're going to talk about one of the most helpful tips I've ever gotten that has allowed me to accomplish most of my goals break your goals down into smaller ones I'm telling you this will help you tremendously a lot of us have these big huge goals that actually end up overwhelming us because they're so big yes your goals and your dreams should be big yes they should seem impossible but the only way you can stay motivated on the path to getting to that end goal is if you break it down into smaller ones you have to break your big goals down into more attainable goals more easily attainable goals should I say for example if you have $100,000 worth of debt this just a random number and you want to be 100% debt free like if your big goal is to be 100% debt free you have to break that down into smaller goals because as long as you're looking at that big thing you're going to be like yeah that seems so far out of my reach or yeah that's going to take me so long or I don't have $100,000 you don't have to have $100,000 right now you don't have to be 100% debt free right now or a month from now or two months from now or not even three to 6 months from now make it more attainable for you make it easier for you make it more realistic for you eventually you want to be 100% debt free what can you accomplish in the next month can you pay off one of your credit cards in a month can you pay off a credit card in two months 3 months break it down however you see fit focus on One debt at a time my cousin she's a financial planner and she was the one who really motivated me to really work on my debt and to do better with my spending and I remember telling her it just seems like it's so much like I don't know when I'm going to be able to accomplish all of this stuff and she said you just got to focus on one thing at a time and that piece of advice applies to everything I always talk about how one of my main goals since I had my son was to get back in the gym and build my body back to the body type that I like on myself and there was a point where I was going to the gym consistently but I wasn't getting in the amount of calories that I needed in order for me to really see growth and to see the weight gain and when you're in the gym to gain when you're bulking you have to be eating going to the gym isn't really going to do that much for you cuz you have to be feeding those muscles with food I know that I need somewhere around 2,000 calories a day in order for me to really see growth but my issue was I was barely eating at all like Not only was I not eating 2,000 calories but I couldn't even eat breakfast lunch and dinner most days some days I was just eating dinner and I knew it would be really really hard and really overwhelming for me to go from zero to a 100 in a day I couldn't go from barely eating to eating 2,000 calories in one day it just wasn't going to work for me so I had to break that goal down into smaller goals my first goal was to eat breakfast lunch and dinner consistently once I mastered that I started trying to eat more than I was eating before for each meal once I mastered that I started throwing snacks in between and then I was finally able to start seeing growth when I stepped on the scale I would have never gotten anywhere I would have given up a long time ago if I tried to go from not eating to eating 2,000 calories overnight if you have a goal of saveing saving $10,000 by the end of the year don't just focus on that $10,000 by December 31st no because what's going to happen is you're going to overwhelm Yourself by trying to cram all that in at one time cuz not out of 10 you're going to keep putting it off for months when we get to December you're going to be like okay I got to save $5,000 this week $2,000 this week like it's not going to be realistic for you you need to break that down break it down by the month if you need to and that also goes for if your goal is to just save $1,000 by the end of the year break that down into smaller goals how much do you need to save each week how much do you want to save each month in order to reach this goal by December 31st and sometimes breaking your big goals down into smaller ones requires research a lot of the time we get really overwhelmed by our big goals because we don't even know what it takes to accomplish those things how much money do you even need to make to get approved for the apartment that you want how much does your dream car actually cost what certifications are required for your dream job make sure you know exactly what it takes to get to where you want to be because sometimes that's all it takes for you to really get motivated to make those things happen you might be looking at your list of goals saying to yourself these things just seem so impossible like it just seems so far Out Of Reach for me but it may be closer than you think it might not really take that much to have an 800 credit score it might not take that much to start a YouTube channel it might not take that much to start the business that you want to start just educate yourself research it Google it my next piece of advice is don't underestimate the little things yes big goals are nice yes buying a house is nice getting a luxury car is nice buying yourself a really nice bag is nice saving thousands of dollars is nice but don't underestimate the power of implementing new habits implementing new intentions creating routines these things are so important and they'll actually make you feel good they may not always be tangible but they'll make you feel better about yourself they'll make you feel more accomplished they'll make you feel like a better person and a lot of the time they'll help you to build character which is also really important in order for you to attain a lot of the other goals that you have this year was the first year that I started to really focus on the small things I showed yall everything that's on my vision board but like I said I also have a book where I write out new intentions for myself new habits that I want to create and just little small goals that may not seem like a lot to other people one of my goals for this year or one of my intentions for this year is to take better care of my natural hair I did not take good care of my hair last year which resulted in me having to get a haircut a few months ago just because last year I was using cheap products to wash my hair in between Styles I was doing a slick back bun all the time and not really taking care of my ends it was eating my ends up I was flat out of my leave out all the time I was doing styles with leave out more often than I should have and my hair was pretty much chopped and screwed so I told myself that I would sacrifice a lot of the styles that I did last year to have healthy hair I can't believe I've paid for braids three times this is my third time getting nless braids but but it's a commitment that I made to myself at the beginning of the year like I said before and I mentioned this when I showed yall everything on my vision board I wanted to be more intentional about planning my days planning my weeks planning my months I wanted to utilize my planner more because I felt like I was just all over the place and I knew that I needed structure and routine in order to really be able to accomplish everything I wanted to accomplish I'm a mom an entrepreneur a content creator a girlfriend a friend I have a lot of stuff going on and there's no way I can put my best foot forward in all of the these areas of my life without intentionally carving out time for each thing you feel like there isn't enough time in the day because you have not figured out how to manage the 24 hours that you have if 24 hours isn't enough 36 hours won't be enough 48 Hours won't be enough 72 hours won't be enough you have to learn how to manage the time that you're already given and that's a harsh reality that I had to face I wasn't getting stuff done because I wasn't managing my time properly and effectively and creating routines for yourself creating a morning routine a night rou a skincare routine a hair care routine creating a routine period may seem so small to some people and so insignificant but it makes such a tremendous difference micro habits are so important I already have a video on micro habits so if you want to hear more about that feel free to watch it I'll link it down below in the description box but often times it's the small things that really change your life because like I said before you cannot change your whole entire life in a day you can't change it overnight there are small things that add up to create the life that you say you want there are small things that add up to create the person you say you want to be you don't have to have a whole lot of money to be a certain person you don't have to have a lot of things to be a certain person you really need to learn how to embody that person and once you embody that person once your habits line up with the habits of your ideal self you'll have all the things that that person has the most successful people in the world did not become successful from having things they became Successful by creating certain habits being intentional setting intentions for their day their week their month their year they change certain things about their character they learn how to shift their mindset in certain situations these are all things that you have to learn how to do in order to be the person you want to be and have the things you want to have and last but not least you need to commit commit to your goals a lot of y'all have not accomplished the things that you say you want to accomplish because you have not committed to these things you say you want all these beautiful things you say you want this beautiful life you say you want this beautiful relationship this beautiful marriage you want to have this amount of money you want to save this amount of money but what have you done be honest how have you been in your own way how have you contributed to your failure what habits do you have that you need to break what character flaws do you have that you need to get rid of how do you need to shift your mindset who are you hanging around that's distracting you who are you dating that is not benefiting you in any type of way who are you allowing to drain you on a regular basis how have you been spending your time are you not waking up early enough in the morning do you have a lack of motivation do you need to be listening to YouTube videos all day long listening to podcast so that you can feel motivated there's always something that you can do to change your situation stop being a victim stop blaming everybody else for why you're not where you want to be take accountability and make the decision to commit to what you want make the necessary changes lose some sleep I don't know do whatever you got to do but you have to make the commitment the only reason why I have 83,000 subscribers right now is because because I show up and I get the work done I film videos when I don't feel like it for the most part I take time out of my day to film or edit I edit on the go when I need to I do things that I don't really want to do and that's true commitment when you're committed to something you stick with it even when you don't really want to you stick with it even when you don't really feel like it you stick with it even when you're not seeing results right away I didn't always have 880,000 subscribers there was a point where I only had 50 subscribers and I was still showing up I was taking time out of my Friday evening my kidless Friday evening my only day to myself to film I was editing in my free time I was saying no to my friends when they were asking me to go out because I knew that there was a long-term reward that would come from My Sacrifice so figure out what you want out of these next 6 months and go crazy I'm telling you you want a dream big because like I said even if you don't fully accomplish these things by December 31st as long as you're actively working towards those things things that's all that matters some of the stuff on my vision board that I showed y'all was on my vision board last year and I wasn't upset about that when December 31st rolled around I wasn't upset at all because I knew that I was closer to those things than I was at the beginning of last year and that's the attitude you have to have so really dedicate yourself commit yourself to what you say you want and I promise you you're going to see results as always I hope this video helped yall I hope it inspired you I hope it motivated you to really get things done 6 months is a long time I'm so excited to hear about what y'all accomplished 6 months from now so let's get to it let's lock in do everything you said you were going to do show up for yourself and make it happen make sure you like comment and subscribe if you have not already I love youall and I'll see you in the next one bye me I'm just [Music]